31 research outputs found

    Optimization of an Optical Testbed for Characterization of EXCLAIM u-Spec Integrated Spectrometers

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    We describe a testbed to characterize the optical response of compact superconducting on-chip spectrometers in development for the Experiment for Cryogenic Large-Aperture Intensity Mapping (EXCLAIM) mission. EXCLAIM is a balloonborne far-infrared experiment to probe the CO and CII emission lines in galaxies from redshift 3.5 to the present. The spectrometer, called u-Spec, comprises a diffraction grating on a silicon chip coupled to kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) read out via a single microwave feedline. We use a prototype spectrometer for EXCLAIM to demonstrate our ability to characterize the spectrometers spectral response using a photomixer source. We utilize an on-chip reference detector to normalize relative to spectral structure from the off-chip optics and a silicon etalon to calibrate the absolute frequency

    Developing a New Generation of Integrated Micro-Spec Far Infrared Spectrometers for the EXperiment for Cryogenic Large-Aperture Intensity Mapping (EXCLAIM)

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    The current state of far-infrared astronomy drives the need to develop compact, sensitive spectrometers for future space and ground-based instruments. Here we present details of the μ\rm \mu-Spec spectrometers currently in development for the far-infrared balloon mission EXCLAIM. The spectrometers are designed to cover the 555−714 μ\rm 555 - 714\ \mum range with a resolution of $\rm R\ =\ \lambda / \Delta\lambda\ =\ 512atthe at the \rm 638\ \mumbandcenter.ThespectrometerdesignincorporatesaRowlandgratingspectrometerimplementedinaparallelplatewaveguideonalow−losssingle−crystalSichip,employingNbmicrostripplanartransmissionlinesandthin−filmAlkineticinductancedetectors(KIDs).TheEXCLAIMm band center. The spectrometer design incorporates a Rowland grating spectrometer implemented in a parallel plate waveguide on a low-loss single-crystal Si chip, employing Nb microstrip planar transmission lines and thin-film Al kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs). The EXCLAIM \rm \mu−Specdesignisanadvancementuponasuccessful-Spec design is an advancement upon a successful \rm R = 64\ \mu−Specprototype,andcanbeconsideredasub−mmsuperconductingphotonicintegratedcircuit(PIC)thatcombinesspectraldispersionanddetection.Thedesignoperatesinasingle-Spec prototype, and can be considered a sub-mm superconducting photonic integrated circuit (PIC) that combines spectral dispersion and detection. The design operates in a single M{=}2gratingorder,allowingonespectrometertocoverthefullEXCLAIMbandwithoutrequiringamulti−orderfocalplane.TheEXCLAIMinstrumentwillflysixspectrometers,whicharefabricatedonasingle150mmdiameterSiwafer.Fabricationinvolvesaflip−wafer−bondingprocesswithpatterningofthesuperconductinglayersonbothsidesoftheSidielectric.Thespectrometersaredesignedtooperateat100mK,andwillinclude355AlKIDdetectorstargetingagoalofNEP grating order, allowing one spectrometer to cover the full EXCLAIM band without requiring a multi-order focal plane. The EXCLAIM instrument will fly six spectrometers, which are fabricated on a single 150 mm diameter Si wafer. Fabrication involves a flip-wafer-bonding process with patterning of the superconducting layers on both sides of the Si dielectric. The spectrometers are designed to operate at 100 mK, and will include 355 Al KID detectors targeting a goal of NEP {\sim}8\times10^{-19} \rm W/\sqrt{Hz}.Wesummarizethedesign,fabrication,andongoingdevelopmentofthese. We summarize the design, fabrication, and ongoing development of these \rm \mu$-Spec spectrometers for EXCLAIM.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2022

    Receiver development for BICEP Array, a next-generation CMB polarimeter at the South Pole

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    A detection of curl-type (B-mode) polarization of the primary CMB would be direct evidence for the inflationary paradigm of the origin of the Universe. The Bicep/Keck Array (BK) program targets the degree angular scales, where the power from primordial B-mode polarization is expected to peak, with ever-increasing sensitivity and has published the most stringent constraints on inflation to date. Bicep Array (BA) is the Stage-3 instrument of the BK program and will comprise four Bicep3-class receivers observing at 30/40, 95, 150 and 220/270 GHz with a combined 32,000+ detectors; such wide frequency coverage is necessary for control of the Galactic foregrounds, which also produce degree-scale B-mode signal. The 30/40 GHz receiver is designed to constrain the synchrotron foreground and has begun observing at the South Pole in early 2020. By the end of a 3-year observing campaign, the full Bicep Array instrument is projected to reach σr between 0.002 and 0.004, depending on foreground complexity and degree of removal of B-modes due to gravitational lensing (delensing). This paper presents an overview of the design, measured on-sky performance and calibration of the first BA receiver. We also give a preview of the added complexity in the time-domain multiplexed readout of the 7,776-detector 150 GHz receiver

    Observing low elevation sky and the CMB Cold Spot with BICEP3 at the South Pole

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    BICEP3 is a 520 mm aperture on-axis refracting telescope at the South Pole, which observes the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) at 95 GHz to search for the B-mode signal from inflationary gravitational waves. In addition to this main target, we have developed a low-elevation observation strategy to extend coverage of the Southern sky at the South Pole, where BICEP3 can quickly achieve degree-scale E-mode measurements over a large area. An interesting E-mode measurement is probing a potential polarization anomaly around the CMB Cold Spot. During the austral summer seasons of 2018-19 and 2019-20, BICEP3 observed the sky with a flat mirror to redirect the beams to various low elevation ranges. The preliminary data analysis shows degree-scale E-modes measured with high signal-to-noise ratio

    Observing low elevation sky and the CMB Cold Spot with BICEP3 at the South Pole

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    BICEP3 is a 520 mm aperture on-axis refracting telescope at the South Pole, which observes the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) at 95 GHz to search for the B-mode signal from inflationary gravitational waves. In addition to this main target, we have developed a low-elevation observation strategy to extend coverage of the Southern sky at the South Pole, where BICEP3 can quickly achieve degree-scale E-mode measurements over a large area. An interesting E-mode measurement is probing a potential polarization anomaly around the CMB Cold Spot. During the austral summer seasons of 2018-19 and 2019-20, BICEP3 observed the sky with a flat mirror to redirect the beams to various low elevation ranges. The preliminary data analysis shows degree-scale E-modes measured with high signal-to-noise ratio

    Analysis of Temperature-to-Polarization Leakage in BICEP3 and Keck CMB Data from 2016 to 2018

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    The Bicep/Keck Array experiment is a series of small-aperture refracting telescopes observing degree-scale Cosmic Microwave Background polarization from the South Pole in search of a primordial B-mode signature. As a pair differencing experiment, an important systematic that must be controlled is the differential beam response between the co-located, orthogonally polarized detectors. We use high-fidelity, in-situ measurements of the beam response to estimate the temperature-to-polarization (T → P) leakage in our latest data including observations from 2016 through 2018. This includes three years of Bicep3 observing at 95 GHz, and multifrequency data from Keck Array. Here we present band-averaged far-field beam maps, differential beam mismatch, and residual beam power (after filtering out the leading difference modes via deprojection) for these receivers. We show preliminary results of "beam map simulations," which use these beam maps to observe a simulated temperature (no Q/U) sky to estimate T → P leakage in our real data

    Polarization calibration of the BICEP3 CMB polarimeter at the South Pole

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    The BICEP3 CMB Polarimeter is a small-aperture refracting telescope located at the South Pole and is specifically designed to search for the possible signature of inflationary gravitational waves in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). The experiment measures polarization on the sky by differencing the signal of co-located, orthogonally polarized antennas coupled to Transition Edge Sensor (TES) detectors. We present precise measurements of the absolute polarization response angles and polarization efficiencies for nearly all of BICEP3's ~800 functioning polarization-sensitive detector pairs from calibration data taken in January 2018. Using a Rotating Polarized Source (RPS), we mapped polarization response for each detector over a full 360 degrees of source rotation and at multiple telescope boresight rotations from which per-pair polarization properties were estimated. In future work, these results will be used to constrain signals predicted by exotic physical models such as Cosmic Birefringence

    The Simons Observatory Large Aperture Telescope Receiver

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    The Simons Observatory (SO) Large Aperture Telescope Receiver (LATR) will be coupled to the Large Aperture Telescope located at an elevation of 5,200 m on Cerro Toco in Chile. The resulting instrument will produce arcminute-resolution millimeter-wave maps of half the sky with unprecedented precision. The LATR is the largest cryogenic millimeter-wave camera built to date with a diameter of 2.4 m and a length of 2.6 m. It cools 1200 kg of material to 4 K and 200 kg to 100 mk, the operating temperature of the bolometric detectors with bands centered around 27, 39, 93, 145, 225, and 280 GHz. Ultimately, the LATR will accommodate 13 40 cm diameter optics tubes, each with three detector wafers and a total of 62,000 detectors. The LATR design must simultaneously maintain the optical alignment of the system, control stray light, provide cryogenic isolation, limit thermal gradients, and minimize the time to cool the system from room temperature to 100 mK. The interplay between these competing factors poses unique challenges. We discuss the trade studies involved with the design, the final optimization, the construction, and ultimate performance of the system

    Analysis of Temperature-to-Polarization Leakage in BICEP3 and Keck CMB Data from 2016 to 2018

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    The Bicep/Keck Array experiment is a series of small-aperture refracting telescopes observing degree-scale Cosmic Microwave Background polarization from the South Pole in search of a primordial B-mode signature. As a pair differencing experiment, an important systematic that must be controlled is the differential beam response between the co-located, orthogonally polarized detectors. We use high-fidelity, in-situ measurements of the beam response to estimate the temperature-to-polarization (T → P) leakage in our latest data including observations from 2016 through 2018. This includes three years of Bicep3 observing at 95 GHz, and multifrequency data from Keck Array. Here we present band-averaged far-field beam maps, differential beam mismatch, and residual beam power (after filtering out the leading difference modes via deprojection) for these receivers. We show preliminary results of "beam map simulations," which use these beam maps to observe a simulated temperature (no Q/U) sky to estimate T → P leakage in our real data