97 research outputs found

    Neurologic deficits in patients with newly diagnosed celiac disease are frequent and linked with autoimmunity to TG6

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    Background & Aims Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder induced by ingestion of gluten that affects 1% of the population and is characterized by gastrointestinal symptoms, weight loss, and anemia. We evaluated the presence of neurologic deficits and investigated whether the presence of antibodies to TG6 increases the risk of neurologic defects in patients with a new diagnosis of celiac disease. Methods We performed a prospective cohort study at a secondary-care gastroenterology center of 100 consecutive patients who received a new diagnosis of celiac disease based on gastroscopy and duodenal biopsy. We collected data on neurologic history, and patients were evaluated in a clinical examination along with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, MR spectroscopy of the cerebellum, and measurements of antibodies against TG6 in serum samples. The first 52 patients recruited underwent repeat MR spectroscopy at 1 year after a gluten-free diet (GFD). The primary aim was to establish if detection of antibodies against TG6 can be used to identify patients with celiac disease and neurologic dysfunction. Results Gait instability was reported in 24% of the patients, persisting sensory symptoms in 12%, and frequent headaches in 42%. Gait ataxia was found in 29% of patients, nystagmus in 11%, and distal sensory loss in 10%. Sixty percent of patients had abnormal results from the MRI, 47% had abnormal results from MR spectroscopy of the cerebellum, and 25% had brain white matter lesions beyond that expected for their age group. Antibodies against TG6 were detected in serum samples from 40% of patients–these patients had significant atrophy of subcortical brain regions compared to patients without TG6 autoantibodies. In patients with abnormal results from MR spectroscopy of the cerebellum, those on the GFD had improvements detected in the repeat MR spectroscopy 1 year later. Conclusions In a prospective cohort study of patients with a new diagnosis of celiac disease at a gastroenterology clinic, neurological deficits were common and 40% had circulating antibodies against TG6. We observed a significant reduction in volume of specific brain regions in patients with TG6 autoantibodies, providing evidence for a link between autoimmunity to TG6 and brain atrophy in patients with celiac disease. There is a need for early diagnosis, increased awareness of the neurological manifestations amongst clinicians and reinforcement of adherence to a strict GFD by patients in order to avoid permanent neurological disability

    Modified granular impact force laws for the OSIRIS-REx touchdown on the surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu

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    The OSIRIS-REx mission collected a sample from the surface of the asteroid (101955) Bennu in October 2020. Here we study the impact of the OSIRIS-REx Touch-and-Go Sampling Acquisition Mechanism (TAGSAM) interacting with the surface of an asteroid in the framework of granular physics. Traditional approaches to estimating the penetration depth of a projectile into a granular medium include force laws and scaling relationships formulated from laboratory experiments in terrestrial-gravity conditions. However, it is unclear that these formulations extend to the OSIRIS-REx scenario of a 1300-kg spacecraft interacting with regolith in a microgravity environment. We studied the TAGSAM interaction with Bennu through numerical simulations using two collisional codes, pkdgrav and GDC-i. We validated their accuracy by reproducing the results of laboratory impact experiments in terrestrial gravity. We then performed TAGSAM penetration simulations varying the following geotechnical properties of the regolith: packing fraction (P), bulk density, inter-particle cohesion (σc), and angle of friction (ϕ). We find that the outcome of a spacecraft-regolith impact has a non-linear dependence on packing fraction. Closely packed regolith (P≳0.6) can effectively resist the penetration of TAGSAM if ϕ≳28° and/or σc≳50 Pa. For loosely packed regolith (P≲0.5), the penetration depth is governed by a drag force that scales with impact velocity to the 4/3 power, consistent with energy conservation. We discuss the importance of low-speed impact studies for predicting and interpreting spacecraft-surface interactions. We show that these low-energy events also provide a framework for interpreting the burial depths of large boulders in asteroidal regolith

    Dioctahedral mixed K-Na-micas and paragonite in diagenetic to low-temperature metamorphic terrains: bulk rock chemical, thermodynamic and textural constraints

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    Abstract Metamorphic mineral assemblages in low-temperature metaclastic rocks often contain paragonite and/or its precursor metastable phase (mixed K-Na-white mica). Relationships between the bulk rock major element chemistries and the formation of paragonite at seven localities from Central and SE-Europe were studied, comparing the bulk chemical characteristics with mineral assemblage, mineral chemical and metamorphic petrological data. Considerable overlaps between the projection fields of bulk chemistries of the Pg-free and Pg-bearing metaclastic rocks indicate significant differences between the actual (as analyzed) and effective bulk chemical compositions. Where inherited, clastic, inert phases/constituents were excluded, it was found that a decrease in Na/(Na+Al*) and in K/(K+Al*) ratios of rocks favors the formation and occurrence of Pg and its precursor phases (Al* denotes here the atomic quantity of aluminum in feldspars, white micas and “pure” hydrous or anhydrous aluminosilicates). In contrast to earlier suggestions, enrichment in Na and/or an increase in Na/K ratio by themselves do not lead to formation of paragonite. Bulk rock chemistries favorable to formation of paragonite and its precursor phases are characterized by enrichment in Al and depletion in Na, K, Ca (and also, Mg and Fe2+). Such bulk rock chemistries are characteristic of chemically “mature” (strongly weathered) source rocks of the pelites and may also be formed by synand post-sedimentary magmatism-related hydrothermal (leaching) activity. What part of the whole rock is active in determining the effective bulk chemistry was investigated by textural examination of diagenetic and anchizone-grade samples. It is hypothesized that although solid phases act as local sources and sinks, transport of elements such as Na through the grain boundaries have much larger communication distances. Sodium-rich white micas nucleate heterogeneously using existing phyllosilicates as templates and are distributed widely on the thin section scale. The results of modeling by THERMOCALC suggest that paragonite preferably forms at higher pressures in low-T metapelites. The stability fields of Pg-bearing assemblages increase, the Pg-in reaction line is shifted towards lower pressures, while the stability field of the Chl-Ms-Ab-Qtz assemblage decreases and is shifted towards higher temperatures with increasing Al* content and decreasing Na/(Na+Al*) and K/(K+Al*) ratios

    Scattering theory and ground-state energy of Dirac fermions in graphene with two Coulomb impurities

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    We study the physics of Dirac fermions in a gapped graphene monolayer containing two Coulomb impurities. For the case of equal impurity charges, we discuss the ground-state energy using the linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) approach. For opposite charges of the Coulomb centers, an electric dipole potential results at large distances. We provide a nonperturbative analysis of the corresponding low-energy scattering problem

    S-wave scattering lengths for the Be 7 +p system from an R-matrix analysis

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    The astrophysical S factor for the radiative proton capture reaction on Be7 (S17) at low energies is affected by the s-wave scattering lengths. We report the measurement of elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections for the Be7+p system in the center-of-mass energy range 0.474-2.740 MeV and center-of-mass angular range 70-150. A radioactive Be7 beam produced at Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility was accelerated and bombarded a thin polypropylene (CH2)n target. Scattered ions were detected in the segmented Silicon Detector Array. Using an R-matrix analysis of ORNL and Louvain-la-Neuve cross-section data, the s-wave scattering lengths for channel spins 1 and 2 were determined to be 17.34-1.33+1.11 and -3.18-0.50+0.55 fm, respectively. The uncertainty in the s-wave scattering lengths reported in this work is smaller by a factor of 5-8 compared to the previous measurement, which may reduce the overall uncertainty in S17 at zero energy. The level structure of B8 is discussed based upon the results from this work. Evidence for the existence of 0+ and 2+ levels in B8 at 1.9 and 2.21 MeV, respectively, is observed

    Odorous childhoods and scent(ed) worlds of learning: A sensory history of health and outdoor education initiatives in Western Europe (1900s-1960s)

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    This paper develops a sensory history of health and outdoor education initiatives which featured (non-)formal schooling, analyzing these as belonging to (a) scent(ed) and more generally sense(d) world(s) of learning. Working with photographs as sensory objects of affect, and using as examples Belgian and Luxembourg open-air schools and associated sanitary and social welfare provisions, the paper explores issues so far under-researched in sensuous scholarship internationally: those of precise educational purposes, methods, processes and effects of sensory engagement, particularly pertaining to “smell”. Sensory practices and experiences and uses of senses generally are thereby traced in/as “situated, embodied” movements inextricably “enmeshed” with symbolism. The paper argues that while the educational goals underpinning the initiatives investigated and the approaches and practices characterizing these have changed, some (un)intended effects still have an impact today, for instance through Forest School as given shape in the United Kingdom. The concept of “odorous”, or rather “sensuous childhoods”, is proposed to denote ways that particular target groups have come to be imagined as in need of explicitly sensorial health and outdoor education

    ESMO / ASCO Recommendations for a Global Curriculum in Medical Oncology Edition 2016

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    The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) are publishing a new edition of the ESMO/ASCO Global Curriculum (GC) thanks to contribution of 64 ESMO-appointed and 32 ASCO-appointed authors. First published in 2004 and updated in 2010, the GC edition 2016 answers to the need for updated recommendations for the training of physicians in medical oncology by defining the standard to be fulfilled to qualify as medical oncologists. At times of internationalisation of healthcare and increased mobility of patients and physicians, the GC aims to provide state-of-the-art cancer care to all patients wherever they live. Recent progress in the field of cancer research has indeed resulted in diagnostic and therapeutic innovations such as targeted therapies as a standard therapeutic approach or personalised cancer medicine apart from the revival of immunotherapy, requiring specialised training for medical oncology trainees. Thus, several new chapters on technical contents such as molecular pathology, translational research or molecular imaging and on conceptual attitudes towards human principles like genetic counselling or survivorship have been integrated in the GC. The GC edition 2016 consists of 12 sections with 17 subsections, 44 chapters and 35 subchapters, respectively. Besides renewal in its contents, the GC underwent a principal formal change taking into consideration modern didactic principles. It is presented in a template-based format that subcategorises the detailed outcome requirements into learning objectives, awareness, knowledge and skills. Consecutive steps will be those of harmonising and implementing teaching and assessment strategies