16 research outputs found

    Introduction to the Special Issue on the Auditory Steady-State Response

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    Unresolved Issues

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    Auditory brainstem response in tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)

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    Auditory brainstem responses (ABR) elicited by click and tonal stimuli were recorded from the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii), a marsupial mammal. The morphology, threshold, amplitude, and latency of ABRs recorded in the tammar wallaby are similar to those of other marsupials and mammals used in auditory research, including humans. Thresholds determined by an algorithm employing cross-correlation and by conventional visual detection methods were comparable. The findings from this study indicate that tammar wallaby is a suitable model for auditory research and that algorithms employing cross-correlation are useful for detection of the ABR waveform

    Development of auditory function in the tammar wallaby Macropus eugenii

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    Auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) were evoked in developing wallabies by click and tone burst stimuli delivered by bone conduction and air conduction, at progressive stages of post-natal (pouch) life. ABRs were recorded through the onset of auditory responses (95-110 days), the opening of the external ear canal (125-130 days) and the maturation of ABR thresholds and latencies to values corresponding to those in adults (> 180 days). ABRs were evoked in response to bone-conducted clicks some days prior to the age at which an acoustically evoked response was first observed (around 95 days of pouch life). ABRs could be evoked by bone-conducted and intense air- conducted stimuli prior to opening of the ear canal. A trend of decreasing threshold and latency with age was observed for both modes of stimulation. The morphology of the ABR became more complex, according to both increased age and increased stimulus intensity. The ABR waveforms indicated relatively greater mechanosensitivity to bone-conducted stimuli than to air-conducted stimuli, prior to opening of the ear canal. Following opening of the ear canal, thresholds to air-conducted clicks and tones were substantially reduced and decreased further over the next 10-20 days, while thresholds to bone-conducted clicks continued slowly to decrease. Thresholds to tone bursts in the centre frequency range (4-12 kHz) remained less than those for low (0.5-1.5 kHz) and higher (16 kHz) frequencies. Latencies of an identified peak in ABR waveforms characteristically decreased with age (at constant stimulus intensity) and with stimulus intensity (for a given age). ABR waveforms obtained at progressive ages, but judged to be at corresponding sensation levels, underwent maturational changes, independent of conductive aspects of the wallabies' hearing, for 2-3 weeks after opening of the ear canal

    Spatial spread of neural excitation in cochlear implants: comparison of measurements made using NRT and forward masking [Abstract]

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    Recently developed technology allows intracochlear potentials to be measured in cochlear implant recipients, using telemetry. Neural response telemetry (NRT) enables the measurement of compound action potentials evoked by stimulation of cochlear implant electrodes. These objective measures can now be compared with related psychophysical measures in humans. We will present data, from both NRT and forward masking, on spatial spread of neural excitation due to stimulation of cochlear implant electrodes. The response fields from more apical neurons will spread quite broadly to the sensing electrodes of an implanted array, resulting in misleadingly broad NRT estimates of the spatial spread of neural excitation. Forward masking, which might itself lay claims to some degree of "objectivity", will not suffer from this limitation. Comparison of data from the two measures will help to determine the limitations of NRT as a tool for measuring spatial spread of neural excitation.19-22 Septembe

    Clinical findings for a group of infants and young children with auditory neuropathy

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    Conclusion: The results suggest that auditory neuropathy is more common in the infant population than previously suspected. The effects of neuropathy on auditory function appear to be idiosyncratic, producing significant variations in both the detection and discrimination of auditory signals. As such, the management of children with this disorder must allow for individual differences.This is a publisher’s version of an article published in Ear and Hearing 1999. This version is reproduced with permission of Lippincott Wilkins & Williams.Objective: To examine the prevalence of auditory neuropathy in a group of infants at risk for hearing impairment and to present an overview of the clinical findings for affected children. Design: Results for 20 subjects who showed repeatable cochlear microphonic potentials in the absence of click-evoked auditory brain stem responses are included in this study. Behavioral and steady state evoked potential thresholds were established in each case. Where possible, otoacoustic emission and speech perception results (unaided and aided) also were obtained. Results: One in 433 (0.23%) of the children in our series had evidence of auditory neuropathy. The audiometric findings for these subjects varied significantly, with behavioural thresholds ranging from normal to profound levels. Discrimination skills were also variable. Approximately half of the subjects showed little understanding, or even awareness, of speech inputs in both the unaided and aided conditions. There were, however, a number of children who could score at significant levels on speech discrimination tasks and who benefited from the provision of amplification. Conclusion: The results suggest that auditory neuropathy is more common in the infant population than previously suspected. The effects of neuropathy on auditory function appear to be idiosyncratic, producing significant variations in both the detection and discrimination of auditory signals. As such, the management of children with this disorder must allow for individual differences

    Slight/mild sensorineural hearing loss in children

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    OBJECTIVE: The goal was to determine the prevalence and effects of slight/mild bilateral sensorineural hearing loss among children in elementary school. METHODS: A cross-sectional, cluster-sample survey of 6581 children (response: 85%; grade 1: n = 3367; grade 5: n = 3214) in 89 schools in Melbourne, Australia, was performed. Slight/mild bilateral sensorineural hearing loss was defined as a low-frequency pure-tone average across 0.5, 1, and 2 kHz and/or a high-frequency pure-tone average across 3, 4, and 6 kHz of 16 to 40 dB hearing level in the better ear, with air/bone-conduction gaps of < 10 dB. Parents reported children\u27s health-related quality of life and behavior. Each child with slight/mild bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, matched to 2 normally hearing children (low-frequency pure-tone average and high-frequency pure-tone average of < or = 15 dB hearing level in both ears), completed standardized assessments. Whole-sample comparisons were adjusted for type of school, grade level, and gender, and matched-sample comparisons were adjusted for nonverbal IQ scores. RESULTS: Fifty-five children (0.88%) had slight/mild bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Children with and without sensorineural hearing loss scored similarly in language (mean: 97.2 vs 99.7), reading (101.1 vs 102.8), behavior (8.4 vs 7.0), and parent- and child-reported child health-related quality of life (77.6 vs 80.0 and 76.1 vs 77.0, respectively), but phonologic short-term memory was poorer (91.0 vs 102.8) in the sensorineural hearing loss group. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of slight/mild bilateral sensorineural hearing loss was lower than reported in previous studies. There was no strong evidence that slight/mild bilateral sensorineural hearing loss affects adversely language, reading, behavior, or health-related quality of life in children who are otherwise healthy and of normal intelligence