179 research outputs found

    Estudio comparativo de la Calidad de Vida en niños con asma y niños sanos

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    El asma es la enfermedad crónica más prevalente en la infancia y conlleva un gran impacto en la calidad de vida de los niños. Este estudio pretende conocer si existen diferencias entre los niños/adolescentes con asma y sus pares sanos, así como si el género, la edad y las variables clínicas del asma se relacionan con el nivel de su calidad de vida. En una muestra de 76 niños/adolescentes (38 asma vs 38 sanos) con edades entre los 8 y 14 años se ha aplicado el KIDSCREEN-52 y comparado las puntuaciones según el género y la edad. Además, se ha analizado la influencia del nivel de gravedad, del grado de control, del número de crisis, visitas a urgencias, hospitalizaciones y días de absentismo escolar pueden tener sobre la calidad de vida de los niños/adolescentes con asma. Los niños/adolescentes con asma muestran una calidad de vida inferior a la de los niños/adolescentes sanos con diferencias significativas en las dimensiones de bienestar físico (p=.001), estado de ánimo (p=.001), autopercepción (p=.001), autonomía (p=.046), relación con los padres (p=.018) y aceptación social (bullying) (p=.004). No se han hallado diferencias significativas en función del género, aunque el grupo de varones con asma presenta una mayor afectación de la calidad de vida en comparación a los varones sanos. La calidad de vida se asocia con la edad, siendo superior en el grupo de niños sanos. Asimismo, la gravedad del asma y el número de visitas a urgencias se relacionan con la calidad de vida de los niños/adolescentes con asma. Los niños y adolescentes con asma presentan más limitaciones en distintas áreas de su calidad de vida que aquellos que no tienen enfermedades crónicas. Conocer cuáles son estas limitaciones ayudará a la elaboración de planes de intervención más efectivos para el tratamiento del asma.Asthma is the most prevalent chronic disease in childhood and has a great impact on the child´s quality of life. This study aims to find out if there are differences between children / adolescents with asthma and their healthy peers, as well as if gender, age and clinical variables of asthma are related to their quality of life level. In a sample of 76 children/adolescents (38 asthma vs 38 healthy) aged between 8 and 14 years, the KIDSCREEN-52 was applied and the scores were compared according to gender and age. In addition, it has been analyzed the influence of the level of severity, the degree of control, the number of exacerbations, visits to the emergency room, hospitalizations and days of school absenteeism may have on the quality of life of children/adolescents with asthma. The children/adolescents with asthma show a lower quality of life than healthy children/adolescents with significant differences in the dimensions of Physical Well-being (p=.001), Moods and Emotions (p=.001), Self-perception (p=.001), Autonomy (p=.046), Parent Relation (p=.018) and Social Acceptance (Bullying) (p=.004). No significant differences were found based on gender, although the group of asthmatic men with asthma has a greater impact on quality of life compared to healthy men. Quality of life is associated with age, being higher in the group of healthy children. Likewise, asthma severity and the number of visits to the emergency room are related to The children and adolescents with asthma have more limitations in different areas of their quality of life than those without chronic diseases. Knowing loads of these limitations will help to develop more effective intervention plans for the treatment of asthma

    Desarrollo de estrategias de biorremediación basadas en la mejora de la producción de biomasa a partir de cepas aisladas en suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos y su aplicación en tecnologías de biorremediación

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    Es frecuente la contaminación ambiental generada por el petróleo o sus derivados, debido al uso generalizado de los mismos a nivel mundial. La descarga y derrame accidental de dichos compuestos en el medio ambiente resultan ser peligrosos para el entorno y los seres vivos. La biorremediación es una estrategia eficiente para limpiar sitios contaminados, siendo no invasiva y rentable. La misma se basa en la biodegradación natural utilizando microorganismos nativos aislados de áreas contaminadas. El centro industrial Zárate-Campana, ubicado en Buenos Aires, representa una de las áreas petroquímicas más importantes de Argentina, con varias empresas que realizan actividades petroquímicas. En este estudio, se seleccionaron 4 cepas previamente aisladas de sitios contaminados e identificadas dentro de los géneros Pseudomonas sp, Cellulosimicrobium sp y Ochrobactrum sp. La cepa MT1A3 perteneciente al género Pseudomonas fue seleccionada para los ensayos de optimización de la producción de biomasa a partir del uso de diferentes fuentes de carbono que van desde una mezcla de hidrocarburos hasta co-productos agroindustriales y fuente nitrógeno. MT1A3 fue capaz de crecer en una mezcla de hidrocarburos obteniéndose 1,79 g/L de biomasa a 25 ºC a los 7 días. Al comparar el uso de diferentes co-productos agroindustriales de bajo costo como fuente alternativa de carbono, la producción de biomasa fue significativamente mayor en el aceite de maní crudo en comparación con todos los demás sustratos (p<0,05), dando como resultado una biomasa de 7,29 g/L luego de 7 días de cultivo. La fuente de nitrógeno más eficiente para obtener biomasa de MT1A3 fue NaNO3. A partir de estos resultados, en sistemas de microcosmos se evaluó la efectividad de remediación mediante el monitoreo de la degradación de hidrocarburos en los diferentes tratamientos de atenuación natural, bioestimulación y bioaumentación, durante 120 días. El mejor tratamiento, que involucró bioaumentación (MT1A3) y bioestimulación, mostró una degradación del 40,05% del total de hidrocarburos con respecto al tratamiento de atenuación natural utilizado como control.Contaminated sites with petroleum compounds are frequently observed, requiring the development of innovative technologies for its remediation. The problem is caused due to the widespread usage of petroleum-based products. Their discharge and accidental spillage in the environment prove to be hazardous both to the surroundings and life forms. Bioremediation is an efficient strategy for cleaning up sites contaminated with organic pollutants. It is a non-invasive and cost-effective technique that relies on natural decontamination using microbes of isolated strains from contaminated areas for the clean-up of these petroleum hydrocarbons. The Zárate-Campana industrial center, located in Buenos Aires, represents one of the most important petrochemical areas in Argentina, with several companies carrying out petrochemical activities. In this study, we have investigated the ability of microorganisms to degrade these hydrocarbons. Samples were collected in the surroundings of the Campana area and screened for hydrocarbon degrading bacteria. 4 of the 13 strains previously isolated from contaminated sites were screened and identified as Pseudomonas sp, Cellulosimicrobium sp and Ochrobactrum sp. A new approach using MT1A3, belonging to Pseudomonas genus in petroleum biodegradation from the use of different carbon and nitrogen sources, was proposed to provide maximum biomass production and was evaluated for its degradation characteristics. MT1A3 grew in all carbon sources tested and was able to grow in a hydrocarbon mixture obtaining 1.79 g/L of biomass production at 25 ºC after 7 days. When comparing the use of different low-cost agro-industrial co-products as an alternative carbon source, the biomass production was significantly higher in crude peanut oil in comparison to all other substrates (p < 0.05), thus resulting in a biomass of 7.29 g/L. The most efficient nitrogen source for obtaining biomass from MT1A3 was NaNO3. Based on these results, the effectiveness was evaluated by monitoring total hydrocarbons (THs) and n-alkanes degradation as well as changes in bacterial population of natural attenuation, biostimulation and bioaugmentation treatments in microcosm design over a 120-day period. The best treatment, which involved bioaugmentation (MT1A3) and biostimulation strategies, showed a degradation of 40.05 % of total hydrocarbons with respect to the natural attenuation treatment used as control. The highest concentration of THAB and HDB was recorded, reaching a value of 2,17x1010 CFU and 8,91x106 UFC respectively.Fil: Conde Molina, Debora Rocío. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Delta. Departamento de Ingeniería Química. Laboratorio de Investigación en Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Liporace, Franco Andrés. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Delta. Departamento de Ingeniería Química. Laboratorio de Investigación en Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Quevedo, Carla Verónica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Delta. Departamento de Ingeniería Química. Laboratorio de Investigación en Biotecnología; Argentin

    Embarazo, alimentos y acceso a la justicia

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    Nos hemos propuesto analizar a partir de dos fallos –uno anterior a la sanción del Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación y otro posterior a esta– el instituto del derecho a alimentos de la persona por nacer, el que se forjó a partir de la realidad que se presentaba con las nuevas formas de pensar la familia. Es dable destacar la importancia de su consagración legal dado que los alimentos durante el desarrollo del embrión deben ser comprendidos como el primer eslabón en la preservación de la vida por resultar imprescindibles en la conformación de su estructura personal. Si bien en la actualidad, ya encuentra regulación en el art. 665 del Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación, se presentan ciertas aristas o situaciones que no se han establecido en forma expresa, que nos invitan a reflexionar conjuntamente a todos los operadores judiciales. Algunas son de índole jurídica y otras vinculadas a la situación real de cada mujer embarazada al momento de decidir entablar o no un reclamo por alimentos, puesto que deviene necesario analizar el impacto que puede generar en su emocionalidad y subjetividad la exposición a un proceso judicial. Todo ello, teniendo en miras y como principal horizonte,la protección psicofísica de la mujer embarazada y la del nasciturus.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Virological data integration on influenza vaccine effectiveness, Portugal 2015/16

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    Regarding the wide genetic and antigenic variability of influenza viruses, overall or subtype influenza vaccine effectiveness (IVE) estimates may not be sufficient to assess vaccine protection against circulating strains. This is particularly important when low VE against a specific clade is suspicious or a new drifted virus is emerging. Viral genetic characterization is routinely performed in influenza surveillance but viruses are selected according patient age, severity and vaccine status. For instance, last season genetic characterized cases were more vaccinated than those not selected. A protocol for virological data integration on IVE studies within I-MOVE network was performed. It intended to solve the following issues: 1. Selection of the clade of interest to provide IVE; 2. Determination of the number of cases needed for genetic characterization; 3. Selection of cases for genetic characterization independently of patient features. During the 2015/16 season, a closely contact between epidemiological and laboratorial teams allows to perform a random selection of influenza cases for genetic characterization independently of cases features. Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 was the selected subtype given its predominance and the emergence of new subclades (6B.1 and 6B.2). 52.2% of A(H1)pdm09 cases were successfully characterized. No differences regarding age, sex and vaccine status were found between selected and unselected cases for genetic characterization. The large sample size needed to estimate IVE against a specific clade requires an important effort on genetic characterization behind virological surveillance. However, random selection of cases for genetic characterization along season seems to be feasible without interfering with virological surveillance and obtains a representative sample of cases of the clade of interest. Virological data from randomly selected cases will permit to estimate IVE against a specific clade during influenza season. An extra effort on influenza genetic characterization is needed to achieve the needed sample size.This project was financed by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control for data and actvi;es related to the individuals with less then 65 years. Data and activities related to the individuals 65 years and more were funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innova;on programme under grant agreement No 634446.N/

    Virological data integration on influenza vaccine effectiveness, Portugal 2015/16

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    Regarding the wide genetic and antigenic variability of influenza viruses, overall or subtype influenza vaccine effectiveness (IVE) estimates may not be sufficient to assess vaccine protection against circulating strains. This is particularly important when low VE against a specific clade is suspicious or a new drifted virus is emerging. Viral genetic characterization is routinely performed in influenza surveillance but viruses are selected according patient age, severity and vaccine status. For instance, last season genetic characterized cases were more vaccinated than those not selected. A protocol for virological data integration on IVE studies within I-MOVE network was performed. It intended to solve the following issues: 1. Selection of the clade of interest to provide IVE; 2. Determination of the number of cases needed for genetic characterization; 3. Selection of cases for genetic characterization independently of patient features. During the 2015/16 season, a closely contact between epidemiological and laboratorial teams allows to perform a random selection of influenza cases for genetic characterization independently of cases features. Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 was the selected subtype given its predominance and the emergence of new subclades (6B.1 and 6B.2). 52.2% of A(H1)pdm09 cases were successfully characterized. No differences regarding age, sex and vaccine status were found between selected and unselected cases for genetic characterization. The large sample size needed to estimate IVE against a specific clade requires an important effort on genetic characterization behind virological surveillance. However, random selection of cases for genetic characterization along season seems to be feasible without interfering with virological surveillance and obtains a representative sample of cases of the clade of interest. Virological data from randomly selected cases will permit to estimate IVE against a specific clade during influenza season. An extra effort on influenza genetic characterization is needed to achieve the needed sample size.This project was financed by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control for data and actvi;es related to the individuals with less then 65 years. Data and activities related to the individuals 65 years and more were funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innova;on programme under grant agreement No 634446.N/

    Erythrocytes and cell line-based assays to evaluate the cytoprotective activity of antioxidant components obtained from natural sources

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    Oxidative stress can damage cellular components including DNA, proteins or lipids, and may cause several skin diseases. To protect from this damage and addressing consumer's appeal to natural products, antioxidants obtained from algal and vegetal extracts are being proposed as antioxidants to be incorporated into formulations. Thus, the development of reliable, quick and economic in vitro methods to study the cytoactivity of these products is a meaningful requirement. A combination of erythrocyte and cell line-based assays was performed on two extracts from Sargassum muticum, one from Ulva lactuca, and one from Castanea sativa. Antioxidant properties were assessed in erythrocytes by the TBARS and AAPH assays, and cytotoxicity and antioxidant cytoprotection were assessed in HaCaT and 3T3 cells by the MTT assay. The extracts showed no antioxidant activity on the TBARS assay, whereas their antioxidant capacity in the AAPH assay was demonstrated. On the cytotoxicity assays, extracts showed low toxicity, with IC50 values higher than 200 µg/mL. C. sativa extract showed the most favourable antioxidant properties on the antioxidant cytoprotection assays; while S. muticum and U. lactuca extracts showed a low antioxidant activity. This battery of methods was useful to characterize the biological antioxidant properties of these natural extracts

    Patrimonio y construcción social: una reflexión en torno a Teotihuacan, México

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    This text explores how the various meanings of cultural heritage are debated and agreed upon, based on reviewing the archaeological remains of Teotihuacan, México. With a qualitative approach, based on observation and interviews, we found empirical evidence that, despite their exclusion from being named cultural heritage sites, the inhabitants of San Martín de las Pirámides and San Juan Teotihuacan have re-signified the values of the archaeological zone and incorporated some of those aspects as an element of their social and cultural identity. The Archaeological Zone of Teotihuacan does not mean or represent the same thing for everyone, that is, for external agents or for the communities around it. We concluded that the construction of community identity makes use of certain elements that are integrated into the narrative that legitimize it. One of the uses of cultural heritage is the affirmation and legitimation of identity.En el presente texto se explora cómo se debaten y consensan los diversos significados del patrimonio cultural en el caso de los vestigios arqueológicos de Teotihuacan, México. Con un enfoque cualitativo, a partir de observación y entrevistas se encontró evidencia empírica de que, a pesar de haber sido excluidos de su patrimonialización, los pobladores de San Martín de las Pirámides y San Juan Teotihuacan han resignificado los valores sobre la zona arqueológica y han incorporado algunos de esos aspectos como elementos de su identidad social y cultural. La zona arqueológica de Teotihuacan no significa ni representa lo mismo para todos, es decir, para los agentes externos y para las comunidades residentes en su alrededor. Se concluye que la construcción de la identidad comunitaria echa mano de ciertos elementos que se integran a la narrativa y la legitiman. Uno de los usos del patrimonio cultural es la afirmación y legitimación de la identidad

    Apuntes para un análisis simbólico de la experiencia turística

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer un modelo de análisis simbólico estructuralista a partir de la dicotomía tiempo/espacio cotidiano versus tiempo/ espacio del turismo y su relación con la dimensión recrea- ción/esparcimiento. Se realizó una revisión bibliográ- fica sobre estudios que indagan la experiencia turística y se identificó una alta recurrencia al modelo concep- tual de los ritos de paso y la liminalidad, por un lado, y la necesidad de replantear algunos aspectos de dichos abordajes, por el otro. En particular, se plantea adoptar la idea de liminoide más que la de liminalidad, así como avanzar desde un enfoque funcionalista hacia uno estructuralista. El modelo propuesto permite, en teoría, solventar estas necesidades y se espera que a la luz de información empírica constituya una vía útil para explorar con mayor especificidad las prácticas turísticas

    Adipokines, metabolic syndrome and rheumatic diseases

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    The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of cardiometabolic disorders that result from the increasing prevalence of obesity. The major components of MetS include insulin resistance, central obesity, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. MetS identifies the central obesity with increased risk for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Patients with rheumatic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and ankylosing spondylitis, have increased prevalence of CVDs. Moreover, CVD risk is increased when obesity is present in these patients. However, traditional cardiovascular risk factors do not completely explain the enhanced cardiovascular risk in this population. Thus, MetS and the altered secretion patterns of proinflammatory adipokines present in obesity could be the link between CVDs and rheumatic diseases. Furthermore, adipokines have been linked to the pathogenesis of MetS and its comorbidities through their effects on vascular function and inflammation. In the present paper, we review recent evidence of the role played by adipokines in the modulation of MetS in the general population, and in patients with rheumatic diseases