3,454 research outputs found

    Assessment in anatomy

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    From an educational perspective, a very important problem is that of assessment, for establishing competency and as selection criterion for different professional purposes. Among the issues to be addressed are the methods of assessment and/or the type of tests, the range of scores, or the definition of honour degrees. The methods of assessment comprise such different forms such as the spotter examination, short or long essay questions, short answer questions, true-false questions, single best answer questions, multiple choice questions, extended match questions, or several forms of oral approaches such as viva voce examinations.Knowledge about this is important when assessing different educational objectives; assessing educational objectives from the cognitive domain will need different assessment instruments than assessing educational objectives from the psychomotor domain or even the affective domain.There is no golden rule, which type of assessment instrument or format will be the best in measuring certain educational objectives; but one has to respect that there is no assessment instrument, which is capable to assess educational objectives from all domains of educational objectives.Whereas the first two or three levels of progress can be assessed by well-structured written examinations such as multiple choice questions, or multiple answer questions, other and higher level progresses need other instruments, such as a thesis, or direct observation.This is no issue at all in assessment tools, where the students are required to select the appropriate answer from a given set of choices, as in true false questions, MCQ, EMQ, etc. The standard setting is done in these cases by the selection of the true answer

    Queues in Reliability

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    Queueing models can be useful in solving many complex reliability problems. Component failures are usually interpreted as the arrival of customers and the repair or replacement of failed components is typically associated with the service facility. A distinctive characteristic of queues in reliability is that requests for service are usually generated by a finite customer population because, in general, there are a limited number of units, e.g. machines which can fail, and when they are all in the system, being repaired or waiting for repair, no more can arrive. Thus the arrivals do not form a renewal process as they may depend on the number of units in the system. This is an essential difference from typical queueing systems, where the population of potential arrivals can be considered to be effectively limitless. This article overviews the main queueing models used in reliability which are illustrated using the classical machine repairmen model. Some statistical methods to estimate the main quantities of interest in a queue are also discussed

    An introduction to quadrature and other numerical integration techniques

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    The objective in numerical integration is the approximation of a definite integral using numerical techniques. There are a large number of numerical integration methods in the literature and this article overviews some of the most common ones, namely, the Newton-Cotes formulas, including the trapezoidal and Simpson's rules, and the Gaus- sian quadrature. Difeerent procedures are compared and illustrated with examples. Discussions about more advanced numerical integration procedures are also included

    Theory of Neutrino Masses and Mixing

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    In this talk I will review our present knowledge on neutrino masses and mixing trying to emphasize what has been definitively proved and what is in the process of being probed. I will also discuss the most important theoretical implications of these results: the existence of new physics, the estimate of the scale of this new physics as well as some other possible consequences such as leptogenesis origin of the baryon asymmetry

    Development of Interactive Materials by Engineering Students Using the Descartes Applets.

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    In a degree course such as Forestry Engineering, the general teaching objectives consist of explaining and helping students to understand the principles of Mechanics. For some time now we have encountered significant difficulties in teaching this subject due to the students' lack of motivation and to their insufficient prior preparation for the topic. If we add to this the discipline's inherent complexity and the students' preconceptions about the subject, these teaching difficulties become considerable. For this reason a series of didactic activities have been introduced sequentially in the teaching of this subject. This work describes the methodology, procedure and results for the action of developing a work project in groups using Descartes software. The results of this experiment can be considered very positive. Some of the critical preconceptions for learning the subject can be corrected, and the tutoring process in the classroom contributes to an improvement in teacherstudent communication. Since this scheme was established, the number of students taking part each academic year has increased, and this is the group with the greatest percentage of passing scores

    Limits on Anomalous Couplings from Higgs Boson Production at the Tevatron

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    We estimate the attainable limits on the coefficients of dimension--6 operators from the analysis of Higgs boson phenomenology, in the framework of a SUL(2)×UY(1)SU_L(2) \times U_Y(1) gauge-invariant effective Lagrangian. Our results, based on the data sample already collected by the collaborations at Fermilab Tevatron, show that the coefficients of Higgs-vector boson couplings can be determined with unprecedented accuracy. Assuming that the coefficients of all ``blind'' operators are of the same magnitude, we are also able to impose more restrictive bounds on the anomalous vector-boson triple couplings than the present limit from double gauge boson production at the Tevatron collider

    Dynamic Y-branched structures in quadratic nonlinear media

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    A selfsplitting of the beams entering a waveguide made of a quadratic nonlinear material is observed numerically. Relative π phase differences between harmonics as positively contributing to linear diffraction are shown to trigger the effect. Formation of solitons out of this energy so that a Y-branched structure is nonlinearly induced, is shown to be dependent on input and material parameters. Simple setups should provide the means for experimental observation of the predicted phenomena.Peer Reviewe

    Tools in Spanish Universities to facilitate the transmission from High School to University and their assessment.

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    Incoming students in the University have education deficiencies, so universities studies require a sound basis of scientific knowledge. In this project are analysed instruments to reinforcing knowledge in those areas related to the studies that students are about to embark on public Spanish universities. There are important differences among universities and, in each university there are great differences among titles. Initial courses (cursos cero) are widespread (in 50% of universities) that selfevaluation instruments (14 % of universities). It is necessary to improve diffusion of those instruments because it is not possible to evaluate them. So are proposed the next actuations: to make regular standard surveys for professors and students; to publish results of surveys; public universities should institutionalize their basic training offer and improve the dissemination of this offer especially through the web. This paper presents a questionnaire to assess student opinion about these tools. To analyze the effectiveness, and make an initial estimate of the evaluation of these tools, we conducted a pilot test of the questionnaire with 68 students at the University of Extremadura. The results of preliminary statistical analysis conducted on the pilot test indicate that the survey results are reliable. A global evaluation of both tools, with a scale of 1 to 5, gave an average score of 3.29 for initial courses and 3.41 for selfevaluation. The 72.9% of the students consider the "self assessment" more effective than the "initial course