84 research outputs found

    Two Ways Out/Back “Home”: Two Transnational and Literary Perspectives in Chinese Puzzle and Budapeste

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    In the current global cinematic practices, it almost becomes a natural phenomenon that filmmakers leave home to film in the spaces beyond the borders of their homelands. These films are often categorized as transnational films. According to Hamid Naficy (2003: 204), “transnational films are framed within the “national cinemas” of their host countries and established cinematic genres”. Budapeste (2009) directed by Walter Carvalho and Chinese Puzzle (2013) directed by Cédric Klapisch are both transnational films from two different regions: South America, Mercosul (Brazil) and the European Union (France). Because both films present transitional places (airports) and transnational spaces, the physical spaces and symbolic borders between Brazil and Hungary in Budapeste are clear, as well as the physical cityscapes from France to the Unites States in Chinese Puzzle. However, because these journeys are not just territorial, the displaced main characters find themselves in deeply emotional, literary, and cultural journeys. Therefore, there is a need to rethink the notion of home in these two films. In both films, the notion of an established home is never a one-and-done thing and home is never a definite possession but it follows Gilles Deleuze’s and Félix Guattari’s theory of “becoming.” In this work, I aim to explore, first, the motherland as a place of alienation resulting in the loss of faith in national institutions in Budapeste and Chinese Puzzle. Then, I analyze the juxtaposition of literary migrations in Budapeste and how it contributes to a “non-established home” for Costa, and how finding a new home for him is embracing a Hungarian identity through literary creation. Finally, in Chinese Puzzle, I focus on the perpetual seeking for home by Xavier, the main character, and the city of New York as a utopian space to cure the journeyer from the trauma of his lost homeland

    Displaced voices and accentscapes in French and Francophone Sub-Saharan cinema : recasting, reshaping, and restoring identity (-ies) in transnational films

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    This study features notions of identity, language, integration, journeys of home seeking and homecoming, and the wanderings of homelessness. It explores displaced voices and the self-coined term "accentscape" in ten films made by either established French film directors or less renowned and/or second-generation African immigrant film directors. Inspired by Arjun Appadurai's term ethnoscape, accentscape refers to how accents construct meaning and social identities for the films' exilic, diasporic, and postcolonial characters. I demonstrate the intervention of "accentscapes" by oral, vocal, and musical means, or in the film narratives as fragmented, emotive, and lyric structures. In relation to Mikhail Bakhtin's notion of heteroglossia, accentscapes appear in linguistic landscapes challenging Eurocentric perceptions of the exilic or diasporic communities in France in Nous, sans papiers de France (Nicolas Philibert et al., 1997), Paris Mon Paradis (Elenore Yameogo, 2011) and Le Point de Vue du Lion (Didier Awadi, 2011). Accentscapes intervene by calligraphic and pictographic means in Fatima (Philippe Faucon, 2015) and L'Esquive (Abdellatif Kechiche, 2004). Thirdly, as versions of Michel Foucault's heterotopia, accentscapes are the counter-spaces that the postcolonial protagonists in L'Esquive (Kechiche, 2004), Adama (Simon Rouby, 2015), and Qu'Allah Benisse la France! (Abd al Malik, 2015) create in France to replace their homelands. Finally, using Michel Chion's concept of sounds and voices that are left "wandering the surface of the screen," this study shows "accentscapes" in Fatima (Faucon, 2015) and Amin (Faucon, 2018) as "wandering" sounds emanating from an interstitial context and negotiating between two sources characterized by the seen and the unseen. [NEEDS DIACRITICS]Includes bibliographical reference

    Leafy amaranthus consumption patterns in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    There is a new attention to vegetables as vital components of daily diet. A concerted effort to raise their standing has begun to change mentalities and to fuel a rapid growth of traditional leafy vegetables marketing and consumption in African cities. However, little is known about the production and consumption patterns of these plant foods. This study examined, through a field survey the socio-economic, food consumption and conservation aspects of leafy vegetables in the region of Ouagadougou. It was found that leafy vegetables are cultivated under both rain-fed and irrigated conditions in the villages and also in the city’s gardens. The study has demonstrated that there is considerable indigenous knowledge on the leafy vegetables of the region. Amaranth species are the most cultivated and marketed and have potential for commercialization. They are used for many dishes in the local kitchen. Leafy Amaranths are consumed during all seasons even though they are more available (and cheap) during rainy season (June to end October). Ninety-four per cent of the interviewed people use vegetable Amaranth in sauce. There is a growing trend to use cultivated (introduced) species of Amaranth, which were brought to Africa by colonial powers and gained popularity because they were associated with high status. The introduced species are spreading quickly in a spontaneous manner. This can be a threat to biodiversity. There is need for a conservation initiative for the native species. In the commercialization of leafy vegetable and in particular for Amaranth, women play an important role. That could be optimized for marketing purpose to improve leafy vegetable adding-value. Because transportation is a cost increase factor, and given that cities should be targets for increased consumption, it is necessary to promote peri-urban agriculture of leafy vegetables, by policy guidelines. There is a need of documentation and dissemination of indigenous knowledge on indigenous leafy vegetables.Key words: vegetables, African greens, Amaranthus, micronutrients, biodiversity, horticulture, Ouagadougou, Burkina Fas

    Epidemiology of Syphilis in regional blood transfusion centres in Burkina Faso, West Africa

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    Introduction: Syphilis remains a major public health problem in  sub-Saharan Africa, including Burkina Faso. However, few published data are available on the prevalence of syphilis in the population. This study had two main objectives: to determine the seroprevalence of syphilis in acohort of 37,210 first time blood donors and to study socio-demographic factors associated with the risk of infection by Treponema pallidum.Methods: Antibodies to Treponema pallidum were screened by using  Reagin Rapid Test (RPR) and confirmed by treponema pallidum  haemagglutination test (TPHA). Results: The overall seroprevalence of syphilis was 1.5% among first time blood donors and was significantly different between centers (p <0.001). The infection was significantly higher in men than women among blood  donors in Ouagadougou and Fada N´gourma (P = 0.001 and P = 0.034). The overall seroprevalence of syphilis among blood donors was not  associated with either age group or HIV status. In contrast, a significantly high seroprevalence of syphilis was observed in blood donors with HBsAg (P = 0.014) and anti-HCV (P = 0.007) positive.Conclusion: Our report shows a low seroprevalence of syphilis in the  representative sample of the population of Burkina Faso. The  seroprevalence of syphilis remains unequally distributed between urban and rural areas and was not associated with HIV infection

    Comparative evaluation of automated KingFisher Flex Purification System 96 (ThermoFisher Scientific) and manual QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen) extraction methods for SARS-CoV-2

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    Background: The extraction step of the viral material of the severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) influences the quality of reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) results in diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the automated extraction system "KingFisher Flex Purification System 96 (ThermoFisher)" compared to the manual method with the "QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen)". Methodology: From October to December 2020, comparative diagnostic evaluation of two methods of SARSCoV-2 RNA extraction methods was conducted on 159 fresh and 120 frozen nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal specimens collected from travellers and suspected cases or contacts of COVID-19 patients in Burkina Faso. The FastPlexTM Triplex 1-Step COVID 19 Detection Kit (RT-PCR, RNA extraction free) (Precigenome LLC) was used to amplify on the same PCR plate, RNA extracts from manual QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit and automated KingFisher Flex Purification System 96 (ThermoFisher) using the QuantStudio5 thermal cycler (Applied Biosystems). Analysis of the diagnostic performance of the SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR assay following RNA extraction by the two methods was done using an online OpenEpi software. Results: For fresh samples, the study found a slightly higher RT-PCR positivity rate following manual extraction (12.6%) than automated extraction (9.4%). For frozen samples, the positivity rate was far higher for manual (38.33%) than automated extraction method (20.83%). The results show that the performance of the automated extraction was inferior when compared to the manual extraction for both fresh samples (sensitivity 35%, specificity 94.2%) and frozen samples (sensitivity 43.5%, specificity 93.2%). However, using McNemar Chi-square with Yates correction, there was no significant difference in positivity rate of RT-PCR (x2=0.76, p=0.38) between the two extraction methods for the fresh samples, but there was a significant difference (x2=12.9, p= 0.0003) in the extraction of the frozen samples. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that KingFisher Flex Purification System 96 (ThermoFisher) automatic extraction method was less sensitive and specific than QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen) manual extraction method. This information can serve as guide to laboratories in the choice of RNA extraction methods to use for RT-PCR detection of SARS-CoV-2

    Nutritional properties of enriched local complementary flours

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    Abstract: This study aimed to identify the nutritional, functional, sensory and microbiological profile of experimental nutritional flours, produced with local products in Burkina Faso. The raw materials included maize (Zea mays), millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and rice (Oryza sativa). Local ingredients were pulps of Adansonia digitata and Parkia biglobosa and seeds of Cucurbita maxima and Moringa oleifera. Three formula were developed, the first (F1) with maize, the second (F2) with rice and the last (F3) with millet. Each of these cereals was mixed with predetermined portions of seeds and pulps in order to obtain enriched flour. Nutritional, microbiological and functional analysis and the acceptability criteria of these enriched flours were assessed and compared to Misola (F4), the existing local complementary flour. The fat content of experimental flours were respectively in the first (F1), second (F2) and third formula (F3) 15.91±0.01%, 11.82±0.02% and 17.02±0.02%. The carbohydrate range was 65.46±0.06%, 70.81±0.01% and 64.51±0.01% for F1, F2 and F3, while the energetic value is higher than recommended (453.07±0.05, 424.56±0.03 and 458.96±0.05 kcal respectively for F1, F2 and F3). Functional characteristics indicated the good viscosity (117, 119 and 121 mm/30 sec for F1, F2 and F3) least gelation (9, 6 and 7%) and water absorption capacity (2, 4 and 1 g/g). Trained sensory evaluation panellists gore the enriched flour porridge a score of acceptable. These enriched flours have great potential as a weaning food in resource-poor and technologically under-developed countries

    Malaria mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites

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    This paper is part of the Special Issue: INDEPTH Network Cause-Specific Mortality. A Corrigendum has been published for this paper. Please see http://www.globalhealthaction.net/index.php/ gha/article/view/27833Malaria continues to be a major cause of infectious disease mortality in tropical regions. However, deaths from malaria are most often not individually documented, and as a result overall understanding of malaria epidemiology is inadequate. INDEPTH Network members maintain population surveillance in Health and Demographic Surveillance System sites across Africa and Asia, in which individual deaths are followed up with verbal autopsies.To present patterns of malaria mortality determined by verbal autopsy from INDEPTH sites across Africa and Asia, comparing these findings with other relevant information on malaria in the same regions.From a database covering 111,910 deaths over 12,204,043 person-years in 22 sites, in which verbal autopsy data were handled according to the WHO 2012 standard and processed using the InterVA-4 model, over 6,000 deaths were attributed to malaria. The overall period covered was 1992-2012, but two-thirds of the observations related to 2006-2012. These deaths were analysed by site, time period, age group and sex to investigate epidemiological differences in malaria mortality.Rates of malaria mortality varied by 1:10,000 across the sites, with generally low rates in Asia (one site recording no malaria deaths over 0.5 million person-years) and some of the highest rates in West Africa (Nouna, Burkina Faso: 2.47 per 1,000 person-years). Childhood malaria mortality rates were strongly correlated with Malaria Atlas Project estimates of Plasmodium falciparum parasite rates for the same locations. Adult malaria mortality rates, while lower than corresponding childhood rates, were strongly correlated with childhood rates at the site level.The wide variations observed in malaria mortality, which were nevertheless consistent with various other estimates, suggest that population-based registration of deaths using verbal autopsy is a useful approach to understanding the details of malaria epidemiology.P. Kim Streatfield ... Yohannes A. Melaku ... et. al

    Malaria mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites.

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria continues to be a major cause of infectious disease mortality in tropical regions. However, deaths from malaria are most often not individually documented, and as a result overall understanding of malaria epidemiology is inadequate. INDEPTH Network members maintain population surveillance in Health and Demographic Surveillance System sites across Africa and Asia, in which individual deaths are followed up with verbal autopsies. OBJECTIVE: To present patterns of malaria mortality determined by verbal autopsy from INDEPTH sites across Africa and Asia, comparing these findings with other relevant information on malaria in the same regions. DESIGN: From a database covering 111,910 deaths over 12,204,043 person-years in 22 sites, in which verbal autopsy data were handled according to the WHO 2012 standard and processed using the InterVA-4 model, over 6,000 deaths were attributed to malaria. The overall period covered was 1992-2012, but two-thirds of the observations related to 2006-2012. These deaths were analysed by site, time period, age group and sex to investigate epidemiological differences in malaria mortality. RESULTS: Rates of malaria mortality varied by 1:10,000 across the sites, with generally low rates in Asia (one site recording no malaria deaths over 0.5 million person-years) and some of the highest rates in West Africa (Nouna, Burkina Faso: 2.47 per 1,000 person-years). Childhood malaria mortality rates were strongly correlated with Malaria Atlas Project estimates of Plasmodium falciparum parasite rates for the same locations. Adult malaria mortality rates, while lower than corresponding childhood rates, were strongly correlated with childhood rates at the site level. CONCLUSIONS: The wide variations observed in malaria mortality, which were nevertheless consistent with various other estimates, suggest that population-based registration of deaths using verbal autopsy is a useful approach to understanding the details of malaria epidemiology

    HRP2 and pLDH-Based Rapid Diagnostic Tests, Expert Microscopy, and PCR for Detection of Malaria Infection during Pregnancy and at Delivery in Areas of Varied Transmission: A Prospective Cohort Study in Burkina Faso and Uganda.

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    BACKGROUND: Intermittent screening and treatment (IST) of malaria during pregnancy has been proposed as an alternative to intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp), where IPTp is failing due to drug resistance. However, the antenatal parasitaemias are frequently very low, and the most appropriate screening test for IST has not been defined. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We conducted a multi-center prospective study of 990 HIV-uninfected women attending ANC in two different malaria transmission settings at Tororo District Hospital, eastern Uganda and Colsama Health Center in western Burkina Faso. Women were enrolled in the study in the second or third trimester of pregnancy and followed to delivery, generating 2,597 blood samples for analysis. Screening tests included rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) targeting histidine-rich protein 2 (HRP2) and parasite lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH) and microscopy, compared to nPCR as a reference standard. At enrolment, the proportion of pregnant women who were positive for P. falciparum by HRP2/pan pLDH RDT, Pf pLDH/pan pLDH RDT, microscopy and PCR was 38%, 29%, 36% and 44% in Uganda and 21%, 16%, 15% and 35% in Burkina Faso, respectively. All test positivity rates declined during follow-up. In comparison to PCR, the sensitivity of the HRP2/pan pLDH RDT, Pf pLDH/pan pLDH RDT and microscopy was 75.7%, 60.1% and 69.7% in Uganda, 55.8%, 42.6% and 55.8% in Burkina Faso respectively for all antenatal visits. Specificity was greater than 96% for all three tests. Comparison of accuracy using generalized estimating equation revealed that the HRP2- detecting RDT was the most accurate test in both settings. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The study suggests that HRP2-based RDTs are the most appropriate point-of-care test currently available for use during pregnancy especially for symptomatic women, but will still miss some PCR-positive women. The clinical significance of these very low density infections needs to be better defined
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