513 research outputs found

    Study of nuclear structure of 13C and 20Ne by low energy nuclear reactions

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    We report some recent experimental results on the spectroscopy of 13C and 20Ne nuclei by means of low energy nuclear reactions carried out with high resolution electrostatic accelerators. In the case of 13C we investigated the possible existence of a-cluster states above the a emission threshold by means of low energy elastic resonant scattering α+9Be in direct kinematics. Excitation functions show the presence of various resonances that have been reproduced by R-matrix fit. We studied also the structure of 20Ne by means of the 19F(p,α0) reaction at sub-barrier energies. The spectroscopy of 20Ne excited states in the region Ex 13.5-14.0 MeV can be probed by analyzing experimental angular distributions and excitation functions. This reaction plays an important role also in the CNOF cycle and is an important ingredient to describe hydrogen-induced destruction of fluorine in massive stars. For this reason we investigated the trend of S-factor, that has been compared with results previously reported in the literature. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Lt

    Signals of Bose Einstein condensation and Fermi quenching in the decay of hot nuclear systems

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    We report experimental signals of Bose-Einstein condensation in the decay of hot Ca projectile-like sources produced in mid-peripheral collisions at sub-Fermi energies. The experimental setup, constituted by the coupling of the INDRA 4π\pi detector array to the forward angle VAMOS magnetic spectrometer, allowed us to reconstruct the mass, charge and excitation energy of the decaying hot projectile-like sources. Furthermore, by means of quantum fluctuation analysis techniques, temperatures and mean volumes per particle "as seen by" bosons and fermions separately are correlated to the excitation energy of the reconstructed system. The obtained results are consistent with the production of dilute mixed (bosons/fermions) systems, where bosons experience a smaller volume as compared to the surrounding fermionic gas. Our findings recall similar phenomena observed in the study of boson condensates in atomic traps.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (december 2014

    Study of the threshold anomaly effect in the reaction 7 Li+ 208 Pb at energies around the Coulomb barrier

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    The elastic scattering in the reaction7Li+208Pb was investigated in the bombarding energy range from 25 to39 MeV. The real and imaginary parts of the optical potential were analyzed by using a phenomenological potential. A dispersion relation analysis is presented in order to investigate the threshold anomaly effect. It is concluded that7Li has an intermediate behavior between the tightly bound nuclei suchas16O and the loosely bound nuclei such as6Li where the lack of the threshold anomaly is unambiguously observed.Reaction cross sections are also extracted from the elastic scattering data and its comparison with the ones of other systems has been performed to draw hints on the effect of the breakup channel

    Influence of Neutron Enrichment on Disintegration Modes of Compound Nuclei

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    Cross sections, kinetic energy and angular distributions of fragments with charge 6≀\leZ≀\le28 emitted in 78,82Kr+40C at 5.5 MeV/A reactions were measured at the GANIL facility using the INDRA apparatus. This experiment aims to investigate the influence of the neutron enrichment on the decay mechanism of excited nuclei. Data are discussed in comparison with predictions of transition state and Hauser-Feshbach models.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, paper presented at the First Workshop on "State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics" 13-16 May, 2008, at Strasbourg, France (SOTANCP2008) and accepted for publication at International Journal of Modern Physics E (Special Issue), Proceedings of SOTANCP2008 (to be published

    Evidence for a Novel Reaction Mechanism of a Prompt Shock-Induced Fission Following the Fusion of 78Kr and 40Ca Nuclei at E/A =10 MeV

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    An analysis of experimental data from the inverse-kinematics ISODEC experiment on 78Kr+40Ca reaction at a bombarding energy of 10 AMeV has revealed signatures of a hitherto unknown reaction mechanism, intermediate between the classical damped binary collisions and fusion-fission, but also substantially different from what is being termed in the literature as fast fission or quasi fission. These signatures point to a scenario where the system fuses transiently while virtually equilibrating mass asymmetry and energy and, yet, keeping part of the energy stored in a collective shock-imparted and, possibly, angular momentum bearing form of excitation. Subsequently the system fissions dynamically along the collision or shock axis with the emerging fragments featuring a broad mass spectrum centered around symmetric fission, relative velocities somewhat higher along the fission axis than in transverse direction, and virtually no intrinsic spin. The class of massasymmetric fission events shows a distinct preference for the more massive fragments to proceed along the beam direction, a characteristic reminiscent of that reported earlier for dynamic fragmentation of projectile-like fragments alone and pointing to the memory of the initial mass and velocity distribution.Comment: 5 PAGES, 6 FIGURE

    The 19F(α, p)22Ne and 23Na(p,α)20Ne reaction in AGB nucleosynthesis via THM

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    In AGB environment, fluorine and sodium abundances are still matter of debate. About 19F (only stable isotope of fluorine), its abundance in the universe is strictly related to standard and extra-mixing processes taking place inside AGB-stars, that are considered to be the most important sites for its production. Nevertheless the way in which it is destroyed is far from being well understood. On the other hand, 23Na presence in Globular Clusters, along with is well-known anticorrelation with oxygen has made clear that this element must be produced in previous generations stars, and intermediatemass AGB stars are one of the possible candidates for its production. For this reason we studied the 19F(α,p)22Ne and 23Na(p,α)20Ne reactions in the energy range of relevance for astrophysics via the Trojan Horse Method (THM), using the three-body reactions 6Li(19F, p22Ne)d and 23Na(d, pn)20Ne

    The Treiman-Yang Criterion: validating the Trojan Horse Method by experimentally probing the reaction mechanism

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    Proper selection of the quasi-free (QF) break-up channel in a three-body reaction is a key aspect for the applicability of the Trojan Horse Method (THM). The Treiman-Yang (TY) Criterion is a model-independent experimental test for the dominance of the QF mechanism, and hence constitutes one of the strongest validity tests of the THM. An experiment was performed at LNS to apply the test to the d(10B, 7Be α)n reaction. Here, the criterion is described and some preliminary data from the experiment are shown

    PRISMA - a magnetic spectrometer for heavy ions at LNL

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    Abstract The heavy-ion magnetic spectrometer PRISMA was recently installed at Laboratori Naz. di Legnaro, in order to exploit the heavy-ion beams of the XTU Tandem-ALPI-PIAVE accelerator complex, with masses up to A≃200 at energies ≃5-10 MeV MeV A

    Emission of intermediate mass fragments from hot 116^{116}Ba∗^* formed in low-energy 58^{58}Ni+58^{58}Ni reaction

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    The complex fragments (or intermediate mass fragments) observed in the low-energy 58^{58}Ni+58^{58}Ni→116\to ^{116}Ba∗^* reaction, are studied within the dynamical cluster decay model for s-wave with the use of the temperature-dependent liquid drop, Coulomb and proximity energies. The important result is that, due to the temperature effects in liquid drop energy, the explicit preference for α\alpha-like fragments is washed out, though the 12^{12}C (or the complementary 104^{104}Sn) decay is still predicted to be one of the most probable α\alpha-nucleus decay for this reaction. The production rates for non-α\alpha like intermediate mass fragments (IMFs) are now higher and the light particle production is shown to accompany the IMFs at all incident energies, without involving any statistical evaporation process in the model. The comparisons between the experimental data and the (s-wave) calculations for IMFs production cross sections are rather satisfactory and the contributions from other ℓ\ell-waves need to be added for a further improvement of these comparisons and for calculations of the total kinetic energies of fragments.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figure

    Study of low-energy nuclear recoils in liquid argon with the ReD experiment

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    Liquid Argon (LAr) Time Projection Chambers (TPC) operating in double-phase can detect the nuclear recoils (NR) possibly caused by the elastic scattering of WIMP dark matter particles via light signals from both scintillation and ionization processes. In the scenario of a low-mass WIMP (< 2 GeV/c2), the energy range for the NRs would be below 20 keV, thus making it crucial to characterize the ionization response in LAr TPCs as the lone available detection channel at such low energy. The Recoil Directionality (ReD) project, within the Global Argon Dark Matter Collaboration, aims to measure the ionization yield of a LAr TPC in the recoil energy range of 2-5 keV. The measurement was performed in winter 2023 at the INFN Sezione of Catania and the analysis is ongoing
