287 research outputs found

    Deterministic hierarchical networks

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    It has been shown that many networks associated with complex systems are small-world (they have both a large local clustering coefficient and a small diameter) and they are also scale-free (the degrees are distributed according to a power law). Moreover, these networks are very often hierarchical, as they describe the modularity of the systems that are modeled. Most of the studies for complex networks are based on stochastic methods. However, a deterministic method, with an exact determination of the main relevant parameters of the networks, has proven useful. Indeed, this approach complements and enhances the probabilistic and simulation techniques and, therefore, it provides a better understanding of the systems modeled. In this paper we find the radius, diameter, clustering coefficient and degree distribution of a generic family of deterministic hierarchical small-world scale-free networks that has been considered for modeling real-life complex systems

    Quantum Google in a Complex Network

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    We investigate the behavior of the recently proposed quantum Google algorithm, or quantum PageRank, in large complex networks. Applying the quantum algorithm to a part of the real World Wide Web, we find that the algorithm is able to univocally reveal the underlying scale-free topology of the network and to clearly identify and order the most relevant nodes (hubs) of the graph according to their importance in the network structure. Moreover, our results show that the quantum PageRank algorithm generically leads to changes in the hierarchy of nodes. In addition, as compared to its classical counterpart, the quantum algorithm is capable to clearly highlight the structure of secondary hubs of the network, and to partially resolve the degeneracy in importance of the low lying part of the list of rankings, which represents a typical shortcoming of the classical PageRank algorithm. Complementary to this study, our analysis shows that the algorithm is able to clearly distinguish scale-free networks from other widespread and important classes of complex networks, such as Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi networks and hierarchical graphs. We show that the ranking capabilities of the quantum PageRank algorithm are related to an increased stability with respect to a variation of the damping parameter α\alpha that appears in the Google algorithm, and to a more clearly pronounced power-law behavior in the distribution of importance among the nodes, as compared to the classical algorithm. Finally, we study to which extent the increased sensitivity of the quantum algorithm persists under coordinated attacks of the most important nodes in scale-free and Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graphs

    Recursive graphs with small-world scale-free properties

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    We discuss a category of graphs, recursive clique trees, which have small-world and scale-free properties and allow a fine tuning of the clustering and the power-law exponent of their discrete degree distribution. We determine relevant characteristics of those graphs: the diameter, degree distribution, and clustering parameter. The graphs have also an interesting recursive property, and generalize recent constructions with fixed degree distributions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    The spectra of Manhattan street networks

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    AbstractThe multidimensional Manhattan street networks constitute a family of digraphs with many interesting properties, such as vertex symmetry (in fact they are Cayley digraphs), easy routing, Hamiltonicity, and modular structure. From the known structural properties of these digraphs, we determine their spectra, which always contain the spectra of hypercubes. In particular, in the standard (two-dimensional) case it is shown that their line digraph structure imposes the presence of the zero eigenvalue with a large multiplicity

    Análisis simultáneo de aflatoxinas y ocratoxina A en compost por HPLC-MS

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    Las aflatoxinas y ocratoxina A son las micotoxinas más estudiadas debido a su elevada toxicidad y amplia distribución. En este trabajo se describe un método de análisis simultáneo de las aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1, G2 y la ocratoxina A en compost por HPLC-MS. El método consiste en una extracción de las toxinas con MeOH:H 2O, posterior purificación de la muestra con cartuchos de extracción en fase sólida y posterior análisis cromatográfico en 18 minutos utilizando una columna XTerra (2.1x100mm, 3.5mm). En este trabajo se demuestra que no hay presencia de las toxinas de interes a concentraciones superiores a 0,2mg/kg

    Vertex labeling and routing in expanded Apollonian networks

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    We present a family of networks, expanded deterministic Apollonian networks, which are a generalization of the Apollonian networks and are simultaneously scale-free, small-world, and highly clustered. We introduce a labeling of their vertices that allows to determine a shortest path routing between any two vertices of the network based only on the labels.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    High Dimensional Apollonian Networks

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    We propose a simple algorithm which produces high dimensional Apollonian networks with both small-world and scale-free characteristics. We derive analytical expressions for the degree distribution, the clustering coefficient and the diameter of the networks, which are determined by their dimension

    Evolving small-world networks with geographical attachment preference

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    We introduce a minimal extended evolving model for small-world networks which is controlled by a parameter. In this model the network growth is determined by the attachment of new nodes to already existing nodes that are geographically close. We analyze several topological properties for our model both analytically and by numerical simulations. The resulting network shows some important characteristics of real-life networks such as the small-world effect and a high clustering.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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