713 research outputs found

    The impact of contributor confidence, expertise and distance on the crowdsourced land cover data quality

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    There is much interest in the opportunities for formal scientific investigations afforded by crowdsourcing and citizen sensing activities. However, one of the critical research issues relates to the 'quality' of the data collected in this way. This paper uses volunteer data on land cover collected under the Geo-Wiki system, where contributors label the land cover class at a series of locations, with expert labels at the same locations. It examines the statistical relationships between the accuracy of volunteer labels, their self assessed confidence in labeling, their 'experiential distance' to the location under consideration and the level of their domain expertise. The results show that distance has a minor effect on the reliability of land cover labeling, and that generally expertise has a greater effect, but not for all landcover classes

    Potential for low-emissions oil palm production in Indonesia: insights from spatiotemporal dynamics

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    Rising global demand for palm oil has created environmental pressures related to deforestation, burning, and peat exploitation, which in turn drives increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. GHG emissions in oil palm (OP) production are known to vary spatially. However, temporal changes across contrasting management and soil types, are less well studied. This paper quantifies spatiotemporal GHG emissions across contrasting regions, management types, and soil types for the period 1990–2019 to assess the potential for reducing emission. The study focusses on Indonesia, as the biggest producer of OP, and in particular on the North Sumatra and Riau provinces, where OP is intensively produced. GHG inventories in 5 year time steps were constructed to investigate the change in drivers of emissions using spatial data, resampled to a 500 m grid. Total GHG emissions were found to have increased in both regions due to expanding OP production. However, results show a reduction in emissions flux from 1.98 to 1.15 Ton Ceq. ha−1yr−1 in North Sumatra and 9.63–2.67 Ton Ceq. ha−1yr−1 in Riau over the study period. This reduced flux was linked to the decreased deforestation and burning activities, together with increased biomass increment from lower carbon stock area conversion to OP. In both provinces, smallholder plantations emitted fewer emissions than industrial ones, and production on organic soils resulted in consistently higher emissions than on mineral soils. In North Sumatra, emissions under all management and soil types were found to decrease. In Riau, however, GHG emissions on organic soils regardless of management types, remained high. Our findings emphasise that potential for low-emissions OP production is attainable by reducing emissions per unit area through an improved understanding of GHG emissions spatiotemporal variability and their drivers. These contribute to reinforcing ongoing government regulations and guiding the industry towards low-emission OP productions

    Semantic analysis of citizen sensing, crowdsourcing and VGI

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    This paper describes a semantic analysis of terms used to describe citizen sensing and crowdsourced data use in scientific analyses. It applies a latency analysis to journal abstracts downloaded from Scopus that matched one of number of terms related to crowd sourced data and citizen science. The latency analysis shows how the terms associated with crowdsourcing are related and how they have evolved over time.JRC.H.6-Digital Earth and Reference Dat

    Determining riverine sediment storage mechanisms of biologically reactive phosphorus in situ using DGT.

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    Phosphorus (P) is the main reason many surficial water bodies in the UK are currently failing to meet the chemical standards set by the Water Framework Directive (WFD). This work focuses on the role of sediments in the upper reaches of the River Taw in the South West of the UK. Point and diffuse sources of P have been identified as well as a number of mitigation measures applied or planned to address the issues. However, it is unknown what effect these sources have had on the river's sediments and how they will react to diminishing inputs of P into the water column in the future. The diffusive gradient in thin-films (DGT) method is utilised in situ to quantify and identify labile, potentially bioavailable P fluxes and potential storage mechanisms at sites of known diffuse and point P inputs. In the vicinity of a heavily contaminated point source, data present here shows that sediments are still acting as a sink. The proposed mechanism for this is the formation of a 'calcium cap' which provides a geochemical barrier between the sediment and overlying water to prevent loss of labile P. The strong correlation between calcium and total P under most circumstances supports this hypothesis. This conclusion provides some confidence that even though P concentrations in some sediments are significantly elevated, mobility between the sediment and overlying water is restricted. In the context of routine monitoring against WFD targets, the molybdenum blue method generally employed to determine soluble reactive phosphorus was shown to not be equivalent to the DGT labile P pool, especially at pristine or moderately point/diffuse influenced sites. This is likely due to desorption of weakly bound P from colloids, which is unavailable to DGT devices. These results have the potential to be scaled up to the full catchment or other catchments which exhibit similar physical and chemical sediment composition and provide a stronger foundation for management and target setting than current monitoring approaches

    The PKU & ME study: A qualitative exploration, through co-creative sessions, of attitudes and experience of the disease among adults with phenylketonuria in Italy

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    Background: Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a hereditary metabolic disease that can be diagnosed and successfully treated from birth with a lifelong phenylalanine-restricted dietary regimen. However, optimal adherence to diet remains an issue and often progressively decreases after adolescence. The study aimed to explore the experience of adults living with PKU in order to gain insights related to their adherence to diet and engagement in managing their condition. Methods: The study adopted a qualitative methodology in sessions that combined specifically designed co- creation exercises with focus group discussion. Adults with early-treated classic PKU were enrolled for 2 different sessions - one for adherent and one for non-adherent patients. The verbatim notes of both sessions and focus group were analyzed using content analysis. Results: Twelve adherent and nine non-adherent adults with PKU participated. Besides the behavioral dictates of following a strict diet, adherent adults reported a positive mental approach and organizational rigor; they seemed aware of the consequences of high-phenylalanine levels, reporting that it can affect mood and conse- quently social interactions which they value highly. In the non-adherent group, the individuals seemed to not fully accept their disease: they were aware of the consequences of non-adherence in children but not in adults, they felt the management of PKU was an individual burden and they experienced a feeling of \u2018diversity\u2019 in the social context (related to eating) that caused emotional distress. PKU seemed a very influential element of the identity both for adherent and non-adherent adults, but with different consequences for the two groups. Finally, all participants reported the desire to be assisted in a healthcare setting dedicated to adults. Conclusions: The findings expand the understanding of the psychological experience of adult patients with PKU in relation to their disease and its dietary requirements, highlighting specific factors that might drive tailored educational or psychological intervention to improve adherence and engagement in the care process

    Image matching of firearm fingerprints

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    A spent cartridge case exhibits characteristic markings (firearm fingerprint) that can be used to identify the type and possibly make of weapon in which the cartridge was fired. This report details research into the use of discriminant analysis for the purpose of matching spent rim-fire cartridge cases to specific make and model firearms. The discrimination and classification are based on several scalar shape parameters for the two-dimensional silhouette of the firing pin (FP) impression-- shape factor calculated from the second order moment of inertia, G factor calculated from the distance transform, and the P2A factor- as well as the distance between the centre of the cartridge case and the centroid of the FP impression, and the orientation of the principal centroidal axes associated with the FP impression. Classification results for two case studies are detailed: (i) 3 different make/model weapons producing different shaped FP impressions, and (ii) 5 different make/model weapons each producing a rectangular FP impression

    Visualising the past – an evaluation of processes and sequences for fingermark recovery from old documents

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    This study aimed to collect data on the effectiveness of most of the fingermark visualisation reagents currently used on porous surfaces on fingermarks aged for up to 90 years, significantly extending the timescales for which such information exists. A limited subset of the variables associated with processing of old fingermarks was explored, with a focus on the use of 1,8 diazafluoren-9-one (DFO), 1,2-indandione, ninhydrin, and physical developer. These techniques were used in sequence on batches of cheques between 11 and 32 years old, and on documents dating from the 1920s and 1940s. The potential for applying a physical developer enhancement process (blue toning) as the final step in the sequence was also explored. The benefits of using processing sequences on porous items were clearly demonstrated, with all processes in the sequence adding value in terms of additional marks found on the cheques up to 32 years old. In addition, physical developer was found to be capable of developing fingermarks up to 90 years old, whereas the amino acid reagents appear less effective on documents of 70 years and older. An experimental physical developer formulation with reduced environmental impact was found to be as effective as the existing process in these experiments. Blue toning was found to visualise an additional 10-25% of marks, and its wider use after silver-based deposition processes is recommended based on the evidence from this study.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Comparison of Data Fusion Methods Using Crowdsourced Data in Creating a Hybrid Forest Cover Map

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    Data fusion represents a powerful way of integrating individual sources of information to produce a better output than could be achieved by any of the individual sources on their own. This paper focuses on the data fusion of different land cover products derived from remote sensing. In the past, many different methods have been applied, without regard to their relative merit. In this study, we compared some of the most commonly-used methods to develop a hybrid forest cover map by combining available land cover/forest products and crowdsourced data on forest cover obtained through the Geo-Wiki project. The methods include: nearest neighbour, naive Bayes, logistic regression and geographically-weighted logistic regression (GWR), as well as classification and regression trees (CART). We ran the comparison experiments using two data types: presence/absence of forest in a grid cell; percentage of forest cover in a grid cell. In general, there was little difference between the methods. However, GWR was found to perform better than the other tested methods in areas with high disagreement between the inputs

    Modelling impacts of seasonal wastewater treatment plant effluent permits and biosolid substitution for phosphorus management in catchments and river systems

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    The issues of diffuse and point source phosphorus (P) pollution in river systems are presented using a catchment model to assess nutrient behaviour, seasonal effluent standards and biosolid substitution. A process-based, dynamic water quality model (INCA-P) has been applied to four UK catchments, namely, the Rivers Tywi, Wensum, Lunan and Hampshire Avon, to simulate water fluxes, sediments, total phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations. The model has been used to assess impacts of both agricultural runoff and point P sources from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) on water quality. With increasing costs for P fertilizer and P reduction at WWTPs, a strategy of recycling P from WWTPs as biosolids to substitute for fertilizers in vulnerable catchments has been investigated. Significant reductions in P concentrations are achieved if this substitution were implemented on a large scale. Reductions in SRP of between 6% and 41% can be achieved using this strategy. The effects of implementing new WWTP standards are shown to reduce SRP by 30%. Seasonal consent standards applied in only summer months could reduce SRP by 53% and achieve a substantial reduction in treatment costs year round
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