38 research outputs found

    Attentive Learning of Sequential Handwriting Movements: A Neural Network Model

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    Defense Advanced research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409, N00014-92-J-1309); National Science Foundation (IRI-97-20333); National Institutes of Health (I-R29-DC02952-01)

    Measuring Generalization of Visuomotor Perturbations in Wrist Movements Using Mobile Phones

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    Recent studies in motor control have shown that visuomotor rotations for reaching have narrow generalization functions: what we learn during movements in one direction only affects subsequent movements into close directions. Here we wanted to measure the generalization functions for wrist movement. To do so we had 7 subjects performing an experiment holding a mobile phone in their dominant hand. The mobile phone's built in acceleration sensor provided a convenient way to measure wrist movements and to run the behavioral protocol. Subjects moved a cursor on the screen by tilting the phone. Movements on the screen toward the training target were rotated and we then measured how learning of the rotation in the training direction affected subsequent movements in other directions. We find that generalization is local and similar to generalization patterns of visuomotor rotation for reaching

    Particles and polarity in 'bad' and 'good' Hurford Conditionals

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    The Scaling of Winner-Takes-All Accuracy with Population Size

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    Purkinje cells in the lateral cerebellum of the cat encode visual events and target motion during visually guided reaching

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    In this study the receipt of visual information by the lateral cerebellum and its contribution to a motor output was studied using single unit recording of cerebellar cortical neurones in cats trained to perform visually guided reaching. The activity of Purkinje cells and other cortical neurones in the lateral cerebellum was investigated in relation to various aspects of the task, such as visual events, parameters of target movement, and limb and eye movements. Two-thirds (66%) of Purkinje cells tested could signal simple visual events, such as a flash of light. Neurones were also capable of detecting other less potent, but behaviourally important visual events, such as a ‘GO’ signal (LED brightening). Half of the cells tested were responsive to the on-going motion of the visual target, displaying tonically altered discharge rates for as long as it was moving, and a ‘preferred’ target velocity. A small proportion of cells showed short latency visual modulation that persisted during the forelimb reach. Anatomical tracing studies confirmed that the recordings were obtained from the D1 zone of crus I. In summary, cells in this region of lateral cerebellar cortex perform simple visual functions, such as event detection, but also more complex visual functions, such as encoding parameters of target motion, and their visual responsiveness is appropriate for a role in accurate visually guided reaching to a moving target

    Coherent neural representation of hand speed in humans revealed by MEG imaging

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    The spiking activity of single neurons in the primate motor cortex is correlated with various limb movement parameters, including velocity. Recent findings obtained using local field potentials suggest that hand speed may also be encoded in the summed activity of neuronal populations. At this macroscopic level, the motor cortex has also been shown to display synchronized rhythmic activity modulated by motor behavior. Yet whether and how neural oscillations might be related to limb speed control is still poorly understood. Here, we applied magnetoencephalography (MEG) source imaging to the ongoing brain activity in subjects performing a continuous visuomotor (VM) task. We used coherence and phase synchronization to investigate the coupling between the estimated activity throughout the brain and the simultaneously recorded instantaneous hand speed. We found significant phase locking between slow (2- to 5-Hz) oscillatory activity in the contralateral primary motor cortex and time-varying hand speed. In addition, we report long-range task-related coupling between primary motor cortex and multiple brain regions in the same frequency band. The detected large-scale VM network spans several cortical and subcortical areas, including structures of the frontoparietal circuit and the cerebello–thalamo–cortical pathway. These findings suggest a role for slow coherent oscillations in mediating neural representations of hand kinematics in humans and provide further support for the putative role of long-range neural synchronization in large-scale VM integration. Our findings are discussed in the context of corticomotor communication, distributed motor encoding, and possible implications for brain–machine interfaces