143 research outputs found


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    Indagini sul più antico esempio di documentazione pubblica originale, conosciuta, che riguardi la storia dell \u27 lstria. Rassegna delle controverse attribuzioni dei due diplomi di Ludovico Il, destinati al monastero di S. Michele in Diliano, ed esposizione di nuove argomentazioni a favore della pertinenza della documentazione all \u27area istriana, e alla diocesi di Parenzo. Osservazioni sulla collocazione attuale degli stessi e sulla loro provenienza da altri archivi.U kaptolskoj arhivi u Udinama i u Driavnoj arhivi Brescie sacuvane su dvije originalne diplome iz IX stolijeéa, naCinjene u pisamici Ludviga II, i namjenjene samostanu Sv. Mihovila u Dilianu. Ta dva dokumenta zasebno su izdana veé u XII stoljeéu, izdali su ih Ludovico Antonio Muratori i Antonio Francesco Gori; prva bijase pripisan jednom samostanu u samoj Koruskoj, a druga diploma samostanu u Beligni pokraj Oglaja. Daljna istra.Zivanja identificirala su Villach, Taranto i Devin (pokraj Trsta), ali bez uvjerljivih dokaza kao, potporu za takve pretpostavke. Pietro Kandler je bio prvi koji je formulirao uvjerljivu pretpostavku, prepoznajuéi Sv. Mihovila iz Diliana kao originalnu jezgru samostanske institucije, koja ée stoljeéima biti poznata kao Sv. Mihovil pod zemljom, u Poreckoj biskupiji, dokazujuci tako pripadnost tih dokumenata istarskoj povijesti. Cak i novije dvostruko izdanje diploma, u zbirci <<Monumentae Germanicae Historica>> i > - ( «> ), koje je sastavio Konrad Wagner, prihvaéa kandlerovu prepostavku, ali ne ulazeéi u valjanost tog poistovjeéivanja. Novija istrazivanja na dokumentima, pogotovo na biljeskama koje se nalaze na poledini istih, i koje prije nisu bile otkrivene, dopustaju iznosenje novih argumentacija u korist ispravnosti prioisivanja diplome istarskom kraju i poreckoj biskupiji, potvrdujuéi tako porijeklo diplome iz Udina, iz kaptolskog arhiva Aquileje, i provjeru da Ii je ista prethodno pripadala arhivu samostana u Beligni, te da li je ondje uz ostalu istarsku dokumentaciju bila i cuvana. Izmedu ostalog ovo nam je istra.Zivanje dopustilo i da ispravimo jednu gresku u nizu akata Ludviga II, odstranjujuéi s moguéeg spiska diplomu koja po svoj prilici pripada samostanu u Beligni. Identifikaciija S. Mihovila u Dilianu s S. Mihovilom pod zemljom, nije prihvatljiva bez zadrske, posto nije dostatna samo istovjetnost posvete i postojanja slicnog na pocetku XIII st., na razdaljini od 6 km, u blizini crkva Sv. Marije od Polja. Koncentracija samostanskih institucija na podrucju Porestine i prisutstvo nalaza iz klasicnog i srednjovijekovnog perioda na podrucju crkve Sv. Marije u Polju sugeriraju nam veéi oprez


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    Nazocnost primjerka Saggio di bibliografia istriana (Ogleda istarske bibliografije) Carla Combija u Diplomatskom arhivu Gradske biblioteke u Trstu, s bilje5kama Pietra Kandlera, polemikama glede autora i Bibliografije uopée, potakla je istrazivanje o nastanku toga djela . Od dokumenata su predstavljeni prijepis Kandlerova komentara dopisana u gore navedenu primjerku i niz ulomaka iz pisama kljucnih osoba oko toga djela, koje nas izvjeséuju o vaznosti koju im Kandler, sastavljanjem svoga <<Plana za istarske tiskotine>>, pridaje u organiziranju rada na Bibliografiji. Od najzanimljivijih je kritika, u komentaru trséanskoga povjesnika o Bibliografiji, ona koja se odnosi na nedostatak u njoj naziva izdanja na slavenskom jeziku. Clanak zavrsava razmatranjima svrsishodnosti ponovne izrade, nakon 120 godina, nove Bibliografije, ustrojene uz pomoé kompjutora kao banka podataka, sto bi mogio otvoriti novo poglavlje u istrazivanju istarske povijesti

    Sudden unexpected death in children with epilepsy: the many faces of fungal pathogenicity

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    Epilepsy is one of the most prevalent neurological diseases worldwide. the mortality rates are considerably higher in people with epilepsy than would be expected in a healthy population and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is the most frequent epilepsy-related category of death. Most children had seizures before the occurrence of the fatal event and autonomic dysfunction has been proposed as mechanisms of sudden death in this population. Is this sense, we raise the question whether is there a possible relationship between SUDEP in children and fungal pathogenicity. Indeed, the role of fungal pathogenicity in the establishment of epilepsy and even in cases of SUDEP has an interesting role in this scenario. Moreover, maternal infections during pregnancy have been associated with an increased risk for several brain disorders, however, this fact is still considered uncertain with respect to epilepsy.Based on this information and considering that maternal-fetal yeast infection is directly associated with an increased risk for epilepsy in childhood and that some patients have medically intractable epilepsy, the chances of these children suffering a fatal event cannot be overlooked by healthcare professionals. Thus, as exact knowledge regarding this association is lacking, some possibilities could be evaluated, and more emphasis on translational research would contribute to further progress to the knowledge of SUDEP. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med UNIFESP EPM, Disciplina Neurol Expt, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med UNIFESP EPM, Dept Psicobiol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med UNIFESP EPM, Disciplina Doencas Infecciosas, Dept Med, São Paulo, BrazilUPM, Neurobiol Lab, Programa Posgrad Disturbios Desenvolvimento, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med UNIFESP EPM, Disciplina Neurol Expt, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med UNIFESP EPM, Dept Psicobiol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med UNIFESP EPM, Disciplina Doencas Infecciosas, Dept Med, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Cleavage of chromogranin A N-terminal domain by plasmin provides a new mechanism for regulating cell adhesion

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    It has been proposed that chromogranin A (CgA), a protein secreted by many normal and neoplastic neuroendocrine cells, can play a role as a positive or a negative modulator of cell adhesion. The mechanisms that regulate these extracellular functions of CgA are unknown. We show here that plasmin can regulate the anti/pro-adhesive activity of CgA by proteolytic cleavage of the N-terminal domain. Limited proteolytic processing decreased its anti-adhesive activity and induced pro-adhesive effects in fibronectin or serum-dependent fibroblast adhesion assays. Cleavage of Lys(77)-Lys(78) dibasic site in CgA(1-115) was relatively rapid and associated with an increase of pro-adhesive effect. In contrast, antibodies against the region 53-90 enhanced the anti-adhesive activity of CgA and CgA(1-115). Structure-activity relationship studies showed that the conserved region 47-64 (RILSILRHQNLLKELQDL) is critical for both pro- and anti-adhesive activity. These findings suggest that CgA might work on one hand as a negative modulator of cell adhesion and on the other hand as a precursor of positive modulators, the latter requiring proteolytic processing for activation. Given the importance of plasminogen activation in tissue invasion and remodeling, the interplay between CgA and plasmin could provide a novel mechanism for regulating fibroblast adhesion and function in neuroendocrine tumors

    Analysis of the human Y-chromosome haplogroup Q characterizes ancient population movements in Eurasia and the Americas

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    Background: Recent genome studies of modern and ancient samples have proposed that Native Americans derive from a subset of the Eurasian gene pool carried to America by an ancestral Beringian population, from which two well-differentiated components originated and subsequently mixed in different proportion during their spread in the Americas. To assess the timing, places of origin and extent of admixture between these components, we performed an analysis of the Y-chromosome haplogroup Q, which is the only Pan-American haplogroup and accounts for virtually all Native American Y chromosomes in Mesoamerica and South America. Results: Our analyses of 1.5 Mb of 152 Y chromosomes, 34 re-sequenced in this work, support a "coastal and inland routes scenario" for the first entrance of modern humans in North America. We show a major phase of male population growth in the Americas after 15 thousand years ago (kya), followed by a period of constant population size from 8 to 3 kya, after which a secondary sign of growth was registered. The estimated dates of the first expansion in Mesoamerica and the Isthmo-Colombian Area, mainly revealed by haplogroup Q-Z780, suggest an entrance in South America prior to 15 kya. During the global constant population size phase, local South American hints of growth were registered by different Q-M848 sub-clades. These expansion events, which started during the Holocene with the improvement of climatic conditions, can be ascribed to multiple cultural changes rather than a steady population growth and a single cohesive culture diffusion as it occurred in Europe. Conclusions: We established and dated a detailed haplogroup Q phylogeny that provides new insights into the geographic distribution of its Eurasian and American branches in modern and ancient samples

    Structure-activity relationships of chromogranin A in cell adhesion. Identification of an adhesion site for fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells.

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    Previous studies showed that chromogranin A (CgA), a glycoprotein stored and co-released with various hormones by neuroendocrine cells and neurons, can modulate cell adhesion. We have investigated the structure-activity relationships of CgA using fibroblasts and coronary artery smooth muscle cells in adhesion assays. A recombinant CgA fragment 1-78 and a peptide 7-57 containing reduced and alkylated cysteines (Cys(17) and Cys(38)) induced cell adhesion after adsorption onto solid phases at 50-100 nm. Peptides lacking the disulfide loop region, including residues 47-68, 39-59, and 39-68, induced cell adhesion, either bound to solid phases at 200-400 nm or added to the liquid phase at 5-10 microm, whereas peptide 60-68 was inactive, suggesting that residues 47-57 are important for activity. The effect of CgA-(1-78) was blocked by anti-CgA antibodies against epitopes including residues Arg(53), His(54), and Leu(57). Substitutions of residues His(54), Gln(55), and Asn(56) with alanine decreased the cell adhesion activity of peptide 47-68. These results suggest that the region 47-57 (RILSILRHQNL) contains a cell adhesion site and that the disulfide bridge is not necessary for the proadhesive activity. The ability of soluble peptides to elicit proadhesive effects suggests an indirect mechanism. The high sequence conservation and accessibility to antibodies suggest that this region is important for the physiological role of CgA

    Self-efficacy and work performance: the role of job crafting in middle-age workers

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    In the last years, the scientific interest on job crafting within the Job demands-resources theory has been increased. The paper aimed to examine the role of job crafting in the relationship between self-efficacy and performance at work. Based on Job demands-resources theory, we hypothesized that employees with higher levels of self-efficacy would be most likely to make proactively changes in their own jobs in order to perform well. Specifically, we hypothesized that job crafting may mediate the positive effects between self-efficacy and work performance and organizational citizenship behaviours. Participants were 361 employees of different Italian organizations. Results from SEM showed the positive effect of self-efficacy on job crafting, work performance, and organizational citizenship behaviours. Furthermore, job crafting partially mediated the relationship between self-efficacy and work performance and totally mediated the relationship between self-efficacy and organizational citizenship behaviours. Findings suggest that job crafting can play a crucial role in the influence of personal resources, as self-efficacy, and the performance at work. Findings suggest that job crafting can play a crucial role in the influence of personal resources, as self-efficacy, and the performance at work

    Management of self-inflicted orchiectomy in psychiatric patient. Case report and non-systematic review of the literature

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    Introduction: Self-inflicted orchidectomy and auto-castration, also known as “Eshmun complex” is a rare phenomenon. The aim of our study it to present the management of a patient who performed a self orchiectomy and propose a non-systematic review of literature about self-orchiectomy. Material and method: A 27-years old male Patient with psychiatric disorder was admitted to our ward to have been cutted his scrotum with scissors and cut away his left testicle causing active bleeding from the left spermatic artery. The patient underwent emergency surgery with clamping of the spermatic cord and hemostasis of the wound. Results: After surgery the clinical condition of the patient remained good during whole hospitalization. Urgent psychiatric evaluation was performed in order to administer proper therapy for acute management. To best of our knowledge, only 11 cases of self-orchidectomy are reported in literature and all of them except 1 case, underwent surgical exploration. Conclusions: Self-orchidectomy is an extremely rare phenomenon, often associated with psychiatric disorders, compounded by the use of drugs. In our opinion, emergency surgery should be the first choice of treatment, offering diagnostic and hemostatic purpose in a single act, aimed to prevent acute and postacute complications

    Italian experiences in the management of andrological patients at the time of Coronavirus pandemic.

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    The SARS-CoV-2 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) was first reported in December 2019, then its rapid spread around the world caused a global pandemic in March 2020 recording a high death rate. The epicenter of the victims moved from Asia to Europe and then to the United States. In this Pandemic, the different governance mechanisms adopted by local health regional authorities made the difference in terms of contagiousness and mortality together with a community strong solidarity. This document analyzes the andrological urgencies management in public hospitals and in private practice observed in Italy and in particular in the most affected Italian Regions: Emilia-Romagna and Marche