282 research outputs found

    Direct-acting antivirals and visceral leishmaniasis: A case report

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    Background: Visceral leishmaniasis is a vector-borne parasitic disease caused by protozoa belonging to the genus Leishmania. The clinical presentation of visceral leishmaniasis strictly depends on the host immunocompetency, whereas depressive conditions of the immune system impair the capability to resolve the infection and allow reactivation from sites of latency of the parasite. Case presentation: We describe a case of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) that occurred in a patient with chronic hepatitis C treated with direct-acting antiviral drugs (DAA). The hypothesized mechanism is the alteration of protective inflammation mechanisms secondary to DAA therapy. Downregulation of type II and III IFNs, their receptors, which accompany HCV clearance achieved during treatment with sofosbuvir and ribavirin might have a negative impact on a risk for reactivation of a previous Leishmania infection. We know indeed that IFN-\u3b3 is important to enhance killing mechanisms in macrophages, which are the primary target cells of Leishmania. Conclusion: Since VL is endemic in Sicily as well as in other countries of the Mediterranean basin, physicians should be aware of the possible unmasking of cryptic Leishmania infection by DAAs

    Optimized search strategy for detecting scientifically strong studies on treatment through PubMed

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    Our study was designed to optimize the search strategies based on the work of Haynes et al. for detecting randomized controlled trials (RCTs) through PubMed. In particular, we aimed to improve precision for broad and narrow searches on interventional studies. We used in addition to the string suggested by the Hedge Team the following: {NOT ((animals [mh] NOT humans [mh]) OR (review [pt] OR meta-analysis [pt]))} and tested its effectiveness. The search was carried out on a year's worth of articles from the PubMed database. We analyzed 35,590 bibliographic citations about four relevant major topics in internal medicine (hypertension, diabetes, heart failure, and hepatitis). Precision, percentage gain between the Hedge Team search strategies and the new one were computed and reported in the text. Moreover, a pooled analysis was carried out in terms of absolute precision difference. We observed better precision for both broad and narrow searches. However, effective gain resulted only for broad searches. In this case, bibliographic citation recall effectively reduced (-24 to -35 % retrieved citation with a gain of 32-54 %) without loss of information. The search strategy improved broad searches regarding each of the four considered topics. We think this new search strategy, based on a previous work of the Hedge team, could be a step forward and can save some time by researchers

    Mediterranean visceral leishmaniasis in immunocompetent children. Report of two cases relapsed after specific therapy

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is endemic in areas bordering the Mediterranean Sea (Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Morocco, Tunisia) where it is caused by Leishmania infantum and is transmitted by the bite of a hematophagous sandfly belonging to Phlebotomus spp.; the dog constitutes the main reservoir of infection. Two cases of VL in immunocompetent children are described. Both patients lived in endemic areas for leishmaniasis (Sicily) and at admission were febrile, pale and had splenomegaly. In both patients anti-leishmania antibodies were present and a definitive diagnosis was confirmed by demonstration of leishmania parasites by microscopy or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the bone marrow aspirates. The use of PCR performed on peripheral blood has been reported to be highly sensitive for the diagnosis and follow-up of children with VL. One patient was treated with N-dimethylglucamine, Glucantim, the other one with liposomal Amphotericin B (AmBisome). Both had symptomatic relapses 3 months later, and recovered following re-treatment with AmBisome administered intravenously at a dosage of 3 mg/Kg for ten consecutive days. The patients were monitored for one year after treatment was complete

    Chromosome analysis using different staining techniques and fluorescent in situ hybridization in Cerithium vulgatum (Gastropoda: Cerithiidae)

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    In the present paper one population of the "large" subtidal mollusc Cerithium vulgatum Bruguiere, 1792 (Gastropoda: Cerithiidae) from the Northwestern coast of Sicily was investigated from a karyological point of view. The chromosome complement was Giemsa stained, conventionally karyotyped in 18 homomorphic chromosome pairs (10 bi-armed and 8 mono-armed), and subsequently analysed using silver, CMA3 and DAPI staining, and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with three repetitive DNA probes [ribosomal DNA (rDNA), (TTAGGG)n and (GATA)n]. FISH with the rDNA probe consistently mapped major ribosomal sites (18S-28S rDNA) in the terminal region of the short arms of one small sized mono-armed chromosome pair. Ribosomal DNA was transciptionally active as indicated by its preferential impregnation with silver nitrate (Ag-NOR) and did not contain a high amount of GC base pairs as suggested by the lack of a bright CMA3 fluorescence. The (TTAGGG)n telomeric probe was hybridized to the termini of nearly all chromosomes, thus demonstrating that, in C. vulgatum, this sequence has been conserved during the genomic evolution. The finding of the telomeric hexanucleotide in six species belonging to the three high taxa of Gastropoda supports the notion that this sequence is widespread within this class. The (GATA)n probe did not label any chromosome regions except for a minute terminal area of a single bivalent at pachytene stage

    Serological screening for Leishmania infantum in asymptomatic blood donors living in an endemic area (Sicily, Italy)

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    The purpose of our study was to assess whether Leishmania infantum parasitemia occurs in asymptomatic Leishmania-seropositive subjects. Samples from 500 blood donors were tested using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Anti-Leishmania antibodies were not found in any sample. Our findings suggest that the risk of L. infantum transmission by blood transfusion in Sicily is very low