47 research outputs found

    El model lingüístic educatiu a les Balears en l'ensenyament no universitari

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    Clonal analysis of stem cells in differentiation and disease.

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    Tracking the fate of individual cells and their progeny by clonal analysis has redefined the concept of stem cells and their role in health and disease. The maintenance of cell turnover in adult tissues is achieved by the collective action of populations of stem cells with an equal likelihood of self-renewal or differentiation. Following injury stem cells exhibit striking plasticity, switching from homeostatic behavior in order to repair damaged tissues. The effects of disease states on stem cells are also being uncovered, with new insights into how somatic mutations trigger clonal expansion in early neoplasia.BC and PHJ are supported by a core grant from the Wellcome Trust to the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. PHJ acknowledges support from a Cancer Research UK Programme Grant (C609/A17257).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ceb.2016.07.00

    Les autoritats lingüístiques

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    Each of the languages declared to be official by the Constitution or Statutes of Autonomy has a language authority that has been recognized by the central government. These language authorities have adopted the model of the language academy. Among the most prominent of its functions are setting standards for the respective languages and overseeing their unity. Some of these academies are private in origin, while others rely on the sponsorhip or initiative of the provincial governing bodies (Diputaciones provinciales). The statutes of autonomy or language standardization laws for the respective autonomous communities have, in general, explicitly recognized these language authorities. The Balear Statute of Autonomy provides for an official consultative institution for all matters having to do with the Catalan language: the University of the Balearic Islands. As for the Valencian Statute of Autonomy, it has proclaimed the Valencian Academy of the Language as language authority

    La reforma de l'Estatut d'autonomia de les Illes Balears de 2007 i la llengua catalana

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    En aquest treball s'analitza la regulació de la llengua catalana a la reforma de l'Estatut d'autonomia de les Illes Balears de 2007 posant especial èmfasi en les posicions dels principals protagonistes de la reforma (grups parlamentaris, Comissió Assessora per a la Reforma de l'Estatut i els seus membres, entitats, especialistes, i alguns mitjans de comunicació). Per això, hem estudiat els antecedents, el context polític en el qual es fa la reforma, les qüestions que es proposaren per reformar, els treballs parlamentaris, el resultat de la reforma, així com la seva valoració. Ens hem centrat en els treballs parlamentaris més que no pas sobre el resultat final, que no varia substancialment del que ja regulava l'Estatut després de la reforma de 1999

    Caso clinicopatológico: varón joven con disminución del nivel de conciencia y consumo reciente de cocaína

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    Varón de 43 años, consumidor habitual de cocaína, que habiendo sido encontrado en su domicilio con bajo nivel de conciencia es remitido a nuestro hospital. Se le practica TAC craneal que muestra hematomas lobar izquierdo y subdural interhemisférico, así como infarto isquémico frontoparietal izquierdo, siendo intervenido a continuación para evacuación del hematoma. La evolución inicial es tórpida en UCI, con diversas infecciones pulmonares bacterianas. Pasa a planta convencional de forma estable al 21 día del ingreso. El día 30 del ingreso presenta muerte súbita.This is the case of a 43 years old male, cocaine user, found at home with low level of consciousness and admitted to our hospital. A brain CT was performed, founding parenchymal and subdural hematoma and ischemic left stroke, undergoing brain surgery. He had a torpid evolution at the ICU, with several bacterial lung infections, and went to the neurosurgical unit after 21 days. He died suddenly, with no previous sympthoms, at the 30th day of admission

    Clinico-pathologic case: 26 years old Woman with abdominal pain and ascites

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    Mujer de 26 años natural de Ecuador, sin antecedentes de interés, que refiere dolor abdominal y síndrome febril sin foco claro, presentando durante el ingreso ascitis, lesiones cutáneas y afectación sinusoidal. Tras maniobras diagnósticas se requiere laparotomía exploratoria con resultado de necrosis uterina masiva que obliga a histerectomía urgente, ingresando en UCI donde fallece. El caso se presenta en el foro de las sesiones clinicopatológicas del Hospital Son Espases.The case is that of a 26 years old ecuatorian woman with no pathological history, who arrives at the emergency room with the main complaint of abdominal pain and fever of unknown origin. She suffered from ascites, skin papules and sinus disease. After all the preliminary diagnostic tests were done, she underwent a diagnostic laparotomy which rendered the result of uterine necrosis, leading to hysterectomy. She was admitted to the intensive care unit, where she died a few days later. The case is discussed in the context of a clinico-pathologic general session at Hospital Son Espases

    Varón de 50 años, VIH positivo, con trombopenia y rectorragias

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    Se trata de un varón de 50 años, VIH no controlado, que ingresó en el hospital por un shock séptico de origen respiratorio. Además presentaba episodios repetidos de rectorragias sin objetivar causa pese a pruebas diagnósticas dirigidas, así como trombopenia persistente. Se realizaron pruebas endoscópicas invasivas sin encontrar la causa, así como pruebas de imagen abdominal (TAC y aortografía) que no mostraron alteraciones. Ante una PCR para CMV positiva en sangre se administró tratamiento con foscarnet, persistiendo las rectorragias y la trombopenia. Ante la persistencia de las rectorragias, se valoró intervención quirúrgica, que se desestimó dado el alto riesgo quirúrgico. El caso se presenta en el foro de las sesiones clinicopatológicas del Hospital Universitario Son Espases.This is a case of a 50-year-old VIH positive male with no medical monitoring, who was admitted to the hospital with septic shock due to an underlying respiratory cause. He also presented repeated rectal bleedings of unknown origin and thrombopenia. Upper and lower endoscopies, abdominal CAT scans and aortography were all negative. Treatment with foscarnet was started after a CMV positive serum -PCR with no improvement. Surgery was not considered, given the high surgical risk. The case is discussed in the context of a clinicopathological general session at Son Espases Universitary Hospital

    Clinico-pathologic case: male with myocardiopathy and rapidly progressive cardiac failure

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    Se presenta el caso de un varón de 66 años, sin alergias medicamentosas conocidas. Fumó durante más de 40 años, actualmente exfumador. Sin antecedentes familiares de patología cardíaca- En diciembre de 2011 presenta disnea progresiva a los moderados- mínimos esfuerzos que le obliga a acudir en diversas ocasiones a los servicios de urgencias. Se le diagnostica de neumonía del lóbulo medio del pulmón derecho e inicia tratamiento antibiótico empírico. El paciente acude recientemente a Urgencias por edema en miembros inferiores y aumento de peso. Tras ingresar, la evolución inicial es buena y muestra mejora de la disnea y reducción del edema. Se realiza una prueba específica que proporciona el diagnóstico y se inicia el tratamiento correspondiente. El caso se presenta en el foro de las sesiones clinicopatológicas del Hospital Son EspasesThe case is that of a 66 year old male, with no known drug allergies. He is an ex smoker for over 40 years. He has no family history of heart disease. In December/2011 he present with progressive dyspnea at moderate-small efforts and is admitted several times to the ER. He is diagnosed with right middle lobe pneumonia, and an empiric antibiotic treatment is started. The patient is recently admitted to the ER for increased edema of the lower limbs and weight gain. After admission, the initial evolution is good, showing improvement of his dyspnea and reduction of the edema. An specific test is ordered that provides a diagnosis and treatment is established accordingly. The case is discussed in the context of a clinico-pathologic general session at Hospital Son Espase

    A single-progenitor model as the unifying paradigm of epidermal and esophageal epithelial maintenance in mice

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    Abstract: In adult skin epidermis and the epithelium lining the esophagus cells are constantly shed from the tissue surface and replaced by cell division. Tracking genetically labelled cells in transgenic mice has given insight into cell behavior, but conflicting models appear consistent with the results. Here, we use an additional transgenic assay to follow cell division in mouse esophagus and the epidermis at multiple body sites. We find that proliferating cells divide at a similar rate, and place bounds on the distribution cell cycle times. By including these results in a common analytic approach, we show that data from eight lineage tracing experiments is consistent with tissue maintenance by a single population of proliferating cells. The outcome of a given cell division is unpredictable but, on average, the likelihood of producing proliferating and differentiating cells is equal, ensuring cellular homeostasis. These findings are key to understanding squamous epithelial homeostasis and carcinogenesis