19,263 research outputs found

    The Transversity Function and Double Spin Azimuthal Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive Pion Leptoproduction

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    We show that the transverse momentum dependent transversity function is proportional to the longitudinal polarization of a quark in a transversely polarized proton. This result suggests an alternative, convenient method for determining transversity, without knowing unusual fragmentation functions. The method consists of measuring the double spin azimuthal asymmetry in semi-inclusive pion leptoproduction by a transversely polarized proton target. The asymmetry, which is twist 3, is estimated to be more than 10% under the most favorable conditions. The experiment we suggest is feasible at facilities like DESY and CERN.Comment: extended version; to appear on Int. Jou. Mod. Phys.

    Superconducting resonators as beam splitters for linear-optics quantum computation

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    A functioning quantum computer will be a machine that builds up, in a programmable way, nonclassical correlations in a multipartite quantum system. Linear optics quantum computation (LOQC) is an approach for achieving this function that requires only simple, reliable linear optical elements, namely beam splitters and phase shifters. Nonlinear optics is only required in the form of single-photon sources for state initialization, and detectors. However, the latter remain difficult to achieve with high fidelity. A new setting for quantum optics has arisen in circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) using superconducting (SC) quantum devices, and opening up the way to LOQC using microwave, rather than visible photons. Much progress is being made in SC qubits and cQED: high-fidelity Fock state generation and qubit measurements provide single photon sources and detection. Here we show that the LOQC toolkit in cQED can be completed with high-fidelity (>99.92%) linear optical elements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Eotaxin: a potent eosinophil chemoattractant cytokine detected in a guinea pig model of allergic airways inflammation.

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    Eosinophil accumulation is a prominent feature of allergic inflammatory reactions, such as those occurring in the lung of the allergic asthmatic, but the endogenous chemoattractants involved have not been identified. We have investigated this in an established model of allergic inflammation, using in vivo systems both to generate and assay relevant activity. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid was taken from sensitized guinea pigs at intervals after aerosol challenge with ovalbumin. BAL fluid was injected intradermally in unsensitized assay guinea pigs and the accumulation of intravenously injected 111In-eosinophils was measured. Activity was detected at 30 min after allergen challenge, peaking from 3 to 6 h and declining to low levels by 24 h. 3-h BAL fluid was purified using high performance liquid chromatography techniques in conjunction with the skin assay. Microsequencing revealed a novel protein from the C-C branch of the platelet factor 4 superfamily of chemotactic cytokines. The protein, eotaxin, exhibits homology of 53% with human MCP-1, 44% with guinea pig MCP-1, 31% with human MIP-1α, and 26% with human RANTES. Laser desorption time of flight mass analysis gave four different signals (8.15, 8.38, 8.81, and 9.03 kD), probably reflecting differential O-glycosylation. Eotaxin was highly potent, inducing substantial 111In-eosinophil accumulation at a 1-2-pmol dose in the skin, but did not induce significant 111In-neutrophil accumulation. Eotaxin was a potent stimulator of both guinea pig and human eosinophils in vitro. Human recombinant RANTES, MIP-1α, and MCP-1 were all inactive in inducing 111In-eosinophil accumulation in guinea pig skin; however, evidence was obtained that eotaxin shares a binding site with RANTES on guinea pig eosinophils. This is the first description of a potent eosinophil chemoattractant cytokine generated in vivo and suggests the possibility that similar molecules may be important in the human asthmatic lung

    Conditional expression in corticothalamic efferents reveals a developmental role for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in modulation of passive avoidance behavior

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    Prenatal nicotine exposure has been linked to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and cognitive impairment, but the sites of action for these effects of nicotine are still under investigation. High-affinity nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) contain the .2 subunit and modulate passive avoidance (PA) learning in mice. Using an inducible, tetracycline-regulated transgenic system, we generated lines of mice with expression of high-affinity nicotinic receptors restored in specific neuronal populations. One line of mice shows functional .2 subunit-containing nAChRs localized exclusively in corticothalamic efferents. Functional, presynaptic nAChRs are present in the thalamus of these mice as detected by nicotine-elicited rubidium efflux assays from synaptosomes. Knock-out mice lacking high-affinity nAChRs show elevated baseline PA learning, whereas normal baseline PA behavior is restored in mice with corticothalamic expression of these nAChRs. In contrast, nicotine can enhance PA learning in adult wild-type animals but not in corticothalamic-expressing transgenic mice. When these transgenic mice are treated with doxycycline in adulthood to switch off nAChR expression, baseline PA is maintained even after transgene expression is abolished. These data suggest that high-affinity nAChRs expressed on corticothalamic neurons during development are critical for baseline PA performance and provide a potential neuroanatomical substrate for changes induced by prenatal nicotine exposure leading to long-term behavioral and cognitive deficits

    Double transverse spin asymmetries in vector boson production

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    We investigate a helicity non-flip double transverse spin asymmetry in vector boson production in hadron-hadron scattering, which was first considered by Ralston and Soper at the tree level. It does not involve transversity functions and in principle also arises in W-boson production for which we present the expressions. The asymmetry requires observing the transverse momentum of the vector boson, but it is not suppressed by explicit inverse powers of a large energy scale. However, as we will show, inclusion of Sudakov factors causes suppression of the asymmetry, which increases with energy. Moreover, the asymmetry is shown to be approximately proportional to x_1 g_1(x_1) x_2 \bar g_1(x_2), which gives rise to additional suppression at small values of the light cone momentum fractions. This implies that it is negligible for Z or W production and is mainly of interest for \gamma^* at low energies. We also compare the asymmetry with other types of double transverse spin asymmetries and discuss how to disentangle them.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, 2 Postscript figures, uses aps.sty, epsf.sty; figures replaced, a few minor other correction


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    Non-contact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is common particularly in female athletes during jump landing tasks. Ligament dominance occurs when the muscles cannot control knee movement sufficiently thus increasing medial knee motion. Preferential use of the quadriceps during landing and greater strength compared to the hamstrings also increase the load placed on the ACL (Dugan, 2005). Noyes et al. (2005) measured knee separation distance during jump landings finding an increase after neuromuscular training. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between knee separation distance during drop jump landing and hamstrings and quadriceps strength in female athletes

    Photon Stimulated Desorption and the Effect of Cracking of Condensed Molecules in a Cryogenic Vacuum System

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    The design of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) vacuum system requires a complete understanding of all processes which may affect the residual gas density in the cold bore of the 1.9 K cryomagnets. A wealth of data has been obtained which may be used to predict the residual gas density inside a cold vacuum system exposed to synchrotron radiation. In this study the effect of cracking of cryosorbed molecules by synchrotron radiation photons has been included. Cracking of the molecular species CO2 and CH4 has been observed in recent studies and these findings have been incorporated in a more detailed dynamic gas density model for the LHC. In this paper, we describe the relevant physical processes and the parameters required for a full evaluation. It is shown that the dominant gas species in the LHC vacuum system with its beam screen are H2 and CO. The important result of this study is that while the surface coverage of cryosorbed CH4 and CO2 molecules is limited due to cracking, the coverage of H2 and CO molecules may increase steadily during the long term operation of the machine

    Blown-up p-Branes and the Cosmological Constant

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    We consider a blown-up 3-brane, with the resulting geometry R^(3,1) \times S^(N-1), in an infinite-volume bulk with N > 2 extra dimensions. The action on the brane includes both an Einstein term and a cosmological constant. Similar setups have been proposed both to reproduce 4-d gravity on the brane, and to solve the cosmological constant problem. Here we obtain a singularity-free solution to Einstein's equations everywhere in the bulk and on the brane, which allows us to address these question explicitely. One finds, however, that the proper volume of S^(N-1) and the cosmological constant on the brane have to be fine-tuned relatively to each other, thus the cosmological constant problem is not solved. Moreover the scalar propagator on the brane behaves 4-dimensionally over a phenomenologically acceptable range only if the warp factor on the brane is huge, which aggravates the Weak Scale - Planck Scale hierarchy problem.Comment: 21 pages, no figure

    Study of correlation of production and decay planes in π3π\pi\to3\pi diffractive dissociation process on nuclei

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    A large correlation of production and decay planes of (\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-)-system in dissociation of π\pi^--beam 40 GeV/c on nuclear targets was observed. The dependence of the correlation on atomic number, Feynmann variable and transversal momentum as well as on invariant mass of the pion triple and neutral pion pair were investigated. It was shown that the phenomenon has a clear dynamic origin and resembles the single spin asymmetry behavior.Comment: 8 pages, latex epsfig.sty, 5 eps figures. Submitted to Yad. Fiz