300 research outputs found

    L‘enseignement de la philosophie

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    Cet article porte sur l’enseignement de la philosophie. Il décrit et analyse une remise en question radicale des principaux éléments pédagogiques relatifs à cet enseignement, suite à la création d’un Ministère de l’Éducation au Québec en 1964. Parmi les multiples essais tentés par les professeurs afin de rendre cet enseignement accessible, mesurable et efficace, ce document s’arrête sur un essai de didactique scientifique qui ramène la problématique de l’enseignement philosophique au passage de l’expérience vécue commune à l’expérience philosophique achevée. La méthode utilisée dans l’élaboration de cette didactique s’inspire de la méthode de Raymond Buyse, qui repose sur la notion de fait pédagogique. Mots clés : enseignement, didactique, fait pédagogique, expérience vécue, expériencephilosophique. LA ENSEÑANZA DE LA FILOSOFÍA Este artículo trata de la enseñanza de la filosofía. Se describe y se analiza aquí una puesta en cuestión radical de los principales elementos pedagógicos relativos a esta enseñanza, luego de la creación de un Ministerio de la Educación en Quebec en 1964. Entre los múltiples intentos acometidos por los profesores con el fin de volver dichaenseñanza accesible, medible y eficaz, este documento se detiene sobre un ensayo de didáctica científica que conduce la problemática de la enseñanza filosófica del tránsito de la experiencia común vivida a la experiencia filosófica acabada. El método utilizado en la elaboración de esta didáctica se inspira en el método de Raymond Buyse, que se basa en la noción de hecho pedagógico. Palabras clave : enseñanza, didáctica, hecho pedagógico, experiencia común, experiencia filosófica.

    La formation à la gestion des risques naturels dans les collectivités territoriales

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    Montpellier-Grenoble... 1942. Eléments pour une histoire des organisations communistes juives en zone Sud

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    La MOI (Main d'?uvre immigrée), structure mise en place dès les années 1930 par le PCF pour organiser ses militants d'origine étrangère, a joué un rôle déterminant dans l'engagement des étrangers dans la Résistance, tant en zone nord qu'en zone sud. Parmi les groupes qui constituaient la MOI, la " sous-section juive ", c'est-à-dire celle qui, théoriquement, regroupait les étrangers de langue yiddish, a été une des plus dynamiques. Pendant l'été 1941, se constitue à Montpellier, autour de quelques militants communistes et d'anciens des Brigades internationales, un regroupement de jeunes juifs étrangers, pour la plupart d'origine polonaise, qui commence un travail propagandiste. Avec l'invasion de la zone sud en novembre 1942, une partie de ceux-ci se réfugie sur la portion du territoire dont l'occupation est confiée aux troupes italiennes considérées, à juste titre, comme moins dangereuses, pour les Juifs, que les troupes allemandes. Ces quelques individus vont constituer les premiers éléments grenoblois de ce qui deviendra ultérieurement l'UJRE (Union des juifs pour la Résistance et l'entraide) et l'UJJ (Union de la jeunesse juive). Ces organisations, liées à la section juive de la MOI, joueront un rôle non négligeable dans la mise en place de la Résistance iséroise, mais surtout fourniront l'essentiel des combattants du célèbre détachement FTP-MOI (Francs-tireurs et partisans de la Main d'?uvre immigrée), " Liberté ".The MOI (Main-d'?uvre immigrée: Immigrant Workforce), the structure set up as far back as the 1930s by the French Communist Party in order to organize its militants of foreign origin, played a decisive role in the enlistment of foreigners in the Resistance movement, both in the occupied and unoccupied zones. Among the groups which made up the MOI, the "Jewish subsection", that is to say the one which, theorically, grouped together Yiddish-speaking foreigners, was one of the most dynamic.During the summer of 1941, a group of young foreign Jews, who are mostly of Polish descent, forms in Montpellier around a few Communist militants and ex-members of the International Brigades and starts propaganda work. Following the invasion of the unoccupied zone in November 1942, some of them take refuge in the area occupied by Italians troops who are considered, quite rightly, to be less dangerous, for Jews, than the Germans. This small number of individuals go on to form the first Grenoble elements of what will later become the UJRE (Union des juifs pour la Resistance et l'entraide: Jewish union for resistance and mutual aid) and the UJJ (Union de la jeunesse juive: Union of Jewish youth). These organizations linked to the Jewish section of the MOI, will later play a significant role in the setting up of the Resistance movement in the Isère region, but above all will supply most of the combatants for "Liberté", the famous detachment of the FTP-MOI (Franc-tireurs et partisans de la Main d'?uvre immigrée: Immigrant workforce partisans and franc-tireurs)

    3D Multi-isotope Imaging Mass Spectrometry Reveals Penetration of 18O^{18}O-Trehalose in Mouse Sperm Nucleus

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    The prevalence of genetically engineered mice in medical research has led to ever increasing storage costs. Trehalose has a significant beneficial effect in preserving the developmental potential of mouse sperm following partial desiccation and storage at temperatures above freezing. Using multi-isotope imaging mass spectrometry, we are able to image and measure trehalose in individual spermatozoa. We provide the first evidence that trehalose penetrates the nucleus of a mammalian cell, permitting tolerance to desiccation. These results have broad implications for long-term storage of mammalian cells


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    Tiré de: Prospectives, vol. 7, no 5, nov. 1971.Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 24 janv. 2013

    Les Pédo-paysages des plaines centrales de Midi-Pyrénées

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    Les sols des zones de plaines de la région Midi-Pyrénées montrent une grande diversité liée, notamment, au carrefour des influences climatiques passées et actuelles : glaciaire, méditerranéenne et atlantique. Le présent article illustre la distribution des principales Unités Typologiques de Sols parmi les Unités pédo-paysagères dans les zones de plaines depuis le nord du Lot jusqu'au piémont ariégeois. La couverture pédologique y est très marquée par la nature des grands ensembles sédimentaires, depuis les contreforts du Massif central, jusqu'à la Molasse argilo-calcaire très largement étendue dans le bassin toulousain

    Promising Best Practices Implemented in Long- Term Care Facilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic to Address Social Isolation and Loneliness: A Scoping Review

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    Context: Throughout the current COVID-19 pandemic, tremendous effort has been made to implement innovative practices to address social isolation and loneliness (SIL) in long-term care facilities (LTCFs), disproportionally affected by COVID-19. These interventions have not yet been synthesized. This review intended to gather the current promising best practices (PBPs) implemented in LTCFs to alleviate SIL in older persons during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as during the SARS and H1N1 pandemics, using an intersectional lens. Methods: An extensive search was done in nine electronic databases. Arksey and O’Malley’s framework was used to format the scoping review. Two independent reviewers screened citations for inclusion, blindly. The selection of articles was conducted blindly by two coauthors. Finally, 16 studies were analyzed out of 9,077 records. Results: Two main themes of findings arose from this review. They comprised proximal PBPs directly addressing SIL in LTCF residents such as pseudo-contact interventions (e.g., chat from balcony or behind transparent barriers/glasses), remote communication tools (e.g., phone or video chat, voice mail/text messaging), and humanoid robots. Distal PBPs included measures implemented to prevent or mitigate the development of COVID-19, including COVID-19 screening approaches, outbreak preparedness, quarantining approaches for both residents and staff. Conclusion: This scoping review found varied PBP implemented during the multiple waves of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as evidence supporting their effectiveness. The contribution of this study is significant as most of the PBP investigated should be prioritized by public policymakers or institutions to provide more satisfactory services to the elderly and their families

    Long-term results and GvHD after prophylactic and preemptive donor lymphocyte infusion after allogeneic stem cell transplantation for acute leukemia

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    We report on 318 patients with acute leukemia, receiving donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) in complete hematologic remission (CHR) after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT). DLI were applied preemptively (preDLI) for minimal residual disease (MRD, n = 23) or mixed chimerism (MC, n = 169), or as prophylaxis in high-risk patients with complete chimerism and molecular remission (proDLI, n = 126). Median interval from alloSCT to DLI1 was 176 days, median follow-up was 7.0 years. Five-year cumulative relapse incidence (CRI), non-relapse mortality (NRM), leukemia-free and overall survival (LFS/OS) of the entire cohort were 29.1%, 12.7%, 58.2%, and 64.3%. Cumulative incidences of acute graft-versus-host disease (aGvHD) grade II–IV°/chronic GvHD were 11.9%/31%. Nineteen patients (6%) died from DLI-induced GvHD. Age ≥60 years (p = 0.046), advanced stage at transplantation (p = 0.003), shorter interval from transplantation (p = 0.018), and prior aGvHD ≥II° (p = 0.036) were risk factors for DLI-induced GvHD. GvHD did not influence CRI, but was associated with NRM and lower LFS/OS. Efficacy of preDLI was demonstrated by decreasing MRD/increasing blood counts in 71%, and increasing chimerism in 70%. Five-year OS after preDLI for MRD/MC was 51%/68% among responders, and 37% among non-responders. The study describes response and outcome of DLI in CHR and helps to identify candidates without increased risk of severe GvHD

    Shift from extracellular signal-regulated kinase to AKT/cAMP response element-binding protein pathway increases survival-motor-neuron expression in spinal-muscular-atrophy-like mice and patient cells

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a recessive neurodegenerative disease, is characterized by the selective loss of spinal motor neurons. No available therapy exists for SMA, which represents one of the leading genetic causes of death in childhood. SMA is caused by a mutation of the survival-of-motor-neuron 1 (SMN1) gene, leading to a quantitative defect in the survival-motor-neuron (SMN) protein expression. All patients retain one or more copies of the SMN2 gene, which modulates the disease severity by producing a small amount of stable SMN protein. We reported recently that NMDA receptor activation, directly in the spinal cord, significantly enhanced the transcription rate of the SMN2 genes in a mouse model of very severe SMA (referred as type 1) by a mechanism that involved AKT/CREB pathway activation. Here, we provide the first compelling evidence for a competition between the MEK/ERK/Elk-1 and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT/CREB signaling pathways for SMN2 gene regulation in the spinal cord of type 1 SMA-like mice. The inhibition of the MEK/ERK/Elk-1 pathway promotes the AKT/CREB pathway activation, leading to (1) an enhanced SMN expression in the spinal cord of SMA-like mice and in human SMA myotubes and (2) a 2.8-fold lifespan extension in SMA-like mice. Furthermore, we identified a crosstalk between ERK and AKT signaling pathways that involves the calcium-dependent modulation of CaMKII activity. Together, all these data open new perspectives to the therapeutic strategy for SMA patients.This project was supported by the Association Française contre les Myopathies. J.B. is the recipients of a fellowship from the Ministry of Research and Technology, and F.Chal. is the recipient of a fellowship from AXA Research Fund/Garches Foundation.Peer reviewe