413 research outputs found

    Marseille – L’occupation du sol dans le bassin de Marseille de la Préhistoire à l’époque moderne

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 7934 Date de l'opération : 2007 (PC) Inventeur(s) : Collin Bouffier Sophie (SUP) Le travail de l’année 2008 s’est concentré sur deux sites : le Roc de la Croix, identifié en 2004, et le dit « oppidum » de Marseilleveyre, respectivement localisés dans les parties sud-est et sud du bassin. Les prospections elles-mêmes n’ont pas conduit à la découverte de nouveaux sites, mais ont conforté les résultats des années précédentes (BSR PACA, 2006 : 149-150 et..

    Leptin receptor in the chicken ovary: potential involvement in ovarian dysfunction of ad libitum-fed broiler breeder hens

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    In hens, the ovarian follicles committed to ovulation are arranged in an ordered follicular hierarchy. In standard broiler breeders hens genetically selected for high growth rate the reproductive function is clearly dysfunctional. Feed restriction is needed during reproductive development to limit the formation of excessive numbers of ovarian yellow follicles arranged in multiple hierarchies. To determine whether leptin is involved in the nutritional and reproductive interactions controlling follicular hierarchy in hens, blood leptin levels and ovarian expression of the leptin receptor mRNA were determined during follicle maturation in three chicken lines; a slow growing broiler "Label" genotype without reproductive dysfunction, a fast growing "Standard" genotype fed ad libitum or restricted and a fast growing "Experimental" line with intermediate reproductive performance levels. Whereas expression of the leptin receptor mRNA did not change in the theca, it clearly decreased with follicular differentiation in the granulosa of slow growing hens. In fast growing standard hens fed ad libitum and presenting significant reproductive dysfunction, the decrease was disrupted and dramatic up-regulation of granulosa cell expression of the leptin receptor was observed. On the other hand, feed restriction decreased the overall level of expression of the leptin receptor mRNA and restored the decrease with follicular growth. The level of expression of the leptin receptor probably modulates the action of leptin on follicular differentiation. Since blood leptin and other metabolic factors were not affected by the genotype or by nutritional state, the factors involved in the regulation of leptin receptor gene expression remain to be determined. This study demonstrates the involvement of leptin in the nutritional control of reproduction in birds. Leptin action on the ovary probably controls follicular hierarchy through the regulation of steroidogenesis

    Electrical signature of individual magnetic skyrmions in multilayered systems

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    Magnetic skyrmions are topologically protected whirling spin textures that can be stabilized in magnetic materials in which a chiral interaction is present. Their limited size together with their robustness against the external perturbations promote them as the ultimate magnetic storage bit in a novel generation of memory and logic devices. Despite many examples of the signature of magnetic skyrmions in the electrical signal, only low temperature measurements, mainly in magnetic materials with B20 crystal structure, have demonstrated the skyrmions contribution to the electrical transport properties. Using the combination of Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) and Hall resistivity measurements, we demonstrate the electrical detection of sub-100 nm skyrmions in multilayered thin film at room temperature (RT). We furthermore analyse the room temperature Hall signal of a single skyrmion which contribution is mainly dominated by anomalous Hall effect.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Psychological wellbeing and quality-of-life among siblings of paediatric CFS/ME patients:a mixed-methods study

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    Chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is a disabling condition known to have a negative impact on all aspects of a child’s life. However, little is understood about the impact of CFS/ME on siblings. A total of 34 siblings completed questionnaires measuring depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)), anxiety (HADS and Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS)) and European Quality-of-life-Youth (EQ-5D-Y). These scores were compared with scores from normative samples. Siblings had higher levels of anxiety on the SCAS than adolescents of the same age recruited from a normative sample; however, depression and quality-of-life were similar. Interviews were undertaken with nine siblings of children with CFS/ME who returned questionnaires. Interview data were analysed using a framework approach to thematic analysis. Siblings identified restrictions on family life, ‘not knowing’ and lack of communication as negative impacts on their family, and change of role/focus, emotional reactions and social stigma as negative impacts on themselves. They also described positive communication, social support and extra activities as protective factors. Paediatric services should be aware of the impact of CFS/ME on the siblings of children with CFS/ME, understand the importance of assessing paediatric CFS/ME patients within the context of their family and consider providing information for siblings about CFS/ME

    Household-based ceramic water filters for the prevention of diarrhea: a randomized, controlled trial of a pilot program in Colombia.

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    Household water treatment is increasingly recognized as an effective means of reducing the burden of diarrheal disease among low-income populations without access to safe water. Oxfam GB undertook a pilot project to explore the use of household-based ceramic water filters in three remote communities in Colombia. In a randomized, controlled trial over a period of six months, the filters were associated with a 75.3% reduction in arithmetic mean thermotolerant coliforms (TTCs) (P < 0.0001). A total of 47.7% and 24.2% of the samples from the intervention group had no detectible TTCs/100 mL or conformed to World Health Organization limits for low risk (1-10 TTCs/100 mL), respectively, compared with 0.9% and 7.3% for control group samples. Overall, prevalence of diarrhea was 60% less among households using filters than among control households (odds ratio = 0.40, 95% confidence interval = 0.25, 0.63, P < 0.0001). However, the microbiologic performance and protective effect of the filters was not uniform throughout the study communities, suggesting the need to consider the circumstances of the particular setting before implementing this intervention

    Hybrid chiral domain walls and skyrmions in magnetic multilayers

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    Noncollinear spin textures in ferromagnetic ultrathin films are currently the subject of renewed interest since the discovery of the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). This antisymmetric exchange interaction selects a given chirality for the spin textures and allows stabilising configurations with nontrivial topology. Moreover, it has many crucial consequences on the dynamical properties of these topological structures, including chiral domain walls (DWs) and magnetic skyrmions. In the recent years the study of noncollinear spin textures has been extended from single ultrathin layers to magnetic multilayers with broken inversion symmetry. This extension of the structures in the vertical dimension allows very efficient current-induced motion and room-temperature stability for both N\'eel DWs and skyrmions. Here we show how in such multilayered systems the interlayer interactions can actually lead to more complex, hybrid chiral magnetisation arrangements. The described thickness-dependent reorientation of DWs is experimentally confirmed by studying demagnetised multilayers through circular dichroism in x-ray resonant magnetic scattering. We also demonstrate a simple yet reliable method for determining the magnitude of the DMI from static domains measurements even in the presence of these hybrid chiral structures, by taking into account the actual profile of the DWs. The advent of these novel hybrid chiral textures has far-reaching implications on how to stabilise and manipulate DWs as well as skymionic structures in magnetic multilayers.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Intimate Partner Violence in Plastic Surgery Practice: Perceptions and Preparedness Amongst Practicing Plastic Surgeons

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    INTRODUCTION It is estimated that 4 of 10 women in the United States have experienced one or more forms of intimate partner violence (IPV) in their lifetime. The US Preventative Service Task Force recommends that clinicians screen women of reproductive age for IPV and refer women who screen positive to ongoing support services (B recommendation). We aim to identify the perceptions, attitudes, and preparedness of plastic surgeons regarding intimate partner violence METHODS An IRB approved survey was sent to members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The survey contained three sections: (1) surgeon and practice demographics, (2) surgeon experience with intimate partner violence and preparedness of using protocols to screen for intimate partner violence, and (3) surgeon attitudes and perception of those experiencing and inflicting intimate partner violence. Four follow-up emails were sent to enhance response rate. RESULTS A total of 107 of 2,535 plastic surgeons responded (4.22% response rate), and 81 (75.7%) of them were men. Most surgeons, 57 (64.0%) respondents, estimate that intimate partner violence is rare (year) in their practice while 22 (24.7%) surgeons were unsure of the prevalence. Only 17 (37.8%) surgeons responded that they feel comfortable screening for intimate partner violence while 41 (43.2%) believe that screening protocols are likely to capture patients’ experiences. Most surgeons (71.6%) state they have no established protocol if a patient discloses intimate partner violence. CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of IPV is well understood, but educational efforts and adequate screening protocols are needed within the plastic surgery community to identify and treat patients experiencing intimate partner violence
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