515 research outputs found

    Evidence for an endogenous rebound effect impacting long-run car use elasticity to fuel price

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    This paper presents a structural equation model of household fleet fuel efficiency and car use. It allows to weigh the contribution of car equipment changes and car use adjustments to the price elasticity of household demand for fuel. This model is implemented using a panel dataset of 322 households that were present in each annual wave of the French Car Fleet survey from 1999 to 2007. The longitudinal dimension of this dataset enables to assess the short and long-run adjustments at the household level over a period of fuel price increase. The estimated price elasticities of the demand for fuel are fully consistent with the literature: -0.30 in the short run and -0.76 in the long run. Regarding car use elasticities, accounting for an endogenous rebound effect allowed a striking finding: the sensitivity of household car use to fuel price changes is lower on the long run than on the short run. This paper thus not only provides the latest estimations of elasticities for France, in the early 2000's, it also shows that, on the long run, French households have managed to mitigate the impact of increasing fuel prices on their car mobility by using more fuel efficient cars.Elasticity, Fuel Price, Rebound effect, Energy consumption, Energy efficiency, Car use, Household, Panel data

    Addiction to car use and dynamic elasticity measures in France

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    This article presents a microeconometric analysis of the annual mileage travelled by French households with their personal cars, defining their automobility. To feature car use dependence, the rational addiction model of Becker et al. (1994) is applied on a panel dataset, drawn from the French "Car Fleet" survey over the period 1999-2001. Importantly, the estimates show that the assumption of addiction to car use cannot be rejected. Furthermore, the model yields realistic kilometric-price and income elasticities of household automobility, for both the short and the long runs.Transportation ; Car use ; Consumption ; Addiction ; Panel ; GMM

    Dispositif discursif visant l’énonciation d’idĂ©es nouvelles en innovation : les rĂšgles d’écriture des rĂ©cits d’usage

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    Le scenario-based design est une pratique de conception qui vise Ă  anticiper l’expĂ©rience vĂ©cue de l’utilisation d’un produit/service en cours de conception. Le terme est impropre et on devrait lui prĂ©fĂ©rer celui de « rĂ©cit d’anticipation des usages ». Le manque de rigueur terminologique renvoie Ă  un autre problĂšme : celui de l’absence de rĂšgles d’écriture qui permettent de faire cohabiter des faits sociaux, Ă©conomiques et culturels avec un imaginaire technique. C’est ce Ă  quoi s’attache cet article : thĂ©oriser la pratique des rĂ©cits d’usage et proposer des rĂšgles de construction des rĂ©cits dans le cadre de contextes d’innovation.The scenario-based design is a practice which aims to anticipate the experience of using a product/service being developed. But the term is a misnomer and we should prefer talking about “narrative anticipation uses”. The sloppy terminology refers to another problem: the lack of writing rules that make social, economic and cultural facts cohabit with technical imagination. This is on what this article focuses: theorizing the narratives of use and propose rules for constructing narratives within contexts of innovation

    Fabrice Pirolli, dir., Le Livre numérique au présent. Pratiques de lecture, de prescription et de médiation

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    L’ouvrage de Fabrice Pirolli fait partie d’une sĂ©rie de publications rĂ©centes questionnant le « livre numĂ©rique » au sein des sciences de l’information et de la communication : par exemple, on peut citer plusieurs articles parus dans la rubrique « Dans l’actualité » de la derniĂšre livraison des Cahiers de la sfsic (11, sept. 2015) dont certains auteurs sont prĂ©sents dans ce livre ainsi que la publication de Françoise PaquiensĂ©guy et Mathilde Miguet (Ă©galement auteures dans ce livre), Lectorat..

    Jean ChĂąteauvert, Gilles Delavaud, dirs, D’un Ă©cran Ă  l’autre, les mutations du spectateur

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    Ce livre coordonnĂ© par Jean ChĂąteauvert et Gilles Delavaud fait suite Ă  un colloque international organisĂ© en 2014 par l’Institut national de l’audiovisuel (Ina), l’universitĂ© Paris 8 et l’universitĂ© du QuĂ©bec Ă  Chicoutimi, qui cherchait Ă  rĂ©pondre Ă  la question suivante : « de la multiplication des Ă©crans, faut-il conclure Ă  une mutation du spectateur ? » (p. 13). La rĂ©ponse tient en 43 textes reprĂ©sentant prĂšs de 600 pages. Ces textes sont regroupĂ©s en quatre parties. La deuxiĂšme partie reg..

    Jean ChĂąteauvert, Gilles Delavaud, dirs, D’un Ă©cran Ă  l’autre, les mutations du spectateur

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    Ce livre coordonnĂ© par Jean ChĂąteauvert et Gilles Delavaud fait suite Ă  un colloque international organisĂ© en 2014 par l’Institut national de l’audiovisuel (Ina), l’universitĂ© Paris 8 et l’universitĂ© du QuĂ©bec Ă  Chicoutimi, qui cherchait Ă  rĂ©pondre Ă  la question suivante : « de la multiplication des Ă©crans, faut-il conclure Ă  une mutation du spectateur ? » (p. 13). La rĂ©ponse tient en 43 textes reprĂ©sentant prĂšs de 600 pages. Ces textes sont regroupĂ©s en quatre parties. La deuxiĂšme partie reg..

    Index of efficiency for strength-grading machines for solid wood

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    The settings of strength-grading machine for structural pieces of wood are checked according to the EN 14081 standard. However, different machines have different performances depending on the accuracy of the estimation of the board’s properties, and there is no easy way to compare the efficiency of these machines especially if the machine does not use the same sampling. In this paper, we introduce an index called index of efficiency for grading machines. This parameter is in the range of 0–100% and allows to compare performances of different machines for a given set of grades. The computation of this index is based on the cost matrix method of the EN 14081 and requires to have the size matrix of a setting to be computed

    Experimental study of locally loaded timber in compression perpendicular to the grain

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    Since the test method for compression strength perpendicular to the grain was changed from a partial area to a full area loading test, strength values for softwood in EN 338 were significantly reduced. Consequently, a change in Eurocode 5 was necessary to ensure an equivalent resistance level in compression perpendicular to the grain. Experimental results are presented with wood in compression perpendicular to the grain. A numerical model is also presented. This model was used to establish a rule of calculation proposed at the P21A-Committee of the technical and construction equipment standardization office (BNTEC)
