24 research outputs found

    Sex Determination in the Squalius alburnoides Complex: An Initial Characterization of Sex Cascade Elements in the Context of a Hybrid Polyploid Genome

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    BACKGROUND:Sex determination processes vary widely among different vertebrate taxa, but no group offers as much diversity for the study of the evolution of sex determination as teleost fish. However, the knowledge about sex determination gene cascades is scarce in this species-rich group and further difficulties arise when considering hybrid fish taxa, in which mechanisms exhibited by parental species are often disrupted. Even though hybridisation is frequent among teleosts, gene based approaches on sex determination have seldom been conducted in hybrid fish. The hybrid polyploid complex of Squalius alburnoides was used as a model to address this question. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We have initiated the isolation and characterization of regulatory elements (dmrt1, wt1, dax1 and figla) potentially involved in sex determination in S. alburnoides and in the parental species S. pyrenaicus and analysed their expression patterns by in situ hybridisation. In adults, an overall conservation in the cellular localization of the gene transcripts was observed between the hybrids and parental species. Some novel features emerged, such as dmrt1 expression in adult ovaries, and the non-dimorphic expression of figla, an ovarian marker in other species, in gonads of both sexes in S. alburnoides and S. pyrenaicus. The potential contribution of each gene to the sex determination process was assessed based on the timing and location of expression. Dmrt1 and wt1 transcripts were found at early stages of male development in S. alburnoides and are most likely implicated in the process of gonad development. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:For the first time in the study of this hybrid complex, it was possible to directly compare the gene expression patterns between the bisexual parental species and the various hybrid forms, for an extended set of genes. The contribution of these genes to gonad integrity maintenance and functionality is apparently unaltered in the hybrids, suggesting that no abrupt shifts in gene expression occurred as a result of hybridisation

    Karyotype differentiation in 19 species of river loach fishes (Nemacheilidae, Teleostei): extensive variability associated with rDNA and heterochromatin distribution and its phylogenetic and ecological interpretation

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    Reduced insulin secretion and glucose intolerance are involved in the fasting susceptibility of common vampire bats

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Susceptibility during fasting has been reported for the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus), to the point of untimely deaths after only 2-3 nights of fasting. To investigate the underlying physiology of this critical metabolic condition, we analyzed serum insulin levels, pancreatic islets morphometry and immunocytochemistry (ICC), static insulin secretion in pancreas fragments, and insulin signaling mechanism in male vampire bats. A glucose tolerance test (ipGTT) was also performed. Serum insulin was found to be lower in fed vampires compared to other mammals, and was significantly reduced after 24 h fasting. Morphometrical analyses revealed small irregular pancreatic islets with reduced percentage of beta-cell mass compared to other bats. Static insulin secretion analysis showed that glucose-stimulated insulin secretion was impaired, as insulin levels did not reach significance under high glucose concentrations, whereas the response to the amino acid leucin was preserved. Results from ipGTT showed a failure on glucose clearance, indicating glucose intolerance due to diminished pancreatic insulin secretion and/or decreased beta-cell response to glucose. In conclusion, data presented here indicate lower insulinemia and impaired insulin secretion in D. rotundus, which is consistent with the limited ability to store body energy reserves, previously reported in these animals. Whether these metabolic and hormonal features are associated with their blood diet remains to be determined. The peculiar food sharing through blood regurgitation, reported to this species, might be an adaptive mechanism overcoming this metabolic susceptibility. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.18316Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)CNPq [140328/02-5

    Percepções do fonoaudiólogo recém-formado quanto a sua formação, intenção profissional e atualização de conhecimentos Perceptions of newly graduated Speech and Language Pathologists regarding their academic formation, professional goals and knowledge update

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    OBJETIVO: Investigar as percepções do fonoaudiólogo recém-formado do estado do Rio de Janeiro quanto a sua formação, intenção profissional e busca por atualização de conhecimento. MÉTODOS: Participaram fonoaudiólogos graduados em cursos de formação no estado do Rio de Janeiro, nos anos 2005 e 2006. Foi aplicado um questionário constituído por dez perguntas fechadas, elaboradas para esta pesquisa e previamente verificadas por projeto piloto. Os dados foram submetidos a análise estatística com cruzamento de variáveis. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que a maioria dos fonoaudiólogos considerou-se atendida em suas expectativas e segura dos conhecimentos adquiridos (p<0,001). Esses profissionais pretendem atuar principalmente em clínicas (89%) e continuar se atualizando por meio de cursos de especialização (70%). A área de Linguagem foi considerada a que melhor subsidiou sua formação (68%), enquanto que Saúde Coletiva foi a que menos atendeu às expectativas (72%), com diferenças estatisticamente significativas. A indústria (70%) foi o local de trabalho considerado de acesso mais difícil ao fonoaudiólogo (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Os fonoaudiólogos do estado do Rio de Janeiro graduados em 2005 e 2006 consideraram-se atendidos em suas expectativas quanto à formação, especialmente no que se refere à área de Linguagem, e apontaram maior interesse por atuação em clínica. Quanto à busca por atualização de conhecimento, a especialização foi o curso que despertou maior interesse.<br>PURPOSE: To investigate the perceptions of newly graduated Speech and Language Pathologists (SLP) from the state of Rio de Janeiro regarding their academic formation, professional goals and search for knowledge updates. METHODS: SLPs graduated from universities located at the state of Rio de Janeiro during the years of 2005 and 2006 participated in the study. A questionnaire with ten closed questions, developed for the present study and validated through a pilot study, was applied. Data were statistically analyzed comparing different variables. RESULTS: It was observed that the majority of the SLPs interviewed considered that their expectations were met and felt safe about the knowledge acquired (p<0.001). These professionals wish to act mostly in clinics (89%), and intend to continue their studies through lato sensu programs (70%). Language was considered the area in which they received the best support during their training (68%), while Public Health was the area in which they considered to have received less support (72%), and this difference was statistically significant. Industry was considered the most difficult workplace to be accessed by SLPs (p<0,05). CONCLUSION: Newly graduated SLPs from the state of Rio de Janeiro considered to have met their expectations regarding their formation, especially in the Language area, and showed more interest for the clinical setting. Lato sensu programs were the most attractive to the population studied for updating their knowledge

    Aspectos radiológicos e epidemiológicos do granuloma central de células gigantes Radiological and epidemiological aspects of central giant cell granuloma

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    OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os principais aspectos radiográficos e epidemiológicos das lesões de células gigantes (granulomas centrais de células gigantes e tumores marrons do hiperparatireoidismo). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: A amostra consistiu de 26 lesões de células gigantes diagnosticadas em 22 pacientes divididos em dois grupos, um deles composto por 17 pacientes que não tinham hiperparatireoidismo (grupo A) e o outro formado por cinco pacientes portadores de tal distúrbio (grupo B). RESULTADOS: O sexo feminino (72,7%) foi o mais acometido. As lesões ocorreram mais freqüentemente na segunda década de vida, com média de idade de 27 anos. A mandíbula (61,5%) foi o arco mais envolvido. Radiograficamente, 57,7% das lesões eram multiloculares e 42,3% eram uniloculares com limites definidos. Todas as 26 lesões provocaram expansão óssea, 15,4% produziram reabsorção radicular, 50% causaram deslocamento dentário e 11,5% produziram dor. Na mandíbula, 18,7% das lesões cruzavam a linha média. O grupo A apresentou 66,7% das lesões na mandíbula e o grupo B mostrou igualdade na distribuição das lesões entre os arcos. O grupo A apresentou 66,7% das lesões multiloculares e 33,3%, uniloculares. O grupo B apresentou 62,5% das lesões uniloculares e 37,5%, multiloculares. CONCLUSÃO: As lesões de células gigantes podem manifestar-se, radiograficamente, com um amplo espectro, desde pequenas lesões uniloculares de crescimento lento até extensas lesões multiloculares. Elas apresentam características de benignidade, embora algumas lesões possam demonstrar um comportamento localmente agressivo.<br>OBJECTIVE: The present study was aimed at evaluating main radiological and epidemiological aspects of giant cell lesions (central giant cell granuloma and brown tumors of hyperparathyroidism). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sample consisted of 26 giant cell lesions diagnosed in 22 patients divided into two groups, one of them including 17 patients who were not affected by hyperparathyroidism (group A) and another including five patients with such a disorder (group B). RESULTS: Prevalence was higher in female patients (72.7%). Most frequently, lesions occurred more in the second decade of life (mean age, 27 years). The mandible arc was most frequently involved (61.5%). Radiographically, 57.7% of lesions were multilocular and 42.3% were unilocular with defined limits. All of the 26 lesions caused expansion of bone, 15.4% radicular resorption, 50% dental displacement, and 11.5% produced pain. In the mandible 18.7% of the lesions crossed the midline. Group A showed 66.7% of lesions in the mandible and group B showed an even distribution of lesions between arches. In group A 66.7% of lesions were multilocular, and 33.3% unilocular; in group B 62.5% were unilocular, and 37.5% multilocular. CONCLUSION: Giant cells lesions may present themselves with a wide spectrum, from small, slow-growing unilocular lesions to extensive multilocular lesions. They present features of benignity, though some lesions may demonstrate a locally aggressive behavior