210 research outputs found

    Red-Emitting Tetracoordinate Organoboron Chelates: Synthesis, Photophysical Properties, and Fluorescence Microscopy

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    Seven tetracoordinate organoboron fluorophores with heterobiaryl N,O- or N,N-chelate ligands were prepared and photophysically characterized (in toluene). The electronic variation of the heteroaromatic moiety provided a means for the fine-tuning of the UV/vis absorption and emission spectra. In the most interesting cases, the spectra were red-shifted to maximum absorbance at wavelengths longer than 500 nm and emission maxima between 620 and 660 nm. The pronounced intramolecular charge-transfer character of the dyes yielded large Stokes shifts (3500-5100 cm), while maintaining appreciable fluorescence quantum yields of up to 0.2 for emission maxima longer than 600 nm. The lipophilic character of the dyes enabled their application as stains of vesicle substructures in confocal fluorescence microscopy imaging.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2014-54729 - C2 - 1 - P for U.P., CTQ2013 - 48164 - C2 - 1 - P , CTQ2013 - 48164 - C2 - 2 - P for A.R., CTQ2013 - 41339 - P, CTQ2015 - 71896 - REDT for E.P.I., Ramón y Cajal contract RYC - 2013 - 12585 for A.R.FEDER FundJunta de Andalucía 2012/FQM - 2140 for U.P., 2009/FQM - 4537 and 2012/FQM - 1078 for A.R

    Internship diversity & mobility: first experiences on spanish universities

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    Ponència presentada a 10 th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, 7-9 març 2016.After 13 years of Jaume I University (UJI) experience on international mobility programmes (Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus Placements, Socially-oriented internships in impoverished countries), more than 500 university students have benefited from them. The project coordination corresponds to the Careers Services (OIPEP), in consultation with a system of coordinators and tutors. As a result of this coordinated work, the quality of this project has been recognised several times by the Autonomous Organization of European Educational Programmes (AOEEP), bounded up with the Ministry of Education. Furthermore, Jaume I University (UJI) relies on a set of services implied on diversity such as the Support Educational Unity and the Careers Services, both of them linked to Vice-Rector for Students, Employment and Educational Innovation. Especially, the Diversity Attention Programme (DAP, 2015), implemented from the UJI's origination, is a model for the rest of the Spanish universities. As a matter of fact, UJI is nowadays in charge of coordinating the network of Service of Assistance to Disabled People (SADP). The Assistance Diversity Programme (DAP) pretends to give academic support to this university community which requires a specific educational need (SEN) and its teachers. Inside this context of international and diversity internships, we set the present paper, submitting a pioneering experience in Spain. Concretely, between the years 2013 and 2014 through Leonardo's programme (People in the Labour Market) we implemented an international internship with a graduated disabled students, sponsored by the AOEEP. The complexity of this international internship implied the creation of an ad-hoc group with professors and professional workers in the required areas for the good development of this task. The results were important, not only for our university, but for future and similar experiences in other universities

    Software architecture for customized physical exercise prescription

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    En la actualidad existe una gran cantidad de aplicaciones para la realización de ejercicio físico. En este artículo se presenta una arquitectura software para una aplicación que permite la prescripción de ejercicios físicos personalizados. Esta arquitectura incluye dos funcionalidades, la funcionalidad para el especialista que prescribe el ejercicio y la funcionalidad para el usuario que debe seguir esta prescripción. La interacción entre el especialista y el usuario se realiza mediante el envío de eventos. Especialistas (médicos/fisioterapeutas/educadores físicos) pueden indicar los ejercicios adecuados en cada caso. Esta aplicación permitirá a los usuarios con demanda de atención personalizada mejorar la condición física y la calidad de vida. Los usuarios podrán realizar el ejercicio físico de forma autónoma, sin tener que realizar desplazamientos y en un horario flexible.Currently there is a lot of available applications to do physical exercise. This article describes the software architecture for an application that allows customized exercise prescription. This architecture includes two functionalities, the functionality that allows specialists to prescribe physical exercises and the functionality for users who must follow this prescription. Interactions between specialists and users are allowed by means of sending events. Specialists (doctors, physiotherapists and physical educators) can indicate appropriate exercises in each case. This application will allow users with demand for personalized attention to improve their fitness and quality of life. Users can perform physical exercise autonomously, without having to travel and in a flexible schedule

    Managing Workflows on top of a Cloud Computing Orchestrator for using heterogeneous environments on e-Science

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    [EN] Scientific workflows (SWFs) are widely used to model processes in e-Science. SWFs are executed by means of workflow management systems (WMSs), which orchestrate the workload on top of computing infrastructures. The advent of cloud computing infrastructures has opened the door of using on-demand infrastructures to complement or even replace local infrastructures. However, new issues have arisen, such as the integration of hybrid resources or the compromise between infrastructure reutilisation and elasticity. In this article, we present an ad hoc solution for managing workflows exploiting the capabilities of cloud orchestrators to deploy resources on demand according to the workload and to combine heterogeneous cloud providers (such as on-premise clouds and public clouds) and traditional infrastructures (clusters) to minimise costs and response time. The work does not propose yet another WMS but demonstrates the benefits of the integration of cloud orchestration when running complex workflows. The article shows several configuration experiments from a realistic comparative genomics workflow called Orthosearch, to migrate memory-intensive workload to public infrastructures while keeping other blocks of the experiment running locally. The article computes running time and cost suggesting best practices.This paper wants to acknowledge the support of the EUBrazilCC project, funded by the European Commission (STREP 614048) and the Brazilian MCT/CNPq N. 13/2012, for the use of its infrastructure. The authors would like also to thank the Spanish 'Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad' for the project 'Clusters Virtuales Elasticos y Migrables sobre Infraestructuras Cloud Hibridas' with reference TIN2013-44390-R.Carrión Collado, AA.; Caballer Fernández, M.; Blanquer Espert, I.; Kotowski, N.; Jardim, R.; Dávila, AMR. (2017). Managing Workflows on top of a Cloud Computing Orchestrator for using heterogeneous environments on e-Science. International Journal of Web and Grid Services. 13(4):375-402. doi:10.1504/IJWGS.2017.10003225S37540213

    Efectos de la tarea dual sobre el tiro libre en baloncesto

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue estudiar los efectos de una tarea dual en el tiro libre en baloncesto, comparando esa influencia en función de la categoría y el sexo de los jugadores. Los resultados muestran que existe un descenso del rendimiento provocado por la tarea dual de los baloncestistas de categoría infantil y junior (p<0,05), no observándose lo mismo en la categoría senior. Tampoco se detectaron diferencias significativas entre el rendimiento de hombres y mujeres. Puede afirmarse, por tanto, que las tareas duales provocan un descenso en el rendimiento, sobre todo en etapas de formación, posiblemente por la automatización del patrón motor debido a un mayor tiempo de práctica en categorías senior. Por ello, las tareas duales pueden ser incluidas en los entrenamientos para crear situaciones estresantes y bajo presión similares a las que se pueden encontrar los deportistas en situaciones competitivas reales

    Relationship between Prenatal or Postnatal Exposure to Pesticides and Obesity: A Systematic Review

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    In recent years, the worldwide prevalence of overweight and obesity among adults and children has dramatically increased. The conventional model regarding the onset of obesity is based on an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure. However, other possible environmental factors involved, such as the exposure to chemicals like pesticides, cannot be discarded. These compounds could act as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC) that may interfere with hormone activity related to several mechanisms involved in body weight control. The main objective of this study was to systematically review the data provided in the scientific literature for a possible association between prenatal and postnatal exposure to pesticides and obesity in offspring. A total of 25 human and 9 animal studies were analyzed. The prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal exposure to organophosphate, organochlorine, pyrethroid, neonicotinoid, and carbamate, as well as a combined pesticide exposure was reviewed. This systematic review reveals that the effects of pesticide exposure on body weight are mostly inconclusive, finding conflicting results in both humans and experimental animals. The outcomes reviewed are dependent on many factors, including dosage and route of administration, species, sex, and treatment duration. More research is needed to effectively evaluate the impact of the combined effects of different pesticides on human health.This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and Instituto Mixto de Investigación-Escuela Nacional de Sanidad (IMIENS)) and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (MINECO-FEDER) Grant numbers: PSI2017-90806-REDT, PSI2017-83038-P, PSI2017-83893-R, PSI2017-86396-P, PSI2017-86847-C2-2-R MINECO-FEDER, and IMIENS: PIC-IMIENS-2018-003.S

    QUIJOTE scientific results - VIII. Diffuse polarized foregrounds from component separation with QUIJOTE-MFI

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    We derive linearly polarized astrophysical component maps in the Northern Sky from the QUIJOTE-MFI data at 11 and 13?GHz in combination with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe K and Ka bands (23 and 33?GHz) and all Planck polarized channels (30-353-GHz), using the parametric component separation method B-SeCRET. The addition of QUIJOTE-MFI data significantly improves the parameter estimation of the low-frequency foregrounds, especially the estimation of the synchrotron spectral index, [beta]s. We present the first detailed ?s map of the Northern Celestial Hemisphere at a smoothing scale of 2°. We find statistically significant spatial variability across the sky. We obtain an average value of ?3.08 and a dispersion of 0.13, considering only pixels with reliable goodness of fit. The power-law model of the synchrotron emission provides a good fit to the data outside the Galactic plane but fails to track the complexity within this region. Moreover, when we assume a synchrotron model with uniform curvature, cs, we find a value of cs = ?0.0797 ± 0.0012. However, there is insufficient statistical significance to determine which model is favoured, either the power law or the power law with uniform curvature. Furthermore, we estimate the thermal dust spectral parameters in polarization. Our cosmic microwave background, synchrotron, and thermal dust maps are highly correlated with the corresponding products of the PR4 Planck release, although some large-scale differences are observed in the synchrotron emission. Finally, we find that the ?s estimation in the high signal-to-noise synchrotron emission areas is prior-independent, while, outside these regions, the prior governs the [beta]s estimation.We thank the staff of the Teide Observatory for invaluable assistance in the commissioning and operation of QUIJOTE. The QUIJOTE experiment is being developed by the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC), the Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (IFCA), and the Universities of Cantabria, Manchester, and Cambridge. Partial financial support was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the projects AYA2007-68058-C03-01, AYA2007- 68058-C03-02, AYA2010-21766-C03-01, AYA2010-21766-C03-02, AYA2014-60438-P, ESP2015-70646-C2-1-R, AYA2017-84185-P, ESP2017-83921-C2-1-R, AYA2017-90675-REDC (co-funded with EU FEDER funds), PGC2018-101814-B-I00, PID2019-110610RBC21, PID2020-120514GB-I00, IACA13-3E-2336, IACA15-BE3707, EQC2018-004918-P, the Severo Ochoa Programs SEV-2015- 0548 and CEX2019-000920-S, the Maria de Maeztu Program MDM2017-0765, and by the Consolider-Ingenio project CSD2010-00064 (EPI: Exploring the Physics of Inflation). We acknowledge support from the ACIISI, Consejeria de Economia, Conocimiento y Empleo del Gobierno de Canarias, and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under grant with reference ProID2020010108. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 687312 (RADIOFOREGROUNDS). EdlH acknowledges financial support from the Concepcion´ Arenal Programme of the Universidad de Cantabria. DT acknowledges the support from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) President’s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) with grant no. 2020PM0042. FP acknowledges support from the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) under grant number PID2019-105552RB-C43. The authors acknowledge the computer resources, technical expertise, and assistance provided by the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) node at Universidad de Cantabria. Some of the presented results are based on observations obtained with Planck (http://www.esa.int/Planck), an ESA science mission with instruments and contributions directly funded by ESA Member States, NASA, and Canada. We acknowledge the use of the Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analysis (LAMBDA) and the Planck Legacy Archive (PLA). Support for LAMBDA is provided by the NASA Office of Space Science. Some of the results in this paper have been derived using the HEALPIX package (Gorski ´ et al. 2005), and the HEALPY (Zonca et al. 2019), NUMPY (Harris et al. 2020), EMCEE (ForemanMackey et al. 2013), and MATPLOTLIB (Hunter 2007) PYTHON packages

    Optimal attainment, high performance standards and flow in health professionals, professors and university students. An introductory approximation

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    Optimizar el rendimiento personal, académico o profesional y ser competitivos en un marco de excelencia, tanto en la vida personal como laboral, puede ser un reto gratificante o por el contrario, convertirse en una experiencia que afecte a la salud o se viva con estrés y afectividad negativa. En el entorno laboral y académico, con el desarrollo de la inteligencia social y emocional, entender que puede aspirarse a rendimientos óptimos o altos desempeños no solo sin perjudicar la salud, sino incluso incrementando los niveles de satisfacción personal y bienestar psicológico, es una interesante aportación. En este trabajo se presenta una aproximación inicial teórica, centrada en los constructos psicológicos de rendimiento cumbre, patrones de alto desempeño y flow. Igualmente se expone una investigación experimental con diseño ex post facto cuyo objetivo es estudiar la calidad de la experiencia en distintos colectivos profesionales y universitarios y explorar las relaciones entre el constructo flow y otras variables psicológicas afines: afecto positivo, bienestar psicológico, autoeficacia, autoconcordancia, absorción, placer e interés intrínseco. La muestra está compuesta por 294 sujetos, profesionales sanitarios y estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados obtenidos muestran altas correlaciones con las variables afines al flow y que algunas de estas, son capaces de predecir parte de la varianza del mismo, del placer y de la absorción. Estos resultados se pueden considerar interesantes para delimitar la naturaleza del flow y sus relaciones con otros constructos afines.To optimize personal, academic or professional performance and remain competitive amid standards of excellence, both in personal life and at work, can be a gratifying challenge or lead to stress and a negative impact on a person's health and overall productivity. It is interesting, however, with the development of social and emotional intelligence, to consider that in professional and academic spheres it is possible to aspire to optimal performance not only without generating negative health outcomes but actually increasing personal satisfaction and psychological wellbeing. This revision presents an initial research and theoretical approximation to the hypothesis concentrating on psychological constructs of optimal attainment, high performance standards and flow. It also presents an experimental research with ex post facto design whose goal is to study the quality of the experience in different professional and university groups and explore the relations between the flow construct and other related psychological variables: positive fondness, psychological wellness, self-efficacy, self-concordance, absorption, pleasure and intrinsic interest. The sample consists of 294 subjects, health professionals and university students. The results obtained show high correlations with the variables related to flow, and some of these are able to predict part of its variance, in pleasure and in absorption. These results can be considered interesting in order to determine the nature of flow in different professionals and its relationship with other related constructs