428 research outputs found

    Delitos contra la libertad sexual

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    Perspectiva criminológica de análisis de los elementos, la jurisprudencia penal y la doctrina científica de diversos tipos penales regulados en el Derecho penal positivo, en este caso, de los delitos de agresión sexual, abuso sexual y acoso sexual. En la actualidad son múltiples las noticias que dan a conocer supuestos de agresiones sexuales, destacando al respecto que técnicamente existe agresión sexual (que puede manifestarse de múltiples formas) cuando se atenta, con violencia e intimidación, contra la libertad sexual de una persona

    Obesity and overweight: Impact on maternal and milk microbiome and their role for infant health and nutrition

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    Obesity, particularly in infants, is becoming a significant public health problem that has reached “epidemic” status worldwide. Obese children have an increased risk of developing obesity-related diseases, such as metabolic syndromes and diabetes, as well as increased risk of mortality and adverse health outcomes later in life. Experimental data show that maternal obesity has negative effects on the offspring's health in the short and long term. Increasing evidence suggests a key role for microbiota in host metabolism and energy harvest, providing novel tools for obesity prevention and management. The maternal environment, including nutrition and microbes, influences the likelihood of developing childhood diseases, which may persist and be exacerbated in adulthood. Maternal obesity and weight gain also influence microbiota composition and activity during pregnancy and lactation. They affect microbial diversity in the gut and breast milk. Such microbial changes may be transferred to the offspring during delivery and also during lactation, affecting infant microbial colonisation and immune system maturation. Thus, an adequate nutritional and microbial environment during the peri-natal period may provide a window of opportunity to reduce the risk of obesity and overweight in our infants using targeted strategies aimed at modulating the microbiota during early life.This review has been written within the topic developed in the European Research Council ERC-starting grant, MAMI project under grant agreement No. 639226. M.C. Collado is involved in the “ISCH COST Action- IS1405” entitled “Building Intrapartum Research Through Health–an interdisciplinary whole system approach to nderstanding and contextualising physiological labour and birth (BIRTH)”.Peer reviewe

    Influence of Diet, Sex, and Viral Infections on the Gut Microbiota Composition of Spodoptera exigua Caterpillars

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    The gut microbiota plays essential roles in processes related with metabolism, physiology, and immunity in all organisms, including insects. In the present work, we performed a broad analysis of the Spodoptera exigua gut microbiota, a major agricultural pest. We analyzed the influence of multiple parameters such as diet, geographic location, sex, or viral infections on S. exigua caterpillar gut microbiota composition. Our study revealed a high variability in bacterial composition among individuals, and a major influence of environmental bacteria (including those acquired through diet) on the gut microbiota composition, supporting previous studies that claim resident microbiota are lacking in caterpillars. Previous studies with laboratory-reared insects showed that changes in caterpillar gut bacterial composition affect the insecticidal properties of entomopathogenic viruses and bacteria. Our study revealed different microbiota composition in field insects carrying a natural viral infection with Spodoptera exigua nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeMNPV) and/or Spodoptera exigua iflavirus 1 (SeIV1). Few taxa can be specifically associated with the infection, suggesting microbiota influence the infective process of these natural pathogens, and providing new strategies for insect pest management.This work has been supported by projects from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (No. AGL2014-57752-C2-2R and RTI2018-094350-B-C32) and the VIROPLANT project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement no. 774208Peer reviewe

    Aplicación de índices de tolerancia a la salinidad en plántulas de maíz

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    Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: estudiar la aplicación de diferentes índices de tolerancia en caracteres de plántulas de maíz y evaluar su posible utilidad en la identificación de genotipos tolerantes a la salinidad. Se probaron 68 accesiones en dos ambientes (0 y 100m MClNa). Se midieron: largo de raíz, vástago y 3ª hoja y peso seco de raíz y de parte aérea. Se incluyeron 6 índices de tolerancia: índice de susceptibilidad al estrés (SSI), índice de tolerancia al estrés (STI), tolerancia al estrés (TOL), media geométrica de la productividad (GMP), productividad media (MP) e índice de estabilidad del rendimiento (YSI). Debido a la variación espacial relacionada con la concentración de sal en ambientes salinos, sería importante identificar genotipos estables frente a una gama amplia de suelos salinos. El biplot agrupó las accesiones, caracteres medidos en ambientes con y sin estrés e índices de tolerancia a sal, y demostró que los índices GMP, MP y STI fueron los que permitieron identificar los accesiones estables que se caracterizan por tener una alta expresión de estos caracteres en ambos ambientes. La aplicación del método de Componentes Principales (CP) identificó a los caracteres peso seco aéreo y largo de raíz como los de mayor contribución y ambos estuvieron asociados con dichos indices de tolerancia a salinidad. De esta manera, en este estudio las accesiones 1, 7, 30, 33, 43 y 45 fueron los más estables para los caracteres peso seco aéreo y largo de raíz. Entre ellos las accesiones 30 y 33 fueron superiores (pertenecientes a genotipos del Grupo A) porque mostraron los escores más altos sobre el eje CP1 pero sus aportes al CP2 fueron bastantes pequeños, para la mayoría de las variables.The aims of this research were: to study the application of different tolerance Indices in traits measured in maize seedlings and to assess their possible use in the identification of genotypes tolerant to salinity. Sixty eight accessions were tested in two environments (0 and 100mM NaCl). We recorded length for radicle, shoot and third leaf and dry weight for root and shoot. Six stress tolerance indices were included: stress susceptibility (SSI), stress tolerance index (STI), stress tolerance (TOL), geometric mean productivity (GMP), mean productivity (MP) and yield stability index (YSI. Saline environments show a great spatial variation in relation to the salt concentration, for this reason it would be important to identify genotypes with stable behavior in a variety of saline soils. The biplot method allowed clustering accessions, traits measured in stress and non stress environment and salt tolerance Indexes in a same graphic, and showed that GMP, MP and STI indexes were the ones who helped identify the high yielding (group A genotype) and stable accessions, characterized by a high expression of these characters in both environments. Principal Component method showed that shoot dry weight and root length had the highest contribution and both were associated with these above indices in salinity. Therefore, in this study the accessions: 1, 7, 30, 33, 43 and 45 had stable values for the traits root length and shoot dry weight. Within this group the 30 and 33 entries were superior (bellowing to Group A genotypes) because they had the highest PC1 scores but its PC2 scores were rather small for the most of the variables.Fil: Collado, Mónica B.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Instituto Fitotécnico de "Santa Catalina"; ArgentinaFil: Aulicino, Mónica Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Instituto Fitotécnico de "Santa Catalina"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Arturi, Miguel Jacinto. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Instituto Fitotécnico de "Santa Catalina"; ArgentinaFil: Molina, María del Carmen. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Instituto Fitotécnico de "Santa Catalina"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Relationship between Milk Microbiota, Bacterial Load, Macronutrients, and Human Cells during Lactation

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    Human breast milk is considered the optimal nutrition for infants, providing essential nutrients and a broad range of bioactive compounds, as well as its own microbiota. However, the interaction among those components and the biological role of milk microorganisms is still uncovered. Thus, our aim was to identify the relationships between milk microbiota composition, bacterial load, macronutrients, and human cells during lactation. Bacterial load was estimated in milk samples from a total of 21 healthy mothers through lactation time by bacteria-specific qPCR targeted to the single-copy gene fusA. Milk microbiome composition and diversity was estimated by 16S-pyrosequencing and the structure of these bacteria in the fluid was studied by flow cytometry, qPCR, and microscopy. Fat, protein, lactose, and dry extract of milk as well as the number of somatic cells were also analyzed. We observed that milk bacterial communities were generally complex, and showed individual-specific profiles. Milk microbiota was dominated by Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Streptococcus, and Acinetobacter. Staphylococcus aureus was not detected in any of these samples from healthy mothers. There was high variability in composition and number of bacteria per milliliter among mothers and in some cases even within mothers at different time points. The median bacterial load was 106 bacterial cells/ml through time, higher than those numbers reported by 16S gene PCR and culture methods. Furthermore, milk bacteria were present in a free-living, “planktonic” state, but also in equal proportion associated to human immune cells. There was no correlation between bacterial load and the amount of immune cells in milk, strengthening the idea that milk bacteria are not sensed as an infection by the immune system.MC would like to greatefully acknowledge ERC Starting Grant 639226-MAMI. MC is involved in the “ISCH COST Action-IS1405” entitled “Building Intrapartum Research Through Health—an interdisciplinary whole system approach to understanding and contextualizing physiological labor and birth (BIRTH).”Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Los cabilderos, Washington y la Constitución de 1917

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    This article analyzes the arguments used by American lobbyists to pressure Washington to oppose against the Mexican Constitution of 1917 or articles that affected the interests of miners, oil companies, landowners and merchants in Mexico between 1916 and 1921. These attempts did not prevail, since both the State Department and the White House put national interests ahead of the private interests of investors south of the border during World War I. However, the lobbyists demands did have an impact on foreign policy when America's position was modified at the end of the war. Ultimately the US government did not adopt the interventionism proposed by the hardliners, who insisted on repealing the Constitution or modifying some of its articles, but instead used diplomatic pressure to defend the interests of its fellow citizens in Mexico.This article analyzes the arguments used by American lobbyists to pressure Washington to oppose against the Mexican Constitution of 1917 or articles that affected the interests of miners, oil companies, landowners and merchants in Mexico between 1916 and 1921. These attempts did not prevail, since both the State Department and the White House put national interests ahead of the private interests of investors south of the border during World War I. However, the lobbyists demands did have an impact on foreign policy when America's position was modified at the end of the war. Ultimately the US government did not adopt the interventionism proposed by the hardliners, who insisted on repealing the Constitution or modifying some of its articles, but instead used diplomatic pressure to defend the interests of its fellow citizens in Mexico.En este trabajo se analizan los argumentos que los cabilderos estadunidenses presentaron a su gobierno, a fin de presionar para que Washington adoptara posturas contrarias a la Constitución mexicana de 1917 o se eliminaran los artículos que afectaban a mineros, petroleros, latifundistas y comerciantes en México entre 1916 y 1921. Dichas presiones no prevalecieron pues, tanto el Departamento de Estado como la Casa Blanca, antepusieron el interés nacional por encima de los intereses particulares de los inversionistas al sur de la frontera, durante la primera Guerra Mundial. No obstante, la postura de Washington se modificó al terminar la guerra y entonces sí tuvieron impacto las demandas de los cabilderos en el diseño de la política exterior. Si bien el gobierno estadunidense no adoptó el intervencionismo de los más radicales, que insistían en que se derogara la Constitución o se modificaran algunos de sus artículos, optó por la presión diplomática para defender los intereses de sus connacionales en México

    Caracterización de cepas del género Bifidobacterium con carácter probiótico

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    El concepto de alimento funcional se emplea para describir a aquellos alimentos adicionados con ingredientes de diversas clases y orígenes que pueden ejercer efectos beneficiosos sobre quien los ingiere. Este concepto surgido en Japón ha ido popularizándose y expandiéndose hacia otros continentes como Europa fundamentalmente debido a la preocupación sobre la nutrición, la dieta y la salud de la sociedad actual. Los probióticos representan una gran área dentro de los alimentos funcionales y se ha intensificado la investigación para desarrollar productos probióticos y profundizar en el conocimiento de los efectos sobre la salud humana. Los probióticos se definen como "suplementos alimentarios microbianos vivos que afectan de forma ventajosa al animal huésped mejorando su equilibrio intestinal microbiano". Son microorganismos que estimulan las funciones protectoras del tracto digestivo, y también son conocidos como bioterapéuticos, bioprotectores o bioprofilácticos, ya que se utilizan para prevenir las infecciones entéricas y gastrointestinales. Un microorganismo probiótico efectivo debe poseer una serie de características: no ha de ser no patógeno ni tóxico, debe ejercer efectos beneficiosos sobre la salud de quien lo ingiere, tener origen humano, ha de ser tecnológicamente utilizable, ha de presentar un elevado porcentaje de células viables, debe ser capaz de sobrevivir a la flora intestinal, ha de permanecer viable durante su almacenamiento en refrigeración, y tener capacidad de adherirse a la superficie mucosa, etc. El establecimiento de criterios de selección y controles de calidad para productos probióticos se considera una prioridad debido a la rápida incorporación de estos productos en el mercado y su distribución en el ámbito internacional sin la existencia previa de una normativa comúnmente aceptada. En los últimos años ha aumentado el interés por los productos elaborados con microorganismos probióticos, pertenecientes a los géneros Lactobacillus y BifidobacCollado Amores, MC. (2005). Caracterización de cepas del género Bifidobacterium con carácter probiótico [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1907Palanci

    Therapeutic opportunities in intestinal microbiota-virus interactions

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    The host microbiota has emerged a third player in interactions between hosts and viral pathogens. This opens new possibilities to use different tools to modulate the intestinal microbial composition, aimed at reducing the risk of or treating viral enteric infections

    Effects of a gluten-free diet on gut microbiota and immune function in healthy adult human subjects

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    7 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables.Diet influences the composition of the gut microbiota and host's health, particularly in patients suffering from food-related diseases. Coeliac disease (CD) is a permanent intolerance to cereal gluten proteins and the only therapy for the patients is to adhere to a life-long gluten-free diet (GFD). In the present preliminary study, the effects of a GFD on the composition and immune function of the gut microbiota were analysed in ten healthy subjects (mean age 30·3 years) over 1 month. Faecal microbiota was analysed by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and quantitative PCR (qPCR). The ability of faecal bacteria to stimulate cytokine production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was determined by ELISA. No significant differences in dietary intake were found before and after the GFD except for reductions (P = 0·001) in polysaccharides. Bifidobacterium, Clostridium lituseburense and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii proportions decreased (P = 0·007, P = 0·031 and P = 0·009, respectively) as a result of the GFD analysed by FISH. Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium longum counts decreased (P = 0·020, P = 0·001 and P = 0·017, respectively), while Enterobacteriaceae and Escherichia coli counts increased (P = 0·005 and P = 0·003) after the GFD assessed by qPCR. TNF-α, interferon-γ, IL-10 and IL-8 production by PBMC stimulated with faecal samples was also reduced (P = 0·021, P = 0·037, P = 0·002 and P = 0·007, respectively) after the diet. Therefore, the GFD led to reductions in beneficial gut bacteria populations and the ability of faecal samples to stimulate the host's immunity. Thus, the GFD may constitute an environmental variable to be considered in treated CD patients for its possible effects on gut health.This work was supported by grants AGL2008-01440/ALI and Consolider Fun-C-Food 20 CSD2007-00063 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Peer reviewe

    Percepción de los escolares sobre los accidentes y las lesiones accidentales

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    Antecedentes/Objetivos: Las lesiones no intencionales constituyen la primera causa de muerte en la población infantil española (1-14 años) con una tasa de mortalidad de 6,5 por 100.000 niñas/os. Según datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud de 2006, la incidencia acumulada de lesiones accidentales en el último año previo a la encuesta fue de 10,6% de las/os niños entrevistadas/os, más frecuente en niños (51,4%) que en niñas (48,6%). Los accidentes se produjeron con mayor frecuencia en casa (29%), en la calle (23%) y en la escuela (22%). Pocos estudios han investigado la perspectiva de las/os niñas/os sobre las lesiones accidentales que sufren. El objetivo del estudio es explorar, describir y categorizar las percepciones de las/os niñas/os sobre las lesiones accidentales y las explicaciones de los accidentes que hayan podido experimentar. Métodos: Estudio exploratorio mediante análisis cualitativo sobre la percepción de salud de la población infantil. Los datos se obtuvieron de 6 grupos de discusión de entre 8 a 10 niños/as formados en 2006 mediante muestreo teórico intencional de niños/as de edades entre 8 y 12 años de 3º y 6º curso de primaria de colegios públicos y concertados de Alicante con los criterios de inclusión: Centro público/concertado; Zona centro o residencial/zona de clase trabajadora; Niños/niñas/grupo mixto; Tercero y Sexto de primaria. Los discursos fueron grabados, transcritos y posteriormente analizados usando el programa ATLASTI.v.4.1 y aplicando los principios de la grounded theory. Dos investigadores identificaron una estructura temática y un proceso de codificación abierta revisada por un tercero para validar el proceso y determinar las categorías y subcategorías resultantes. Resultados: Los accidentes fue un tema emergente del análisis del discurso. Se identificaron las categorías y subcategorías: Conceptualización de accidente (a. Oposición a salud, “Un niño sano no se rompe nada” b. Asociado a enfermedad “Cuando te rompes la mano o la muñeca” c. Suceso inevitable “Es algo que no se puede prevenir”) Causa y tipo de lesiones (“Por mucho que me caiga sólo me he hecho moraos”) Lugares donde se producen accidentes (a. Escuela “El patio es plano y cuando juegas al futbol algún niño se cae” b. Otros “Me hice una fisura en la calle”) Sugerencias para evitar accidentes (a. Espacios escolares “Arreglar el suelo del patio” b. Conductas personales “Tener más cuidado”). Conclusiones: La población infantil sabe identificar los accidentes como problema de salud. Los percibe como inevitables aunque propone formas de evitarlos. Ayudar a los escolares a identificar las causas de los accidentes puede eliminar su percepción de inevitabilidad y fortalecer su capacidad para afrontarlos.Escuela Valenciana de Estudios en Salud. Generalitat Valenciana 044/2006