336 research outputs found

    Complex dynamics of evaporation-driven convection in liquid layers

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    The spontaneous convective patterns induced by evaporation of a pure liquid layer are studied experimentally. A volatile liquid layer placed in a cylindrical container is left free to evaporate into air at rest under ambient conditions. The liquid/gas interface of the evaporating liquid layer is visualized using an infrared (IR) camera. The phenomenology of the observed convective patterns is qualitatively analysed, showing in particular that the latter can be quite complex especially at moderate liquid thicknesses. Attention is also paid to the influence of the container diameter on the observed patterns sequence.Comment: videos include

    First-principles study of ternary fcc solution phases from special quasirandom structures

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    In the present work, ternary Special Quasirandom Structures (SQSs) for a fcc solid solution phase are generated at different compositions, xA=xB=xC=13x_A=x_B=x_C=\tfrac{1}{3} and xA=12x_A=\tfrac{1}{2}, xB=xC=14x_B=x_C=\tfrac{1}{4}, whose correlation functions are satisfactorily close to those of a random fcc solution. The generated SQSs are used to calculate the mixing enthalpy of the fcc phase in the Ca-Sr-Yb system. It is observed that first-principles calculations of all the binary and ternary SQSs in the Ca-Sr-Yb system exhibit very small local relaxation. It is concluded that the fcc ternary SQSs can provide valuable information about the mixing behavior of the fcc ternary solid solution phase. The SQSs presented in this work can be widely used to study the behavior of ternary fcc solid solutions.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Short communication: Development of an equation for estimating methane emissions of dairy cows from milk Fourier transform mid-infrared spectra by using reference data obtained exclusively from respiration chambers

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    Evaluation and mitigation of enteric methane (CH4) emissions from ruminant livestock, in particular from dairy cows, have acquired global importance for sustainable, climate-smart cattle production. Based on CH4 reference measurements obtained with the SF6 tracer technique to determine ruminal CH4 production, a current equation permits evaluation of individual daily CH4 emissions of dairy cows based on milk Fourier transform mid-infrared (FT-MIR) spectra. However, the respiration chamber (RC) technique is considered to be more accurate than SF6 to measure CH4 production from cattle. This study aimed to develop an equation that allows estimating CH4 emissions of lactating cows recorded in an RC from corresponding milk FT-MIR spectra and to challenge its robustness and relevance through validation processes and its application on a milk spectral database. This would permit confirming the conclusions drawn with the existing equation based on SF6 reference measurements regarding the potential to estimate daily CH4 emissions of dairy cows from milk FT-MIR spectra. A total of 584 RC reference CH4 measurements (mean ± standard deviation of 400 ± 72 g of CH4/d) and corresponding standardized milk mid-infrared spectra were obtained from 148 individual lactating cows between 7 and 321 d in milk in 5 European countries (Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, France, and Northern Ireland). The developed equation based on RC measurements showed calibration and cross-validation coefficients of determination of 0.65 and 0.57, respectively, which is lower than those obtained earlier by the equation based on 532 SF6 measurements (0.74 and 0.70, respectively). This means that the RC-based model is unable to explain the variability observed in the corresponding reference data as well as the SF6-based model. The standard errors of calibration and cross-validation were lower for the RC model (43 and 47 g/d vs. 66 and 70 g/d for the SF6 version, respectively), indicating that the model based on RC data was closer to actual values. The root mean squared error (RMSE) of calibration of 42 g/d represents only 10% of the overall daily CH4 production, which is 23 g/d lower than the RMSE for the SF6-based equation. During the external validation step an RMSE of 62 g/d was observed. When the RC equation was applied to a standardized spectral database of milk recordings collected in the Walloon region of Belgium between January 2012 and December 2017 (1,515,137 spectra from 132,658 lactating cows in 1,176 different herds), an average ± standard deviation of 446 ± 51 g of CH4/d was estimated, which is consistent with the range of the values measured using both RC and SF6 techniques. This study confirmed that milk FT-MIR spectra could be used as a potential proxy to estimate daily CH4 emissions from dairy cows provided that the variability to predict is covered by the model

    Impacts des vers de terre sur les composants et la dynamique du sol (synthèse bibliographique)

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    Impacts of earthworms on soil components and dynamics. A review. Earthworm populations are important decomposers contributing to aggregate formation and nutrient cycling processes involving nitrogen cycles, phosphorus and carbon. They are known to influence soil fertility by participating to important processes in soil such as soil structure regulation and organic matter dynamics. Earthworms also modify the microbial communities through digestion, stimulation and dispersion in casts. Consequently, changes in the activities of earthworm communities, as a result of soil management practices, can also be used as indicators of soil fertility and quality. It is therefore important to understand how earthworm communities affect soil dynamics. This review adresses the current state of knowledge on earthworm's impacts on soil structure and soil organic matter (carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus) dynamics, with special emphasis on the effects of land management practices on earthworm communities

    Whirling Hexagons and Defect Chaos in Hexagonal Non-Boussinesq Convection

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    We study hexagon patterns in non-Boussinesq convection of a thin rotating layer of water. For realistic parameters and boundary conditions we identify various linear instabilities of the pattern. We focus on the dynamics arising from an oscillatory side-band instability that leads to a spatially disordered chaotic state characterized by oscillating (whirling) hexagons. Using triangulation we obtain the distribution functions for the number of pentagonal and heptagonal convection cells. In contrast to the results found for defect chaos in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation and in inclined-layer convection, the distribution functions can show deviations from a squared Poisson distribution that suggest non-trivial correlations between the defects.Comment: 4 mpg-movies are available at http://www.esam.northwestern.edu/~riecke/lit/lit.html submitted to New J. Physic

    The Effect of Lattice Vibrations on Substitutional Alloy Thermodynamics

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    A longstanding limitation of first-principles calculations of substitutional alloy phase diagrams is the difficulty to account for lattice vibrations. A survey of the theoretical and experimental literature seeking to quantify the impact of lattice vibrations on phase stability indicates that this effect can be substantial. Typical vibrational entropy differences between phases are of the order of 0.1 to 0.2 k_B/atom, which is comparable to the typical values of configurational entropy differences in binary alloys (at most 0.693 k_B/atom). This paper describes the basic formalism underlying ab initio phase diagram calculations, along with the generalization required to account for lattice vibrations. We overview the various techniques allowing the theoretical calculation and the experimental determination of phonon dispersion curves and related thermodynamic quantities, such as vibrational entropy or free energy. A clear picture of the origin of vibrational entropy differences between phases in an alloy system is presented that goes beyond the traditional bond counting and volume change arguments. Vibrational entropy change can be attributed to the changes in chemical bond stiffness associated with the changes in bond length that take place during a phase transformation. This so-called ``bond stiffness vs. bond length'' interpretation both summarizes the key phenomenon driving vibrational entropy changes and provides a practical tool to model them.Comment: Submitted to Reviews of Modern Physics 44 pages, 6 figure

    Rapid Growth Reduces Cold Resistance: Evidence from Latitudinal Variation in Growth Rate, Cold Resistance and Stress Proteins

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    Background: Physiological costs of rapid growth may contribute to the observation that organisms typically grow at submaximal rates. Although, it has been hypothesized that faster growing individuals would do worse in dealing with suboptimal temperatures, this type of cost has never been explored empirically. Furthermore, the mechanistic basis of the physiological costs of rapid growth is largely unexplored. Methodology/Principal Finding: Larvae of the damselfly Ischnura elegans from two univoltine northern and two multivoltine southern populations were reared at three temperatures and after emergence given a cold shock. Cold resistance, measured by chill coma recovery times in the adult stage, was lower in the southern populations. The faster larval growth rates in the southern populations contributed to this latitudinal pattern in cold resistance. In accordance with their assumed role in cold resistance, Hsp70 levels were lower in the southern populations, and faster growing larvae had lower Hsp70 levels. Yet, individual variation in Hsp70 levels did not explain variation in cold resistance. Conclusions/Significance: We provide evidence for a novel cost of rapid growth: reduced cold resistance. Our results indicate that the reduced cold resistance in southern populations of animals that change voltinism along the latitudinal gradient may not entirely be explained by thermal selection per se but also by the costs of time constraint-induced higher growth rates. This also illustrates that stressors imposed in the larval stage may carry over and shape fitness in the adul

    The Origin of Intraspecific Variation of Virulence in an Eukaryotic Immune Suppressive Parasite

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    Occurrence of intraspecific variation in parasite virulence, a prerequisite for coevolution of hosts and parasites, has largely been reported. However, surprisingly little is known of the molecular bases of this variation in eukaryotic parasites, with the exception of the antigenic variation used by immune-evading parasites of mammals. The present work aims to address this question in immune suppressive eukaryotic parasites. In Leptopilina boulardi, a parasitic wasp of Drosophila melanogaster, well-defined virulent and avirulent strains have been characterized. The success of virulent females is due to a major immune suppressive factor, LbGAP, a RacGAP protein present in the venom and injected into the host at oviposition. Here, we show that an homologous protein, named LbGAPy, is present in the venom of the avirulent strain. We then question whether the difference in virulence between strains originates from qualitative or quantitative differences in LbGAP and LbGAPy proteins. Results show that the recombinant LbGAPy protein has an in vitro GAP activity equivalent to that of recombinant LbGAP and similarly targets Drosophila Rac1 and Rac2 GTPases. In contrast, a much higher level of both mRNA and protein is found in venom-producing tissues of virulent parasitoids. The F1 offspring between virulent and avirulent strains show an intermediate level of LbGAP in their venom but a full success of parasitism. Interestingly, they express almost exclusively the virulent LbGAP allele in venom-producing tissues. Altogether, our results demonstrate that the major virulence factor in the wasp L. boulardi differs only quantitatively between virulent and avirulent strains, and suggest the existence of a threshold effect of this molecule on parasitoid virulence. We propose that regulation of gene expression might be a major mechanism at the origin of intraspecific variation of virulence in immune suppressive eukaryotic parasites. Understanding this variation would improve our knowledge of the mechanisms of transcriptional evolution currently under active investigation

    Modeling of Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Equilibria for the Al-Sm Binary System

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    The thermodynamic properties and associated phase equilibria for the Al-Sm binary system are examined, and experimental results regarding the stability of the Al3Sm, Al11Sm3, and Al4Sm intermetallics are incorporated. In the analysis presented, the liquid phase is described using a three-species association model, the intermediate phases are treated as stoichiometric compounds, and the terminal phases are treated as solid solutions with a single sublattice model. In addition to the stable phases, thermodynamic descriptions of the metastable Al11Sm3-α and Al4Sm-γ phases are employed, and both stable and metastable phase equilibria are presented over the full composition range, providing a general model, which is consistent with available experimental data. Metastable liquidus curves are examined with respect to the observed crystallization behavior of amorphous Al-Sm alloys
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