3,091 research outputs found

    Decays of metastable vacua in SQCD

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    The decay rates of metastable SQCD vacua in ISS-type models, both towards supersymmetric vacua as well as towards other nonsupersymmetric configurations arising in theories with elementary spectators, are estimated numerically in the semiclassical approximation by computing the corresponding multifield bounce configurations. The scaling of the bounce action with respect to the most relevant dimensionless couplings and ratios of scales is analyzed. In the case of the decays towards the susy vacua generated by nonperturbative effects, the results confirm previous analytical estimations of this scaling, obtained by assuming a triangular potential barrier. The decay rates towards susy vacua generated by R-symmetry breaking interactions turn out to be more than sufficiently suppressed for the phenomenologically relevant parameter range, and their behavior in this regime differs from analytic estimations valid for parametrically small scale ratios. It is also shown that in models with spectator fields, even though the decays towards vacua involving nonzero spectator VEVs don't have a strong parametric dependence on the scale ratios, the ISS vacuum can still be made long-lived in the presence of R-symmetry breaking interactions.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    NNMSM Type-II and III

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    We suggest two types of extension of the standard model, which are the so-called next to new minimal standard model (NNMSM) type-II and -III. They can achieve gauge coupling unification as well as suitable dark matter abundance, small neutrino masses, baryon asymmetry of the universe, inflation, and dark energy. The gauge coupling unification can be realized by introducing extra two or three new fields, and could explain the charge quantization. We also show that there are regions in which the vacuum stability, coupling perturbativity, and correct dark matter abundance can be realized with current experimental data at the same time.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, comments added. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1309.123

    Flux Discharge Cascades in Various Dimensions

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    We study the dynamics of electric flux discharge by charged particle pair or spherical string or membrane production in various dimensions. When electric flux wraps at least one compact cycle, we find that a single "pair" production event can initiate a cascading decay in real time that "shorts out" the flux and discharges many units of it. This process arises from local dynamics in the compact space, and so is invisible in the dimensionally-reduced truncation. It occurs in theories as simple as the Schwinger model on a circle, and has implications for any theory with compact dimensions and electric flux, including string theories and the string landscape.Comment: 19+8 pages, 3 figures, 3 appendice

    Probing Quantum Geometry at LHC

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    We present an evidence, that the volumes of compactified spaces as well as the areas of black hole horizons must be quantized in Planck units. This quantization has phenomenological consequences, most dramatic being for micro black holes in the theories with TeV scale gravity that can be produced at LHC. We predict that black holes come in form of a discrete tower with well defined spacing. Instead of thermal evaporation, they decay through the sequence of spontaneous particle emissions, with each transition reducing the horizon area by strictly integer number of Planck units. Quantization of the horizons can be a crucial missing link by which the notion of the minimal length in gravity eliminates physical singularities. In case when the remnants of the black holes with the minimal possible area and mass of order few TeV are stable, they might be good candidates for the cold dark matter in the Universe.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    A Comparative Note on Tunneling in AdS and in its Boundary Matrix Dual

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    For charged black hole, within the grand canonical ensemble, the decay rate from thermal AdS to the black hole at a fixed high temperature increases with the chemical potential. We check that this feature is well captured by a phenomenological matrix model expected to describe its strongly coupled dual. This comparison is made by explicitly constructing the kink and bounce solutions around the de-confinement transition and evaluating the matrix model effective potential on the solutions.Comment: 1+12 pages, 9 figure

    The quantum mechanics of perfect fluids

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    We consider the canonical quantization of an ordinary fluid. The resulting long-distance effective field theory is derivatively coupled, and therefore strongly coupled in the UV. The system however exhibits a number of peculiarities, associated with the vortex degrees of freedom. On the one hand, these have formally a vanishing strong-coupling energy scale, thus suggesting that the effective theory's regime of validity is vanishingly narrow. On the other hand, we prove an analog of Coleman's theorem, whereby the semiclassical vacuum has no quantum counterpart, thus suggesting that the vortex premature strong-coupling phenomenon stems from a bad identification of the ground state and of the perturbative degrees of freedom. Finally, vortices break the usual connection between short distances and high energies, thus potentially impairing the unitarity of the effective theory.Comment: 35 page

    Poincar\'e Invariant Quantum Field Theories With Twisted Internal Symmetries

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    Following up the work of [1] on deformed algebras, we present a class of Poincar\'e invariant quantum field theories with particles having deformed internal symmetries. The twisted quantum fields discussed in this work satisfy commutation relations different from the usual bosonic/fermionic commutation relations. Such twisted fields by construction are nonlocal in nature. Despite this nonlocality we show that it is possible to construct local interaction Hamiltonians which satisfy cluster decomposition principle and are Lorentz invariant. We further illustrate these ideas by considering global SU(N) symmetries. Specifically we show that twisted internal symmetries can significantly simplify the discussion of the marginal deformations (\beta-deformations) of the N=4 SUSY theories.Comment: 27 pages, Typos Corrected, Text and Conclusions Unchanged, Version published in JHE

    Follow-up practices for high-grade extremity Osteosarcoma

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    BACKGROUND: The optimal conduct of follow-up (FU) of patients with osteosarcoma is uncertain. In the absence of any formal validation of optimal timing and method of surveillance, guidance is provided by oncology societies' recommendations. FU is designed to detect either local recurrence or metastatic disease at a time when early treatment is still possible and might be effective. METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of 101 patients with high-grade extremity osteosarcoma in a single centre. Chest x-ray (CXR) was used as routine surveillance method; however patients with initial lung metastases or previous suspicious findings had computed tomography (CT) scans. RESULTS: With a median FU time of 30.7 months 34 patients relapsed. Relapse-free survival after 5 years was 61% (CI 52%; 73%), late relapses occurred in only two patients between 2 and 5 years of FU. Twenty-five of the 34 relapses were detected at routine FU appointments. All 8 local recurrences were noted clinically. Twenty-two patients had metastases confined to the lungs, either detected on CXR or CT. Thirty-two percent of patients with lung metastases only were salvaged successfully. CONCLUSIONS: Routine FU in high-grade osteosarcoma results in clinical detection of local relapse, and detection of lung metastases by CXR at a time when metastatectomy is possible. The optimal time interval for FU appointments is not known, however we recommend more frequent surveillance visits during the two years after treatment. We hypothesize that routine CT scans are not required and propose CXR for detection of lung metastases

    Supersymmetry breaking induced by radiative corrections

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    We show that simultaneous gauge and supersymmetry breaking can be induced by radiative corrections, a la Coleman-Weinberg. When a certain correlation among the superpotential parameters is present, a local supersymmetry-breaking minimum is found in the effective potential of a gauge non-singlet field, in a region where the tree-level potential is almost flat. Supersymmetry breaking is then transmitted to the MSSM through gauge and chiral messenger loops, thus avoiding the suppression of gaugino masses characteristic of direct gauge mediation models. The use of a single field ensures that no dangerous tachyonic scalar masses are generated at the one-loop level. We illustrate this mechanism with an explicit example based on an SU(5) model with a single adjoint. An interesting feature of the scenario is that the GUT scale is increased with respect to standard unification, thus allowing for a larger colour Higgs triplet mass, as preferred by the experimental lower bound on the proton lifetime.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures. Two references added, small redactional changes, some discussion improved. Results unchange

    Derrick's theorem beyond a potential

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    Scalar field theories with derivative interactions are known to possess solitonic excitations, but such solitons are generally unsatisfactory because the effective theory fails precisely where nonlinearities responsible for the solitons are important. A new class of theories possessing (internal) galilean invariance can in principle bypass this difficulty. Here, we show that these galileon theories do not possess stable solitonic solutions. As a by-product, we show that no stable solitons exist for a different class of derivatively coupled theories, describing for instance the infrared dynamics of superfluids, fluids, solids and some k-essence models.Comment: 4 page