2 research outputs found

    We need to improve financial reporting

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    La presentaci贸n de reportes financieros, s铆n embargo, no se ha desarrollado al mismo ritmo que esos avances. El modelo tradicional de presentaci贸n de informes financieros se basa en los costos hist贸ricos y en la presentaci贸n de reportes sobre eventos econ贸micos, presentando informaci贸n de mejor calidad y m谩s 煤til solo para inversionistas, acreedores y sus sucesores.Financial reporting, however, has not kept pace with these advances. The traditional financial reporting model is based on historical costs and reporting on economic events, presenting better quality and more useful information only to investors, creditors and their successors

    School of Public Accounting. Volume 16 No. 22 November 1991

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    Este informe es un estudio mundial, patrocinado por AICPA, que analiza el estado actual de la preparaci贸n y presentaci贸n de informaci贸n financiera, a partir de lo cual propone los cambios que se requieren implementar.Editorial. Documentos. Profesores. Estudiantes.This report is a worldwide study, sponsored by AICPA, that analyzes the current state of the preparation and presentation of financial information, based on which it proposes the changes that need to be implemented