1,222 research outputs found

    Традиційні звичаї як система спадкоємної культурної трансмісії (засади та досвід вивчення)

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    У статті на основі текстів наративів, записаних 2009 року на Сході України, досліджуються вияви процесу спадкоємності традицій – міжпоколінної передачі інформації у сфері звичаїв, обрядів та пов’язаних з ними міфологічних вірувань.В статье на основе текстов нарративов, записанных в 2009 году на Востоке Украины, исследуются проявления процесса преемственности традиций – межпоколенной передачи информации в сфере обычаев, обрядов и связанных с ними мифологических верований.The features of the traditional heredity processes are explored on the basis of the narrative texts written in Eastern Ukraine in 2009. These are “inter-generation” informational transfer in the customary, ritual and mythological spheres

    Drying air-induced disturbances in multi-layer coating systems

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    A range of new experimental techniques is developed to quantify drying-air induced disturbances on low viscosity single and multi-layer coating systems. Experiments on prototype slide-bead coating systems show that the surface disturbances take the form of a wavelike pattern and quantify precisely how its amplitude increases rapidly with wet thickness and decreases with viscosity. Heat transfer measurements show that the redistribution of water to form an additional lower viscosity carrier layer while increasing the solids concentration of the upper layer or layers enables the maximum drying rate, for which drying-air induced surface disturbances are acceptably small, to be increased with significant commercial benefits

    Short time decay of the Loschmidt echo

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    The Loschmidt echo measures the sensitivity to perturbations of quantum evolutions. We study its short time decay in classically chaotic systems. Using perturbation theory and throwing out all correlation imposed by the initial state and the perturbation, we show that the characteristic time of this regime is well described by the inverse of the width of the local density of states. This result is illustrated and discussed in a numerical study in a 2-dimensional chaotic billiard system perturbed by various contour deformations and using different types of initial conditions. Moreover, the influence to the short time decay of sub-Planck structures developed by time evolution is also investigated.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, published versio

    Sensitivity to perturbations in a quantum chaotic billiard

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    The Loschmidt echo (LE) measures the ability of a system to return to the initial state after a forward quantum evolution followed by a backward perturbed one. It has been conjectured that the echo of a classically chaotic system decays exponentially, with a decay rate given by the minimum between the width Γ\Gamma of the local density of states and the Lyapunov exponent. As the perturbation strength is increased one obtains a cross-over between both regimes. These predictions are based on situations where the Fermi Golden Rule (FGR) is valid. By considering a paradigmatic fully chaotic system, the Bunimovich stadium billiard, with a perturbation in a regime for which the FGR manifestly does not work, we find a cross over from Γ\Gamma to Lyapunov decay. We find that, challenging the analytic interpretation, these conjetures are valid even beyond the expected range.Comment: Significantly revised version. To appear in Physical Review E Rapid Communication

    Molecular dynamics simulation of the order-disorder phase transition in solid NaNO2_2

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    We present molecular dynamics simulations of solid NaNO2_2 using pair potentials with the rigid-ion model. The crystal potential surface is calculated by using an \emph{a priori} method which integrates the \emph{ab initio} calculations with the Gordon-Kim electron gas theory. This approach is carefully examined by using different population analysis methods and comparing the intermolecular interactions resulting from this approach with those from the \emph{ab initio} Hartree-Fock calculations. Our numerics shows that the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition in solid NaNO2_2 is triggered by rotation of the nitrite ions around the crystallographical c axis, in agreement with recent X-ray experiments [Gohda \textit{et al.}, Phys. Rev. B \textbf{63}, 14101 (2000)]. The crystal-field effects on the nitrite ion are also addressed. Remarkable internal charge-transfer effect is found.Comment: RevTeX 4.0, 11 figure

    High Spatial Resolution Fast-Neutron Imaging Detectors for Pulsed Fast-Neutron Transmission Spectroscopy

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    Two generations of a novel detector for high-resolution transmission imaging and spectrometry of fast-neutrons are presented. These devices are based on a hydrogenous fiber scintillator screen and single- or multiple-gated intensified camera systems (ICCD). This detector is designed for energy-selective neutron radiography with nanosecond-pulsed broad-energy (1 - 10 MeV) neutron beams. Utilizing the Time-of-Flight (TOF) method, such a detector is capable of simultaneously capturing several images, each at a different neutron energy (TOF). In addition, a gamma-ray image can also be simultaneously registered, allowing combined neutron/gamma inspection of objects. This permits combining the sensitivity of the fast-neutron resonance method to low-Z elements with that of gamma radiography to high-Z materials.Comment: Also published in JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1748-0221/4/05/P0501

    Input-output theory for fermions in an atom cavity

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    We generalize the quantum optical input-output theory developed for optical cavities to ultracold fermionic atoms confined in a trapping potential, which forms an "atom cavity". In order to account for the Pauli exclusion principle, quantum Langevin equations for all cavity modes are derived. The dissipative part of these multi-mode Langevin equations includes a coupling between cavity modes. We also derive a set of boundary conditions for the Fermi field that relate the output fields to the input fields and the field radiated by the cavity. Starting from a constant uniform current of fermions incident on one side of the cavity, we use the boundary conditions to calculate the occupation numbers and current density for the fermions that are reflected and transmitted by the cavity

    Phenomenological glass model for vibratory granular compaction

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    A model for weakly excited granular media is derived by combining the free volume argument of Nowak et al. [Phys. Rev. E 57, 1971 (1998)] and the phenomenological model for supercooled liquids of Adam and Gibbs [J. Chem. Phys. 43, 139 (1965)]. This is made possible by relating the granular excitation parameter \Gamma, defined as the peak acceleration of the driving pulse scaled by gravity, to a temperature-like parameter \eta(\Gamma). The resulting master equation is formally identical to that of Bouchaud's trap model for glasses [J. Phys. I 2, 1705 (1992)]. Analytic and simulation results are shown to compare favourably with a range of known experimental behaviour. This includes the logarithmic densification and power spectrum of fluctuations under constant \eta, the annealing curve when \eta is varied cyclically in time, and memory effects observed for a discontinuous shift in \eta. Finally, we discuss the physical interpretation of the model parameters and suggest further experiments for this class of systems.Comment: 2 references added; some figure labels tweaked. To appear in PR

    Reversible Random Sequential Adsorption of Dimers on a Triangular Lattice

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    We report on simulations of reversible random sequential adsorption of dimers on three different lattices: a one-dimensional lattice, a two-dimensional triangular lattice, and a two-dimensional triangular lattice with the nearest neighbors excluded. In addition to the adsorption of particles at a rate K+, we allow particles to leave the surface at a rate K-. The results from the one-dimensional lattice model agree with previous results for the continuous parking lot model. In particular, the long-time behavior is dominated by collective events involving two particles. We were able to directly confirm the importance of two-particle events in the simple two-dimensional triangular lattice. For the two-dimensional triangular lattice with the nearest neighbors excluded, the observed dynamics are consistent with this picture. The two-dimensional simulations were motivated by measurements of Ca++ binding to Langmuir monolayers. The two cases were chosen to model the effects of changing pH in the experimental system.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    On the global hydration kinetics of tricalcium silicate cement

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    We reconsider a number of measurements for the overall hydration kinetics of tricalcium silicate pastes having an initial water to cement weight ratio close to 0.5. We find that the time dependent ratio of hydrated and unhydrated silica mole numbers can be well characterized by two power-laws in time, x/(1x)(t/tx)ψx/(1-x)\sim (t/t_x)^\psi. For early times t<txt < t_x we find an `accelerated' hydration (ψ=5/2\psi = 5/2) and for later times t>txt > t_x a `deaccelerated' behavior (ψ=1/2\psi = 1/2). The crossover time is estimated as tx16hourst_x \approx 16 hours. We interpret these results in terms of a global second order rate equation indicating that (a) hydrates catalyse the hydration process for t<txt<t_x, (b) they inhibit further hydration for t>txt > t_x and (c) the value of the associated second order rate constant is of magnitude 6x10^{-7} - 7x10^{-6} liter mol^{-1} s^{-1}. We argue, by considering the hydration process actually being furnished as a diffusion limited precipitation that the exponents ψ=5/2\psi = 5/2 and ψ=1/2\psi = 1/2 directly indicate a preferentially `plate' like hydrate microstructure. This is essentially in agreement with experimental observations of cellular hydrate microstructures for this class of materials.Comment: RevTeX macros, 6 pages, 4 postscript figure