556 research outputs found

    Development Of Load Measurement Technique For Arbitrary Shapes

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    Obtaining aerodynamic forces and moments about all three orthogonal axes for arbitrary shapes at arbitrary orientations in a fast manner via a measurement technique specific to Cal Poly’s low-speed wind tunnel to continually obtain the forces and moments under quasi-steady conditions is explored. A Continuous Rotation Technique (CR) uses a 6-DOF load cell and stepper motor to rotate an object about an axis for a complete rotation. The forces and moments acting upon the object pass through the stepper motor and interface plates and recorded by the load cell as the object is rotated continuously a finite number of rotations. An optical encoder installation tracks the progress of a rotation serving indicator between the subsequent rotations to determine starting angles and body slippage. Average loading of measurements at each timestep along the average time for rotation is found. This dataset along the average time is placed in 1-degree bins and averaged to a final dataset of load measurements at 0.5-degree intervals for a complete 360-degree load map. Testing of this technique is performed on aspect ratio 1 circular cylinder and for a sphere. These test cases are representative of the 3D flow features that are prevalent for bodies of finite aspect ratios. The airloads on these canonical shapes were used to calibrate the measurement technique deriving similarity with prior work performed at Georgia Tech\u27s wind tunnel. This thesis showcases the repeatability of the results in a different and smaller wind tunnel with improved certainty on angle measurements. The scope of the thesis tackles the showcase of an initial proof of concept for the incorporation of such a novel measurement technique using Cal Poly resources

    Cube Quest Challenge

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    STI is for a fact sheet on the Cube Quest Challenge

    NASA's CubeQuest Challenge - From Ground Tournaments to Lunar and Deep Space Derby

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    The First Flight of NASA's Space Launch System will feature 13 CubeSats that will launch into cis-lunar space. Three of these CubeSats are winners of the CubeQuest Challenge, part of NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) Centennial Challenge Program. In order to qualify for launch on EM-1, the winning teams needed to win a series of Ground Tournaments, periodically held since 2015. The final Ground Tournament, GT-4, was held in May 2017, and resulted in the Top 3 selection for the EM-1 launch opportunity. The Challenge now proceeds to the in-space Derbies, where teams must build and test their spacecraft before launch on EM-1. Once in space, they will compete for a variety of Communications and Propulsion-based challenges. This is the first Centennial Challenge to compete in space and is a springboard for future in-space Challenges. In addition, the technologies gained from this challenge will also propel development of deep space CubeSats

    Cube Quest Challenge: A Government Prize for Advanced CubeSat Technologies for Affordable Deep Space Science and Exploration Missions

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    NASA STMD Centennial Challenges Program operates government prize programs for the public benefit. Cube Quest Challenge awards prizes to citizen inventors who advance CubeSat state of the art, enabling affordable NASA science and exploration missions. Cube Quest will take place in lunar orbit or at 4M km. CubeSat developers will make advancements in communications, propulsion and radiation tolerance suitable for future deep space missions. Cube Quest may inspire other ambitious government challenges

    NASAs EDSN Aims to Overcome the Operational Challenges of CubeSat Constellations and Demonstrate an Economical Swarm of 8 CubeSats Useful for Space Science Investigations

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    Operators of a constellation of CubeSats have to confront a number of daunting challenges that can be cost prohibitive, or operationally prohibitive, to missions that could otherwise be enabled by a satellite constellation. Challenges including operations complexity, intersatellite communication, intersatellite navigation, and time sharing tasks between satellites are all complicated by operating with the usual CubeSat size, power, and budget constraints. EDSN pioneers innovative solutions to these problems as they are presented on the nano-scale satellite platform

    NASA Centers and Universities Collaborate in Annual Smallsat Technology Partnerships

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    The Small Spacecraft Technology program within the NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate sponsors the Smallsat Technology Partnerships (STP) initiative. The STP initiative awards cooperative agreements between NASA centers and university teams for technology development efforts that advance the capabilities of small spacecraft to achieve NASA mission objectives in unique and more affordable ways. NASA’s announcement to return humans to the Moon by 2024 raises new opportunities for Smallsats to contribute to missions in cislunar space, though technical challenges are to be overcome to establish their value in this environment. Precursor missions utilizing small spacecraft will blaze the trail for lunar exploration, establishing infrastructure such as communication and navigation networks, and performing assembly and repair services for larger structures and human habitats. To achieve these goals, certain novel Smallsat technologies will need to be developed and demonstrated. The 2020 STP solicitation sought proposals for specific technologies to enable these lunar missions. For the 2020 STP cycle, NASA selected nine university teams to mature new systems and capabilities in the laboratory, and in some cases, demonstrate in suborbital or orbital spaceflights. This paper describes the STP portfolio, past and present efforts, and the nine partnerships selected

    Hypertension in response to IL-6 during pregnancy: role of AT1-receptor activation

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    BACKGROUND: Increases in interleukin 6 (IL-6) and agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1-AA) are proposed to be important links between placental ischemia and hypertension in preeclampsia. METHODS: The purpose of this study was to determine whether IL-6 (5 ng/day), infused into normal pregnant (NP) rats, increased mean arterial pressure (MAP) and AT1-AA. MAP was analyzed in the presence and absence of an angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT1R) antagonist, losartan, L. RESULTS: MAP and AT1-AA increased from 102 ± 2 to 118 ± 4 mmHg and 0.7 ± 0.3 NP to 14.1 ± 1.4 chronotropic units with chronic IL-6 infusion. MAP responses to IL-6 were abolished in losartan pretreated rats (85 ± 4 in NP + L vs 85 ± 3 mmHg in IL-6 + L). CONCLUSION: These data indicate that IL-6 stimulates AT1-AA and that activation of the AT1R mediates IL-6 induced hypertension during pregnancy

    Induction of apoptosis in rat peripheral blood lymphocytes by the anticancer drug CI-994 (acetyldinaline)

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    ABSTRACT: CI-994 (acetyldinaline) is an investigational anticancer drug currently in clinical trials. In preclinical safety studies in rats and dogs, CI-994 resulted in significant toxicity to bone marrow and lymphoid tissue. To determine if apoptosis was involved in CI-994 toxicity, peripheral blood lymphocytes were isolated from untreated male Wistar rats and exposed to CI-994 (1, 3, 10, or 30 μM) in vitro for up to 24 hours. Morphological and biochemical features of apoptosis were evaluated using several techniques, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release was measured as an indicator of cell necrosis. No evidence of apoptosis or necrosis was detected in lymphocytes exposed to CI-994 for 4 hours. After 24 hours, concentration-dependent increases in apoptosis characterized by DNA condensation, DNA fragmentation, and/or externalization of phosphatidyl serine were seen at CI-994 concentrations as low as 1 μM and were statistically significant beginning at 10 μM. Ultrastructural analysis confirmed the presence of DNA condensation, DNA fragmentation, cell shrinkage, and membrane blebbing in cells exposed to 30 μM CI-994. After 24 hours, the percent of maximum LDH release from lymphocytes treated with 10 and 30 μM CI-994 was 7% and 15%, respectively, compared with 0% in the controls. In comparison, morphological changes of apoptosis detected by fluorescent microscopy were observed in 79% of the lymphocytes at these two concentrations. Additionally, apoptosis was seen in more than 24% of lymphocytes exposed to 1 and 3 μM CI-994, whereas maximum LDH release was less than or equal to 1% at these concentrations. These results show that apoptosis is the primary mode of cell death in rat lymphocytes exposed to CI-994 in vitro

    Pass the popcorn: "obesogenic" behaviors and stigma in children's movies.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of obesity-related behaviors and attitudes in children's movies. METHODS: A mixed-methods study of the top-grossing G- and PG-rated movies, 2006-2010 (4 per year) was performed. For each 10-min movie segment, the following were assessed: 1) prevalence of key nutrition and physical activity behaviors corresponding to the American Academy of Pediatrics obesity prevention recommendations for families; 2) prevalence of weight stigma; 3) assessment as healthy, unhealthy, or neutral; 3) free-text interpretations of stigma. RESULTS: Agreement between coders was >85% (Cohen's kappa = 0.7), good for binary responses. Segments with food depicted: exaggerated portion size (26%); unhealthy snacks (51%); sugar-sweetened beverages (19%). Screen time was also prevalent (40% of movies showed television; 35% computer; 20% video games). Unhealthy segments outnumbered healthy segments 2:1. Most (70%) of the movies included weight-related stigmatizing content (e.g., "That fat butt! Flabby arms! And this ridiculous belly!"). CONCLUSIONS: These popular children's movies had significant "obesogenic" content, and most contained weight-based stigma. They present a mixed message to children, promoting unhealthy behaviors while stigmatizing the behaviors' possible effects. Further research is needed to determine the effects of such messages on children