12 research outputs found

    A circular view of the genome of <i>A. xylosoxidans</i> NH44784-1996.

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    <p>Including CDS and RNA features, GC content and skew. The figure was prepared using CGView [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0068484#B97" target="_blank">97</a>]. A genome-genome comparison with <i>A. xylosoxidans</i> A8 (CP002287 [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0068484#B40" target="_blank">40</a>]) was created using MegaBlast with default parameters.</p

    Phylogenetic tree.

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    <p>Neighbor-joining dendrogram showing the relationship of NH44784-1996 and 77 <i>Achromobacter</i> strains, using <i>B</i><i>. petrii</i> DSM 12804 as an outgroup. The comparison was based on the concatenated sequences of MLSA genes <i>atpD</i>, <i>icd</i>, <i>recA</i>, <i>rpoB</i> and <i>tyrB</i> (2,098 nt). MLSA clusters I–V are shown. Bootstrap support of clusters is indicated to the left of the node. Scale bar, 0.01 substitutions per site.</p