125 research outputs found

    The Roots of Latin American Protectionism: Looking Before the Great Depression

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    This paper uncovers a fact that has not been well appreciated: tariffs in Latin America were far higher than anywhere else in the century before the Great Depression. This is a surprising fact given that this region has been said to have exploited globalization forces better than most during the pre-1914 belle epoque and for which the Great Depression has always been viewed as a critical policy turning point towards protection and de-linking from the world economy. This paper shows that the explanation cannot lie with output gains from protection, since, while such gains were present in Europe and its non-Latin offshoots, they were not present in Latin America. The paper then explores Latin American tariffs as a revenue source, as a protective device for special interests, and as the result of other political economy struggles. We conclude by asking whether the same pro-protection conditions exist today as those which existed more than a century ago.

    Estructuras, dotaciones e instituciones en la historia económica de Latinoamérica

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    Lost Decades: Lessons from Post-Independence Latin America for Today's Africa

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    Africa and Latin America secured their independence from European colonial rule a century and half apart: most of Latin America after 1820 and most of Africa after 1960. Despite the distance in time and space, they share important similarities. In each case independence was followed by political instability, violent conflict and economic stagnation lasting for about a half-century (lost decades). The parallels suggest that Africa might be exiting from a period of post-imperial collapse and entering a period of relative political stability and economic growth, as did Latin America a century and a half earlier.

    Crecimiento económico en el espacio peruano, 1681-1800: una visión a partir de la agricultura

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaEl trabajo presenta un análisis agregado y por región de la evolución de la agricultura en el espacio peruano entre 1681 y 1800, utilizando series deflactadas de diezmos. Concluye señalando que, luego de una caída inicial, existió una expansión de la agricultura durante el siglo XVIII, con una aceleración en la segunda mitad del siglo. El incremento en la producción no fue homogéneo, existiendo una destacada disparidad regional.The article presents an aggregate and regional analysis of the evolution of agriculture in the Peruvian space between 1681 and 1800, using deflated tithe series. It concludes that after an initial collapse, agricultural production expanded in the xviii century, an expansion that accelerated in the second half of the century. This increase in production was not homogeneous across regions.Publicad