111 research outputs found

    Supplementation of Thymoquinone and Carob Together in the Experimental Rat Asthma Model: Oxidative Effect on the Liver Tissue

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    Asthma, an important public health problem, is a common, potentially serious, medical condition in children, adults and pregnant women. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of the combined use of thymoquinone and carob on liver tissue oxidative events, following the experimental asthma model. 18 male albino wistar rats were divided into 3 groups as: the control group, the experimental asthma group and treated group (A+TQ+C). In the asthmatic groups, ovalbumin and alum were given intraperitoneally on the 0 and 14th days, and sensitized by inhalation on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd days. In the next 5 days, thymoquinone and carob were given to the group to be treated by intragastric gavage method. In all experimental groups, glutathione (GSH), ascorbic acid (AA), malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NOx) levels were measured spectrophotometrically to evaluate the oxidant-antioxidant status in the liver tissue of rats. While liver tissue GSH and AA levels increased, NOx levels were found to decrease following thymoquinone and carob administration in the treated group (A+TQ+C) when compared other groups (Control and Asthma). However, MDA levels, which are the indicator of lipid peroxidation, were found to be statistically significantly increased in the treated group (A+TQ+C) (


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    Amaç: Anodermal yırtık ya da kesik olarak tanımlanan anal fissür oluşumunda konstipasyon başta olmak üzere birçok faktör etkilidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı anne sütüyle beslenmenin, defekasyonun, anal bölge temizliği ve bakımının anal fissür gelişimine etkisinin belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çalışmaya İzmir Bornova Atatürk Sağlık Ocağı ve Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Pediatrik Gastroenteroloji Polikliniğine Ocak-Mart 2006 arasında başvuran yaşları 1-17 ay arası (ortalama  standart sapma 6,6  4,0 ay) 72 bebek (40 erkek 32 kız) alındı. Bunlar anal fissür saptanan ve saptanmayan bebekler olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. Bebeğin yaşı, beslenmesi, defekasyon ritmi, gaita kıvamı, doğumdan sonraki gaita çıkış zamanı, konstipasyon için tedavi görüp görmediği, önceki anal fissür öyküsü ve yıkanma sıklığı kaydedildi. Hazır bez kullanımı, anal bölge bakımı ve temizliğinde kullanılan ajanlar soruldu. Bebeklerin tümüne ayrıntılı anal bakı yapıldı. Bulgular: Anal fissürü olan grupta 29, olmayan grupta 43 bebek vardı. Anne sütü ile beslenme anal fissür gelişiminden koruyucu bulundu (eksponensiyel B = 0,11, %95 CI = 0,02 - 0,76). Defekasyon ritmi ve gaita kıvamı iki grup arasında anlamlı farklı olmasına karşın regresyon analizinde anlamlı farklı bulunmadı (sırası ile p=0,09 ve 0,29). Anal bölge temizliğinde ıslak mendil kullanımının anal fissür riskini anlamlı arttırdığı saptandı (eksponensiyel B= 11,0, %95 CI= 2,13 - 57,6). Önceki anal fissür öyküsü regresyon analizinde anlamlılığını yitirdi (eksponensiyel B= 4,34, %95 güven aralığı= 0,89 - 20,99). Regresyon analizi modeline alındığında yaştaki her 1 aylık artışın fissür riskini 1,4 kat arttırdığı bulundu. Doğumdan sonra ilk defekasyon zamanı, konstipasyon tedavisi, yıkanma sıklığı ve anal bölge bakımının her iki grup arasında anlamlı farklılık göstermedi. Sonuç: Anne sütü alımının anal fissür gelişimi riskini azalttığı, ıslak mendil kullanımının ise arttırdığı düşünülmüştür. Objective: Many factors especially constipation play a role in the development of anal fissure that is defined as anodermal tear or cut. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of breast feeding, defecation, anal hygiene and care on development of anal fissure. Material and method: The study included 72 children (40 males 32 females) aged 1-17 months (mean  standard deviation 6.6  4.0 months) who presented to Izmir Bornova Ataturk Health Center and Celal Bayar University Pediatric Gastroenterology Outpatient Department between January-March 2006. These were grouped into two as babies with and without an anal fissure. Age, nutrition, defecation rhythm, stool consistency, time of first defecation after birth, history of constipation treatment, history of previous anal fissure and bathing frequency were recorded. Use of diapers, agents used in anal care and hygiene were questioned. All the children had anal examination. Results: The anal fissure group included 29 babies whereas the one without anal fissure included 43 babies. Breast feeding was found to be protective against anal fissure development (eksponential B = 0.11, %95 confidence interval = 0.02-0.76). Defecation rhythm and stool consistency was not found to be significant in regression analysis although they were significantly different between the two groups (p=0.09 ve 0.29 respectively). Use of baby wipes for cleaning anal region was detected to increase risk of anal fissures significantly (eksponential B= 11.0, %95 CI= 2.13-57.6). Previous history of anal fissure lost its significance in regression analysis (eksponential B= 4.34, %95 confidence interval = 0.89-20.99). It was detected that increase of one month of age increased the risk of anal fissure development by 1.4 times. Time of defection after birth, bathing frequency and anal care was not significantly different between the groups. Conclusion: It was thought that the risk of anal fissure development decreased with breast feeding while it increased with the use of wet wipes

    Thin layer drying of zucchini in solar dryer located in Osmaniye region

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    In this study, the dehydration behavior of zucchini using solar assisted drying system was examined according to 22 thin layer drying models available in literature. The correlation coefficient (R2), chi-square (χ2) and root mean square error (RMSE) values were calculated to check the suitability of models by non-linear regression analysis. It was found that Cubic and Modified Midilli-1 models were the most suitable equations and their R2 values were calculated as 0.99963. χ2 and RMSE values of related mathematical expressions were 1.89343×10‒5, 1.91692×10‒5 and 0.01685×10‒3, 0.01721×10‒3 respectively. In addition, heat transfer, mass transfer and diffusion coefficients, which were important parameters in design of drying systems were also determined as 5.18124 W/m2°C, 1.57129×10‒7 m/s and 2.335718×10‒9 m2/s respectively

    Synthesis and characterization of mixed ligand chiral nanoclusters

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    Chiral mixed ligand silver nanoclusters were synthesized in the presence of a chiral and an achiral ligand. The ratio of the ligands was changed to track the formation of these clusters. While the chiral ligand lead to nanoparticles, Presence of the achiral ligand induced the formation of nanoclusters with chiral properties

    Kistik fibrozis tanılı hastalarda postür ve dengenin etkilenimi

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    Kistik fibrozis (KF) akciğer, pankreas ve karaciğer başta olmak üzere çoklu organ ve sistemleri etkileyen, beyaz ırkta en sık görülen otozomal resesif geçişli ölümcül bir hastalıktır. Vitamin D ve kalsiyum emiliminin bozulması ve tedavide kullanılan kortikosteroidler sonucu kas-iskelet sistemi de olumsuz etkilenir. Bu etkilenim, hastalarda postürün bozulmasına sebep olmaktadır. Postüral stabilite postürden direkt olarak etkilenmekte olup kas-iskelet sağlığının bozulduğu her durumda etkilenebilir. Bu çalışmada Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde tedavi görmekte olan KF tanılı hastaların postürü ve dengeleri ve onları etkileyen faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışma, ter testi veya genetik analiz sonucu KF tanısı bulunan 6 yaşından büyük 58 hasta ve 94 sağlıklı kontrolün alındığı bir kesitsel çalışmadır. Hasta grubunun solunum fonksiyon testleri, 6 dakika yürüme testi ve fonksiyonel erişme testi, zamanlı kalkıp yürüme testi ve pediatrik Berg denge testi sonuçları not edildi. Ayrıca hasta grubunun skolyoz grafileri çekilerek Cobb, torasik kifoz ve kifotik indeks ölçümü yapıldı. Hasta grubunun vitamin D düzeyleri ve kullandıkları replasman miktarı ile pulmoner rehabilitasyonda kullandıkları teknikler ve ayırdıkları zaman da kısa bir anket formu doldurularak tespit edildi. Hasta ve kontrol grubunun pediyatrik gait arms and legs scale (pGALS) muayene skalası ve NeuroCom balance master® ile postüral stabiliteleri değerlendirildi. KF grubu ile kontrol grubunun pGALS muayene sonuçları karşılaştırıldığında alt ekstremite (p=0.035), yürüme (p=0.005) ve omurga (p= 0.008) parametreleri arasında KF grubunda patolojik bulgular anlamlı olarak fazlaydı. NeuroCom Balance Master® ile yapılan stabilite sınırları testinde KF grubu ve kontrol grubu arasında son nokta hareketi (p<0.05), maksimum hareket (p=0.02) ve yön kontolü (p=0.01) parametlerinde anlamlı farklılıklar mevcuttu. KF hastalarında basit bir muayene ile patolojilerin tespiti mümkündür. Bu hastalarda kas iskelet sistem sorunları normal popülasyondan daha fazladır. Bu patolojiler postüral stabiliteyi etkileyebilir. Klinik denge değerlendirmeleri, bilgisayarlı denge değerlendirmeleri ile korele olup, KF’li çocukların değerlendirilmesinde kullanılabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler Denge, Kistik Fibrozis, Postür, Postüral Stabilite ABSTRACT Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common autosomal recessive fatal disease in Caucasians which affects multiple organ systems . Cystic fibrosis affects the musculoskeletal system via decreasing the absorbtion of vitamin D and the use of corticosteroids in treatment.. These result in deterioration of posture in CF patients. Postural stability is directly affected by posture and can be compramized in every musculoskeletal problem. The aim of this study is to evaluate posture, balance and the factors involved in patients with cystic fibrosis. This is a cross-sectional study with 58 CF patients who has recieved this diagnosis via sweat test or genetic analysis and 94 controls, who are older than 6 years. Patients’ respiratory function tests, 6 minute walk test, functional reach test, timed up and go test, pediatric Berg balance scale have been noted. Patients’ have got their spine X-rays and Cobb angle, thoracic kyphosis and kyphotic index were measured. Level of blood 25-OH-vitamin D, replacement therapy used and pulmonary rehabilitation techniques used were noted. Both patients and control group were examined with pediatric gait, arms, legs and spine scale (pGALS). They also were evaluated with NeuroCom Balance Master for their postural stability. CF group has signifcantly more pathological findings than the control group in lower extremity (p=0.035), gait (p=0.005) and spine (p=0.008) parameters in pGALS examination.. In balance tests done with NeuroCom Balance Master CF group showed significantly worse results in end point excursion (p<0.05), maximum excursion (p=0.02) ve directional control (p=0.01) parameters. In patients with CF, a basic musculoskeletal examination can detect pathologies, which are more frequent than the normal population. These pathologies may affect postural stability. Clinical balance tests show good correlation with computerized balance tests and can be used to determine balance in patients with CF. Key Words Balance, Cystic fibrosis, Posture, Postural Stabilit

    Kistik fibrozis tanılı hastalarda postür ve dengenin etkilenimi

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    ÖZET Kistik fibrozis (KF) akciğer, pankreas ve karaciğer başta olmak üzere çoklu organ ve sistemleri etkileyen, beyaz ırkta en sık görülen otozomal resesif geçişli ölümcül bir hastalıktır. Vitamin D ve kalsiyum emiliminin bozulması ve tedavide kullanılan kortikosteroidler sonucu kas-iskelet sistemi de olumsuz etkilenir. Bu etkilenim, hastalarda postürün bozulmasına sebep olmaktadır. Postüral stabilite postürden direkt olarak etkilenmekte olup kas-iskelet sağlığının bozulduğu her durumda etkilenebilir. Bu çalışmada Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde tedavi görmekte olan KF tanılı hastaların postürü ve dengeleri ve onları etkileyen faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışma, ter testi veya genetik analiz sonucu KF tanısı bulunan 6 yaşından büyük 58 hasta ve 94 sağlıklı kontrolün alındığı bir kesitsel çalışmadır. Hasta grubunun solunum fonksiyon testleri, 6 dakika yürüme testi ve fonksiyonel erişme testi, zamanlı kalkıp yürüme testi ve pediatrik Berg denge testi sonuçları not edildi. Ayrıca hasta grubunun skolyoz grafileri çekilerek Cobb, torasik kifoz ve kifotik indeks ölçümü yapıldı. Hasta grubunun vitamin D düzeyleri ve kullandıkları replasman miktarı ile pulmoner rehabilitasyonda kullandıkları teknikler ve ayırdıkları zaman da kısa bir anket formu doldurularak tespit edildi. Hasta ve kontrol grubunun pediyatrik gait arms and legs scale (pGALS) muayene skalası ve NeuroCom balance master® ile postüral stabiliteleri değerlendirildi. KF grubu ile kontrol grubunun pGALS muayene sonuçları karşılaştırıldığında alt ekstremite (p=0.035), yürüme (p=0.005) ve omurga (p= 0.008) parametreleri arasında KF grubunda patolojik bulgular anlamlı olarak fazlaydı. NeuroCom Balance Master® ile yapılan stabilite sınırları testinde KF grubu ve kontrol grubu arasında son nokta hareketi (p<0.05), maksimum hareket (p=0.02) ve yön kontolü (p=0.01) parametlerinde anlamlı farklılıklar mevcuttu. KF hastalarında basit bir muayene ile patolojilerin tespiti mümkündür. Bu hastalarda kas iskelet sistem sorunları normal popülasyondan daha fazladır. Bu patolojiler postüral stabiliteyi etkileyebilir. Klinik denge değerlendirmeleri, bilgisayarlı denge değerlendirmeleri ile korele olup, KF’li çocukların değerlendirilmesinde kullanılabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler Denge, Kistik Fibrozis, Postür, Postüral StabiliteABSTRACTCystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common autosomal recessive fatal disease in Caucasians which affects multiple organ systems . Cystic fibrosis affects the musculoskeletal system via decreasing the absorbtion of vitamin D and the use of corticosteroids in treatment.. These result in deterioration of posture in CF patients. Postural stability is directly affected by posture and can be compramized in every musculoskeletal problem. The aim of this study is to evaluate posture, balance and the factors involved in patients with cystic fibrosis. This is a cross-sectional study with 58 CF patients who has recieved this diagnosis via sweat test or genetic analysis and 94 controls, who are older than 6 years. Patients’ respiratory function tests, 6 minute walk test, functional reach test, timed up and go test, pediatric Berg balance scale have been noted. Patients’ have got their spine X-rays and Cobb angle, thoracic kyphosis and kyphotic index were measured. Level of blood 25-OH-vitamin D, replacement therapy used and pulmonary rehabilitation techniques used were noted. Both patients and control group were examined with pediatric gait, arms, legs and spine scale (pGALS). They also were evaluated with NeuroCom Balance Master for their postural stability. CF group has signifcantly more pathological findings than the control group in lower extremity (p=0.035), gait (p=0.005) and spine (p=0.008) parameters in pGALS examination.. In balance tests done with NeuroCom Balance Master CF group showed significantly worse results in end point excursion (p<0.05), maximum excursion (p=0.02) ve directional control (p=0.01) parameters. In patients with CF, a basic musculoskeletal examination can detect pathologies, which are more frequent than the normal population. These pathologies may affect postural stability. Clinical balance tests show good correlation with computerized balance tests and can be used to determine balance in patients with CF. Key Words Balance, Cystic fibrosis, Posture, Postural Stabilit

    Examining social studies teacher candidates’ views on habit of reading books about political issues based on different variables

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    Statement of the Problem: Reading habit is a prominent element for social development Books are the primary tool for information consumption. Equipping individuals with the habit of regular and continuous reading is an important way for improving the level of welfare in the society. Although reading books is of great importance, sufficient interest cannot be attracted to this habit. In a study on the reading habit of university students, it was found that only 5% of the students spent their free time with reading, and only 26% read books outside classes (Esgin;Karadağ, 2000: 21). A good social studies teacher should have the abilities to understand and use politics, criticize politics, express views about politics, and the skill of understanding how political knowledge and attitudes affect societies. In addition, a social studies teacher should have the habit of reading books about politics so that he/she can have background knowledge on politics. Aim of the Study: The aim of this study is to reveal the views of social studies teacher candidates who were final year students in the Education Faculty of Pamukkale University on the habit of reading books about politics. Method: In the study, survey method was used to determine the teacher candidates’ views. Data Gathering Tool: The data were gathered through the “Scale of Identifying Teacher Candidates’ Views on the Habit of Reading About Political Issues” developed by Tarhan (2015). Participants: In the selection of the participants, convenient sampling that is one of the purposive sampling methods was used. The participants of the study were 126 social studies teacher candidates studying at the Education Faculty of Pamukkale University in the 2015-2016 academic year. Findings: The research process is still in progress. The findings will be presented after the necessary analyses. © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology