125 research outputs found

    Neutrino Oscillations and R-parity Violating Supersymmetry

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    Using the neutrino oscillations and neutrinoless double beta decay experimental data we reconstructed an upper limit for the three generation neutrino mass matrix. We compared this matrix with the predictions of the minimal supersymmetric(SUSY) model with R-parity violation(\rp) and extracted stringent limits on trilinear \rp coupling constants λi33,λi33\lambda_{i33}, \lambda'_{i33}. Introducing an additional U(1)XU(1)_X flavor symmetry which had been successful in explaining to relate various \rp parameters. In this model we found a unique scenario for the neutrino masses and the \rp couplings compatible with the neutrino oscillation data. Then we derived predictions for certain experimentally interesting observables.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure; additional references included, minor corrections and typos fixed. Version to appear in Nucl.Phys.

    Fermion Masses and Coupling Unification in E6. Life in the Desert

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    We present an E6E_6 Grand Unified model with a realistic pattern of fermion masses. All standard model fermions are unified in three fundamental 27-plets (i.e. supersymmetry is not invoked), which involve in addition right handed neutrinos and three families of vector like heavy quarks and leptons. The lightest of those can lie in the low TeV range, being accessible to future collider experiments. Due to the high symmetry, the masses and mixings of all fermions are closely related. The new heavy fermions play a crucial role for the quark and lepton mass matrices and the bilarge neutrino oscillations. In all channels generation mixing and CP{\cal CP} violation arise from a single antisymmetric matrix. The E6E_6 breaking proceeds via an intermediate energy region with SU(3)_L\tm SU(3)_R\tm SU(3)_C gauge symmetry and a discrete left-right symmetry. This breaking pattern leads in a straightforward way to the unification of the three gauge coupling constants at high scales, providing for a long proton lifetime. The model also provides for the unification of the top, bottom and tau Yukawa couplings and for new interesting relations in flavor and generation space.Comment: RevTex4, three ps figures, some correction

    Additional Nucleon Current Contributions to Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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    We have examined the importance of momentum dependent induced nucleon currents such as weak-magnetism and pseudoscalar couplings to the amplitude of neutrinoless double beta decay in the mechanisms of light and heavy Majorana neutrino as well as in that of Majoron emission. Such effects are expected to occur in all nuclear models in the direction of reducing the light neutrino matrix elements by about 30%. To test this we have performed a calculation of the nuclear matrix elements of the experimentally interesting nuclei A = 76, 82, 96, 100, 116, 128, 130, 136 and 150 within the pn-RQRPA. We have found that indeed such corrections vary somewhat from nucleus to nucleus, but in all cases they are greater than 25 percent. In the case of heavy neutrino the effect is much larger (a factor of 3). Combining out results with the best presently available experimental limits on the half-life of the neutrinoless double beta decay we have extracted new limits on the effective neutrino mass (light and heavy) and the effective Majoron coupling constant.Comment: 31 pages, RevTex, 3 Postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Вивчення процесу синтезу нанокристалічних плівок двооксиду титану в розряді магнетронного типу за його оптичними та плазмодинамічними характеристиками

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    Наведено результати експериментального дослiдження плазмодинамiчних i оптичних характеристик цилiндричного газового розряду магнетронного типу в умовах безперервного контролю спектра, випромiнюваного плазмою в дiапазонi 350–820 нм. Визначено умови для синтезу бiнарної сполуки TiО₂, якi забезпечуються пiдтримкою величини iнтенсивностi спектральних лiнiй реагуючих компонентiв i плазмоутворюючого газу. Розглянуто можливiсть контролю умов одержання плiвок TiО₂ як по спектральних характеристиках плазми розряду, так i по змiнi розрядної напруги. Елiпсометричнi дослiдження нанокристалiчних плiвок двооксиду титану показали наявнiсть залежностi показника переломлення вiд товщини плiвки.We present the results of experimental researches of plasmodynamic and optical characteristics of a magnetron-type cylindrical gas discharge. The study was carried out provided a permanent monitoring of the spectrum emitted by plasma in the range 350–820 nm. For the synthesis of binary compound TiO₂, we have determined conditions which can be ensured by a support of the intensity of spectral lines emitted by reacting components and plasma-forming gas. A possibility to control the conditions of the fabrication of a TiO₂ film with the use of both the spectral characteristics of a discharge plasma and a variation of the discharge voltage has been analyzed. Ellipsometric and spectral studies of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide films revealed the dependence of the refractive index of a film on the film thickness.Приведены результаты экспериментального исследования плазмодинамических и оптических характеристик цилиндрического газового разряда магнетронного типа в условиях непрерывного контроля спектра, излучаемого плазмой в диапазоне 350–820 нм. Определены условия для синтеза бинарного соединения TiО₂, которые обеспечиваются поддержанием величины интенсивности спектральных линий реагирующих компонент и плазмообразующего газа. Рассмотрена возможность контроля условий получения пленок TiO₂ как по спектральным характеристикам плазмы разряда, так и по изменению разрядного напряжения. Эллипсометрические и спектральные исследования нанокристаллических пленок диоксида титана показали наличие зависимости показателя преломления от толщины пленки

    Combined analysis of solar neutrino and solar irradiance data: further evidence for variability of the solar neutrino flux and its implications concerning the solar core

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    A search for any particular feature in any single solar neutrino dataset is unlikely to establish variability of the solar neutrino flux since the count rates are very low. It helps to combine datasets, and in this article we examine data from both the Homestake and GALLEX experiments. These show evidence of modulation with a frequency of 11.85 yr-1, which could be indicative of rotational modulation originating in the solar core. We find that precisely the same frequency is prominent in power spectrum analyses of the ACRIM irradiance data for both the Homestake and GALLEX time intervals. These results suggest that the solar core is inhomogeneous and rotates with sidereal frequency 12.85 yr-1. We find, by Monte Carlo calculations, that the probability that the neutrino data would by chance match the irradiance data in this way is only 2 parts in 10,000. This rotation rate is significantly lower than that of the inner radiative zone (13.97 yr-1) as recently inferred from analysis of Super-Kamiokande data, suggesting that there may be a second, inner tachocline separating the core from the radiative zone. This opens up the possibility that there may be an inner dynamo that could produce a strong internal magnetic field and a second solar cycle.Comment: 22 pages, 9 tables, 10 figure

    Further Evidence Suggestive of a Solar Influence on Nuclear Decay Rates

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    Recent analyses of nuclear decay data show evidence of variations suggestive of a solar influence. Analyses of datasets acquired at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) both show evidence of an annual periodicity and of periodicities with sidereal frequencies in the neighborhood of 12.25 year^{-1} (at a significance level that we have estimated to be 10^{-17}). It is notable that this implied rotation rate is lower than that attributed to the solar radiative zone, suggestive of a slowly rotating solar core. This leads us to hypothesize that there may be an "inner tachocline" separating the core from the radiative zone, analogous to the "outer tachocline" that separates the radiative zone from the convection zone. The Rieger periodicity (which has a period of about 154 days, corresponding to a frequency of 2.37 year^{-1}) may be attributed to an r-mode oscillation with spherical-harmonic indices l=3, m=1, located in the outer tachocline. This suggests that we may test the hypothesis of a solar influence on nuclear decay rates by searching BNL and PTB data for evidence of a "Rieger-like" r-mode oscillation, with l=3, m=1, in the inner tachocline. The appropriate search band for such an oscillation is estimated to be 2.00-2.28 year^{-1}. We find, in both datasets, strong evidence of a periodicity at 2.11 year^{-1}. We estimate that the probability of obtaining these results by chance is 10^{-12}.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, v2 has a color corrected Fig 6, a corrected reference, and a corrected typ

    Power Spectrum Analysis of Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Decay-Rate Data: Evidence for Solar Rotational Modulation

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    Evidence for an anomalous annual periodicity in certain nuclear decay data has led to speculation concerning a possible solar influence on nuclear processes. We have recently analyzed data concerning the decay rates of Cl-36 and Si-32, acquired at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), to search for evidence that might be indicative of a process involving solar rotation. Smoothing of the power spectrum by weighted-running-mean analysis leads to a significant peak at frequency 11.18/yr, which is lower than the equatorial synodic rotation rates of the convection and radiative zones. This article concerns measurements of the decay rates of Ra-226 acquired at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Germany. We find that a similar (but not identical) analysis yields a significant peak in the PTB dataset at frequency 11.21/yr, and a peak in the BNL dataset at 11.25/yr. The change in the BNL result is not significant since the uncertainties in the BNL and PTB analyses are estimated to be 0.13/yr and 0.07/yr, respectively. Combining the two running means by forming the joint power statistic leads to a highly significant peak at frequency 11.23/yr. We comment briefly on the possible implications of these results for solar physics and for particle physics.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    Nonlinear Lattice Waves in Random Potentials

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    Localization of waves by disorder is a fundamental physical problem encompassing a diverse spectrum of theoretical, experimental and numerical studies in the context of metal-insulator transition, quantum Hall effect, light propagation in photonic crystals, and dynamics of ultra-cold atoms in optical arrays. Large intensity light can induce nonlinear response, ultracold atomic gases can be tuned into an interacting regime, which leads again to nonlinear wave equations on a mean field level. The interplay between disorder and nonlinearity, their localizing and delocalizing effects is currently an intriguing and challenging issue in the field. We will discuss recent advances in the dynamics of nonlinear lattice waves in random potentials. In the absence of nonlinear terms in the wave equations, Anderson localization is leading to a halt of wave packet spreading. Nonlinearity couples localized eigenstates and, potentially, enables spreading and destruction of Anderson localization due to nonintegrability, chaos and decoherence. The spreading process is characterized by universal subdiffusive laws due to nonlinear diffusion. We review extensive computational studies for one- and two-dimensional systems with tunable nonlinearity power. We also briefly discuss extensions to other cases where the linear wave equation features localization: Aubry-Andre localization with quasiperiodic potentials, Wannier-Stark localization with dc fields, and dynamical localization in momentum space with kicked rotors.Comment: 45 pages, 19 figure

    Prevalence and impact of comorbid chronic pain and cigarette smoking among people living with HIV

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    Rates of chronic pain and cigarette smoking are each substantially higher among people living with HIV (PLWH) than in the general population. The goal of these analyses was to examine the prevalence and impact of comorbid chronic pain and cigarette smoking among PLWH. Participants included 3289 PLWH (83% male) who were recruited from five HIV clinics. As expected, the prevalence of smoking was higher among PLWH with chronic pain (41.9%), than PLWH without chronic pain (26.6%, p <.0001), and the prevalence of chronic pain was higher among current smokers (32.9%), than among former (23.6%) or never (17%) smokers (ps <.0001). PLWH who endorsed comorbid chronic pain and smoking (vs. nonsmokers without chronic pain) were more likely to report cocaine/crack and cannabis use, be prescribed long-term opioid therapy, and have virologic failure, even after controlling for relevant sociodemographic and substance-related variables (ps <.05). These results contribute to a growing empirical literature indicating that chronic pain and cigarette smoking frequently co-occur, and extend this work to a large sample of PLWH. Indeed, PLWH may benefit from interventions that are tailored to address bidirectional pain-smoking effects in the context of HIV

    Phenomenology of flavor-mediated supersymmetry breaking

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    The phenomenology of a new economical SUSY model that utilizes dynamical SUSY breaking and gauge-mediation (GM) for the generation of the sparticle spectrum and the hierarchy of fermion masses is discussed. Similarities between the communication of SUSY breaking through a messenger sector, and the generation of flavor using the Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) mechanism are exploited, leading to the identification of vector-like messenger fields with FN fields, and the messenger U(1) as a flavor symmetry. An immediate consequence is that the first and second generation scalars acquire flavor-dependent masses, but do not violate FCNC bounds since their mass scale, consistent with effective SUSY, is of order 10 TeV. We define and advocate a minimal flavor-mediated model (MFMM), recently introduced in the literature, that successfully accommodates the small flavor-breaking parameters of the standard model using order one couplings and ratios of flavon field vevs. The mediation of SUSY breaking occurs via two-loop log-enhanced GM contributions, as well as several one-loop and two-loop Yukawa-mediated contributions for which we provide analytical expressions. The MFMM is parameterized by a small set of masses and couplings, with values restricted by several model constraints and experimental data. The next-to-lightest sparticle (NLSP) always has a decay length that is larger than the scale of a detector, and is either the lightest stau or the lightest neutralino. Similar to ordinary GM models, the best collider search strategies are, respectively, inclusive production of at least one highly ionizing track, or events with many taus plus missing energy. In addition, D^0 - \bar{D}^0 mixing is also a generic low energy signal. Finally, the dynamical generation of the neutrino masses is briefly discussed.Comment: 54 pages, LaTeX, 8 figure