17 research outputs found


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    The base of this research was a comparative analyse of the international practices in the field, in order to identify the most important tendencies in public services management. Considering the results of this research, there were identified the foundamental principles of an intelligent management model for public management (subsidiarity, public value and deliberative governance). Starting from this point, we proposed a new intelligent management model applicable in romanian public sector, which can be structured into three major components: top management component (executive and deliberative), operational management component (back office) and communication component (front level). As a case study, we focused in particullary on the water supply public service and we developed a methodology for projecting the front-office component starting from the necessity of optimising stakeholder satisfaction.public management, intelligent services, intelligent public organizations, top management, back and front office

    Considerations regarding the Formulation of the Organisational Strategy through Simulation Techniques

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    The complexity, dimension and the scope of the economic problems specific to the correct development of organisational strategie require, on the one hand, the structuring and systematisation of their entire simulation activity in view of solving them. On the other hand, they require the adequacy of a relative independence resulted from the very nature of thinking, personality and professional education of those who wants to promote a certain type of organisational strategy. In other words, we can consider that the stages of creating a strategy simulation, although they are not compulsory, they cannot be entirely neglected, because there is minimum number of stages and sub-stages for which the optional character is not permitted. The entire decisional simulation cycle of a strategy obeys the three research levels: analysis, designing and management of the simulation activity.simulation; strategy; status of strategy; status of entropy; process.

    Electronic cost alternatives for e-commerce

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    The e-commerce can lead to cost reduction in case of a supplier in many different ways and can subsequently increase the competition potential of an enterprise. The e-commerce generates on average lower costs than those coming up if it were to reduce them by considering their components. As for the competition mechanism, such changes produce significant modifications within a market economy. The Internet renders the possibility of creating business contacts in a rapid and geographically independent manner as well as of obtaining data and of realizing transactions within world economy.Information technology; costs; e-commerce; electronic markets; added value.

    Green Accounting in Romania - a Vision to European Integration

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    The paper debates solutions, points of view and a commune language for Green Accounting. The main purposes of our research are the following: 1.Define the object of Green Accounting 2.Scope 3.Theory and specific practices 4.Disclosure and financial analysis 5.Romanian experience in Green Accounting. How to define Green Accounting? Is Green Accounting a part of Environmental Accounting? How to ensure the balance between business interests and envinronmental protection? Are environmental goals based on Total Quality Management? How to design for Environment? This are some questions proposed to be discused in this paper.

    The Standard-cost Method: the Best Answer for the Effective Management of the Value Side of the Manufacturing Process and Raising Economic Efficiency

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    The determination of the production cost has a special importance in decision optimizing due to the functions this economic indicator fulfills in the industrial plants. Production potential maintenance of a plant depends on how it succeeds to recover the cost of the accomplished use values by marketing and its prosperity and rhythm of development depend on the difference between the sums cashed from selling the products and the expenses incurred in obtaining and marketing them. Operative determination of the indicators regarding production costs as well as the permanent exercising of administration control per responsibility centers, by measuring the results of the activity carried out within such centers, are requirements that the piloting of the plant depends on in order to achieve economic efficiency

    The Environmental Accounting: an Instrument for Promoting the Environmental Management

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    Companies and managers usually believe that environmental costs are not significant to the operation of their businesses. However, often it does not occur to them that some production costs have an environmental component. By identifying and controlling environmental costs, environmental accounting systems can help environmental managers to justify these cleaner production projects, and to identify new ways of saving money and improving environmental performance at the same time

    Investment Process in Territorial Government Sectors

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    The increase in the quality of the public administration act represents one of the major targets for the local authorities. From this point of view, the identification and implementation in the current practice of some methods, techniques and advanced working tools might have a significant impact.The investments’ programme as a tool accessible to local public authorities gains an increased legitimacy on the grounds of its civic consent; therefore, the external investors and other potential investors can take advantage of the community’s support in those projects they finance within region.The current framework of the investment activity in the local public sector is characterized by constraints within action, sometimes without continuity or precise targets. The declared urgency of a certain investment objective mostly turns out to be the selection and implementation criterion. In this present work there will be presented a few methods and ways in which town halls can realize public investments in the near future. The adoption of a specific proposal might lead to procedural and organizational modifications for the attainment of the maximum efficiency within the investment process

    The Underground Economy in Romania

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    Underground economic activities exist in most countries around the world, and they usually have the same causes: inadequate tax systems, excessive state interference in the economy and the lack of coordination in establishing economic policies. Through this paper, we aim to offer certain recommendations, which, in our opinion, would lead to solving the issue of inadequate allocation of resources and would also contribute to restoration of the worldwide economy

    Economia subterana in Romania

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    Underground economic activities exist in most countries around the world, and they usually have the same causes: inadequate tax systems, excessive state interference in the economy and the lack of coordination in establishing economic policies. Through this paper, we aim to offer certain recommendations, which, in our opinion, would lead to solving the issue of inadequate allocation of resources and would also contribute to restoration of the worldwide economy

    Using Standard-Sole Cost Method for Performance Gestion Accounting and Calculation Cost in the Machine Building Industry

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    The main purpose of improving and varying cost calculation methods in the machine building industry is to make them more operational and efficient in supplying the information necessary to the management in taking its decisions. The present cost calculation methods used in the machine building plants - global method and the method per orders - by which a historical cost is determined a posteriori used in deducting and post factum justification of manufacturing expenses does not offer the management the possibility to fully satisfy its need for information. We are talking about a change of conception in applying certain systems, methods and work techniques, according to the needs of efficient administration of production and the plant seen as a whole. The standard-cost method best answers to the needs of the effective management of the value side of the manufacturing process and raising economic efficiency. We consider that, in the machine building industry, these objectives can be achieved by using the standard - sole cost alternative of the standard-cost method