52 research outputs found

    Unitized regenerative polymeric fuel cell modeling

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    The research's objective is to have a single machine to function as fuel cell and electrolyser based and needs, that is to say, unitized regenerative fuel cell (when fed to the machine with electric power and water flows will be obtained and H2 and O2 and conversely when the machine is fuelled with H2 and O2 will get water, heat and electricity) The study focuses on polymeric fuel cells and polymeric electrolysers. The development of this machine will make a very significant cost reduction (currently to use hydrogen as an energy store needed the electrolyser and fuel cell) as a single machine may replace the fuel cell and electrolyser. The achievement of the objective mentioned above, have been going by completing a series of stages. The stages addressed in this work are: ¿ A first stage, which will be studied in detail the polymeric fuel cells and polymeric electrolysers, in order to see the similarities between the machines and to design the unitized regenerative fuel cell. ¿ A second stage of simulation, which will develop models to show the behaviour of the unitized regenerative fuel cell and compare results with those obtained from the theoretical. ¿ A third stage of model verification generated polymer fuel cells and electrolyzers polymer on the market

    Unravelling the spin-state of solvated [Fe(bpp)2] 2+ spin-crossover complexes: structure-function relationship

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    This is the Accepted Manuscript of the following article:M. D. C. Gimenez Lopez, M. Clemente Leon and C. Giménez-Saiz, Dalton Trans., 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C8DT01269EThe authors acknowledge the Royal Society (DH110080 fellowship for M.C.G-L.), the European Research Council (ERC StG-679124 for M.C.G-L.) and the Generalitat Valenciana for funding this workS

    Structural, Thermal, and Magnetic Study of Solvation Processes in Spin-Crossover [Fe(bpp)2][Cr(L)(ox)2]2·nH2O Complexes

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    The influence of lattice water in the magnetic properties of spin-crossover [Fe(bpp)2]X2‚nH2O salts [bpp ) 2,6- bis(pyrazol3-yl)pyridine] is well-documented. In most cases, it stabilizes the low-spin state compared to the anhydrous compound. In other cases, it is rather the contrary. Unraveling this mystery implies the study of the microscopic changes that accompany the loss of water. This might be difficult from an experimental point of view. Our strategy is to focus on some salts that undergo a nonreversible dehydration-hydration process without loss of crystallinity. By comparison of the structural and magnetic properties of original and rehydrated samples, several rules concerning the role of water at the microscopic level can be deduced. This paper reports on the crystal structure, thermal studies, and magnetic properties of [Fe(bpp)2][Cr(bpy)(ox)2]2‚2H2O (1), [Fe(bpp)2][Cr(phen)(ox)2]2‚0.5H2O‚0.5MeOH (2), and [Fe(bpp)2][Cr(phen)(ox)2]2‚5.5H2O‚2.5MeOH (3). Salt 1 contains both high-spin (HS) and low-spin (LS) Fe2+ cations in a 1:1 ratio. Dehydration yields the anhydrous spin-crossover compound with T1/2V ) 353 K and T1/2v ) 369 K. Rehydration affords the dihydrate [Fe(bpp)2][Cr(bpy)(ox)2]2‚2H2O (1r) with 100% HS Fe2+ sites. Salt 2 also contains both HS and LS Fe2+ cations in a 1:1 ratio. Dehydration yields the anhydrous spin-crossover compound with T1/2V ) 343 K and T1/2v ) 348 K. Rehydration affords [Fe(bpp)2][Cr(phen)(ox)2]2‚0.5H2O (2r) with 72% Fe2+ sites in the LS configuration. The structural, magnetic, and thermal properties of these rehydrated compounds 1r and 2r are also discussed. Finally, 1 has been dehydrated and resolvated with MeOH to give [Fe(bpp)2][Cr(bpy)(ox)2]2‚MeOH (1s) with 33% HS Fe2+ sites. The influence of the guest solvent in the Fe2+ spin state can anticipate the future applications of these compounds in solvent sensinThis work was financially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Grant MAT2004-3849) and Generalitat Valenciana.S

    Assessment of Hydrogen as suistinable clean energy

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    The progressive depletion of fossil fuels and their high contribution to the energy supply in this modern society forces that will be soon replaced by renewable fuels. But the dispersion and alternation of renewable energy production also undertake to reduce their costs to use as energy storage and hydrogen carrier. It is necessary to develop technologies for hydrogen production from all renewable energy storage technologies and the development of energy production from hydrogen fuel cells and cogeneration and tri generation systems. In order to propel this technological development discussed where the hydrogen plays a key role as energy storage and renewable energy, the National Centre of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Experimentation in Spain equipped with installations that enable scientific and technological design, develop, verify, certify, approve, test, measure and, more importantly, the facility ensures continuous operation for 24 hours a day, 365 days year. At the same time, the system is scalable so as to allow continuous adaptation of new technologies are developed and incorporated into the assembly to verify integration at the same time it checks the validity of their development. The transformation sector can be said to be the heart of the system, because without neglecting the other sectors, this should prove the validity of hydrogen as a carrier - energy storage are important efforts that have to do to demonstrate the suitability of fuel cells or internal combustion systems to realize the energy stored in hydrogen at prices competitive with conventional systems. The multiple roles to meet the fuel cells under different conditions of operation require to cover their operating conditions, many different sizes and applications. The fourth area focuses on integration is an essential complement within the installation. We must integrate not only the electricity produced, but also hydrogen is used and the heat generated in the process of using hydrogen energy. The energy management in its three forms: hydrogen chemical, electrical and thermal integration requires complicated and require a logic and artificial intelligence extremes to ensure maximum energy efficiency at the same time optimum utilization is achieved. Verification of the development and approval in the entire production system and, ultimately, as a demonstrator set to facilitate the simultaneous evolution of production technology, storage and distribution of hydrogen fuel cells has been assessed

    Insertion of a Spin Crossover FeIII Complex into an Oxalate-Based Layered Material: Coexistence of Spin Canting and Spin Crossover in a Hybrid Magnet

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    This document is the unedited Author’s version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Inorganic Chemistry, copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/ic801165bThe syntheses, structures, and magnetic properties of the compounds of formula [FeIII(sal2trien)]2[MnII2(ox)3]·4H2O·C3H7NO (1) and [InIII(sal2trien)]2[MnII2(ox)3]·3H2O·CH3OH (2) are reported. The structure presents a homometallic 2D honeycomb anionic layer formed by MnII ions linked through oxalate ligands and a cationic double layer of [Fe(sal2trien)]+ or [In(sal2trien)]+ complexes intercalated between the 2D oxalate network. The magnetic properties and Mössbauer spectroscopy of 1 indicate the coexistence of a magnetic ordering of the Mn(II) oxalate network that behaves as a weak ferromagnet and a gradual spin crossover of the intercalated [Fe(sal2trien)]+ complexes.Financial support from the European Union (NoE MAGMANet, MERG-CT-2004-508033), the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Project Consolider-Ingenio in Molecular Nanoscience, CSD2007-00010, and projects CTQ2005-09385-C03 and MAT2007-61584), and the Generalitat Valenciana are gratefully acknowledged. The authors also thank J. M. Martínez-Agudo and Prof. C. J. Gómez-García, University of Valencia, for assistance with the magnetic characterization and Prof. J. F. Létard and Dr. C. Desplanches, ICMCB, CNRS, Université Bordeaux 1, for the magnetic characterization under light irradiation.S

    Validación de un modelo hidrodinámico y calidad del agua para el Río Magdalena, en el tramo adyacente a Barranquilla, Colombia

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    Water quality models are tools of control, that contribute to the planning, prevention and decision making focused on water resource management. Therefore, different countries, among which is Colombia, have established the relevance of its implementation to determine the discharges assimilation of water bodies. This is why this research aims to simulate the transport of pollutants from effluents of the industrial corridor of Barranquilla, to study the dispersion and contaminants fate to represent the pollution level in this ecosystem. To develop this work, a two-dimensional numerical model was adapted and implemented, which consists of two modules and is solved in two stages. Initially, the hydrodynamic module is applied to solve the Saint Venant equations derived from Navier-Stokes-Reynolds, using an Eulerian-Lagrangian method. After that, the contaminant transport module that solves the two-dimensional advection-diffusion-reaction equation is applied. With the simulation of rivers discharges, the evolution and behavior of pollutants discharged into it was described, which demonstrate the model capability to represent the water quality in receiving bodies with complex hydraulic and hydrodynamic conditions.Los modelos matemáticos de calidad del agua son una herramienta de control, que contribuyen a la planificación, la prevención y toma de decisiones enfocadas al manejo de los recursos hídricos. Por ello, diferentes países, entre los cuales está Colombia, han establecido la pertinencia de su implementación para determinar el grado de asimilación de los cuerpos de agua a vertimientos de diferente índole. Por lo cual, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo simular el transporte de los contaminantes provenientes de los efluentes del corredor industrial de Barranquilla, para realizar estudios de dispersión y destino de contaminantes que permitan representar el nivel de contaminación que se tiene en el ecosistema estudiado. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se adaptó e implementó un modelo numérico bidimensional, que consta de dos módulos y se resuelve en dos tiempos. Inicialmente se aplicó el modulo hidrodinámico que resuelve las ecuaciones de Saint Venant derivadas de Navier-Stokes-Reynolds, mediante un método Euleriano-Lagrangeano. Posteriormente se aplicó el módulo de transporte de contaminantes que resuelve la ecuación de Advección-Difusión-Reacción en su forma bidimensional, también por el método Euleriano-Lagrangeano. A través de la simulación de los vertimientos descargados al río, se describió la evolución y comportamiento de los contaminantes descargados en éste, demostrando la capacidad del modelo implementado para representar la calidad del agua en este tipo de cuerpos receptores, con condiciones hidráulicas e hidrodinámicas complejas

    Validation of a hydrodynamic and water quality model for the Magdalena River, at the adjacent stretch of Barranquilla, Colombia

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    Los modelos matemáticos de calidad del agua son una herramienta de control, que contribuyen a la planificación, la prevención y toma de decisiones enfocadas al manejo de los recursos hídricos. Por ello, diferentes países, entre los cuales está Colombia, han establecido la pertinencia de su implementación para determinar el grado de asimilación de los cuerpos de agua a vertimientos de diferente índole. Por lo cual, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo simular el transporte de los contaminantes provenientes de los efluentes del corredor industrial de Barranquilla, para realizar estudios de dispersión y destino de contaminantes que permitan representar el nivel de contaminación que se tiene en el ecosistema estudiado. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se adaptó e implementó un modelo numérico bidimensional, que consta de dos módulos y se resuelve en dos tiempos. Inicialmente se aplicó el modulo hidrodinámico que resuelve las ecuaciones de Saint Venant derivadas de Navier-Stokes-Reynolds, mediante un método Euleriano-Lagrangeano. Posteriormente se aplicó el módulo de transporte de contaminantes que resuelve la ecuación de Advección-Difusión-Reacción en su forma bidimensional, también por el método Euleriano-Lagrangeano. A través de la simulación de los vertimientos descargados al río, se describió la evolución y comportamiento de los contaminantes descargados en éste, demostrando la capacidad del modelo implementado para representar la calidad del agua en este tipo de cuerpos receptores, con condiciones hidráulicas e hidrodinámicas complejas.Water quality models are tools of control, that contribute to the planning, prevention and decision making focused on water resource management. Therefore, different countries, among which is Colombia, have established the relevance of its implementation to determine the discharges assimilation of water bodies. This is why this research aims to simulate the transport of pollutants from effluents of the industrial corridor of Barranquilla, to study the dispersion and contaminants fate to represent the pollution level in this ecosystem. To develop this work, a two-dimensional numerical model was adapted and implemented, which consists of two modules and is solved in two stages. Initially, the hydrodynamic module is applied to solve the Saint Venant equations derived from Navier-Stokes-Reynolds, using an Eulerian-Lagrangian method. After that, the contaminant transport module that solves the two-dimensional advection-diffusion-reaction equation is applied. With the simulation of river’s discharges, the evolution and behavior of pollutants discharged into it was described, which demonstrate the model capability to represent the water quality in receiving bodies with complex hydraulic and hydrodynamic conditions

    Validation of a hydrodynamic and water quality model for the Magdalena River, at the adjacent stretch of Barranquilla, Colombia

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    Water quality models are tools of control, that contribute to the planning, prevention and decision making focused on water resource management. Therefore, different countries, among which is Colombia, have established the relevance of its implementation to determine the discharges assimilation of water bodies. This is why this research aims to simulate the transport of pollutants from effluents of the industrial corridor of Barranquilla, to study the dispersion and contaminants fate to represent the pollution level in this ecosystem. To develop this work, a two-dimensional numerical model was adapted and implemented, which consists of two modules and is solved in two stages. Initially, the hydrodynamic module is applied to solve the Saint Venant equations derived from Navier-Stokes-Reynolds, using an Eulerian-Lagrangian method. After that, the contaminant transport module that solves the two-dimensional advection-diffusion-reaction equation is applied. With the simulation of river’s discharges, the evolution and behavior of pollutants discharged into it was described, which demonstrate the model capability to represent the water quality in receiving bodies with complex hydraulic and hydrodynamic conditions.Los modelos matemáticos de calidad del agua son una herramienta de control, que contribuyen a la planificación, la prevención y toma de decisiones enfocadas al manejo de los recursos hídricos. Por ello, diferentes países, entre los cuales está Colombia, han establecido la pertinencia de su implementación para determinar el grado de asimilación de los cuerpos de agua a vertimientos de diferente índole. Por lo cual, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo simular el transporte de los contaminantes provenientes de los efluentes del corredor industrial de Barranquilla, para realizar estudios de dispersión y destino de contaminantes que permitan representar el nivel de contaminación que se tiene en el ecosistema estudiado. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se adaptó e implementó un modelo numérico bidimensional, que consta de dos módulos y se resuelve en dos tiempos. Inicialmente se aplicó el modulo hidrodinámico que resuelve las ecuaciones de Saint Venant derivadas de Navier-Stokes-Reynolds, mediante un método Euleriano-Lagrangeano. Posteriormente se aplicó el módulo de transporte de contaminantes que resuelve la ecuación de Advección-Difusión-Reacción en su forma bidimensional, también por el método Euleriano-Lagrangeano. A través de la simulación de los vertimientos descargados al río, se describió la evolución y comportamiento de los contaminantes descargados en éste, demostrando la capacidad del modelo implementado para representar la calidad del agua en este tipo de cuerpos receptores, con condiciones hidráulicas e hidrodinámicas complejas

    Patrones de abundancia de la macrofauna asociada a macroalgas marinas a largo de la Península Ibérica

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    macroalgae were studied on a spatial scale along the Iberian Peninsula. Nineteen stations and four dominant algae were selected (intertidal zone: Corallina elongata and Asparagopsis armata; subtidal zone: Stypocaulon scoparium and Cladostephus spongiosus). Five environmental factors were also considered (seawater temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and pH). The Atlantic coast was characterized by lower temperature and conductivity as well as higher values of oxygen and turbidity than the Mediterranean coast. A total of 106274 macrofaunal specimens were sorted and examined (68% arthropods, 27% molluscs, 4% annelids and 1% echinoderms). Crustaceans were the dominant group in all the macroalgae (ca. 80% in C. elongata and A. armata, ca. 50% in S. scoparium and C. spongiosus) followed by molluscs, which were more abundant in the subtidal algae (ca. 40%) than in intertidal ones (ca.10%). Abundance patterns of macrofauna along the Iberian Peninsula were similar in the four studied algae. Most of crustaceans belonged to the order Amphipoda, which showed high densities (>1000 ind/1000 ml algae) along the whole Peninsula; isopods showed the highest abundances in the Atlantic, while tanaids, cumaceans and decapods were more abundant in the Mediterranean. Among molluscs, gasteropods showed highest abundances along the Atlantic coasts, whereas bivalves showed higher densities along the MediterraneanSe llevó a cabo un estudio espacial de los patrones de abundancia y distribución de la macrofauna asociada a macroalgas a lo largo de la Península Ibérica. Se seleccionaron 19 estaciones y 4 algas dominantes (zona intermareal: Corallina elongata y Asparagopsis armata; zona submareal: Stypocaulon scoparium y Cladostephus spongiosus). Se consideraron también cinco variables ambientales (temperatura del agua, conductividad, oxígeno disuelto, turbidez y pH). La costa atlántica se caracterizó por valores más bajos de temperatura y conductividad, y más altos de oxígeno y turbidez. Se examinaron 106274 individuos de la macrofauna (68% artrópodos, 27% moluscos, 4% anélidos y 1% equinodermos). Los crustáceos fueron dominantes en todas las macroalgas (alrededor del 80% en C. elongata y A. armata, y en torno al 50% en S. scoparium y C. spongiosus), seguidos por los moluscos, que fueron más abundantes en el submareal (40%) que en el intermareal (10%). Los patrones de abundancia de la macrofauna a lo largo de la Península Ibérica fueron similares en las cuatro algas estudiadas. La mayoría de los crustáceos pertenecieron al orden Amphipoda, que mostró densidades muy altas (>1000 ind/1000 ml alga) en toda la Península; los isópodos mostraron las mayores densidades en el Atlántico, mientras que los tanaidáceos, cumáceos y decápodos fueron más abundantes en el Mediterráneo. Entre los moluscos, los gasterópodos mostraron abundancias mayores en el Atlántico, mientras que los bivalvos dominaron en el Mediterráneo. Teniendo en cuenta que todas las estaciones seleccionadas no tenían influencia antrópica importante, los patrones de abundancia obtenidos podrían explicarse en base a diferencias naturales en la temperatura del agua, oxígeno, conductividad y turbidez, existiendo un gradiente transicional entre taxones de aguas más cálidas (del norte de Africa y del Mediterráneo) y taxones de aguas más frías (del Mar del Norte y el Ártico)