16,997 research outputs found

    Inter-CubeSat Communication with V-band "Bull's eye" antenna

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    We present the study of a simple communication scenario between two CubeSats using a V-band “Bull's eye” antenna that we designed for this purpose. The return loss of the antenna has a -10dB bandwidth of 0.7 GHz and a gain of 15.4dBi at 60 GHz. Moreover, the low-profile shape makes it easily integrable in a CubeSat chassis. The communication scenario study shows that, using 0.01W VubiQ modules and V-band “Bull’s eye” antennas, CubeSats can efficiently transmit data within a 500 MHz bandwidth and with a 10-6 BER while being separated by up to 98m, under ideal conditions, or 50m under worst case operating conditions (5° pointing misalignment in E- and H-plane of the antenna, and 5° polarisation misalignment)

    Gas core reactors for actinide transmutation and breeder applications

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    This work consists of design power plant studies for four types of reactor systems: uranium plasma core breeder, uranium plasma core actinide transmuter, UF6 breeder and UF6 actinide transmuter. The plasma core systems can be coupled to MHD generators to obtain high efficiency electrical power generation. A 1074 MWt UF6 breeder reactor was designed with a breeding ratio of 1.002 to guard against diversion of fuel. Using molten salt technology and a superheated steam cycle, an efficiency of 39.2% was obtained for the plant and the U233 inventory in the core and heat exchangers was limited to 105 Kg. It was found that the UF6 reactor can produce high fluxes (10 to the 14th power n/sq cm-sec) necessary for efficient burnup of actinide. However, the buildup of fissile isotopes posed severe heat transfer problems. Therefore, the flux in the actinide region must be decreased with time. Consequently, only beginning-of-life conditions were considered for the power plant design. A 577 MWt UF6 actinide transmutation reactor power plant was designed to operate with 39.3% efficiency and 102 Kg of U233 in the core and heat exchanger for beginning-of-life conditions

    Analysis of the Gas Core Actinide Transmutation Reactor (GCATR)

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    Design power plant studies were carried out for two applications of the plasma core reactor: (1) As a breeder reactor, (2) As a reactor able to transmute actinides effectively. In addition to the above applications the reactor produced electrical power with a high efficiency. A reactor subsystem was designed for each of the two applications. For the breeder reactor, neutronics calculations were carried out for a U-233 plasma core with a molten salt breeding blanket. A reactor was designed with a low critical mass (less than a few hundred kilograms U-233) and a breeding ratio of 1.01. The plasma core actinide transmutation reactor was designed to transmute the nuclear waste from conventional LWR's. The spent fuel is reprocessed during which 100% of Np, Am, Cm, and higher actinides are separated from the other components. These actinides are then manufactured as oxides into zirconium clad fuel rods and charged as fuel assemblies in the reflector region of the plasma core actinide transmutation reactor. In the equilibrium cycle, about 7% of the actinides are directly fissioned away, while about 31% are removed by reprocessing

    Diagnostics of seeded RF plasmas: An experimental study related to the gaseous core reactor

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    Measurements of the temperature profiles in an RF argon plasma were made over magnetic field intensities ranging from 20 amp turns/cm to 80 amp turns/cm. The results were compared with a one-dimensional numerical treatment of the governing equations and with an approximate closed form analytical solution that neglected radiation losses. The average measured temperatures in the plasma compared well with the numerical treatment, though the experimental profile showed less of an off center temperature peak than predicted by theory. This may be a result of the complex turbulent flow pattern present in the experimental torch and not modeled in the numerical treatment. The radiation term cannot be neglected for argon at the power levels investigated. The closed form analytical approximation that neglected radiation led to temperature predictions on the order of 1000 K to 2000 K higher than measured or predicted by the numerical treatment which considered radiation losses

    Comparative evaluation of solar, fission, fusion, and fossil energy resources, part 3

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    The role of nuclear fission reactors in becoming an important power source in the world is discussed. The supply of fissile nuclear fuel will be severely depleted by the year 2000. With breeder reactors the world supply of uranium could last thousands of years. However, breeder reactors have problems of a large radioactive inventory and an accident potential which could present an unacceptable hazard. Although breeder reactors afford a possible solution to the energy shortage, their ultimate role will depend on demonstrated safety and acceptable risks and environmental effects. Fusion power would also be a long range, essentially permanent, solution to the world's energy problem. Fusion appears to compare favorably with breeders in safety and environmental effects. Research comparing a controlled fusion reactor with the breeder reactor in solving our long range energy needs is discussed

    Measurements of the extinction parameters of hot seeded hydrogen at high pressures

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    Measurement of extinction parameter of tungsten-hydrogen aerosols as function of wavelength at high pressures and temperature

    Theoretical calculations of radiant heat transfer properties of particle-seeded gases

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    Radiant heat transfer properties of particle seeded gases, including absorption and scattering characteristics of carbon, silicon, and tungste

    Comparative evaluation of solar, fission, fusion, and fossil energy resources. Part 2: Power from nuclear fission

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    Different types of nuclear fission reactors and fissionable materials are compared. Special emphasis is placed upon the environmental impact of such reactors. Graphs and charts comparing reactor facilities in the U. S. are presented

    Unjamming a granular hopper by vibration

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    We present an experimental study of the outflow of a hopper continuously vibrated by a piezoelectric device. Outpouring of grains can be achieved for apertures much below the usual jamming limit observed for non vibrated hoppers. Granular flow persists down to the physical limit of one grain diameter, a limit reached for a finite vibration amplitude. For the smaller orifices, we observe an intermittent regime characterized by alternated periods of flow and blockage. Vibrations do not significantly modify the flow rates both in the continuous and the intermittent regime. The analysis of the statistical features of the flowing regime shows that the flow time significantly increases with the vibration amplitude. However, at low vibration amplitude and small orifice sizes, the jamming time distribution displays an anomalous statistics

    Carbon Nanotube Purification

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    A method for cleaning or otherwise removing amorphous carbon and other residues that arise in growth of a carbon nanotube (CNT) array. The CNT array is exposed to a plurality of hydroxyls or hydrogen, produced from a selected vapor or liquid source such as H2O or H2O2. and the hydroxyls or hydrogen (neutral or electrically charged) react with the residues to produce partly or fully dissolved or hydrogenated or hydroxylizated products that can be removed or separated from the CNT array. The hydroxyls or hydrogen can be produced by heating the CNT array, residue and selected vapor or liquid source or by application of an electromagnetic excitation signal with a selected frequency or range of frequencies to dissociate the selected vapor or liquid. The excitation frequency can be chirped to cover a selected range of frequencies corresponding to dissociation of the selected vapor or liquid. Sonication may be uscd to supplement dissociation of the H2O and/or H2O2