38 research outputs found

    Welfare Effects of Immigration in a Dual Labor Market

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    The paper analyses the welfare effects of immigration when some sectors of the economy are characterized by wage bargaining between unions and employers. We show that immigration is unambiguously beneficial if the wage elasticity of labor demand in the competitive sectors is smaller than in the unionised sectors. In the opposite case, the welfare effect of immigrat ion is ambiguous; little immigration then reduces the native population's welfare, whereas large scale immigration tends to enhance welfare.Immigration policy, trade unions, welfare

    Immigration and Skill Formation in Unionised Labour Markets

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    This paper analyses the impact of immigration on the welfare of the native population in an economy that consists of skilled and unskilled workers. Due to unionisation, the wage rate in the market for unskilled labour is above the competitive level. For a given skill endowment of the native population, we show that immigration reduces the welfare of the host country up to a certain threshold and then increases it with further immigration. For the case of endogenous skill formation, an increase in expected immigration raises the number of skilled individuals in the native population. If the government can credibly commit itself to a certain immigration policy, skill formation of the native population will adjust, so that immigration maybe strictly welfare increasing.Immigration policy, trade unions, occupational choice

    Origin of the ionized wind in MWC 349A

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    The UC-HII region of MWC 349A is the prototype of an ionized wind driven by a massive star surrounded by a disk. Recent high angular resolution observations of the millimeter recombination lines have shown that the disk rotates with a Keplerian law in its outer parts. However, the kinematics of innermost regions in the UC-HII region of MWC 349A is still unknown, in particular the radius where the wind is launched from the disk. We performed hydrogen recombination line observations with the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared (HIFI) onboard the Herschel Space Observatory to study the kinematics of its innermost regions by studying their spectral features. In addition to the two laser peaks, we report the first detection of two new components that are blueshifted with respect to the laser peaks for all the recombination lines with principal quantum number n<22. These new spectral features originate from the region where the wind is ejected from the disk. We used our 3D non-LTE radiative transfer model for recombination lines (MORELI) to show that these features are consistent with the wind being ejected at a radius of about 24 AU from the star, which supports magnetohydrodynamic wind models.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    CCH in prestellar cores

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    We study the abundance of CCH in prestellar cores both because of its role in the chemistry and because it is a potential probe of the magnetic field. We also consider the non-LTE behaviour of the N=1-0 and N=2-1 transitions of CCH and improve current estimates of the spectroscopic constants of CCH. We used the IRAM 30m radiotelescope to map the N=1-0 and N=2-1 transitions of CCH towards the prestellar cores L1498 and CB246. Towards CB246, we also mapped the 1.3 mm dust emission, the J=1-0 transition of N2H+ and the J=2-1 transition of C18O. We used a Monte Carlo radiative transfer program to analyse the CCH observations of L1498. We derived the distribution of CCH column densities and compared with the H2 column densities inferred from dust emission. We find that while non-LTE intensity ratios of different components of the N=1-0 and N=2-1 lines are present, they are of minor importance and do not impede CCH column density determinations based upon LTE analysis. Moreover, the comparison of our Monte-Carlo calculations with observations suggest that the non-LTE deviations can be qualitatively understood. For L1498, our observations in conjunction with the Monte Carlo code imply a CCH depletion hole of radius 9 x 10^{16} cm similar to that found for other C-containing species. We briefly discuss the significance of the observed CCH abundance distribution. Finally, we used our observations to provide improved estimates for the rest frequencies of all six components of the CCH(1-0) line and seven components of CCH(2-1). Based on these results, we compute improved spectroscopic constants for CCH. We also give a brief discussion of the prospects for measuring magnetic field strengths using CCH.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A multi-wavelength polarimetric study of the blazar CTA 102 during a Gamma-ray flare in 2012

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    We perform a multi-wavelength polarimetric study of the quasar CTA 102 during an extraordinarily bright Îł\gamma-ray outburst detected by the {\it Fermi} Large Area Telescope in September-October 2012 when the source reached a flux of F>100 MeV=5.2±0.4×10−6_{>100~\mathrm{MeV}} =5.2\pm0.4\times10^{-6} photons cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1}. At the same time the source displayed an unprecedented optical and NIR outburst. We study the evolution of the parsec scale jet with ultra-high angular resolution through a sequence of 80 total and polarized intensity Very Long Baseline Array images at 43 GHz, covering the observing period from June 2007 to June 2014. We find that the Îł\gamma-ray outburst is coincident with flares at all the other frequencies and is related to the passage of a new superluminal knot through the radio core. The powerful Îł\gamma-ray emission is associated with a change in direction of the jet, which became oriented more closely to our line of sight (Ξ∌\theta\sim1.2∘^{\circ}) during the ejection of the knot and the Îł\gamma-ray outburst. During the flare, the optical polarized emission displays intra-day variability and a clear clockwise rotation of EVPAs, which we associate with the path followed by the knot as it moves along helical magnetic field lines, although a random walk of the EVPA caused by a turbulent magnetic field cannot be ruled out. We locate the Îł\gamma-ray outburst a short distance downstream of the radio core, parsecs from the black hole. This suggests that synchrotron self-Compton scattering of near-infrared to ultraviolet photons is the probable mechanism for the Îł\gamma-ray production.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Location of the Gamma-Ray Flaring Emission in the Parse-Scale Jet of the BL Lac Object AO 0235+164

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    We locate the gamma-ray and lower frequency emission in flares of the BL Lac object AO 0235+164 at >12pc in the jet of the source from the central engine. We employ time-dependent multi-spectral-range flux and linear polarization monitoring observations, as well as ultra-high resolution (~0.15 milliarcsecond) imaging of the jet structure at lambda=7mm. The time coincidence in the end of 2008 of the propagation of the brightest superluminal feature detected in AO 0235+164 (Qs) with an extreme multi-spectral-range (gamma-ray to radio) outburst, and an extremely high optical and 7mm (for Qs) polarization degree provides strong evidence supporting that all these events are related. This is confirmed at high significance by probability arguments and Monte-Carlo simulations. These simulations show the unambiguous correlation of the gamma-ray flaring state in the end of 2008 with those in the optical, millimeter, and radio regime, as well as the connection of a prominent X-ray flare in October 2008, and of a series of optical linear polarization peaks, with the set of events in the end of 2008. The observations are interpreted as the propagation of an extended moving perturbation through a re-collimation structure at the end of the jet's acceleration and collimation zone.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows III (HEPRO III, IJMPCS). 6 page