14 research outputs found

    Cardiovascular Risk/Benefit Profile of MHT

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    Background and Objectives: Data emerging from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study point toward an association between menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) and cardiovascular (CV) risk. However, post hoc subgroup analyses stratifying participants according to their age and time since menopause, have opened the way to a better understanding of the relationship between estrogen and CV risk. The aim of this review was to revise the current literature and evaluate the CV risk or benefit following administration of MHT considering several factors such as MHT timing, dose, route of administration, and formulation. Materials and Methods: An electronic databases search of MEDLINE (PubMed), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Science, SCOPUS, congress abstracts, and Grey literature (Google Scholar; British Library) was performed, with the date range from each database’s inception until June 2019. All the studies evaluating MHT and cardiovascular risk, including thromboembolism or stroke, were selected. Results: Timing of MHT initiation was shown to be a critical factor in CV risk assessment. In concordance with the “timing hypothesis”, healthy symptomatic women who initiated MHT when aged younger than 60 years, or who were within 10 years of menopause onset, have demonstrated a reduction in both coronary heart disease (CHD) risk and all-cause mortality. In particular, MHT therapy was associated with improvement of subclinical signs of atherosclerosis. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk is reduced when low doses of oral estrogen are used. Moreover, transdermal hormonal application significantly reduces CV risk compared with oral administration. MHT impact on the CV system is influenced by either factors inherent to the specific regimen, or factors inherent to the specific patient. Hence, individualization of care is necessary. Conclusion: CV risk calculation should be considered by clinicians in order to exclude patients with high CV risk, in whom MHT is contraindicated. Assessing risks and benefits in a patient-centered approach according to individual’s features, health status, and personal preferences is important in order to realize a safe and effective treatment

    The role of bisphenol A on puberty: a critical review of the medical lierature

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    Introduction: Many scientific studies have revealed a trend towards anticipation of the age of puberty and disclosed an increasing number of children displaying a precocious puberty. As explanation, some authors have considered the global socio-economic improvement across different populations, but also claimed the action of many endocrine disrupting chemicals (ECDs). Among these, bisphenol A (BPA), an aromatic compound largely used worldwide as a precursor of some plastic stuff and chemical additives, is well-known for its molecular estrogen-like and obesogenic actions. Methods: We have reviewed the medical literature containing studies published in the previous 20 years that examined any associations between BPA exposure and age of puberty in humans, considering only the ones referring clinical or epidemiological data. Discussion: Out of 19 studies found, only 7 showed a correlation between BPA and puberty. In particular, the possible disrupting role on puberty of BPA may be seen in those with central precocious puberty or isolated premature breast development aged 2 months-4 years old, even if the mechanism is undefined. Some studies have also found a close relationship between urinary BPA, body weight, and early puberty, which can be explained by the obesogenic effect of BPA itself. Conclusions: Data currently available do not allow to establish a clear role of BPA on the pubertal development because of conflicting results of all clinical and epidemiological studies examined. Further researches are needed to fully understand the potential role of exposure to ECDs and their adverse endocrine health outcomes

    Lipid Profile and Triglyceride-Glucose Index (TyG) Alterations in a Single-Center Cohort of Children Diagnosed with Central Precocious Puberty

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    Background: A correlation between plasma lipids and timing of pubertal development has been hypothesized, though lipid influence remains unclear in central precocious puberty (CPP). Aim: To assess any possible alterations in the lipid profile and triglyceride glucose index (TyG) in children diagnosed with CPP. Patients and Methods: Retrospective single-center study conducted on children (aged 6.3 ± 2.1 years) evaluated for the suspicion of CPP. Results: Based on the results of the gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) test, considering 5 IU/L as cut-off of the luteinizing hormone peak, CPP was confirmed in 43 patients (57.3%). Sixteen (37.2%) had a pathologic body mass index (BMI), with 9 (20.9%) being overweight and 7 (16.27%) obese. High total cholesterol was found in 3 patients with CPP (6.97%), high triglycerides were found in 11 patients with CPP (25.58%), high LDL cholesterol was found in 5 patients with CPP (11.62%), low HDL cholesterol was found in 12/43 patients with CPP (27.9%), a pathologic TyG was found in 13/43 patients with CPP (30.23%). No significant association was observed in the lipid profile for patients with or without CPP, except for HDL cholesterol, which was lower in the CPP group (47.1 ± 10.9; p = 0.033). However, the association between serum HDL cholesterol and CPP was not confirmed at the multivariate logistic regression analysis adjusted for patients’ sex and age (p = 0.1; OR: 1.035; 95% CI: 0.993–1.078). Conclusion: The overall lipid profile of our pediatric patients diagnosed with CPP did not differ from patients having idiopathic precocious thelarche or normal variants of puberty development

    Characteristics of Children and Adolescents with Hyperinsulinemia Undergoing Oral Glucose Tolerance Test: A Single-Center Retrospective Observational Study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate a potential correlation between results of the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and the auxological/metabolic parameters in a cohort of overweight patients assessed for suspicion of hyperinsulinism. We analyzed 206 patients, comparing those with insulin peak below (nonhyperinsulinemic) and over 100 uIU/mL (hyperinsulinemic) at the OGTT. We found a significant difference in weight (p = 0.037), body mass index (BMI, p p p = 0.001), hip circumference (p = 0.001), and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR, p = 0.016) between the two groups. Analyzing the median insulin value during OGTT in the whole population, a weakly positive correlation emerged with weight SD (p rho = 0.292) and a moderate positive correlation with BMI SD (p rho = 0.323). We also found a weakly positive correlation with waist circumference (p = 0.001; rho = 0.214), hip circumference (p = 0.001; rho = 0.217), and WHTR (p = 0.016; rho = 0.209) and a moderate positive correlation with the HOMA index (p rho = 0.683). The median insulin value correlates with high triglyceride (p rho = 0.266) and triiodothyronine values (p = 0.003; rho = 0.193) and with low HDL values (p rho = −0.272). In clinical practice the interpretation of laboratory and anthropometric parameters could predict the level of insulin, highlighting also a possible underlying diagnosis of insulin resistance and/or hyperinsulinemia without performing an OGTT

    Plasma Levels of Neudesin and Glucose Metabolism in Obese and Overweight Children

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    Childhood overweight and obesity are among the major health problems of modern times, especially in Western countries, due to their association with increased cardiovascular and cancer risk in adulthood. Neudesin, a recently discovered peptide secreted mainly in the brain and adipose tissue, is being investigated for its possible activity as a negative regulator of energy expenditure. We conducted a cross-sectional observational preliminary study with the aim of testing the hypothesis that plasma levels of neudesin can be modified in obese and overweight children and to evaluate any possible relationship between plasma neudesin levels and metabolic and anthropometric parameters. 34 Children (Tanner's stage 1) were included and divided in two groups according to Cole's criteria. Group A included obese and overweight children (23 patients, 17 females and 6 males, aged 4-10 years); Group B included healthy normal-weight children (11 subjects, 7 females and 4 males, aged 3-10 years). Metabolic (glucose and insulin, total, LDL- and HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid) and hormonal (fT3, fT4, TSH, IGF-1, leptin) parameters were evaluated. HOMA-IR and QUICKI index and the area under the curve (AUC) of glucose and insulin after oral glucose load were calculated in obese and overweight children. Neudesin was measured by ELISA. Neudesin levels were significantly higher in obese/overweight children than in controls. In obese and overweight children, plasma neudesin levels were significantly directly correlated with blood glucose and glucose AUC. Taken together, these results, although preliminary, may suggest a possible age-related role of neudesin in glucose homeostasis in obese/overweight children

    Overview of immune abnormalities in lysosomal storage disorders

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    The critical relevance of the lysosomal compartment for normal cellular function can be proved by numbering the clinical phenotypes that arise in lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs), a group of around 70 different monogenic autosomal or X-linked syndromes, caused by specific lysosomal enzyme deficiencies: all LSDs are characterized by progressive accumulation of heterogeneous biologic materials in the lysosomes of various parts of the body such as viscera, skeleton, skin, heart, and central nervous system. At least a fraction of LSDs has been associated with mixed abnormalities involving the immune system, while some patients with LSDs may result more prone to autoimmune phenomena. A large production of proinflammatory cytokines has been observed in Gaucher and Fabry diseases, and wide different autoantibody production has been also reported in both. Many immune-mediated reactions are crucial to the pathogenesis of different inflammatory signs in mucopolysaccharidoses, and subverted heparan sulphate catabolism might dysregulate cellular homeostasis in the brain of these patients. Furthermore, an inappropriate activation of microglia is implicated in the neurodegenerative foci of Niemann-Pick disease, in which abnormal signalling pathways are activated by impaired sphingolipid metabolism. In addition, not the simple impaired catabolism of gangliosides per se, but also the production of anti-ganglioside autoantibodies contributes to the neurological disease of gangliosidoses. Even if the exact relationship between the modification of lysosomal activities and modulation of the immune system remains obscure, there is emerging evidence of different impaired immunity responses in a variety of LSDs: in this review we investigate and summarize the immune abnormalities and/or clinical data about immune system irregularities which have been described in a subset of LSDs

    Metabolic Profile of Patients with Smith-Magenis Syndrome: An Observational Study with Literature Review

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    Background: Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) is caused by either interstitial deletions in the 17p11.2 region or pathogenic variants in the RAI1 gene and is marked by a distinct set of physical, developmental, neurological, and behavioral features. Hypercholesterolemia has been described in SMS, and obesity is also commonly found. Aim: To describe and characterize the metabolic phenotype of a cohort of SMS patients with an age range of 2.9–32.4 years and to evaluate any correlations between their body mass index and serum lipids, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), and basal insulin levels. Results: Seven/thirty-five patients had high values of both total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; 3/35 had high values of triglycerides; none of the patients with RAI1 variants presented dyslipidemia. No patients had abnormal fasting glucose levels. Three/thirty-five patients had HbA1c in the prediabetes range. Ten/twenty-two patients with 17p11.2 deletion and 2/3 with RAI1 variants had increased insulin basal levels. Three/twenty-three patients with the 17p11.2 deletion had prediabetes. Conclusion: Our investigation suggests that SMS ‘deleted’ patients may show a dyslipidemic pattern, while SMS ‘mutated’ patients are more likely to develop early-onset obesity along with hyperinsulinism