3,899 research outputs found

    Can Food-for-Work Programmes Reduce Vulnerability?

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    Famine, Food aid, Poverty, Public employment programmes, Transfers


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    A burgeoning recent literature emphasizes "livelihood" diversification among smallholder populations (Chambers and Conway 1992, Davies 1993, Ellis 1998, Bryceson 1999, Ellis 2000, Little et al. 2001). While definitions vary within this literature, the concept of livelihoods revolves around the opportunity set afforded an individual or household by their asset endowment and their chosen allocation of those assets across various activities to generate a stream of benefits, most commonly measured as income. This holistic perspective has the potential to enhance our understanding of the strategies that farm households pursue to ensure food and income security given the natural and economic environment in which they operate. Diversification patterns reflect individuals' voluntary exchange of assets and their allocation of assets across various activities so as to achieve an optimal balance between expected returns and risk exposure conditional on the constraints they face (e.g., due to missing or incomplete markets for credit, labor, or land). Because it offers a glimpse as to what people presently consider their most attractive options, given the incentives and constraints they face, the study of diversification behavior offers important insights as to what policy or project interventions might effectively improve either the poor's asset holdings or their access to higher return or lower risk uses of the assets they already possess. Since diversification is not an end unto itself, it is essential to connect observed livelihood strategies back to resulting income distributions and poverty. Not all diversification into off-farm or non-farm income earning activities offers the same benefits and not all households have equal access to the more lucrative diversification options. Yet the livelihoods literature offers little documentation or explanation of important differences between observed diversification strategies. This paper addresses that gap by offering a comparative analysis using data from three different countries, Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya and Rwanda. Like Dercon and Krishnan (1996) and Omamo (1999), we emphasize that interhousehold heterogeneity in constraints and incentives must factor prominently in any sensible explanation of observed diversification behaviors. Indeed, section 4 demonstrates that at a very fundamental level - the choice of basic livelihood strategy - households would prefer locally available livelihood strategies other than those they choose, were they not constrained from doing so. A simple appeal to the principle of revealed preference thus suggests that heterogeneous constraints and incentives play a fundamental role in determining livelihood diversification patterns manifest in income diversification data. The plan for the remainder of this paper is as follows. The next section presents the basic conceptual foundation from which we operate. Section 3 then introduces the data sets and definitions employed in the analysis. Section 4 presents findings relating to the observed variation in income sources across the income distribution, to distinct livelihood strategies pursued by rural African households, to the determinants of strategy choice, and to the effects of alternative livelihood strategies on income dynamics. These findings point especially to significant rural markets failures - especially with respect to finance and land - that force poorer subpopulations to select strategies offering demonstrably lower returns while wealthier subpopulations are able to enjoy higher return strategies to which entry is at least partly impeded by fixed costs and lower marginal costs of participation. Section 5 concludes.Labor and Human Capital, O & Q12,

    Morphology of Three Imported Aphthona Flea Beetles Used as Biological Control Agents of Leafy Spurge

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    The following morphological study of the three imported Aphtona flea beetles supplies a detailed description of selected structures that will distinguish each of the three imported species and will separate them from a common native fle beetle (Glyptina atriventris) found at South Dakota release sites

    Factors Influencing Spatial Variability of Soil Apparent Electrical Conductivity

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    Soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) can be used as a precision farming diagnostic tool more efficiently if the factors influencing ECa spatial variability are understood. The objective of this study was to ascertain the causes of ECa spatial variability in soils developed in an environment with between 50 and 65 cm of annual rainfall. Soils at the research sites were formed on calcareous glacial till parent materials deposited approximately 10,000 years ago. Soil samples (0–15 cm) collected from at least a 60 by 60 m grid in four fields were analyzed for Olsen phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Elevation was measured by a carrier phase single frequency DGPS and ECa was measured with an EM 38 (Geonics Ltd., ON, Canada) multiple times between 1995 and 1999. Apparent electrical conductivity contained spatial structure in all fields. Generally, the well drained soils in the summit areas and the poorly drained soil in the toeslope areas had low and high ECa values, respectively. The landscape differences in ECa were attributed to: (i) water leaching salts out of summit areas and capillary flow combined with seepage transporting water and salts from subsurface to surface soils in toeslope areas; (ii) lower water contents in summit than toeslope soils; and (iii) water erosion which transported surface soil from summit/shoulder areas to lower backslope/footslope areas. A conceptual model based on these findings was developed. In this model, topography followed a sine curve and ECa followed a cosine curve. Field areas that did not fit the conceptual model were: (i) areas containing old animal confinement areas; (ii) areas where high manure rates had been applied; and (iii) areas where soils were outside the boundary conditions of the model, i.e., soils not developed under relatively low rainfall conditions in calcareous glacial till with temperatures ranging between mesic and frigid. This research showed that the soil forming processes as well as agricultural management influenced ECa and that by understanding how landscape position influences salt loss and accumulation, water redistributions following precipitation, and erosion areas that do not fit the conceptual model can be identified. This information can be used to improve soil sampling strategies

    Sequence-specific trapping of topoisomerase I by DNA binding polyamide-camptothecin conjugates

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    Hairpin pyrrole−imidazole polyamides are synthetic ligands that bind in the minor groove of DNA with affinities and specificities comparable to those of DNA binding proteins. Three polyamide−camptothecin conjugates 1−3 with linkers varying in length between 7, 13, and 18 atoms were synthesized to trap the enzyme Topoisomerase I and induce cleavage at predetermined DNA sites. One of these, polyamide−camptothecin conjugate 3 at nanomolar concentration (50 nM) in the presence of Topo I (37 °C), induces DNA cleavage between three and four base pairs from the polyamide binding site in high yield (77%)

    Sequence-specific trapping of topoisomerase I by DNA binding polyamide-camptothecin conjugates

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    Hairpin pyrrole−imidazole polyamides are synthetic ligands that bind in the minor groove of DNA with affinities and specificities comparable to those of DNA binding proteins. Three polyamide−camptothecin conjugates 1−3 with linkers varying in length between 7, 13, and 18 atoms were synthesized to trap the enzyme Topoisomerase I and induce cleavage at predetermined DNA sites. One of these, polyamide−camptothecin conjugate 3 at nanomolar concentration (50 nM) in the presence of Topo I (37 °C), induces DNA cleavage between three and four base pairs from the polyamide binding site in high yield (77%)

    Application of advanced technologies to small, short-haul aircraft

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    The results of a preliminary design study which investigates the use of selected advanced technologies to achieve low cost design for small (50-passenger), short haul (50 to 1000 mile) transports are reported. The largest single item in the cost of manufacturing an airplane of this type is labor. A careful examination of advanced technology to airframe structure was performed since one of the most labor-intensive parts of the airplane is structures. Also, preliminary investigation of advanced aerodynamics flight controls, ride control and gust load alleviation systems, aircraft systems and turbo-prop propulsion systems was performed. The most beneficial advanced technology examined was bonded aluminum primary structure. The use of this structure in large wing panels and body sections resulted in a greatly reduced number of parts and fasteners and therefore, labor hours. The resultant cost of assembled airplane structure was reduced by 40% and the total airplane manufacturing cost by 16% - a major cost reduction. With further development, test verification and optimization appreciable weight saving is also achievable. Other advanced technology items which showed significant gains are as follows: (1) advanced turboprop-reduced block fuel by 15.30% depending on range; (2) configuration revisions (vee-tail)-empennage cost reduction of 25%; (3) leading-edge flap addition-weight reduction of 2500 pounds

    Spectral Analysis of Guanine and Cytosine Fluctuations of Mouse Genomic DNA

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    We study global fluctuations of the guanine and cytosine base content (GC%) in mouse genomic DNA using spectral analyses. Power spectra S(f) of GC% fluctuations in all nineteen autosomal and two sex chromosomes are observed to have the universal functional form S(f) \sim 1/f^alpha (alpha \approx 1) over several orders of magnitude in the frequency range 10^-7< f < 10^-5 cycle/base, corresponding to long-ranging GC% correlations at distances between 100 kb and 10 Mb. S(f) for higher frequencies (f > 10^-5 cycle/base) shows a flattened power-law function with alpha < 1 across all twenty-one chromosomes. The substitution of about 38% interspersed repeats does not affect the functional form of S(f), indicating that these are not predominantly responsible for the long-ranged multi-scale GC% fluctuations in mammalian genomes. Several biological implications of the large-scale GC% fluctuation are discussed, including neutral evolutionary history by DNA duplication, chromosomal bands, spatial distribution of transcription units (genes), replication timing, and recombination hot spots.Comment: 15 pages (figures included), 2 figure
