48 research outputs found

    Novel D–A chromophores with condensed 1,2,4-triazine system simultaneously display thermally activated delayed fluorescence and crystallization-induced phosphorescence

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    Control of photophysical properties is crucial for the continued development of electroluminescent devices and luminescent materials. Preparation and study of original molecules uncovers design rules towards efficient materials and devices. Here we have prepared 7 new compounds based on the popular donor–acceptor design used in thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters. We introduce for the first time benzofuro[3,2-e]-1,2,4-triazine and benzothieno[3,2-e]-1,2,4-triazine acceptors which were connected to several common donors: phenoxazine, phenothiazine, carbazole and 3,6-di-tert-butylcarbazole. DFT calculations, and steady-state and time-resolved photophysical studies were conducted in solution and in solid states. While derivatives with azine moieties are non-emissive in any form, the compounds comprising 3,6-di-tert-butylcarbazole display TADF in all cases. More interestingly, the two derivatives substituted with a carbazole donor are TADF active when dispersed in a polymer matrix and phosphorescent at room temperature in neat films (microcrystalline form)

    Molecular imprinting science and technology: a survey of the literature for the years 2004-2011

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    Modeling the surface properties and behavior of nanoparticles in aquatic systems: Monte Carlo investigations

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    Les nanoparticules représentent un des matériaux les plus révolutionnaire de notre époque, pouvoir exploiter tout leur potentiel est un challenge intéressant pour les chercheurs et le monde industriel. Cependant, des questions et des incertitudes restent en suspens concernant leurs comportements et leurs toxicités dans l’environnement. Il semble donc primordial de mieux cerner les mécanismes qui les entourent mais également d’évaluer leurs réactivités afin d’améliorer et rationaliser la fabrication et l’utilisation de ces particules. Le but de ce travail de thèse est de mieux comprendre le comportement des nanoparticules manufacturées dans les milieux aquatiques et d’estimer l’importance de plusieurs paramètres physico-chimiques dans les processus autour des nanoparticules (pH, concentration et valence des électrolytes, charges et distribution de surface, teneur en matière organique). Pour cela, trois modèles numériques, basés sur des méthodes de Monte Carlo ont été développés afin de simuler différents mécanismes et situations représentatives des écosystèmes. Dans cette thèse, les processus de chargement, de condensation et d'agrégation ont ainsi été pris en compte et modéliser pour divers scénarios et différents types de nanoparticules

    Modelling the interaction processes between nanoparticles and biomacromolecules of variable hydrophobicity: Monte Carlo simulations

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    The conformational properties and formation of a complex between a weak flexible biomacromolecule chain of variable hydrophobicity and one negatively charged nanoparticle in the presence of explicit counterions are investigated here using Monte Carlo simulations. The influence of the charge distribution and hydrophobicity, monomer distribution of the chain as well as the pH of the solution are systematically investigated. It is shown that the isolated chain conformations, built with random and block distribution of carboxylic, amino and hydrophobic groups, are the result of the subtle competition between intrachain attractive and repulsive electrostatic interactions as well as intrachain attractive short-range interactions due to hydrophobic properties. Extended conformations are found at low and high pH and folded conformations at physiological pH when hydrophilic and block polymer chains are considered. On the other hand, hydrophobic chain conformations do not show pH dependency and remain folded. The intrachain attractive electrostatic interactions clearly promote the deprotonation of carboxylic groups at low pH and the protonation of amino groups at high pH with higher efficiency for hydrophilic chains. The additional set of electrostatic interactions due to the presence of one negatively charged nanoparticle limits the deprotonation of carboxylic groups at low pH. Moreover, the attractive interactions between the biomacromolecule and the nanoparticle allow to observe the formation of a complex considering intermediate and hydrophilic chains even close to the chain isoelectric point due to the charge inhomogeneity distribution. Hydrophobic chain segments are not affected by the presence of the nanoparticle and remain desorbed. In all cases, the presence of one nanoparticle influences the biomacromolecule structures and acid/base properties, leading to more stretched conformations

    Determination of nanoparticle heteroaggregation attachment efficiencies and rates in presence of natural organic matter monomers. Monte Carlo modelling

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    Understanding the transformation and transport of manufactured nanoparticles (NPs) in aquatic systems remains an important issue due to their potential hazard. Once released in aquatic systems, NPs will interact with natural compounds such as suspended inorganic particles and/or natural organic matter (NOM) and heteroaggregation will control their ultimate fate. Unfortunately, systematic experimental methods to study heteroaggregation are not straightforward and still scarce. In addition, the description of heteroaggregation rate constants and attachment efficiencies is still a matter of debate since no clear definition exists. In this work, an original cluster-cluster Monte Carlo model is developed to get an insight into heteroaggregation process descriptions. A two-component system composed of NPs and NOM fulvic acid monomers is investigated by considering several water models to cover a range of (relevant) conditions from fresh to marine waters. For that purpose, homo- and hetero- individual attachment efficiencies between NPs and NOM units are adjusted (NP-NP, NOM-NOM and NP-NOM). The influence of NP/NOM ratio, NOM-NOM homoaggregation versus heteroaggregation, and surface coating effects is studied systematically. From a quantitative point of view, aggregation rate constants as well as attachment efficiencies are calculated as a function of physical time so as to characterize the individual influence of each parameter and to allow future comparison with experimental data. Heteroaggregation processes and global attachment efficiencies corresponding to several mechanisms and depending on the evolution of heteroaggregate structures all along the simulations are defined. The calculation of attachment efficiency values is found dependent on NP/NOM concentration ratios via coating effects, by the initial set of elementary attachment efficiencies and influence of homoaggregation. Marine water represents a specific case of aggregation where all particle contacts are effective. On the other hand, in “ultrapure” and “fresh waters”, a competition between homo- and heteroaggregation occurs depending on the initial attachment efficiencies therefore indicating that a subtle change in the NP surface properties as well as in the water chemistry have a significant impact on heteroaggregation processe

    Polypeptide-Nanoparticle Interactions and Corona Formation Investigated by Monte Carlo Simulations

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    Biomacromolecule activity is usually related to its ability to keep a specific structure. However, in solution, many parameters (pH, ionic strength) and external compounds (polyelectrolytes, nanoparticles) can modify biomacromolecule structure as well as acid/base properties, thus resulting in a loss of activity and denaturation. In this paper, the impact of neutral and charged nanoparticles (NPs) is investigated by Monte Carlo simulations on polypeptide (PP) chains with primary structure based on bovine serum albumin. The influence of pH, salt valency, and NP surface charge density is systematically studied. It is found that the PP is extended at extreme pH, when no complex formation is observed, and folded at physiological pH. PP adsorption around oppositely-charged NPs strongly limits chain structural changes and modifies its acid/base properties. At physiological pH, the complex formation occurs only with positively-charged NPs. The presence of salts, in particular those with trivalent cations, introduces additional electrostatic interactions, resulting in a mitigation of the impact of negative NPs. Thus, the corona structure is less dense with locally-desorbed segments. On the contrary, very limited impact of salt cation valency is observed when NPs are positive, due to the absence of competitive effects between multivalent cations and NP

    Surface charging behavior of nanoparticles by considering site distribution and density, dielectric constant and pH changes – a Monte Carlo approach

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    Monte Carlo simulations are used to describe the charging behavior of metal oxide nanoparticles thus enabling a novel and original approach to predict nanoparticle reactivity and possible interactions with biological and environmental molecules. The charging behavior of spherical nanoparticles is investigated by adjusting the pH of the media and the influence of surface site distribution, density and dielectric constant as well as acid/base properties of the surface sites and values (difference between two successive deprotonation constants) is systematically studied using a grand canonical Monte Carlo method. A primitive Coulomb model is applied to describe the interaction energies between explicit discrete sites. Homogeneous, heterogeneous surfaces and patches with homogeneous and heterogeneous distributions are considered in order to reproduce possible site distributions of metal oxide nanoparticles. Two models are used. In the model (one deprotonation step) results indicate that the deprotonation process is controlled by inter-site distances which are defined by site distributions and densities. It is shown that the homogeneous surface is the most efficient site distribution to obtain high ionization degrees. In the model (two deprotonation steps), the value is found to control the surface charge properties with regards to pH changes. By considering the variation of the total NPs surface charge as a function of pH our results help in the distinction between the zero charge and isoelectric point and interpretation of experimental NPs titration curves

    Effect of Surface and Salt Properties on the Ion Distribution around Spherical Nanoparticles: Monte Carlo Simulations

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    Nanoparticle surface charge properties represent key parameters to predict their fate, reactivity, and complexation in natural, biological, and industrial dispersions. In this context, we present here an original approach to better understand the surface charge electrostatic properties of spherical nanoparticles (NPs). The ion distribution around one nanoparticle is investigated using Monte Carlo simulations and by adjusting a wide range of parameters including NP properties (surface charge density and site distribution), salt concentration (ionic strength and cation concentration), and salt valency (mono-, di-, and trivalent salt). A canonical Metropolis Monte Carlo method is used to reach equilibrium states and a primitive Coulomb model is applied to describe the electrostatic interactions between explicit discrete sites, counterions, and salt particles. Our results show that the presence of explicit surface charges on the NP and in solution has a strong influence on the local ion distribution and on the effective surface charge of the nanoparticles. The increase of surface charge density reduces the NP effective charge by the formation of a condensation layer around the nanoparticle. However, a limit of condensation is achieved due to steric effects and electrostatic repulsions. The presence of di- and trivalent cations is also found to strongly modify the effective charge and improve condensation state as long as electrostatic repulsion between the cations close to the surface are not so strong. At high trivalent cation concentration, the NP effective charge is greatly reduced and the local environment around the nanoparticle becomes more structured with the formation of a multi layer structure composed by anions and cations