217 research outputs found

    Distribution of lipid biomarkers and carbon isotope fractionation in contrasting trophic environments of the South East Pacific

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    The distribution of lipid biomarkers and their stable carbon isotope composition was investigated on suspended particles from different contrasting trophic environments at six sites in the South East Pacific. High algal biomass with diatom-related lipids (24-methylcholesta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol, C<sub>25</sub> HBI alkenes, C<sub>16:4</sub> FA, C<sub>20:5</sub> FA) was characteristic in the upwelling zone, whereas haptophyte lipids (long-chain (C<sub>37</sub>-C<sub>39</sub>) unsaturated ketones) were proportionally most abundant in the nutrient-poor settings of the centre of the South Pacific Gyre and on its easter edge. The dinoflagellate–sterol, 4α-23,24-trimethylcholest-22(<i>E</i>)-en-3β-ol, was a minor contributor in all of the studied area and the cyanobacteria-hydrocarbon, C<sub>17</sub><i>n</i>-alkane, was at maximum in the high nutrient low chlorophyll regime of the subequatorial waters near the Marquesas archipelago. <br><br> The taxonomic and spatial variability of the relationships between carbon photosynthetic fractionation and environmental conditions for four specific algal taxa (diatoms, haptophytes, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria) was also investigated. The carbon isotope fractionation factor (ε<sub>p</sub>) of the 24-methylcholesta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol diatom marker, varied over a range of 16% along the different trophic systems. In contrast, ε<sub>p</sub> of dinoflagellate, cyanobacteria and alkenone markers varied only by 7–10‰. The low fractionation factors and small variations between the different phytoplankton markers measured in the upwelling area likely reveals uniformly high specific growth rates within the four phytoplankton taxa, and/or that transport of inorganic carbon into phytoplankton cells may not only occur by diffusion but also by other carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCM). In contrast, in the oligotrophic zone, i.e. gyre and eastgyre, relatively high ε<sub>p</sub> values, especially for the diatom marker, indicate diffusive CO<sub>2</sub> uptake by the eukaryotic phytoplankton. At these nutrient-poor sites, the lower ε<sub>p</sub> values for haptophytes, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria indicate higher growth rates or major differences on the carbon uptake mechanisms compared to diatoms

    Contribution of picoplankton to the total particulate organic carbon (POC) concentration in the eastern South Pacific

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    International audienceProchlorococcus, Synechococcus, picophytoeukaryotes and bacterioplankton abundances and contributions to the total particulate organic carbon concentration (POC), derived from the total particle beam attenuation coefficient (cp), were determined across the eastern South Pacific between the Marquesas Islands and the coast of Chile. All flow cytometrically derived abundances decreased towards the hyper-oligotrophic centre of the gyre and were highest at the coast, except for Prochlorococcus, which is not detected under eutrophic conditions. Temperature and nutrient availability appeared important in modulating picophytoplankton abundance, according to the prevailing trophic conditions. Although the non-vegetal particles tended to dominate the cp signal everywhere along the transect (50 to 83%), this dominance seemed to weaken from oligo- to eutrophic conditions, the contributions by vegetal and non-vegetal particles being about equal under mature upwelling conditions. Spatial variability in the vegetal compartment was more important than the non-vegetal one in shaping the water column particulate attenuation coefficient. Spatial variability in picophytoplankton biomass could be traced by changes in both Tchla and cp. Finally, picophytoeukaryotes contributed with ~38% on average to the total integrated phytoplankton carbon biomass or vegetal attenuation signal along the transect, as determined by direct size measurements on cells sorted by flow cytometry and optical theory. The role of picophytoeukaryotes in carbon and energy flow would therefore be very important, even under hyper-oligotrophic conditions

    Contribution of picoplankton to the total particulate organic carbon concentration in the eastern South Pacific

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    International audienceProchlorococcus, Synechococcus, picophytoeukaryotes and bacterioplankton abundances and contributions to the total particulate organic carbon concentration, derived from the total particle beam attenuation coefficient (cp), were determined across the eastern South Pacific between the Marquesas Islands and the coast of Chile. All flow cytometrically derived abundances decreased towards the hyper-oligotrophic centre of the gyre and were highest at the coast, except for Prochlorococcus, which was not detected under eutrophic conditions. Temperature and nutrient availability appeared important in modulating picophytoplankton abundance, according to the prevailing trophic conditions. Although the non-vegetal particles tended to dominate the cp signal everywhere along the transect (50 to 83%), this dominance seemed to weaken from oligo- to eutrophic conditions, the contributions by vegetal and non-vegetal particles being about equal under mature upwelling conditions. Spatial variability in the vegetal compartment was more important than the non-vegetal one in shaping the water column particle beam attenuation coefficient. Spatial variability in picophytoplankton biomass could be traced by changes in both total chlorophyll a (i.e. mono + divinyl chlorophyll a) concentration and cp. Finally, picophytoeukaryotes contributed ~38% on average to the total integrated phytoplankton carbon biomass or vegetal attenuation signal along the transect, as determined by size measurements (i.e. equivalent spherical diameter) on cells sorted by flow cytometry and optical theory. Although there are some uncertainties associated with these estimates, the new approach used in this work further supports the idea that picophytoeukaryotes play a dominant role in carbon cycling in the upper open ocean, even under hyper-oligotrophic conditions

    Observing biogeochemical cycles at global scales with profiling floats and gliders: prospects for a global array

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    Chemical and biological sensor technologies have advanced rapidly in the past five years. Sensors that require low power and operate for multiple years are now available for oxygen, nitrate, and a variety of bio-optical properties that serve as proxies for important components of the carbon cycle (e.g., particulate organic carbon). These sensors have all been deployed successfully for long periods, in some cases more than three years, on platforms such as profiling floats or gliders. Technologies for pH, pCO2, and particulate inorganic carbon are maturing rapidly as well. These sensors could serve as the enabling technology for a global biogeochemical observing system that might operate on a scale comparable to the current Argo array. Here, we review the scientific motivation and the prospects for a global observing system for ocean biogeochemistry

    Ecology and biogeochemistry of contrasting trophic environments in the South East Pacific by carbon isotope ratios on lipid biomarkers

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    International audienceThe distribution of lipid biomarkers and their carbon isotope composition was investigated on suspended particles from different contrasting trophic environments at six sites in the South East Pacific. High algal biomass with diatom-related lipids was characteristic in the upwelling zone, whereas haptophyte lipids were proportionally most abundant in the nutrient-poor settings of the centre of the South Pacific Gyre and on its easter edge. Dinoflagellate–sterols were minor contributors in all of the studied area and cyanobacteria-hydrocarbons were at maximum in the high nutrient low chlorophyll regime of the subequatorial waters at near the Marquesas archipelago. The taxonomic and spatial variability of the relationships between carbon photosynthetic fractionation and environmental conditions for four specific algal taxa (diatoms, haptophytes, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria) was also investigated. The carbon isotope fractionation factor (ep) of the diatom marker varied over a range of 16‰ along the different trophic systems. In contrast, ep of dinoflagellate, cyanobacteria and alkenone markers varied only by 7–10‰. The low fractionation factors and small variations between the different phytoplankton markers measured in the upwelling area likely reveals uniformly high specific growth rates within the four phytoplankton taxa, and/or that transport of inorganic carbon into phytoplankton cells may not only occur by diffusion but by other carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCM). In contrast, in the oligotrophic zone, i.e. gyre and eastgyre, relatively high ep values, especially for the diatom marker, indicate diffusive CO2 uptake by the eukaryotic phytoplankton. At these nutrient-poor sites, the lowest ep values for haptophytes, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria infer higher growth rates compared to diatoms

    Quenching correction for in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence acquired by autonomous platforms: A case study with instrumented elephant seals in the Kerguelen region (Southern Ocean)

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    As the proxy for Chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration, thousands of fluorescence profiles were measured by instrumented elephant seals in the Kerguelen region (Southern Ocean). For accurate retrieval of Chl a concentrations acquired by in vivo fluorometer, a two-step procedure is applied: 1) A predeployment intercalibration with accurate determination by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis, which not only calibrates fluorescence in appropriate Chl a concentration units, but also strongly reduces variability between fluorometers, and 2) a profile-by-profile quenching correction analysis, which effectively eliminates the fluorescence quenching issue at surface around noon, and results in consistent profiles between day and night. The quenching correction is conducted through an extrapolation of the deep fluorescence value toward surface. Asproved by a validation procedure in the Western Mediterranean Sea, the correction method is practical and relatively reliable when there is no credible reference, especially for deep mixed waters, as in the Southern Ocean. Even in the shallow mixed waters, the method is also effective in reducing the influence of quenching

    Indices associated with Primary productivity and carbon export

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    Analysis of nutrient cycling, primary productivity and particulate carbon export flux in the subpolar North Atlantic and the subtropical South Atlantic

    Correction of profiles of in-situ chlorophyll fluorometry for the contribution of fluorescence originating from non-algal matter

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    In situ chlorophyll fluorometers have been widely employed for more than half a century, and to date, it still remains the most used instrument to estimate chlorophyll-a concentration in the field, especially for measurements onboard autonomous observation platforms, e.g., Bio-Argo floats and gliders. However, in deep waters (> 300 m) of some specific regions, e.g., subtropical gyres and the Black Sea, the chlorophyll fluorescence profiles frequently reveal “deep sea red fluorescence” features. In line with previous studies and through the analysis of a large data set (cruise transect in the South East Pacific and data acquired by 82 Bio- Argo floats), we show that the fluorescence signal measured by a humic-like DOM fluorometer is highly correlated to the “deep sea red fluorescence.” Both fluorescence signals are indeed linearly related in deep waters. To remove the contribution of non-algal organic matter from chlorophyll fluorescence profiles, we introduce a new correction. Rather that removing a constant value (generally the deepest chlorophyll a fluorescence value from the profile, i.e., so-called “deep-offset correction”), we propose a correction method which relies on DOM fluorometry and on its variation with depth. This new method is validated with chlorophyll concentration extracted from water samples and further applied on the Bio-Argo float data set. More generally, we discuss the potential of the proposed method to become a standard and routine procedure in quality-control and correction of chlorophyll a fluorescence originating from Bio-Argo network

    Organic carbon export and loss rates in the Red Sea

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    The export and fate of organic carbon in the mesopelagic zone are still poorly understood and quantified due to lack of observations. We exploited data from a BGC‐Argo float that was deployed in the Red Sea to study how a warm and hypoxic environment can affect the fate of the organic carbon in the ocean’s interior. We observed that only 10% of the particulate organic carbon (POC) exported survived at depth due to remineralization processes in the upper mesopelagic zone. We also found that POC exported was rapidly degraded in a first stage and slowly in a second one, which may be dependent on the palatability of the organic matter. We observed that AOU‐based loss rates (a proxy of the remineralization of total organic matter) were significantly higher than the POC‐based loss rates, likely because changes in AOU are mainly attributed to changes in dissolved organic carbon. Finally, we showed that POC‐ and AOU‐based loss rates could be expressed as a function of temperature and oxygen concentration. These findings advance our understanding of the biological carbon pump and mesopelagic ecosystem
