1,962 research outputs found

    Ultrasound-Promoted Synthesis of 3-(Thiophen-2-yl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-1carboximidamides and Anticancer Activity Evaluation in Leukemia Cell Lines

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    3-(Thiophen-2-yl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-1-carboximidamides were efficiently prepared through a cyclocondensation of thiophenylchalcones with aminoguanidine hydrochloride under ultrasonic conditions in the presence of KOH and ethanol as a green solvent in short reaction times (15-35 min) and good yields (62-95%). All compounds produced were evaluated against the human Jurkat and RS411 acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell lines of T- and B-cell origin, respectively, and the K562 myelogenous leukemia cell line. Six compounds presented half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values around 15 mu mol L-1 and five compounds presented IC50 values around 40 mu mol L-1 for at least one of the three cell lines analyzed. One compound was not significantly cytotoxic, presenting IC50 value > 100 mu mol L- 1.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Fundacao de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento do Ensino, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul (FUNDECT)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)FAPESPCNPqFundacao Univ Fed Grande Dourados, Grp Pesquisa Sintese & Caracterizacao Mol MS, Rua Joao Rosa Goes 1761, BR-79825070 Dourados, MS, BrazilUniv Estadual Campinas, Inst Biol, Dept Genet & Biol Mol, Rua Monteiro Lobato 255, BR-13083970 Campinas, SP, BrazilCtr Infantil Boldrini, Mol Biol Lab, Rua Dr Gabriel Porto 1270, BR-13083210 Campinas, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Ciencias Exatas & Terra, Rua Prof Artur Riedel 275, BR-09972270 Diadema, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Pelotas, Ctr Ciencias Quim Farmaceut & Alimentos, Lab Lipid & Bioorgan, Campus Univ, BR-96001900 Pelotas, RS, BrazilUniv Estadual Mato Grosso do Sul, Rua Emilio Mascolli 275, BR-79950000 Navirai, MS, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Ciencias Exatas & Terra, Rua Prof Artur Riedel 275, BR-09972270 Diadema, SP, BrazilCNPq: 483021/2013-0FUNDECT: 0180/12FAPESP: 12/12802-1Web of Scienc

    Cultivation of algae in photobioreator and obtention of biodiesel

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    In this work we described the cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris in a photobioreactor to algal biomass production. The dried biomass was used as feedstock for biodiesel production, it presented 26% lipids and via sonocatalysis stage of the methodology resulted in 60% of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). The FAME content was confirmed by Gas Chromatography (GC).CNPqFAPERGSCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES

    Influenza A virus infection in pigs from Mozambique

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    Swine  influenza  (SI)  is  an  acute  and  highly  contagious  disease  of  the  respiratory tract of pigs caused by swine influenza A virus (SIA). The disease causes economic losses in swine production and is of great public importance for its zoonotic potential. The aims of the present  study  were  to  report SIA infection  in  pigs  from  Mozambique  and  characterize  the anatomopathological  and  immunohistochemical  features  of  associated  lung  lesions.  Lungs from  457  slaughtered  pigs  were  subjected  to  gross  evaluation  and 38  (8.3%)  lungs  with cranioventral  consolidation  were  collected  from  a slaughterhouse  in  Matola  City,  Southern Mozambique. Consolidation areas in each lung lobe  were classified in 4 grades according to the lesion extension. Samples with consolidated lung tissue were examined for histopathology and  immunohistochemistry  for  the  presence  of  SIA,  Porcine  circovirus  type  2  (PCV2)  and Mycoplasma  hyopneumoniae  antigens.  The  lungs  had  multifocal  to  coalescing  areas  of consolidation observed most frequently in the craniallobes. The lesions involved mainly one or three  pulmonary  lobes  and  grade  1  and  2  lesions  were  the  most  frequent.  The  main histopathological  findings  were  necrotizing  bronchiolitis  (23/38),  alveolar  neutrophil infiltration (24/38), type II pneumocytes hyperplasia (26/38), peribronchiolar lymphoid tissue hyperplasia  (28/38)  and  interstitial  mononuclear  cells  infiltrate  (29/38). SIA  antigen  was detected by immunohistochemistryin 84.3% (32/38) of lung samples and all lung samples were negative  for  PCV2  and Mycoplasma  hyopneumoniaantigense. Pigs  that  presented  a  positive result on IHQ were from Matutuine district (5/32), Moamba district (2/32), Namaacha district (21/32), Boane district (3/32) and Matola city (1/32). These results demonstrate that SIA is a cause of pneumonia in pigs in Mozambique

    Computational and Complex Network Modeling for Analysis of Sprinter Athletes’ Performance in Track Field Tests

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    The article of record as published may be located at https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2018.00843Sports and exercise today are popular for both amateurs and athletes. However, we continue to seek the best ways to analyze best athlete performances and develop specific tools that may help scientists and people in general to analyze athletic achievement. Standard statistics and cause-and-effect research, when applied in isolation, typically do not answer most scientific questions. The human body is a complex holistic system exchanging data during activities, as has been shown in the emerging field of network physiology. However, the literature lacks studies regarding sports performance, running, exercise, and more specifically, sprinter athletes analyzed mathematically through complex network modeling. Here, we propose complex models to jointly analyze distinct tests and variables from track sprinter athletes in an untargeted manner. Through complex propositions, we have incorporated mathematical and computational modeling to analyze anthropometric, biomechanics, and physiological interactions in running exercise conditions. Exercise testing associated with complex network and mathematical outputs make it possible to identify which responses may be critical during running. The physiological basis, aerobic, and biomechanics variables together may play a crucial role in performance. Coaches, trainers, and runners can focus on improving specific outputs that together help toward individuals’ goals. Moreover, our type of analysis can inspire the study and analysis of other complex sport scenarios

    Cationic Amino Acid Uptake Constitutes a Metabolic Regulation Mechanism and Occurs in the Flagellar Pocket of Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Trypanosomatids' amino acid permeases are key proteins in parasite metabolism since they participate in the adaptation of parasites to different environments. Here, we report that TcAAP3, a member of a Trypanosoma cruzi multigene family of permeases, is a bona fide arginine transporter. Most higher eukaryotic cells incorporate cationic amino acids through a single transporter. In contrast, T. cruzi can recognize and transport cationic amino acids by mono-specific permeases since a 100-fold molar excess of lysine could not affect the arginine transport in parasites that over-express the arginine permease (TcAAP3 epimastigotes). In order to test if the permease activity regulates downstream processes of the arginine metabolism, the expression of the single T. cruzi enzyme that uses arginine as substrate, arginine kinase, was evaluated in TcAAP3 epimastigotes. In this parasite model, intracellular arginine concentration increases 4-folds and ATP level remains constant until cultures reach the stationary phase of growth, with decreases of about 6-folds in respect to the controls. Interestingly, Western Blot analysis demonstrated that arginine kinase is significantly down-regulated during the stationary phase of growth in TcAAP3 epimastigotes. This decrease could represent a compensatory mechanism for the increase in ATP consumption as a consequence of the displacement of the reaction equilibrium of arginine kinase, when the intracellular arginine concentration augments and the glucose from the medium is exhausted. Using immunofluorescence techniques we also determined that TcAAP3 and the specific lysine transporter TcAAP7 co-localize in a specialized region of the plasma membrane named flagellar pocket, staining a single locus close to the flagellar pocket collar. Taken together these data suggest that arginine transport is closely related to arginine metabolism and cell energy balance. The clinical relevance of studying trypanosomatids' permeases relies on the possibility of using these molecules as a route of entry of therapeutic drugs

    In-depth genome characterization of a Brazilian common bean core collection using DArTseq high-density SNP genotyping

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    Background: Common bean is a legume of social and nutritional importance as a food crop, cultivated worldwide especially in developing countries, accounting for an important source of income for small farmers. The availability of the complete sequences of the two common bean genomes has dramatically accelerated and has enabled new experimental strategies to be applied for genetic research. DArTseq has been widely used as a method of SNP genotyping allowing comprehensive genome coverage with genetic applications in common bean breeding programs. Results: Using this technology, 6286 SNPs (1 SNP/86.5 Kbp) were genotyped in genic (43.3%) and non-genic regions (56. 7%). Genetic subdivision associated to the common bean gene pools (K = 2) and related to grain types (K = 3 and K = 5) were reported. A total of 83% and 91% of all SNPs were polymorphic within the Andean and Mesoamerican gene pools, respectively, and 26% were able to differentiate the gene pools. Genetic diversity analysis revealed an average HE of 0.442 for the whole collection, 0.102 for Andean and 0.168 for Mesoamerican gene pools (FST = 0.747 between gene pools), 0. 440 for the group of cultivars and lines, and 0.448 for the group of landrace accessions (FST = 0.002 between cultivar/line and landrace groups). The SNP effects were predicted with predominance of impact on non-coding regions (77.8%). SNPs under selection were identified within gene pools comparing landrace and cultivar/line germplasm groups (Andean: 18; Mesoamerican: 69) and between the gene pools (59 SNPs), predominantly on chromosomes 1 and 9. The LD extension estimate corrected for population structure and relatedness (r2 SV) was~88 kbp, while for the Andean gene pool was~395 kbp, and for the Mesoamerican was ~ 130 kbp. Conclusions: For common bean, DArTseq provides an efficient and cost-effective strategy of generating SNPs for large-scale genome-wide studies. The DArTseq resulted in an operational panel of 560 polymorphic SNPs in linkage equilibrium, providing high genome coverage. This SNP set could be used in genotyping platforms with many applications, such as population genetics, phylogeny relation between common bean varieties and support to molecular breeding approaches

    Avaliação in vitro de diferentes formulações acaricidas sobre o parâmetro reprodutivos de fêmeas ingurgitadas de rhipicephalus (Boophilus) Microplus / In vitro evaluation of different formations acaricides on the reproductive parameter of ingurgitated females of rhipicephalus (Boophilus) Microplus

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    O carrapato de bovinos, Rhipicephalus microplus, é controlado principalmente com acaricidas, porém há uma maior ocorrência da resistência antiparasitária. Portanto, objetivou-se avaliar a eficácia de formulações comerciais pelo Teste de Imersão de Adultos, em quatro propriedades da região de Umuarama, PR, para auxiliar o produtor no controle deste parasito. Nas quatro populações de carrapatos testadas, apenas cipermetrina + clorpirifós obteve eficácia acima de 95%. É indispensável à realização de testes de eficácia de moléculas acaricidas para a escolha da estratégia de controle de R. microplus

    He II λ4686 in η Carinae: Collapse of the wind-wind collision region during periastron passage

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    The periodic spectroscopic events in η Carinae are now well established and occur near the periastron passage of two massive stars in a very eccentric orbit. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the variations of different spectral features, such as an eclipse by the wind-wind collision (WWC) boundary, a shell ejection from the primary star or accretion of its wind onto the secondary. All of them have problems explaining all the observed phenomena. To better understand the nature of the cyclic events, we performed a dense monitoring of η Carinae with five Southern telescopes during the 2009 low-excitation event, resulting in a set of data of unprecedented quality and sampling. The intrinsic luminosity of the He II λ4686 emission line (L 310 L) just before periastron reveals the presence of a very luminous transient source of extreme UV radiation emitted in the WWC region. Clumps in the primary's wind probably explain the flare-like behavior of both the X-ray and He II λ4686 light curves. After a short-lived minimum, He II λ4686 emission rises again to a new maximum, when X-rays are still absent or very weak. We interpret this as a collapse of the WWC onto the "surface" of the secondary star, switching off the hard X-ray source and diminishing the WWC shock cone. The recovery from this state is controlled by the momentum balance between the secondary's wind and the clumps in the primary's wind.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    He II λ4686 in η Carinae: Collapse of the wind-wind collision region during periastron passage

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    The periodic spectroscopic events in η Carinae are now well established and occur near the periastron passage of two massive stars in a very eccentric orbit. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the variations of different spectral features, such as an eclipse by the wind-wind collision (WWC) boundary, a shell ejection from the primary star or accretion of its wind onto the secondary. All of them have problems explaining all the observed phenomena. To better understand the nature of the cyclic events, we performed a dense monitoring of η Carinae with five Southern telescopes during the 2009 low-excitation event, resulting in a set of data of unprecedented quality and sampling. The intrinsic luminosity of the He II λ4686 emission line (L 310 L) just before periastron reveals the presence of a very luminous transient source of extreme UV radiation emitted in the WWC region. Clumps in the primary's wind probably explain the flare-like behavior of both the X-ray and He II λ4686 light curves. After a short-lived minimum, He II λ4686 emission rises again to a new maximum, when X-rays are still absent or very weak. We interpret this as a collapse of the WWC onto the "surface" of the secondary star, switching off the hard X-ray source and diminishing the WWC shock cone. The recovery from this state is controlled by the momentum balance between the secondary's wind and the clumps in the primary's wind.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica
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