15 research outputs found

    The performance of mHealth in cancer supportive care:A research agenda

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    Background: Since the advent of smartphones, mhealth has risen to the attention of all actors in the health care system as something that could radically change the way health care has been thought of, managed, and delivered to date. This is particularly relevant for cancer, as it is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and for cancer supportive care (CSC) since patients and care givers have a key role in managing side effects: given adequate knowledge, they are able to expect appropriate assessments and interventions. In this scenario, mhealth has great potential for linking patients, care givers, and health care professionals, for enabling early detection and intervention, for lowering costs and achieving better quality of life. Given its great potential, it is important to evaluate the performance of mhealth. This can be considered from several perspectives, of which organizational performance is a particularly relevant dimension, since mhealth may increase the productivity of health care providers and as a result even the productivity of health care systems. Objective: This paper aims to review studies on the evaluation of the performance of mhealth, with particular focus on cancer care and cancer supportive care processes, concentrating on its contribution to organizational performance, and identifying some indications for a further research agenda. Methods: We carried out a review of literature, aimed at identifying studies related to the performance of mhealth in general or focusing on cancer care and cancer supportive care. Results: Our analysis revealed that studies are almost always based on a single dimension of performance. Any evaluations of the performance of mhealth are based on very different methods and measures, with a prevailing focus on issues linked to efficiency. This fails to consider the real contribution that mhealth can offer for improving the performance of health care providers, health care systems, and the quality of life in general

    The role of mobile technologies in health care processes:The case of cancer supportive care

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    Background: Health care systems are gradually moving towards new models of care based on integrated care processes, shared by different care givers, and on an empowered role of the patient. Mobile technologies are assuming an emerging role in this scenario. This is particularly true in care processes where the patient has a particularly enhanced role, as is the case of cancer supportive care. Objective: This paper aims to review existing studies on the actual role and use of mobile technology during the different stages of care processes, with particular reference to cancer supportive care. Methods: We carried out a review of literature with the aim of identifying studies related to the use of mhealth in cancer care and cancer supportive care. The final sample size consists in 106 records. Results: There is scant literature concerning the use of mhealth in cancer supportive care. Looking more generally at cancer care, we found that mhealth is mainly used for self management activities carried out by patients. The main tools used are mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, but remote monitoring devices also play an important role. SMS technologies have a minor role with the exception of middle income-countries where SMS plays a major role. Tele-health technologies are still rarely used in cancer care processes. If we look at the different stages of health care processes, we can see that mhealth is mainly used during the treatment of patients, especially for self management activities. It is also used for prevention and diagnosis, although to a lesser extent, whereas it appears rarely used for decision-making and follow-up activities. Conclusions: Since mhealth only seems to be employed for limited uses and during limited phases of the care process, it is unlikely that it can really contribute to the creation of new care models. This under-utilization may depend on many issues, including the need for it to be embedded into broader information systems. If the purpose of introducing mhealth is to promote the adoption of integrated care models, using mhealth should not be limited to some activities or to some phases of the health care process. Instead, there should be a higher degree of pervasiveness at all stages and in all health care delivery activities


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    Il progetto LEVANTE si focalizza sullo sviluppo di nuovi processi catalitici volti alla valorizzazione dell’acido levulinico e dei suoi esteri verso tre classi di composti: i rispettivi chetali, l’acido difenolico, il γ-valerolattone e i successivi prodotti di riduzione. Il progetto LEVANTE sarà sviluppato in accordo con i principi della green chemistry e della sostenibilità dei processi produttivi, aprendo così la strada a tecnologie innovative per la completa valorizzazione di tale composto

    The relationship between emotional regulation and eating behaviour: a multidimensional analysis of obesity psychopathology

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    The aim of this study is to show that the differences among eating behaviours are related to the emotional dysregulation connected to the mental dimensions being part of the obese psychopathology. Eating behaviours can be considered a diagnostic feature at the initial screening for determining the obesity treatment: nutritional or bariatric surgery

    Understanding key factors affecting electronic medical record implementation:a sociotechnical approach

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    Recent health care policies have supported the adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) but examples of failed ICT projects in this sector have highlighted the need for a greater understanding of the processes used to implement such innovations in complex organizations. This study examined the interaction of sociological and technological factors in the implementation of an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system by a major national hospital. It aimed to obtain insights for managers planning such projects in the future and to examine the usefulness of Actor Network Theory (ANT) as a research tool in this context

    Human resource information systems in health care:A systematic evidence review

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    Objective This systematic review aimed to: (1) determine the prevalence and scope of existing research on human resource information systems (HRIS) in health organizations; (2) analyze, classify, and synthesize evidence on the processes and impacts of HRIS development, implementation, and adoption; and (3) generate recommendations for HRIS research, practice, and policy, with reference to the needs of different stakeholders. Methods A structured search strategy was used to interrogate 10 electronic databases indexing research from the health, social, management, technology, and interdisciplinary sciences, alongside gray literature sources and reference lists of qualifying studies. There were no restrictions on language or publication year. Two reviewers screened publications, extracted data, and coded findings according to the innovation stages covered in the studies. The Critical Appraisal Skills Program checklist was adopted to assess study quality. The process of study selection was charted using a Preferred Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) diagram. Results Of the 6824 publications identified by the search strategy, 68, covering 42 studies, were included for final analysis. Research on HRIS in health was interdisciplinary, often atheoretical, conducted primarily in the hospital sector of high-income economies, and largely focused uncritically on use and realized benefits. Discussion and Conclusions While studies of HRIS in health exist, the overall lack of evaluative research raises unanswered questions about their capacity to improve quality and efficiency and enable learning health systems, as well as how sociotechnical complexity influences implementation and effectiveness. We offer this analysis to decision makers and managers considering or currently implementing an HRIS, and make recommendations for further research

    Coordination Mechanisms for Implementing Complex Innovations in the Health Care Sector

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    Coordination is a central element in the public sector, especially for introducing complex innovations. In health care, this issue takes on great importance since many stakeholders are involved, pursuing multiple interests, and influencing the outputs and outcomes of the health care system. This paper discusses the introduction of a specific health care innovation (i.e. electronic patient records) in two Italian regions, and it aims to contribute to the debate on coordination in health care, depicting the coordination mechanisms that took place in two different contexts in order to introduce the same kind of innovation, and highlighting any potential enabling conditions


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    The REMS of San Nicola Baronia, the first definitive REMS of Campania, began its activities in December 2015, allowing the closureof the Judicial psychiatric hospitalof Aversa and therefore of Secondigliano and is a service of the AA.SS.LL of Avellino Benevento Salernoand Naples 3 South. Rems activities have been oriented from the beginning to rehabilitation activities taking into account individual orientedrehabilitative therapeutic projects and social and community re-integration activities with moments of aggregation and socializationwith the social context of the territory in which REMS insists. Structured rehabilitative cognitive (Cognitive Remedation Therapy),Social Skill Training and Problem Solving, Psycho-educational Groups and outcome evaluations with evaluative scales were activated. Animportant pilot project concerning Immersive Virtual Reality (RVI) thanks to the laboratory set up and managed by the operators of theAssing Group SPA (Virtual Lab Division) has allowed to plan a desensitization program recreating a structured environment, controlledand shared with the therapist. The inclusion in the social context through participation in social and religious initiatives has characterizedthe element of integration between the guests and thelocal community that, after an initial phase of diffidence, welcomed guests into the social life spaces of the country. This experience wasthe subject of a photography course and a photographic exhibition. The rehabilitative activity was oriented on the model of CommunityCare involving the operators and the local community within an experience of rehabilitation of the single guest with the social group,giving back emotional and social abilities that could allow an effective return to the communities of origin.La REMS di San Nicola Baronia, la prima REMS definitiva della Campania, ha iniziato le sue attività nel dicembre del 2015, consentendola chiusura dell’Ospedale Psichiatrico Giudiziario di Aversa e quindi di Secondigliano ed è servizio delle AA.SS.LL di Avellino BeneventoSalerno e Napoli 3 Sud. Le attività della Rems sono state orientate fin dall’inizio alla attività riabilitativa tenendo conto dei progetti terapeuticiriabilitativi individuali orientati ed alla attività di re-inserimento sociale e comunitario con momenti di aggregazione e socializzazionecon il contesto del territorio in cui insiste la REMS. Sono stati attivati interventi strutturati riabilitativi di tipo cognitivo (CognitiveRemedation Therapy), Social Skill Training e Problem Solving, Gruppi Psicoeducativi e valutazioni di esito con scale valutative. Un importanteprogetto pilota riguardante la Realtà Virtuale Immersiva (RVI) grazie al laboratorio allestito e gestito dagli operatori dell’AssingGroup SPA (Divisione Virtual Lab) ha consentito di pianificare un programma di desensibilizzazione ricreando un ambiente strutturato,controllato e condiviso con il terapeuta. L’inserimento nel tessuto sociale attraverso la partecipazione ad iniziative sociali e religiose ha caratterizzatol’elemento di integrazione tra gli ospiti e la comunità locale che, dopo una prima fase di diffidenza, ha accolto gli ospiti neglispazi di vita sociale del paese. Tale esperienza è stata oggetto di un corso di fotografia e di una mostra fotografica.L’attività riabilitativa è stata orientata sul modello della Community Care coinvolgendo gli operatori e la comunità locale all’interno diuna esperienza di ricucitura del singolo ospite con il gruppo sociale restituendo abilità emotive e sociali che possano consentire un rientroefficace nelle comunità di origine

    Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico: modelli di implementazione e raccomandazioni per l’adozione

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    Il capitolo “Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico: modelli di implementazione e raccomandazioni per l’adozione” ha l’obiettivo principale di proporre, partendo da una fotografia iniziale dello stato del Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico (FSE) in Italia, alcuni modelli di implementazione, concentrandosi su tre diverse esperienze regionali, al fine di evidenziare leading practices che possano essere prese a riferimento anche in altri contesti regionali. Dopo un’analisi della letteratura scientifica di riferimento, il capitolo presenta prima una ricognizione sullo stato del FSE in Italia e, successivamente, un’analisi approfondita delle esperienze di Regione Lombardia, Regione Veneto e Regione Emilia Romagna, basata, oltre che sull’analisi documentale, su interviste semi-strutturate con i principali interlocutori del progetto. Dalla fotografia sullo stato del FSE emergono differenze regionali per quanto riguarda gli obiettivi dichiarati, gli attori coinvolti e stato d’attuazione; in particolare, relativamente a quest’ultimo, sono stati individuati tre principali stati di attuazione: iniziale, intermedio ed avanzato. Dall’analisi delle tre esperienze regionali, emergono modelli di implementazione diversi che si caratterizzano per diversità riguardanti: l’approccio implementativo, di tipo top-down in Lombardia ed Emilia-Romagna e bottom-up in Veneto; i meccanismi di coordinamento tra gli attori coinvolti, che possono essere di tipo gerarchico, prevalente in Lombardia, di tipo mercato, prevalente in Emilia Romagna, e di tipo network, prevalente in Veneto; il modello di governance, che a seconda delle prerogative dei soggetti coinvolti può essere di tipo centralizzato, caratterizzante Lombardia ed Emilia-Romagna, decentralizzato, presente in Veneto, o federato; e infine il sistema di finanziamento, che può basarsi esclusivamente su risorse regionali, come in Emilia Romagna, piuttosto che su modalità innovative quali il fund raising, sviluppato in Veneto, o il project financing, realizzato in Lombardia, oppure su modalità più creative quali le sponsorship da parte di privati. Partendo dalle leading practices dei casi analizzati e dalla loro replicabilità, ogni Regione dovrebbe delineare il proprio modello implementativo in modo coerente con gli obiettivi che essa si pone nell’adottare un sistema di FSE e con il contesto regionale di riferimento

    Fabbisogni informativi nelle aziende sanitarie: quale coerenza tra stato di maturità, propensione all'investimento e soluzioni offerte

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    Il capitolo persegue due obiettivi: in primo luogo, effettuare una mappatura nazionale dei fabbisogni informativi e delle priorità di investimento nelle moderne tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (ICT) delle aziende sanitarie, in base sia alle reali disponibilità economiche delle aziende, sia allo stadio di maturità dei sistemi informativi esistenti, ponendo particolare attenzione allo strumento della Cartella Clinica Elettronica. Il secondo obiettivo è quello di valutare la coerenza e l???adeguatezza dell???offerta, per individuare eventuali gap e fornire raccomandazioni su come colmarli. La ricerca si fonda sull???analisi delle percezioni delle strutture sanitarie e, in particolare, dei Responsabili dei Sistemi Informativi presenti su tutto il territorio nazionale, e delle principali aziende italiane operanti nel settore dell???ICT. Tra i principali risultati dell???analisi emerge una situazione estremamente eterogenea rispetto alla copertura dei fabbisogni informativi nelle aziende sanitarie e ospedaliere, e una diversificazione delle soluzioni offerte da parte dei fornitori presenti sul mercato italiano. Dal lato della domanda emerge come l???area clinica ospedaliera risulti essere la maggiore priorità, in media, indipendentemente dall???area geografica e tipologia di azienda. Dal lato dell???offerta invece emerge come tutti competitor analizzati rientrino all???interno della categoria dei Leaders. La ricerca evidenzia, infine, alcune raccomandazioni orientate a far emergere la strategicità delle soluzioni ICT volte a rispondere ai fabbisogni informativi: (i) la definizione di una governance efficace al fine dell???introduzione di soluzioni coerenti con il proprio contesto aziendale; (ii) l???introduzione di innovazioni tecnologiche in un???ottica di dialogo con i fornitori, attraverso la co-progettazione e la condivisione dei rischi con alcuni partner tecnologici in un???ottica di project finance; (iii) l???introduzione di sistemi di misurazione che intendano l???innovazione come una risorsa ???strategica???, partendo dalla definizione di obiettivi e target di risultato