247 research outputs found

    Modelo matemático de transporte aplicado a una compañia dedicada a la manufactura y distribución de juguetes, usando programación lineal entera

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    Como resultado de esta Investigación, se presentará un modelo de transporte usando programación lineal. El proceso general de distribución se organiza en niveles que se suceden entre la empresa y sus respectivos clientes. En cada nivel se pueden ver claramente unidades de origen-destino, entre un origen y varios destinos, con transporte directo y con holguras en las fechas de entrega de los pedidos a transportar. La programación de la distribución se realiza en cada unidad, utilizando programación lineal entera, considerando en la formulación flotilla limitada e ilimitada de transportes. La programación global se obtiene como superposición de las programaciones de todas las unidades origen-destino. Para validar el modelo se han utilizado los datos proporcionados por una empresa del sector industrial Manufacturero (fábrica de juguetes) que cumple las características requeridas.This article presents a mathematical model transport using linear programming. The global process of distribution is considered to be divided in successive levels between the company and yours clients. In every level units of origin - destination are distinguished, between an origin and several destinations, by direct transport and by roominess’s in the delivery dates of the orders to transporting. The programming of the distribution is realized in every unit, using linear entire programming, considering in the formulation limited and unlimited flotilla of transport. The global programming obtains as overlapping of the programming of all the units origin - destination. To validate the model there has been in use the information provided by a company of the industrial Manufacturing sector (factory of toys) that fulfills the needed characteristics

    Application of Sensory Thermography on Workers of a Wireless Industry in Mexico

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    This study focuses on the application of sensory thermography, as a non-invasive method to evaluate the musculoskeletal injuries that industry workers performing Highly Repetitive Movements (HRM) may acquire. It was made at a wireless company having the target of analyze temperatures in worker's wrists, elbows and shoulders in workstations during their activities, this thru sensorial thermography with the goal of detecting maximum temperatures (Tmax) that could indicate possible injuries. The tests were applied during 3 hours for only 2 workers that work in workstations where there's been the highest index of injuries and accidents. We were made comparisons for each part of the body that were study for both because of the similitude between the activities of the workstations; they were requiring both an immediate evaluation. The Tmax was recorder during the test of the worker 2, in the left wrist, reaching a temperature of 35.088ºC and with a maximum increase of 1.856°C

    Desarrollo e integración de una estación de radio am/fm basada en computadora

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    En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de una estación de radio AM/FM basada en computadora personal, que opera en la banda comercial de AM y FM. Se presenta la evolución de la interfaz gráfica con el usuario del software y la interconexión por medio del ducto GPIB con un generador de funciones de RF. El usuario de la computadora tiene la opción de introducir la frecuencia deseada de transmisión dentro de la banda comercial, así como la potencia de transmisión, entre otros parámetros.This article presents the development of a personal computer based AM/FM radio station operating on the AM/FM commercial band. Developing the graphical user interface for the software and the interconnection with an RF function generator by means of a GPIB is presented. Computer users can enter the desired transmission frequency within the commercial band as well as the transmission potency

    Validación de un sistema de medición aplicado a un estudio de termografía sensorial para la detección de desórdenes de traumas acumulados

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    En el presente trabajo se muestra la aplicación del estudio de Repetibilidad y Reproducibilidad (R y R), realizado para evaluar el Sistema de Medición (SM) utilizado en un estudio de termografía sensorial en seres humanos, para la detección de Desórdenes de Traumas Acumulados (DTA’s). La termografía es una técnica no invasiva en los seres humanos y que no los dañará en ningún momento. La termografía sensorial, a diferencia de la infrarroja, basa su funcionamiento en monitoreo por sensores para capturar temperaturas y buscar anomalías que pudieran dar indicio en el desarrollo de enfermedades. Por tal motivo la confiabilidad al obtener temperaturas es vital. Para ello se seleccionó al estudio R y R como herramienta para la validación del sistema de medición.Este estudio hace un análisis comparativo en la validación del sistema de medición que ayudará a predecir DTA’s; utilizando en el primer experimento a dos operadores que manejan el instrumento de medición y toman las lecturas a diez personas, las cuales son consideradas como las diez partes diferentes a que hace referencia la literatura en los estudios R y R clásicos, en las cuáles se mide en dos ocasiones diferentes su temperatura cutánea en el área de la muñeca en mano derecha por cada operador. Y después, en un segundo experimento, se utilizan tres operadores y diez personas, midiéndose en tres ocasiones diferentes su temperatura en la misma región que el primer experimento. Los resultados obtenidos en esta aplicación por los dos experimentos mostraron -en general-, que el sistema de medición es excelente según los parámetros establecidos por la Automobile Industries Action Group (AIAG), lo que permite seguir adelante con las otras fases de la investigación principal.This paper shows the implementation of the study of Repeatability and Reproducibility (R & R) conducted to evaluate the Measurement System (MS) used in a study of sensorial thermography in humans, to detect Cumulatives Traumas Disorders (CTD’s). Thermography is a noninvasive technique on humans and not harm at all times. Thermography unlike sensory bases its operation on infrared sensors to capture monitoring temperatures and look for abnormalities that could give evidence in the development of disease. For this reason reliability is vital to obtain temperatures for this study was selected R & R as a tool for the validation of the measurement system.This study makes a comparative analysis in the validation of the measurement system to help to predict CTD’s, used in the first experiment two operators who handle the meter and take readings at ten persons, which are considered as ten different parts referred to literature in the conventional R & R studies, in which is measured at two different times their skin temperature in the area of the right wrist by each operator. And then, in a second experiment using three operators and ten persons, measured on three different occasions the temperature in the same region as the first experiment. The results obtained in this application by the two experiments showed, in general, the measurement system is excellent according to parameters established by the Automobile Industries Action Group (AIAG), which allows proceeding with the other phases of primary research

    The Helicobacter pylori Genome Project : insights into H. pylori population structure from analysis of a worldwide collection of complete genomes

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    Helicobacter pylori, a dominant member of the gastric microbiota, shares co-evolutionary history with humans. This has led to the development of genetically distinct H. pylori subpopulations associated with the geographic origin of the host and with differential gastric disease risk. Here, we provide insights into H. pylori population structure as a part of the Helicobacter pylori Genome Project (HpGP), a multi-disciplinary initiative aimed at elucidating H. pylori pathogenesis and identifying new therapeutic targets. We collected 1011 well-characterized clinical strains from 50 countries and generated high-quality genome sequences. We analysed core genome diversity and population structure of the HpGP dataset and 255 worldwide reference genomes to outline the ancestral contribution to Eurasian, African, and American populations. We found evidence of substantial contribution of population hpNorthAsia and subpopulation hspUral in Northern European H. pylori. The genomes of H. pylori isolated from northern and southern Indigenous Americans differed in that bacteria isolated in northern Indigenous communities were more similar to North Asian H. pylori while the southern had higher relatedness to hpEastAsia. Notably, we also found a highly clonal yet geographically dispersed North American subpopulation, which is negative for the cag pathogenicity island, and present in 7% of sequenced US genomes. We expect the HpGP dataset and the corresponding strains to become a major asset for H. pylori genomics

    Modelo matemático de transporte aplicado a una compañía dedicada a la manufactura y distribución de juguetes, usando programación lineal entera

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    This article presents a mathematical model transport using linear programming. The global process of distribution is considered to be divided in successive levels between the company and yours clients. In every level units of origin - destination are distinguished, between an origin and several destinations, by direct transport and by roominess�s in the delivery dates of the orders to transporting. The programming of the distribution is realized in every unit, using linear entire programming, considering in the formulation limited and unlimited flotilla of transport. The global programming obtains as overlapping of the programming of all the units origin - destination. To validate the model there has been in use the information provided by a company of the industrial Manufacturing sector (factory of toys) that fulfills the needed characteristics.Como resultado de esta Investigación, se presentará un modelo de transporte usando programación lineal. El proceso general de distribución se organiza en niveles que se suceden entre la empresa y sus respectivos clientes. En cada nivel se pueden ver claramente unidades de origen-destino, entre un origen y varios destinos, con transporte directo y con holguras en las fechas de entrega de los pedidos a transportar. La programación de la distribución se realiza en cada unidad, utilizando programación lineal entera, considerando en la formulación flotilla limitada e ilimitada de transportes. La programación global se obtiene como superposición de las programaciones de todas las unidades origen-destino. Para validar el modelo se han utilizado los datos proporcionados por una empresa del sector industrial Manufacturero (fábrica de juguetes) que cumple las características requerida

    Modelo matemático de transporte aplicado a una compañia dedicada a la manufactura y distribución de juguetes, usando programación lineal entera

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    .This article presents a mathematical model transport using linear programming. The global process of distribution is considered to be divided in successive levels between the company and yours clients. In every level units of origin - destination are distinguished, between an origin and several destinations, by direct transport and by roominess’s in the delivery dates of the orders to transporting. The programming of the distribution is realized in every unit, using linear entire programming, considering in the formulation limited and unlimited flotilla of transport. The global programming obtains as overlapping of the programming of all the units origin - destination. To validate the model there has been in use the information provided by a company of the industrial Manufacturing sector (factory of toys) that fulfills the needed characteristics.Como resultado de esta Investigación, se presentará un modelo de transporte usando programación lineal. El proceso general de distribución se organiza en niveles que se suceden entre la empresa y sus respectivos clientes. En cada nivel se pueden ver claramente unidades de origen-destino, entre un origen y varios destinos, con transporte directo y con holguras en las fechas de entrega de los pedidos a transportar. La programación de la distribución se realiza en cada unidad, utilizando programación lineal entera, considerando en la formulación flotilla limitada e ilimitada de transportes. La programación global se obtiene como superposición de las programaciones de todas las unidades origen-destino. Para validar el modelo se han utilizado los datos proporcionados por una empresa del sector industrial Manufacturero (fábrica de juguetes) que cumple las características requerida

    Stochastic approximation algorithm for industrial process optimisation

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    Stochastic approximation algorithms are alternative linear search methods for optimising control systems where the functional relationship between the response variable and the controllable factors in a process and its analytical model remain unknown. These algorithms have no criteria for selecting succession measurements ensuring convergence, meaning that, when implemented in practice, they may diverge with consequent waste of resources. The objective of this research was to determine industrial processes’ optimum operating conditions by using a modified stochastic approximation algorithm, where its succession measurements were validated by obtaining response variable values for each iteration through simulation. The algorithm is presented in nine stages; its first six describe which are process independent and dependent variables, the type of experimental design selected, the experiments assigned and developed and the second order models obtained. The last three stages describe how the algorithm was developed, and the optimal values of the independent variables obtained. The algorithm was validated in 3 industrial processes which it was shown to be efficient for determining independent variables’ optimum operating conditions (temperature and time): the first three iterations were obtained at 66°C in 3 hours 42 minutes for process 1, unlike processes 2 and 3 where the first iteration was obtained at 66°C in 6 hours 06 minutes and 80°C in 5 hours 06 minutes, respectively