28 research outputs found

    Propuesta de oferta tecnológica en ganadería sostenible de alta montaña en Colombia, utilizando escarabajos coprófagos bio-recicladores

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    From the Humboldt Institute, research is being carried out that relates the diversity and functional activity of bio recycling dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) and the benefits for livestock production, with the aim of designing a proposal for a technological offer in sustainable livestock. The research pilot is carried out in the Chuguaca ranch; Norman cattle farms for dairy production in the central Andean zone of Colombia. The diversity of beetles was characterized by sampling with baited traps, and with terrariums the life cycle of three species was monitored: Homocopris achamas, Ontherus brevicollis and Onthophagus curvicornis. Six species of Scarabaeinae have been recorded, three of these with high activity in pastures. The non-use of Ivermectin has notably increased the activity of the beetles on the manure. The interest and investigative curiosity that the project has aroused in owners, workers, technicians and visitors to the farm, is essential for success in the path of a more environmentally friendly livestock production.A partir do Instituto Humboldt, estão sendo realizadas pesquisas que relacionam a diversidade e a atividade funcional dos escaravelhos biorrecicladores (Scarabaeinae)  e  os  benefícios  para a pecuária, com o objetivo de desenhar uma proposta de oferta tecnológica    em    pecuária   sustentável. O   piloto   de pesquisa foi realizado na fazenda Chuguaca; Fazendas de gado normando para produção de leite na zona andina central da Colômbia. A   diversidade   de   besouros foi caracterizada por amostragem com armadilhas com isca, e com terrários foi monitorizado o ciclo de vida de três espécies: Homocopris achamas, Ontherus brevicollis e Onthophagus curvicornis. Seis espécies de Scarabaeinae foram registradas, três de lãs com alta atividade em pastagens. A não utilização de ivermectina aumentou notavelmente a atividade dos besouros no estrume. O interesse e curiosidade investigativa que o projeto tem despertado nos proprietários, trabalhadores, técnicos e visitantes da quinta, é essencial para o sucesso no caminho de uma produção pecuária mais amiga do ambiente.Desde el Instituto Humboldt, se adelanta investigación que relaciona la diversidad y la actividad funcional de los escarabajos coprófagos bio-recicladores (Scarabaeinae) y los beneficios para la producción ganadera, con el objetivo de diseñar una propuesta de oferta tecnológica en ganadería sostenible. El piloto de investigación se realiza en la ganadería Chuguaca; fincas de ganado normando para producción lechera en la zona andina central de Colombia. La diversidad de escarabajos se caracterizó con muestreo con trampas cebadas, y con terrarios se hace seguimiento al ciclo de vida a tres especies: Homocopris achamas, Ontherus brevicollis y Onthophagus curvicornis. Seis especies de Scarabaeinae han sido registradas, tres de estas con alta actividad en los potreros. El no uso de la Ivermectina ha aumentado notoriamente la actividad de los escarabajos sobre el estiércol. El interés y curiosidad investigativa que ha despertado el proyecto en dueños, trabajadores, técnicos y visitantes de la finca, es fundamental para el éxito en el camino de una producción ganadera más amigable con el medio ambiente

    Evaluación ecológica rápida de moscas necrófagas (Diptera, Calyptratae) en un mosaico paisajístico de los Andes Colombianos

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    Una evaluación ecológica rápida del ensamble de moscas necrófagas (Diptera, Calyptratae) se llevó a cabo en cuatro coberturas del paisaje antropizado del municipio de Viotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Noventa y siete individuos distribuidos en tres familias y ocho especies fueron recolectados en tan solo dos horas de muestreo. Los valores más altos de diversidad y la presencia de moscas asinantrópicas típicas de áreas conservadas en la cobertura de bosque, podría indicar un efecto positivo en su proceso de restauración. El pastizal, el área rural y la región urbana resultaron similares en composición y valores de baja diversidad. Se ofrece una breve discusión acerca de la bionomía de las moscas y su ambiente asociado. Finalmente evidenciamos que los ensambles de moscas por cobertura se comportan como indicadores del impacto antropogénico en el paisaje

    Diagnostic and phylogenetic character variation in the genus Canthon Hoffmannsegg and related genera (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)

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    Morphological variation was examined in 58 species of Canthon and 18 species of other genera of the subtribe Canthonina (Anisocanthon, Canthonella, Cryptocanthon, Deltochilum, Hansreia, Holocanthon, Malagoniella, Melam canthon, Scybalocanthon, and Sylvicanthon). A total of 667 specimens was used for examination of morphological characters. Variation in head structures such as clypeus, eyes, labium, gula, and epipharynx is described. Thoracic structures examined include the pronotum, prosternum, and posterior and medial tibiae. Other structures examined were the elytra, pygidium, and male genitalia, including the sclerites and bushes of the internal sac of the aedeagus. Secondary sexual features (shape of anterior tibial spur and shape of last abdominal segment) were also examined. The characteristics examined include diagnostic characters for the genus Canthon. This analysis revealed that Canthon is a very heterogeneous and artificial group, the limits of which are based on a combination of characters that is not exclusive to genus. Many characters that have been used in the diagnosis of Canthon are general characters that show wide variation within Canthon as well as in other genera of Canthonina. Only a few derived characters were exclusively shared by species of Canthon. However, several genera of Canthonina shared with Canthon some characters, mainly in structures such as the epipharynx and the internal sac of the aedeagus, (epipharynx with two well-defined lateral combs, internal sac with a complete ring-shaped sclerite, reduction in the postero-dorsal aperture of the eye, and reduction in the setae of the anterior margin of the mentum). Due to the fact that the external morphology shows great variation, it is important to consider the study of the other possible sources of characters to resolve the phylogenetic relationships among groups.Dissertation (MSc (Entomology))--University of Pretoria, 2007.Zoology and Entomologyunrestricte

    Morphology and terminology of dung beetles (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae : Scarabaeinae) male genitalia

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    The external and internal male genitalia of 327 species of 11 tribes of the subfamily Scarabaeinae, including species of Deltochilini, Scarabaeini, Gymnopleurini, Ateuchini, and Coprini, among others, were examined. Descriptions of the variations in the genital segment, the aedeagus, the internal sac, and its sclerites and raspules are presented. An exhaustive comparison of structures, names, and terminology used in literature for Scarabaeinae male genitalia are discussed. The internal sac of the aedeagus is divided in areas for an easer comparison of its internal structures; basal, submedial, medial, and apical areas are described in detail and compared. The variation of apical and medial sclerites, as well as the raspules of the submedial area, are described and compared in detail among all the taxa studied.Part of this study was funded by National Research Foundation (NRF) and the University of Pretoria studentship to the first author.http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/hb2013ab201

    Mariposas diurnas (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) en la Reserva Forestal El Romeral, Cordillera Central, Antioquia, Colombia

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    We present a public database at SIB Colombia, the product of several studies about the diversity and complementarity of a butterfly community (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) in the El Romeral reserve, a protected area located southwest of the Aburrá Valley on the Central Cordillera in the department of Antioquia, Colombia. We report 69 species, 40 genera, 12 subfamilies and 5 families of butterflies in high Andean ecosystems, between 2250 and 2878 m a.s.l., including unique records and endemic species. The information is associated with specimens and barcode sequences in GenBank.Presentamos una base de datos pública en el SIB Colombia, producto de varios estudios sobre la diversidad y complementariedad de una comunidad de mariposas (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) en la reserva El Romeral, un área protegida ubicada al suroeste del Valle de Aburrá, sobre la cordillera Central en el departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Se reporta la presencia de 69 especies, 40 géneros, 12 subfamilias y 5 familias de mariposas diurnas en ecosistemas de bosque de niebla, entre los 2250 y 2878 m s.n.m, incluyendo registros únicos y especies endémicas. La información se encuentra asociada a especímenes y a secuencias de código de barras en GenBank

    Canthonini (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) of Gondwana : comparison of male genitalia evolutionary trends and phylogeny

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    The current study is about the evolution and the morphology of dung beetles, subfamily Scarabaeinae. The study includes the systematics of the tribe Canthonini and an exhaustive analysis of the morphological variation of male genitalia including species from the 11 tribes of the subfamily, mainly Canthonini, Ateuchini, Scarabaeini and Coprini. With the aim to go deep in the phylogenetic relationships of the tribe Canthonini, the largest of the subfamily Scarabaeinae, with 91 genera and 875 species, a total of 109 genera, 327 species and 513 specimens were reviewed. The tribe Canthonini is mainly distributed in Gondwana, with species in America, Africa, Madagascar, Australia, New Zealand and the Oriental region. Species of the different regions were included in the detailed examination of male genitalia as well in the cladistic analysis using morphological characters. Strong evidence of a need for sub-division of Canthonini in natural groups, morphologically and ecologically more solid groups, is one of the main results obtained. Three tribes are proposed, the tribe Byrrhidiini (Byrrhidium, Dicranocara, Namakwanus, and Versicorpus), tribe Circelliini (monotypic genus Circellium), and the tribe Canthonini, firstly with the American genera (Canthon, Malagoniella, Megathopa, Megathoposoma, Eudinopus, Canthonidia, Tetraechma, Anisocanthon, Melanocanthon, Sylvicanthon, and Hansreia), as well as the African genera Gyronotus and Anachalcos. Genera from Madagascar, Australia and the Oriental region should be treated in separate analyses, and probably the pre-established tribes such as Panelini, Epilissini and Mentophilini, could acquire validity in the context of a new classification for these groups currently in Canthonini. The phylogeny of the genus Epirinus and description of six new species is also presented. Epirinus is a monophyletic group, although by morphological differences, is not considered under the tribe Canthonini. Equally the genus Deltochilum is not considered as part of the tribe Canthonini, since in the phylogenetic analysis of American genera, Deltochilum appear polyphyletic, and this genus deserves a more detailed analysis of its systematics and classification. Patterns of variation in the genitalia structures, mainly the sclerites, were useful in species separation and to define genera. However, the patterns were not so suitable in setting the limits of the tribes. To date, taxonomists have been trying to fit the whole range of variation in species and genera into a preestablished and limited Scarabaeinae tribal classification. Based on this study the recommendation for a better understanding of the evolutionary history, and to improve the taxonomic classification of the tribe Canthonini and the Scarabaeinae dung beetles, is to study in detail each group, in morphological, molecular and even ecological and biogeographical aspects. Information from these different approaches, will help to establish the borders for the tribes, and therefore to have more accurate classifications.Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2015.tm2015Zoology and EntomologyDPhilUnrestricte

    Figure 8 from: Neita-Moreno JC, Orozco J, Medina-Uribe CA (2018) Description of a new species of Coelosis Hope from Guajira Peninsula, northern Colombia (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae, Oryctini). ZooKeys 738: 67-80. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.738.22273

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    A new species of Coelosis is described from the Macuira Mountains range, in the Guajira Peninsula in the extreme north of Colombia. An illustrated character comparison between this new species and the previously reported Colombian species in the genus is presented. A key for the identification and a distribution map for the Colombian species of Coelosis are presented, as well as a key for the genera of the tribe Oryctini in Colombia

    Especie nueva de Scybalocanthon (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae: Canthonini) y descripción de la variación del órgano genital masculino A new species of Scybalocanthon (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae: Canthonini) and description of the variation of the male genitalia

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    Se describe Scybalocanthon arcabuquensis Molano y Medina, sp.nov. La distribución de esta especie se encuentra restringida a los bosques de roble del municipio de Arcabuco, Departamento de Boyacá, sobre la cordillera Oriental de los Andes en Colombia. El órgano genital del macho se describe e ilustra, se discute la variación de las estructuras del saco interno de varias especies del género, y se proponen algunas estructuras del órgano genital como posibles caracteres únicos que definen el género.<br>Scybalocanthon arcabuquensis Molano y Medina, sp. nov. is described. The species is restricted to the oak forest at Arcabuco municipality, department of Boyacá, Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. The male genitalia is described and illustrated, the variation of structures of the internal sac is discussed for various species of the genus and some structures from the internal male genitalia are proposed as possible unique characters useful for defining the genus

    Diagnóstico de la colección de escarabajos coprófagos (scarabaeidae: scarabaeinae) del Museo Entomológico Francisco Luis Gallego, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín

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    Se presenta el diagnóstico del estado de  organización y conservación de la colección de escarabajos coprófagos (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) del Museo Entomológico Francisco Luis Gallego, de acuerdo con los diferentes niveles de curaduría del Índice de Salud de Colecciones (ISC). Se evaluaron 2405 especímenes con el fin de obtener información sobre el perfil de organización de la colección y las prioridades de gestión de la misma. El mayor porcentaje de especímenes se encontraron en los niveles dos (30.6%): ausencia de un proceso curatorial adecuado; y cinco (30.2%): curaduría completa, pero sin nomenclatura taxonómica actualizada. El índice de salud muestra que el 68.9% de la colección requiere actividades curatoriales. Las prioridades de manejo se enfocan en los niveles dos y tres, referentes a la organización física y accesibilidad al material por especialistas. Los resultados sugieren la necesidad de aumentar esfuerzos en el procesamiento taxonómico y visita de especialistas. Además es urgente catalogar, sistematizar e incorporar especímenes en la colección taxonómica central

    A rapid ecological assessment for necrophagous flies (Diptera, Calyptratae) in a mosaic landscape of the Colombian Andes

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    A necrophagous flies ensemble (Diptera, Calyptratae) was rapidly assessed in four coverages of an anthropogenic landscape in the east range of the Colombian Andes. Ninety- seven individuals belonging to eight species were collected in only two hours of sampling. The highest diversity values and the occurrence of asynanthropic flies in the forest under conservation management may reflect a positively natural restoration process in the area assessed. Grassland, rural and urban coverages were similarly low in diversity and composition. A brief discussion about the flies’ bionomy and their environment association is offered. Necrophagous flies ensembles by coverage behave as an indicator of the anthropic impact on the landscape.Una evaluación ecológica rápida del ensamble de moscas necrófagas (Diptera, Calyptratae) se llevó a cabo en cuatro coberturas del paisaje antropizado del municipio de Viotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Noventa y siete individuos distribuidos en tres familias y ocho especies fueron recolectados en tan solo dos horas de muestreo. Los valores más altos de diversidad y la presencia de moscas asinantrópicas típicas de áreas conservadas en la cobertura de bosque, podría indicar un efecto positivo en su proceso de restauración. El pastizal, el área rural y la región urbana resultaron similares en composición y valores de baja diversidad. Se ofrece una breve discusión acerca de la bionomía de las moscas y su ambiente asociado. Finalmente evidenciamos que los ensambles de moscas por cobertura se comportan como indicadores del impacto antropogénico en el paisaje