104 research outputs found

    Subspecies typing of Streptococcus agalactiae based on ribosomal subunit protein mass variation by MALDI-TOF MS

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    Background: A ribosomal subunit protein (rsp)-based matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) method was developed for fast subspecies-level typing of Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus, GBS), a major cause of neonatal sepsis and meningitis. Methods: A total of 796 GBS whole genome sequences, covering the genetic diversity of the global GBS population, were used to in silico predict molecular mass variability of 28 rsp and to identify unique rsp mass combinations, termed “rsp-profiles”. The in silico established GBS typing scheme was validated by MALDI-TOF MS analysis of GBS isolates at two independent research sites in Europe and South East Asia. Results: We identified in silico 62 rsp-profiles, with the majority (>80%) of the 796 GBS isolates displaying one of the six rsp-profiles 1-6. These dominant rsp-profiles classify GBS strains in high concordance with the core-genome based phylogenetic clustering. Validation of our approach by in-house MALDI-TOF MS analysis of 248 GBS isolates and external analysis of 8 GBS isolates showed that across different laboratories and MALDI-TOF MS platforms, the 28 rsp were detected reliably in the mass spectra, allowing assignment of clinical isolates to rsp-profiles at high sensitivity (99%) and specificity (97%). Our approach distinguishes the major phylogenetic GBS genotypes, identifies hyper-virulent strains, predicts the probable capsular serotype and surface protein variants and distinguishes between GBS genotypes of human and animal origin. Conclusion: We combine the information depth of whole genome sequences with the highly cost efficient, rapid and robust MALDI-TOF MS approach facilitating high-throughput, inter-laboratory, large-scale GBS epidemiological and clinical studies based on pre-defined rsp-profiles

    Absolute quantification of the host-to-parasite DNA ratio in Theileria parva-infected lymphocyte cell lines

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    Theileria parva is a tick-transmitted intracellular apicomplexan pathogen of cattle in sub-Saharan Africa that causes East Coast fever (ECF). ECF is an acute fatal disease that kills over one million cattle annually, imposing a tremendous burden on African small-holder cattle farmers. The pathology and level of T. parva infections in its wildlife host, African buffalo (Syncerus caffer), and in cattle are distinct. We have developed an absolute quantification method based on quantitative PCR (qPCR) in which recombinant plasmids containing single copy genes specific to the parasite (apical membrane antigen 1 gene, ama1) or the host (hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1, hprt1) are used as the quantification reference standards. Our study shows that T. parva and bovine cells are present in similar numbers in T. parva-infected lymphocyte cell lines and that consequently, due to its much smaller genome size, T. parva DNA comprises between 0.9% and 3% of the total DNA samples extracted from these lines. This absolute quantification assay of parasite and host genome copy number in a sample provides a simple and reliable method of assessing T. parva load in infected bovine lymphocytes, and is accurate over a wide range of host-to-parasite DNA ratios. Knowledge of the proportion of target DNA in a sample, as enabled by this method, is essential for efficient high-throughput genome sequencing applications for a variety of intracellular pathogens. This assay will also be very useful in future studies of interactions of distinct host-T. parva stocks and to fully characterize the dynamics of ECF infection in the field

    Epitope mapping and fine specificity of human T and B cell responses for novel candidate blood-stage malaria vaccine P27A

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    P27A is a novel synthetic malaria vaccine candidate derived from the blood stage Plasmodium falciparum protein Trophozoite Exported Protein 1 (TEX1/PFF0165c). In phase 1a/1b clinical trials in malaria unexposed adults in Switzerland and in malaria pre-exposed adults in Tanzania, P27A formulated with Alhydrogel and GLA-SE adjuvants induced antigen-specific antibodies and T-cell activity. The GLA-SE adjuvant induced significantly stronger humoral responses than the Alhydrogel adjuvant. Groups of pre-exposed and unexposed subjects received identical vaccine formulations, which supported the comparison of the cellular and humoral response to P27A in terms of fine specificity and affinity for populations and adjuvants. Globally, fine specificity of the T and B cell responses exhibited preferred recognized sequences and did not highlight major differences between adjuvants or populations. Affinity of anti-P27A antibodies was around 10−8 M in all groups. Pre-exposed volunteers presented anti-P27A with higher affinity than unexposed volunteers. Increasing the dose of GLA-SE from 2.5 to 5 μg in pre-exposed volunteers improved anti-P27A affinity and decreased the number of recognized epitopes. These results indicate a higher maturation of the humoral response in pre-exposed volunteers, particularly when immunized with P27A formulated with 5 μg GLA-SE

    Functional analysis and transcriptional output of the Göttingen minipig genome

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    In the past decade the Göttingen minipig has gained increasing recognition as animal model in pharmaceutical and safety research because it recapitulates many aspects of human physiology and metabolism. Genome-based comparison of drug targets together with quantitative tissue expression analysis allows rational prediction of pharmacology and cross-reactivity of human drugs in animal models thereby improving drug attrition which is an important challenge in the process of drug development.; Here we present a new chromosome level based version of the Göttingen minipig genome together with a comparative transcriptional analysis of tissues with pharmaceutical relevance as basis for translational research. We relied on mapping and assembly of WGS (whole-genome-shotgun sequencing) derived reads to the reference genome of the Duroc pig and predict 19,228 human orthologous protein-coding genes. Genome-based prediction of the sequence of human drug targets enables the prediction of drug cross-reactivity based on conservation of binding sites. We further support the finding that the genome of Sus scrofa contains about ten-times less pseudogenized genes compared to other vertebrates. Among the functional human orthologs of these minipig pseudogenes we found HEPN1, a putative tumor suppressor gene. The genomes of Sus scrofa, the Tibetan boar, the African Bushpig, and the Warthog show sequence conservation of all inactivating HEPN1 mutations suggesting disruption before the evolutionary split of these pig species. We identify 133 Sus scrofa specific, conserved long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the minipig genome and show that these transcripts are highly conserved in the African pigs and the Tibetan boar suggesting functional significance. Using a new minipig specific microarray we show high conservation of gene expression signatures in 13 tissues with biomedical relevance between humans and adult minipigs. We underline this relationship for minipig and human liver where we could demonstrate similar expression levels for most phase I drug-metabolizing enzymes. Higher expression levels and metabolic activities were found for FMO1, AKR/CRs and for phase II drug metabolizing enzymes in minipig as compared to human. The variability of gene expression in equivalent human and minipig tissues is considerably higher in minipig organs, which is important for study design in case a human target belongs to this variable category in the minipig. The first analysis of gene expression in multiple tissues during development from young to adult shows that the majority of transcriptional programs are concluded four weeks after birth. This finding is in line with the advanced state of human postnatal organ development at comparative age categories and further supports the minipig as model for pediatric drug safety studies.; Genome based assessment of sequence conservation combined with gene expression data in several tissues improves the translational value of the minipig for human drug development. The genome and gene expression data presented here are important resources for researchers using the minipig as model for biomedical research or commercial breeding. Potential impact of our data for comparative genomics, translational research, and experimental medicine are discussed

    Safety and immunogenicity of H1/IC31®, an adjuvanted TB subunit vaccine, in HIV-infected adults with CD4+ lymphocyte counts greater than 350 cells/mm3: a phase II, multi-centre, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Novel tuberculosis vaccines should be safe, immunogenic, and effective in various population groups, including HIV-infected individuals. In this phase II multi-centre, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, the safety and immunogenicity of the novel H1/IC31 vaccine, a fusion protein of Ag85B-ESAT-6 (H1) formulated with the adjuvant IC31, was evaluated in HIV-infected adults. METHODS: HIV-infected adults with CD4+ T cell counts >350/mm3 and without evidence of active tuberculosis were enrolled and followed until day 182. H1/IC31 vaccine or placebo was randomly allocated in a 5:1 ratio. The vaccine was administered intramuscularly at day 0 and 56. Safety assessment was based on medical history, clinical examinations, and blood and urine testing. Immunogenicity was determined by a short-term whole blood intracellular cytokine staining assay. RESULTS: 47 of the 48 randomised participants completed both vaccinations. In total, 459 mild or moderate and 2 severe adverse events were reported. There were three serious adverse events in two vaccinees classified as not related to the investigational product. Local injection site reactions were more common in H1/IC31 versus placebo recipients (65.0% vs. 12.5%, p = 0.015). Solicited systemic and unsolicited adverse events were similar by study arm. The baseline CD4+ T cell count and HIV viral load were similar by study arm and remained constant over time. The H1/IC31 vaccine induced a persistent Th1-immune response with predominately TNF-α and IL-2 co-expressing CD4+ T cells, as well as polyfunctional IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-2 expressing CD4+ T cells. CONCLUSION: H1/IC31 was well tolerated and safe in HIV-infected adults with a CD4+ Lymphocyte count greater than 350 cells/mm3. The vaccine did not have an effect on CD4+ T cell count or HIV-1 viral load. H1/IC31 induced a specific and durable Th1 immune response. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Pan African Clinical Trials Registry (PACTR) PACTR201105000289276

    Population structure and virulence gene profiles of Streptococcus agalactiae collected from different hosts worldwide

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    Streptococcus agalactiae is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among neonates and causes severe infections in pregnant women and nonpregnant predisposed adults, in addition to various animal species worldwide. Still, information on the population structure of S. agalactiae and the geographical distribution of different clones is limited. Further data are urgently needed to identify particularly successful clones and obtain insights into possible routes of transmission within one host species and across species borders. We aimed to determine the population structure and virulence gene profiles of S. agalactiae strains from a diverse set of sources and geographical origins. To this end, 373 S. agalactiae isolates obtained from humans and animals from five different continents were typed by DNA microarray profiling. A total of 242 different S. agalactiae strains were identified and further analyzed. Particularly successful clonal lineages, hybridization patterns, and strains were identified that were spread across different continents and/or were present in more than one host species. In particular, several strains were detected in both humans and cattle, and several canine strains were also detected in samples from human, bovine, and porcine hosts. The findings of our study suggest that although S. agalactiae is well adapted to various hosts including humans, cattle, dogs, rodents, and fish, interspecies transmission is possible and occurs between humans and cows, dogs, and rabbits. The virulence and resistance gene profiles presented enable new insights into interspecies transmission and make a crucial contribution to the identification of suitable targets for therapeutic agents and vaccines

    Re-annotation of the Theileria parva genome refines 53% of the proteome and uncovers essential components of N-glycosylation, a conserved pathway in many organisms

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    The apicomplexan parasite Theileria parva causes a livestock disease called East coast fever (ECF), with millions of animals at risk in sub-Saharan East and Southern Africa, the geographic distribution of T. parva. Over a million bovines die each year of ECF, with a tremendous economic burden to pastoralists in endemic countries. Comprehensive, accurate parasite genome annotation can facilitate the discovery of novel chemotherapeutic targets for disease treatment, as well as elucidate the biology of the parasite. However, genome annotation remains a significant challenge because of limitations in the quality and quantity of the data being used to inform the location and function of protein-coding genes and, when RNA data are used, the underlying biological complexity of the processes involved in gene expression. Here, we apply our recently published RNAseq dataset derived from the schizont life-cycle stage of T. parva to update structural and functional gene annotations across the entire nuclear genome.; The re-annotation effort lead to evidence-supported updates in over half of all protein-coding sequence (CDS) predictions, including exon changes, gene merges and gene splitting, an increase in average CDS length of approximately 50 base pairs, and the identification of 128 new genes. Among the new genes identified were those involved in N-glycosylation, a process previously thought not to exist in this organism and a potentially new chemotherapeutic target pathway for treating ECF. Alternatively-spliced genes were identified, and antisense and multi-gene family transcription were extensively characterized.; The process of re-annotation led to novel insights into the organization and expression profiles of protein-coding sequences in this parasite, and uncovered a minimal N-glycosylation pathway that changes our current understanding of the evolution of this post-translational modification in apicomplexan parasites

    Proteome-wide analysis of a malaria vaccine study reveals personalized humoral immune profiles in Tanzanian adults

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    Tanzanian adult male volunteers were immunized by direct venous inoculation with radiation-attenuated, aseptic, purified, cryopreserved; Plasmodium falciparum; (Pf) sporozoites (PfSPZ Vaccine) and protective efficacy assessed by homologous controlled human malaria infection (CHMI). Serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses were analyzed longitudinally using a Pf protein microarray covering 91% of the proteome, providing first insights into naturally acquired and PfSPZ Vaccine-induced whole parasite antibody profiles in malaria pre-exposed Africans. Immunoreactivity was identified against 2239 functionally diverse Pf proteins, showing a wide breadth of humoral response. Antibody-based immune 'fingerprints' in these individuals indicated a strong person-specific immune response at baseline, with little changes in the overall humoral immunoreactivity pattern measured after immunization. The moderate increase in immunogenicity following immunization and the extensive and variable breadth of humoral immune response observed in the volunteers at baseline suggest that pre-exposure reduces vaccine-induced antigen reactivity in unanticipated ways

    Capture-based enrichment of Theileria parva DNA enables full genome assembly of first buffalo-derived strain and reveals exceptional intra-specific genetic diversity

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    Theileria parva is an economically important, intracellular, tick-transmitted parasite of cattle. A live vaccine against the parasite is effective against challenge from cattle-transmissible T. parva but not against genotypes originating from the African Cape buffalo, a major wildlife reservoir, prompting the need to characterize genome-wide variation within and between cattle- and buffalo-associated T. parva populations. Here, we describe a capture-based target enrichment approach that enables, for the first time, de novo assembly of nearly complete T. parva genomes derived from infected host cell lines. This approach has exceptionally high specificity and sensitivity and is successful for both cattle- and buffalo-derived T. parva parasites. De novo genome assemblies generated for cattle genotypes differ from the reference by ~54K single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) throughout the 8.31 Mb genome, an average of 6.5 SNPs/kb. We report the first buffalo-derived T. parva genome, which is ~20 kb larger than the genome from the reference, cattle-derived, Muguga strain, and contains 25 new potential genes. The average non-synonymous nucleotide diversity (πN) per gene, between buffalo-derived T. parva and the Muguga strain, was 1.3%. This remarkably high level of genetic divergence is supported by an average Wright’s fixation index (FST), genome-wide, of 0.44, reflecting a degree of genetic differentiation between cattle- and buffalo-derived T. parva parasites more commonly seen between, rather than within, species. These findings present clear implications for vaccine development, further demonstrated by the ability to assemble nearly all known antigens in the buffalo-derived strain, which will be critical in design of next generation vaccines. The DNA capture approach used provides a clear advantage in specificity over alternative T. parva DNA enrichment methods used previously, such as those that utilize schizont purification, is less labor intensive, and enables in-depth comparative genomics in this apicomplexan parasite

    Distinct helper T cell type 1 and 2 responses associated with malaria protection and risk in RTS,S/AS01E vaccinees

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    Background The RTS,S/AS01E malaria vaccine has moderate efficacy, lower in infants than children. Current efforts to enhance RTS,S/AS01E efficacy would benefit from learning about the vaccine-induced immunity and identifying correlates of malaria protection, which could, for instance, inform the choice of adjuvants. Here, we sought cellular immunity-based correlates of malaria protection and risk associated with RTS,S/AS01E vaccination. Methods We performed a matched case-control study nested within the multicenter African RTS,S/AS01E phase 3 trial. Children and infant samples from 57 clinical malaria cases (32 RTS,S/25 comparator vaccinees) and 152 controls without malaria (106 RTS,S/46 comparator vaccinees) were analyzed. We measured 30 markers by Luminex following RTS,S/AS01E antigen stimulation of cells 1 month postimmunization. Crude concentrations and ratios of antigen to background control were analyzed. Results Interleukin (IL) 2 and IL-5 ratios were associated with RTS,S/AS01E vaccination (adjusted P ≤ .01). IL-5 circumsporozoite protein (CSP) ratios, a helper T cell type 2 cytokine, correlated with higher odds of malaria in RTS,S/AS01E vaccinees (odds ratio, 1.17 per 10% increases of CSP ratios; P value adjusted for multiple testing = .03). In multimarker analysis, the helper T cell type 1 (TH1)–related markers interferon-γ, IL-15, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor protected from subsequent malaria, in contrast to IL-5 and RANTES, which increased the odds of malaria. Conclusions RTS,S/AS01E-induced IL-5 may be a surrogate of lack of protection, whereas TH1-related responses may be involved in protective mechanisms. Efforts to develop second-generation vaccine candidates may concentrate on adjuvants that modulate the immune system to support enhanced TH1 responses and decreased IL-5 responses