10 research outputs found

    Representative data from a single subject treated at 60 μg/kg/d are shown

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    (A) Two-dimensional plots illustrating the rhIL-7 therapy–induced increased frequency of CD4 RTEs (CD31/CD45RA; red boxes in first row of graphs), and changes in CD4 and CD8 naive, memory, and effector subsets (respectively CD45RA/CD27, CD45RA/CD27, and CD45RA/CD27 sections on second and third rows). (B) Overlay histograms of Ki-67 expression on CD4 RTEs (CD31/CD45RA) and CD4 and CD8 naive (CD45RA/CD27), memory (CD45RA/CD27), and effector (CD45RA/CD27) subsets. Percent Ki-67 cells are indicated in each frame. Red lines, pretreatment; blue lines, day 7; green lines, day 14; orange lines, day 21. Note that at the end of treatment (green line), the percentage of Ki67 memory and effector CD8 populations drop to lower levels than the naive CD8. (C) Two-dimensional plots illustrating the rhIL-7 therapy–induced changes in CD4 (top row) and CD8 (bottom row) naive, central memory, effector memory, and effectors (respectively CD45RA/CCR7, CD45RA/CCR7, CD45RA/CCR7, and CD45RA/CCR7 sections).<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Administration of rhIL-7 in humans increases in vivo TCR repertoire diversity by preferential expansion of naive T cell subsets"</p><p></p><p>The Journal of Experimental Medicine 2008;205(7):1701-1714.</p><p>Published online 7 Jul 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2442646.</p><p></p

    Shown are representative images on PET-CT scan in one subject (42-yr-old female treated with 60 μg/kg/dose)

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    (left) Imaging on day 14 (last day of rhIL-7 treatment). (right) Day 56 (6 wk after the end of treatment). The full ovals indicate areas of increased size (except for vertebral bodies) and activity of lymphoid organs (left and right axillary adenopathy, spleen, and lumbar spine) at the end of treatment. The dotted contours indicate the thymic area where no increased activity can be demonstrated at day 14. Increased metabolic activity is seen in pink and maximal in yellow areas.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Administration of rhIL-7 in humans increases in vivo TCR repertoire diversity by preferential expansion of naive T cell subsets"</p><p></p><p>The Journal of Experimental Medicine 2008;205(7):1701-1714.</p><p>Published online 7 Jul 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2442646.</p><p></p

    We measured TRECs in sorted CD4 and CD8 T cells at the time points shown, and values shown were normalized per 10 cells

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    Individual subjects (♦); mean of cohort (± the SEM): 3 μg/kg/d (dashed line with •), 10 μg/kg/d (dotted line with △), 30 μg/kg/d (dashed line with □), 60 μg/kg/d (solid line with ○). Tick marks represent rhIL-7 injections. (A) Absolute number of circulating TRECs/mm of blood diminished during the first 7 d of rhIL-7 therapy, consistent with a decrease in naive populations during this period. Rises in TRECs were observed from day 7–28, consistent with increased numbers of enumerated phenotypically naive cells during this period. (B) No significant changes in the frequency of TRECs/10 sorted total CD4 or CD8 cells was observed, despite increases in cell cycling shown in and (see text for TRECs in naive subsets).<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Administration of rhIL-7 in humans increases in vivo TCR repertoire diversity by preferential expansion of naive T cell subsets"</p><p></p><p>The Journal of Experimental Medicine 2008;205(7):1701-1714.</p><p>Published online 7 Jul 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2442646.</p><p></p

    Administration of rhIL-7 in humans increases in vivo TCR repertoire diversity by preferential expansion of naive T cell subsets-5

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    10 μg/kg/d (speckled), 30 μg/kg/d (gray), and 60 μg/kg/d (black). The time points shown represent the point of maximal increase for each parameter, as illustrated in , as follows: day 21 for increase in cell number, day 7 for Ki-67, and day 14 for bcl-2 expression. (A) Percent increase in absolute circulating cell number (per milliliter) over pretherapy value for each subset at day 21 after rhIL-7. Percent increase in the naive CD8 subset were significantly higher than for the CD8 memory (P = 0.008) or CD8 effector subsets (P = 0.008). (B) Net increase in the proportion of Ki67 cells in each subset at day 7 was calculated by subtracting the percentage of each subset that expressed Ki-67 at baseline from the percentage expressing Ki-67 at day 7 of rhIL-7 therapy. (C) Net increase in bcl-2 MFI in each subset at day 14 was calculated by subtracting the MFI of bcl-2 expression at baseline from the MFI on day 14 after rhIL-7 for each subset. See Fig. S2 for detailed data on changes in subset parameters for each dose level. (D) Net increase in cell number at day 21 in subsets defined by CCR7 and CD45RA surface expression (see Materials and methods) as follows: naive (CCR7CD45RA), central memory (CCR7CD45RA), effector memory (CCR7CD45RA), and effector RA (CCR7CD45RA). Mean value for the six studied subjects. Error bars represent the SEM. Fig S2 is available at .<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Administration of rhIL-7 in humans increases in vivo TCR repertoire diversity by preferential expansion of naive T cell subsets"</p><p></p><p>The Journal of Experimental Medicine 2008;205(7):1701-1714.</p><p>Published online 7 Jul 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2442646.</p><p></p