113 research outputs found

    Analytical Scanning Electron Microscopy for Surface Science

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    To correlate an electron image with surface properties requires thorough understanding of electron-solid interaction, secondary electron emission mechanism and operation functions of image detectors. We emphasize the importance and usefulness of combining electron spectroscopy with scanning electron microscope in interpreting electron image contrast. Linear relationships among secondary electron image (SEI) brightness, total emission current and the integration of electron energy distribution were measured. We propose that channeling effect, instead of primary electron diffraction, is the crystallographic cause of SEI contrast. Secondary electrons contribute most to SEI brightness because of their high constituent in total yield, not because of high efficiency of SEI detector in detecting slow electrons. We show that work function change alone cannot explain the SEI brightness change during gas exposure. Rather, the brightness change is associated with changes of the entire spectrum. The possibility of measuring spectral response of energy analyzers is discussed in conjunction with the comparison of spectra taken with different analyzers

    Le cimetière du cloître cathédral de Viviers: rites et mobilier funéraires

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    International audienceDépôt funéraire de poterie dans le cimetière du cloître de Viviers (Ardèche

    Contribution à l’étude du peuplement de la plaine de l’Arlier à l’Âge du Bronze et à l’Âge du Fer :

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    La plaine de l’Arlier s’étend au nord de la ville de Pontarlier (Doubs), au débouché d’une importante cluse, passage obligé au sein du massif du Jura. Dans la suite des fouilles anciennes réalisées et publiées par Pierre Bichet et Jacques-Pierre Millotte, cette micro-région a fait l’objet d’une approche diachronique à partir de 1987. Le programme de recherche était également lié à un projet collectif, « L’occupation et le peuplement des plateaux du massif du Jura de 2000 à 400 avant J.-C. », dont les résultats ont abouti à d’importantes publications, comme celle de Jean-François Piningre et Véronique Ganard sur les nécropoles protohistoriques des Moidons et le site princier du « Camp de Château » à Salins-les-Bains (Jura). Le recensement des sites archéologiques potentiellement préservés dans la « Chaux d’Arlier » s’est alors doublé de la fouille de sauvetage de tertres à Chaffois et à La Rivière-Drugeon. Leur publication permet de compléter et d’actualiser les informations sur les nécropoles de l’Arlier et de les percevoir dans un cadre plus large, culturel et environnemental, notamment pour les périodes de l’Âge du Bronze moyen et de Hallstatt.The Arlier plain lies north of Pontharlier (Doubs) at the end of a large transverse valley, which was an obligatory passage in the Jura massif. Following early excavation carried out and published by Pierre Bichet and Jacques-Pierre Millotte, this micro-region was subject to a diachronic approach as from 1987. The research was also linked to a collective project – “The occupation and population of the Jura massif plateaus between 2000 and 4000 BC” – whose results were published, for example by Jean-François Piningre and Véronique Ganard regarding the protohistoric necropolises of Les Moidons and the site of the “Camp de Château” at Salins-les-Bains (Jura). Inventory of the archaeological sites potentially conserved in the “Chaux d’Arlier” was coupled with the rescue excavation of mounds at Chaffois and La Rivière-Drugeon. Their publication allowed completion and updating of information on the Arlier necropolises and to view them in a broader, cultural and environmental framework, especially for the Middle Bronze and Hallstatt periods.Die „Chaux d’Arlier“ erstreckt sich im Norden von Pontarlier (Departement Doubs) am Col de la Jougne, einer wichtigen Passage im Massiv des Jura. Infolge der von Pierre Bichet und Jacques-Pierre Millotte durchgeführten und veröffentlichten Altgrabungen wurde diese Mikroregion ab 1987 einer diachronischen Betrachtung unterzogen. Das Forschungsprogramm war ebenfalls verknüpft mit einem „L’occupation et le peuplement des plateaux du massif du Jura de 2000 à 400 avant J.-C.” betitelten Gemeinschaftsprojekt. Dessen Ergebnisse haben zu umfangreichen Publikationen geführt, namentlich der Publikation von Jean-François Piningre und Véronique Ganard über die frühgeschichtlichen Nekropolen von Moidons und dem Fürstensitz des „Camp de Château” in Salins-les-Bains (Departement Jura). Die Erfassung der archäologischen Stätten in der „Chaux d’Arlier” wurde durch Rettungsgrabungen von Grabhügeln in Chaffois und La Rivière-Drugeon ergänzt. Ihre Veröffentlichung erlaubt es die Informationen zu den Nekropolen des Arlier zu ergänzen und zu aktualisieren und sie in einem weiteren kulturellen und umweltlichen Rahmen zu betrachten, insbesondere was die mittlere Bronzezeit und die Hallstattzeit angeht

    Néoplasies intraépithéliales du col utérin chez la congolaise à Kinshasa : intérêt des biomarqueurs immunohistochimiques: Intraepithelial neoplasias of the uterine cervix in the Congolese in Kinshasa : interest of immunohistochemical biomarkers

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    Context and objective. Although cervical cancer remains the second most frequent in women in Africa, immunohistochemical biomarkers for its diagnosis is rarely used in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the contribution of biomarkers p16 and Ki-67 in the diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Methods. This was a retrospective study carried out in five Pathology laboratories in Kinshasa. Biopsy slides were reread and reclassified by at least two independent pathologists in Kinshasa University Hospital based on the nomenclature of Bethesda/WHO. Immunolabelling (p16 and Ki-67) was carried out with external quality control in Europe. Results. A total of 70 cases were included. All 24 cases of high grade intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2, CIN3 and CIS) were positively marked by p16 and Ki-67 whereas low grade lesions were positively marked for 41 cases of CIN1 and negatively marked for 5 cases (3 of CIN1 and 2 of CP). Certain lesions have been reclassified. Immunohistochemical labeling was significantly associated with the grade of intraepithelial neoplasia for p16 (p = 0.001) and for Ki-67 (p = 0.004). Conclusion.  p16 and Ki-67 are specific and reliable biomarkers for an optimal diagnosis of intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix. Contexte et objectif.  Bien que le cancer du col utĂ©rin soit le deuxième cancer plus frĂ©quent chez la femme en Afrique, le recours aux biomarqueurs immunohistochimiques reste exceptionnel en Afrique subsaharienne. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude avait pour objectif de montrer l’apport des biomarqueurs p16 et Ki-67 dans le diagnostic des nĂ©oplasies intra-Ă©pithĂ©liales du col utĂ©rin. MĂ©thodes. C’était une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective rĂ©alisĂ©e dans cinq laboratoires d’Anatomie Pathologique de Kinshasa. Des lames biopsiques ont Ă©tĂ© relues et reclassĂ©es par au moins deux pathologistes indĂ©pendants aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa en suivant la nomenclature de Bethesda/OMS. L’immunomarquage (p16 et Ki-67) a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© avec un contrĂ´le qualitĂ© externe en Europe. RĂ©sultats. 70 cas ont Ă©tĂ© inclus. Les 24 cas des nĂ©oplasies intra-Ă©pithĂ©liales de haut grade (CIN2, CIN3 et CIS) Ă©taient marquĂ©es positivement par p16 et Ki-67 alors que celles de bas grade Ă©taient marquĂ©es positivement pour 41 cas de CIN1 et nĂ©gativement pour 5 cas (3 de CIN1 et 2 de CP). Certaines lĂ©sions ont Ă©tĂ© requalifiĂ©es. L’immunomarquage Ă©tait significativement associĂ© au grade des nĂ©oplasies pour la p16 (p=0,001) et pour le Ki-67 (p=0,004). Conclusion. P16 et Ki-67 sont des biomarqueurs spĂ©cifiques et efficaces pour un diagnostic optimal des nĂ©oplasies intra-Ă©pithĂ©liales du col utĂ©rin. &nbsp

    The Pennsylvania Dutchman Vol. 8, No. 1

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    â—Ź The Summer House â—Ź Drinks in Dutchland â—Ź Yesteryear in Dutchland â—Ź Moshey and Bellyguts â—Ź Rise of Interest in Dutch Antiques â—Ź Diaper Lore â—Ź Lititz â—Ź Witchcraft in Cow and Horse â—Ź Dorothy Kalbach â—Ź Plain Dutch and Gay Dutch â—Ź Dialect Folksay â—Ź Pennsylvania Dutch Pioneers â—Ź About the Authors â—Ź What\u27s New in Dutchlandhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/dutchmanmag/1008/thumbnail.jp

    Deficiency of the Adhesive Protein Complex Lymphocyte Function Antigen 1, Complement Receptor Type 3, Glycoprotein p150,95 in a Girl with Recurrent Bacterial Infections Effects on Phagocytic Cells and Lymphocyte Functions

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    Abstract A patient presenting delayed umbilical cord detachment, severe recurrent bacterial infections, and inability to form pus exhibited a profound defect in the expression of a-and 8-chains of the receptor for the C3bi fragment of C3 (CR3), lymphocyte function antigen I (LFA-1) molecule, and the p150,95 molecule found on neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocyte membranes. This was shown by immunofluorescence studies using specific monoclonal antibodies, rosette formation with C3bi-coated erythrocytes, and immunoprecipitation for the LFA-1 complex. These membrane defects were responsible for abnormal phagocytic cell functions including adherence to nylon wool, cell movement, phagocytosis, and opsonized particle-induced oxidative response and for defective natural killer cell activity. In addition, lymphocyte function deficiencies previously unobserved in this disease were found. Cytolytic T lymphocyte activity was profoundly reduced; a-and y-interferon production were impaired. Finally, there was no antibody production to vaccinal antigens whereas the antibody responses to polysaccharides and to cytomegalovirus were found to be normal. The cytotoxic T cell deficiency could be expected from previous blocking experiments of this function with monoclonal antibodies to LFA-1 and is probably related to an extremely severe deficiency in LFA-1 expression in this patient. Anomalies in interferon and in antibody production suggest additional role(s) of the LFA-1 complex in monocyte/T lymphocyte/B lymphocyte cell interactions that have not yet been envisaged
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