1,600 research outputs found

    Friction at the tennis shoe-court interface: how biomechanically informed lab-based testing can enhance understanding

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    This paper presents some of the methodology, observations and findings from a 30-month study, aiming to improve the understanding of tennis shoe-court interactions and the biomechanical implications of changes in friction between the shoe and surface. A detailed programme of biomechanical player testing on different court surfaces provided the boundary conditions with which to develop a lab-based rig capable of simulating the key aspects of shoe-surface interaction that are required for acceptable performance (e.g. push-off to accelerate) within expected levels of consistency (e.g. for a controlled slide). Large- scale parametric testing could then be carried out for a variety of surface types and components under a range of loading conditions, without the risk of injury to human participants. Two case studies are described to demonstrate the value of a combined approach of biomechanical field testing and lab-based rigs that simulate shoe-court interactions. These include a study that compared different artificial clay court designs; and a study that examined the effect of different acrylic hard court parameters on friction and the tribological mechanisms that explain the observed interactio

    Improving the performance of soccer boots on artificial and natural soccer surfaces

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    AbstractAn improved understanding of studded shoe-surface interactions is needed to optimise athletic performance in soccer. Soccer studs are required to penetrate the playing surface and provide traction to a soccer player. The translational traction at the shoesurface interface is important for soccer players performing dynamic accelerating movements. A study has been carried out to evaluate the performance of studded footwear on a natural surface and a third generation artificial surface. A mechanical traction test device was used to quantify the performance characteristics of soccer studs in terms of penetration and traction for both surfaces. Results found from testing an existing soccer stud were used as benchmark values in order to evaluate the performance of five other soccer studs. The effects of the surface properties and stud geometry on stud penetration and traction are discussed

    Synthesis of satellite (MODIS), aircraft (ICARTT), and surface (IMPROVE, EPA-AQS, AERONET) aerosol observations over eastern North America to improve MODIS aerosol retrievals and constrain surface aerosol concentrations and sources

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    We use an ensemble of satellite (MODIS), aircraft, and ground-based aerosol observations during the ICARTT field campaign over eastern North America in summer 2004 to (1) examine the consistency between different aerosol measurements, (2) evaluate a new retrieval of aerosol optical depths (AODs) and inferred surface aerosol concentrations (PM2.5) from the MODIS satellite instrument, and (3) apply this collective information to improve our understanding of aerosol sources. The GEOS-Chem global chemical transport model (CTM) provides a transfer platform between the different data sets, allowing us to evaluate the consistency between different aerosol parameters observed at different times and locations. We use an improved MODIS AOD retrieval based on locally derived visible surface reflectances and aerosol properties calculated from GEOS-Chem. Use of GEOS-Chem aerosol optical properties in the MODIS retrieval not only results in an improved AOD product but also allows quantitative evaluation of model aerosol mass from the comparison of simulated and observed AODs. The aircraft measurements show narrower aerosol size distributions than those usually assumed in models, and this has important implications for AOD retrievals. Our MODIS AOD retrieval compares well to the ground-based AERONET data (R = 0.84, slope = 1.02), significantly improving on the MODIS c005 operational product. Inference of surface PM2.5 from our MODIS AOD retrieval shows good correlation to the EPA-AQS data (R = 0.78) but a high regression slope (slope = 1.48). The high slope is seen in all AOD-inferred PM2.5 concentrations (AERONET: slope = 2.04; MODIS c005: slope = 1.51) and could reflect a clear-sky bias in the AOD observations. The ensemble of MODIS, aircraft, and surface data are consistent in pointing to a model overestimate of sulfate in the mid-Atlantic and an underestimate of organic and dust aerosol in the southeastern United States. The sulfate overestimate could reflect an excessive contribution from aqueous-phase production in clouds, while the organic carbon underestimate could possibly be resolved by a new secondary pathway involving dicarbonyls

    Rapid prototyping flight test environment for autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles

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    Test facility is essential for most engineering research activities, from modelling and identification to verification of algorithms/methods and final demonstration. It is well known that flight tests for aerospace vehicles are expensive and quite risky. To overcome this, this paper describes a rapid prototyping platform for autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) developed at Loughborough University, where a number of unmanned aerial and ground vehicles can perform various flight and other missions under computer control. Flexibility, maintainability and low expenses are assured by a proper choice of vehicles, sensors and system architecture. Among many other technical challenges, precision navigation of the unmanned vehicles and system integrations of commercial-off-the-shelf components from different vendors with different operational environments are discussed in detail. Matlab/Simulink based software development environment provides a seamless rapid prototyping platform from concept and theoretic developments to numerical simulation and finally flight tests. Finally, two scenarios performed by this test facility are presented to illustrate its capability

    Saturn’s northern auroras as observed using the Hubble Space Telescope

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    We discuss the features of Saturn’s northern FUV auroras as observed during a program of Hubble Space Telescope observations which executed over 2011-2013 and culminated, along with Cassini observations, in a comprehensive multi-spectral observing campaign. Our 2011-2013 observations of the northern aurora are also compared with those from our 2007-2008 observation of the southern aurora. We show that the variety of morphologies of the northern auroras is broadly consistent with the southern, and determine the statistical equatorward and poleward boundary locations. We find that our boundaries are overall consistent with previous observations, although a modest poleward displacement of the poleward boundaries is due to the increased prevalence of poleward auroral patches in the noon and afternoon sectors during this program, likely due to the solar wind interaction. We also show that the northern auroral oval oscillates with the northern planetary period oscillation (PPO) phase in an elongated ellipse with semi-major axis ∼1.6°1.6° oriented along the post-dawn/post-dusk direction. We further show that the northern auroras exhibit dawn-side brightenings at zero northern magnetic PPO phase, although there is mixed evidence of auroral emissions fixed in the rotating frame of the northern PPO current system, such that overall the dependence of the auroras on northern magnetic phase is somewhat weak

    Relative performance of four midge-resistant wheat varietal blends in western Canada

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    Non-Peer ReviewedOrange wheat blossom midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin), causes significant yield losses to spring wheat in western Canada in severe infestations. To mitigate losses, midge-resistant wheat varietal blends, consisting of cultivars carrying the Sm1 midge resistance gene and 10% interspersed midge susceptible refuge, have been made available to farmers. To test their performance relative to conventional midge-susceptible cultivars, four varietal blends were grown during four consecutive years, at eight locations in the provinces of Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta, in comparison to four conventional, midge-susceptible cultivars. Midge damage was higher in 2007 and 2010 than in 2008 and 2009. In general, the varietal blends, as a group, yielded more grain than the susceptible cultivars, especially when grown in environments with high midge pressure (5.5 - 35% seed damage). In environments with low midge pressure (0 – 2.6% seed damage), the varietal blend average yield advantage was smaller but still significant, indicating that some of the varietal blends had additional superior attributes, in addition to midge resistance

    The effect of incorporating the midge resistance (Sm1) gene in wheat

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    Non-Peer ReviewedOrange wheat blossom midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin), was first detected in Manitoba in 1901, but now is present in all three prairie provinces of western Canada. In severe infestations, this insect may cause significant yield losses to spring wheat. To mitigate losses, midge-resistant wheat varietal blends, consisting of cultivars carrying the Sm1 midge resistance gene and 10% interspersed midge susceptible refuge, are now available to farmers. The refuge prevents this resistance to be overcome by the insect. To test the field performance of these varietal blends, relative to conventional midge-susceptible cultivars, four varietal blends were grown during four consecutive years, at eight locations in the provinces of Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta, in comparison to four conventional, midge-susceptible cultivars. Midge damage was higher in 2007 and 2010, than in 2008 and 2009. In general, the varietal blends, as a group, yielded more grain than the susceptible cultivars, especially when grown in environments with high midge pressure (5.5 - 35% seed damage). In environments with low midge pressure (0 – 2.6% seed damage), the varietal blend average yield advantage was smaller but still significant, indicating that some of the varietal blends had additional superior attributes, in addition to midge resistance. Significant differences in midge damage were observed within the resistant and the susceptible groups of the cultivars tested. Midge resistance did not protect wheat against loss of market grade

    Photoionization of H<sub>2</sub> using the molecular R-matrix with time approach

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    We present results of the first calculations using the variational ab initio molecular R-matrix with time approach. We have calculated two and four-photon ionization cross sections for H2 and studied the effects of electron correlation and choice of the Gaussian atomic basis sets. Our results are compared with earlier calculations

    Magnetic fluctuations and spin freezing in nonsuperconducting LiFeAs derivatives

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    We present detailed magnetometry and muon-spin rotation data on polycrystalline samples of overdoped, nonsuperconducting LiFe1−xNixAs (x = 0.1,0.2) and Li1−yFe1+yAs (0 y 0.04) as well as superconducting LiFeAs.While LiFe1−xNixAs exhibits weak antiferromagnetic fluctuations down to 1.5 K,Li1−yFe1+yAs samples, which have a much smaller deviation from the 1 : 1 : 1 stoichiometry, show a crossover from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic fluctuations on cooling and a freezing of dynamically fluctuating moments at low temperatures. We do not find any signatures of time-reversal symmetry breaking in stoichiometric LiFeAs that would support recent predictions of triplet pairing

    On the stability of black hole event horizons

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    In this work we study a {\it gedanken} experiment constructed in order to test the cosmic censorship hypothesis and the second law of black hole thermo-dynamics. Matter with a negative gravitating energy is imagined added to a near extremal U(1)U(1)-charged static black hole in Einstein-Maxwell theory. The dynamics of a similar process is studied and the thermo-dynamical properties of the resulting black hole structure is discussed. A new mechanism which stabilizes black hole event horizons is shown to operate in such processes.Comment: 16, grammatical errors corrected and two references adde