11 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Serum uric acid (SUA) has been positively associated with diabetes. Most of the studies carried out take into account older adults and there are still few studies in young individuals. Thus, it’s necessary to study the association between SUA and glucose in young people to better understand this relationship’s trajector

    The role of MIR9-2 in shared susceptibility of psychiatric disorders during childhood : a population-based birth cohort study

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    Background: It has been suggested that microRNAs (miRNAs; short non-protein-coding RNA molecules that mediate post-transcriptional regulation), including mir-9 and mir-34 families, are important for brain development. Current data suggest that mir-9 and mir-34 may have shared effects across psychiatric disorders. This study aims to explore the role of genetic polymorphisms in the MIR9-2 (rs4916723) and MIR34B/C (rs4938723) genes on the susceptibility of psychiatric disorders in children from the 2004 Pelotas Birth Cohort. Methods: Psychiatric disorders were assessed in 3585 individuals using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV), criteria through the application of standard semi-structured interviews (using the Development and Well-Being Assessment, DAWBA) at the six-years-of-age follow-up. The outcome was defined as the presence of any mental disorder. We also considered two broad groups of internalizing and externalizing disorders to further investigate the role of these variants in mental health. Results: We observed an association between rs4916723 (MIR9-2) and the presence of any psychiatric disorder (odds ratios (OR) = 0.820; 95% CI = 0.7130–0.944; p = 0.006) and a suggestive effect on internalizing disorders (OR = 0.830; 95% CI = 0.698–0.987; p = 0.035). rs4938723 (MIR34B/C) was not associated with any evaluated outcome. Conclusion: The study suggests that MIR9-2 may have an important role on a broad susceptibility for psychiatric disorders and may be important mainly for internalization problems

    Development of an ELISA with recombinant antigens to detect antibodies against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae

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    Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is the etiological agent of swine enzootic pneumonia (EP), one of the most important respiratory diseases which affect swine worldwide. This disease is characterized by retarded development, especially in animals in the growing and finishing phase, causing significant economic losses in the herd. The presumptive diagnostic is based on clinical signs and lesions, however, laboratory tests are needed for a conclusive diagnosis of disease. Although the culture of the agent is considered the gold standard, it is not used routinely because of the slow growth of the bacterium and interference by other mycoplasmas. Therefore, there is a need for development of more sensitive and specific diagnostic methods for this disease. This study aimed the standardization and validation of an ELISA for detection of antibodies against M. hyopneumoniae. For this, six recombinant proteins of M. hyopneumoniae considered species-specific (P46, P95, P97 like, P102AB, Lppt and hypothetical protein 987) were evaluated. They were used as antigen for coating ELISA plates. Each of these proteins was confronted with three sets of pig serum. The sensitivity and specificity obtained for each protein were respectively: P95, 74.3% e 97.6%; P46, 53.7% e 97.6%; Lppt, 28.4% e 97.2%; 987, 27.1% e 96.1%; P102AB, 65.5% e 97.6%; P97 like, 72.6% e 97.2%. Using the set cut-off point, we calculated the positive predictive value, which ranged from 17.4% (for prevalence of 10%) to 99.4% (for prevalence of 90%), and negative predictive value which ranged from 34.5% to 99.5% depending on the prevalence of disease in a given area. These data show that the proteins P95, P46, P97 and P102AB like are potential targets to be use in diagnostic tests to detect antibodies against M. hyopneumoniae.O Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae é o agente etiológico da Pneumonia Enzoótica Suína (PES), uma das principais doenças respiratórias que acomete suínos no mundo. Esta doença é caracterizada por retardo no desenvolvimento, principalmente em animais em fase de crescimento e terminação, ocasionando perdas econômicas significativas no rebanho. O diagnóstico presuntivo é baseado em sinais clínicos e na presença de lesões, no entanto, testes laboratoriais são necessários para o diagnóstico conclusivo da doença. Embora o cultivo do agente seja considerado o padrão ouro, o mesmo não é usado como rotina, devido ao crescimento extremamente lento deste agente e a interferência por outros micoplasmas. Desta forma, há a necessidade do desenvolvimento de métodos de diagnósticos mais sensíveis e específicos para esta doença. Este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um ELISA indireto para a detecção de anticorpos contra M. hyopneumoniae. Para isso, foram testadas individualmente seis proteínas recombinantes de M. hyopneumoniae expressas em E. coli, consideradas espécie-específica (P46, P95, P97 like, P102AB, Lppt e proteína hipotética 987), utilizadas como antígeno na sensibilização de placas de ELISA. Cada uma destas proteínas foi confrontada com 3 categorias de soros de suínos. A sensibilidade e especificidade obtida para cada uma das proteínas foram respectivamente as seguintes: P95, 74,3% e 97,6%; P46, 53,7% e 97,6%; Lppt, 28,4% e 97,2%; 987, 27,1% e 96,1%; P102AB, 65,5% e 97,6%; P97 like, 72,6% e 97,2%. Usando o ponto de corte definido, foi calculado o valor preditivo positivo que variou de 17,4% (para prevalências de 10%) a 99,4% (para prevalências de 90%), e o valor preditivo negativo que variou de 34,5% a 99,5% dependendo da prevalência da doença em uma determinada área. Estes dados mostram que proteínas como a P95, P46, P102AB e P97 like são potenciais alvos para uso em testes de diagnóstico para detecção de anticorpos contra M. hyopneumoniae

    Prevalência e fatores associados ao uso de antidepressivos em adultos de área urbana de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, em 2006

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    Este trabalho determina a prevalência e fatores associados ao uso de antidepressivos em adultos residentes na área urbana da cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foi realizado um estudo transversal em uma amostra representativa de adultos com idade igual ou superior a 40 anos, moradores na zona urbana de Pelotas, em 2006. Para as comparações entre proporções, utilizou-se o teste de qui-quadrado e, para a análise multivariada, a regressão logística não condicional. Foram entrevistados 1.327 adultos, dos quais 9,3% tinham usado antidepressivos. O consumo desses medicamentos associou-se significativamente ao sexo feminino (OR: 2,45; IC95%: 1,50-4,02); ao nível sócio-econômico mais elevado, classes A e B (OR: 2,07; IC95%: 1,28-3,34); e a não estar exercendo uma atividade de trabalho (OR: 1,65; IC95%: 1,06-2,55). A prevalência de uso de antidepressivos foi superior às encontradas em outros estudos. Os determinantes individuais de utilização poderão servir de embasamento às estratégias para diminuir o consumo de antidepressivos nesses grupos

    The BACTEC MGIT(tm) 320 system as a laboratory tool to diagnose tuberculosis in a Brazilian hospital with a high prevalence of HIV infection

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    Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The World Health Organization endorses the BACTEC Mycobacterial Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT)(tm) system as a rapid, sensitive, and specific method to diagnostic of tuberculosis. Here, we compared the performance of this system against Ogawa-Kudoh cultures and microscopy. METHODS: A total of 927 samples were obtained between December 2011 and December 2013 from 652 cases of suspected tuberculosis at the School Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande in Brazil. RESULTS: The MGIT system confirmed tuberculosis in more cases in less time. CONCLUSIONS: The MGIT system is an effective tool for early diagnosis of tuberculosis, especially in patients with HIV/AIDS