862 research outputs found

    Two steps forward, one step back: Reflections on the jurisprudential turn of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on domestic reparation programmes

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    This article is a contribution to an area of research that remains neglected in both the literature on reparations under international law and on the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: the coexistence of reparation regimes at the international and domestic level and the problems this creates. In particular, it reflects on the jurisprudential turn of the Inter-American Court in the area of reparations as a result of considering allegations regarding Domestic Reparations Programmes (DRPs) in states undergoing transitions, particularly Chile, Colombia, Guatemala and Peru. In addition to considering the role of subsidiarity in the most recent jurisprudence of the court, it addresses three questions: Why has the Inter-American Court tried to reconcile the coexistence of these reparations systems? How has it done so? And, what are the consequences of this jurisprudential turn for international law and for the institutional design of the Inter-American System

    Estudios jurídicos de garantías fundamentales en caso de niños en situación de discapacidad – autismo - Acceso a la salud como primera medida para garantizar un ejercicio completo de garantías constitucionales

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    Artículo de investigaciónEn este artículo se busca delimitar y especificar la relación entre discapacidad y justicia, desde la implementación del sistema jurídico colombiano, basando este enfoque en la perspectiva de Rawls y la teoría social de Martha Nussbaum, por medio de orientaciones interdisciplinarias de justicia, discapacidad y salud pública, generado un equilibrio adecuado de las prácticas y mecanismos de protección de Derechos fundamentales de los niños en situación de discapacidad30 p.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. CONTEXTUALIZACIÓN Y POLÍTICAS NACIONALES QUE BUSCAN GARANTIZAR EL ACCESO A LA SALUD DE LA NIÑEZ EN SITUACIÓN DE DISCAPACIDAD 2. PROBLEMÁTICA DEL ACCESO A LA SALUD DE LOS NIÑOS EN CONDICIÓN DE DISCAPACIDAD DESDE UN MARCO LEGAL Y JURISPRUDENCIAL 3. FUNDAMENTABILIDAD DEL DERECHO A LA SALUD, ALTERACIÓN A LA EQUIDAD SOCIAL PARA GARANTIZAR LA PROTECCIÓN ESPECIAL 4. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoAbogad

    A critical analysis of Peru's HIV grant proposals to the Global Fund.

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    Peru has applied to six of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) rounds for funding, achieving success on four occasions. The process of proposal development has, however, been criticised, especially concerning the use of evidence, relevance/consistency and performance indicators. We aimed to analyse the Peruvian Global Fund proposals according to those dimensions, providing feedback to improve future local efforts and inform global discussions around Global Fund procedures. We analysed the content of four HIV-focused proposals (rounds 2, 5, 6 and 8) regarding epidemic context, needs identification and prioritisation and monitoring and evaluation systems. Peruvian proposals submitted after round 1 were described as resulting from collaborative inputs involving formerly unrepresented sectors, principally 'vulnerable populations'. However, difficulties arose regarding the amount and quality of evidence about the epidemiological context; limited consideration of social determinants of the epidemic; lack of theory-driven interventions, and little synergy across projects and the inclusion of weak monitoring and evaluation systems, with poor indicators and measurement procedures. Prioritising the development of analytical and technical skills to generate Global Fund proposals would enhance the country's capacity to produce and utilise evidence, improve the technical-political interface, strengthen information systems and lead to more informed decision making and accountability

    Beyond Silence and Stigma: Crafting a Gender-Sensitive Approach for Victims of Sexual Violence in Domestic Reparation Programmes

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    This report considers how best to provide reparations for victims of sexual violence through domestic reparation programmes, based on fieldwork conducted in various countries and other relevant research carried out by the 3 authors

    Competencia de la justicia militar en el delito de concusión

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    El fuero penal militar, derecho del que gozan los integrantes de la fuerza pública a ser investigados y juzgados por la justicia penal militar, por los delitos que lleguen a cometer en servicio activo y en relación con el mismo, es el fundamento del derecho penal militar, de la justicia penal militar, que conlleva una excepción al principio de juez natural. Respecto del el delito de concusión, el fuero penal militar es excepcional, por la relación que debe existir con los actos de servicio y las funciones asignadas constitucional y legalmente al integrante de la fuerza pública.The military criminal law, law enjoyed by members of the security forces to be investigated and prosecuted by military courts for crimes commit arriving on active duty and in connection with it, is the foundation of military law, of the military justice system, which involves an exception to the principle of natural judge. Regarding the crime of extortion military criminal jurisdiction is exceptional; the relationship that should exist with acts of service and the constitutional and legal functions assigned to member of the security forces

    “More Things in Heaven and Earth”: references to astrology in Hamlet and King Lear

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    Treballs Finals del Grau d'Estudis Anglesos, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2018-2019, Tutor: Enric Monforte[eng] Astrology was pervasive in England during the Renaissance, and thus texts written in this period of time have abundant references to it. Readers nowadays do not grasp or sometimes even see these references because our worldview has been changed from an enchanted view of the universe to the current scientific mechanistic and materialistic paradigm. To fully understand and be able to interpret these works more accurately, this Early Modern conception of the universe must be ‘resuscitated’ —even if that implies suspension of (dis)belief on the part of the critic— for we can only make sense of the works of this time period by immersing ourselves in their worldview. This paper analyses two of Shakespeare’s plays, Hamlet and King Lear: their references to astrology and the changed or added meanings to their interpretation that accounting for those references provides.[spa] La astrología era un arte omnipresente en la Inglaterra del Renacimiento, y por lo tanto los textos escritos durante esta época contienen abundantes referencias astrológicas. En la actualidad, estas referencias no se entienden o bien pasan desapercibidas, ya que nuestra visión del mundo ha cambiado de una concepción del universo como algo encantado al actual paradigma científico-materialista. Para poder entender estos textos plenamente y ser capaces de interpretarlos de una manera más precisa, esta cosmovisión debe ser ‘resucitada’ — aun cuando conlleve dejar de lado prejuicios por parte de lx critícx, — pues es solo cuando nos sumergimos en esta visión del mundo que podemos aprehender la literatura de este período. Este proyecto analiza dos obras de Shakespeare, Hamlet y King Lear: sus referencias a la astrología, y como tenerlas en cuenta altera o añade significado a la interpretación de las obras

    Medical term formation in English and Japanese: A study of the suffixes -gram, -graph and -graphy

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    This paper presents a translingual study of medical lexicology in English and Japanese that compares the meaning and usage of three suffixes often found in medical discourse: -gram, -graph and -graphy. By means of an in-depth observation of frequency counts and semantic profiling in actual usage, we present a proposal regarding which roots each of the suffixes allow, together with an analysis of the meaning subtleties of the affixes. This work, informed by both cognitive and corpus linguistics, advances the presence of a concurrent pattern in English-Japanese morphology within medical discourse. After presenting a number of parallelisms and differences within the corpora, the work concludes with an explanation of how and why the three suffixes under inspection display quite distinct meaning nuances that restrain them from being used at random, both in English and in JapaneseThis research has been funded by the MINECO (under the grant TIN2010- 20644-C03-03) and by the Madrid Regional Government (grant MA2VICMR

    Monitoramento, persuasão e promoção do diálogo: qual o papel dos organismos supranacionais de Direitos Humanos na implementação de decisões individuais?

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    Este artigo analisa o papel dos organismos supranacionais de direitos humanos na implementação de suas decisões e recomendações, em casos individuais. O estudo avalia o papel e o impacto dos mecanismos supranacionais no desencadeamento de processos de implementação, por meio da observação do trabalho dos Órgãos de Tratados de Direitos Humanos da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) e dos três sistemas regionais, através do estudo aprofundado de casos específicos e de entrevistas semiestruturadas com as partes interessadas. O artigo argumenta que os organismos supranacionais fazem mais do que somente monitorar a implementação de ordens e recomendações em casos individuais, apesar da escassez de recursos. Eles usam ferramentas diferentes, tanto persuasivas quanto coercitivas. Esse diálogo é central para a realização do trabalho, e, às vezes, é aberto a outros atores, como organizações da sociedade civil, instituições nacionais de direitos humanos e outros. No entanto, os organismos supranacionais poderiam fazer ainda mais para aprimorar o papel que desempenham na implementação pelos Estados de suas decisões e recomendações

    Tilting at Windmills: Reparations and the International Criminal Court

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    More than 20 years on from the signing of the Rome Statute, delivering victim-centred justice through reparations has been fraught with legal and practical challenges. The Court’s jurisprudence on reparations only began to emerge from 2012 and struggles to find purchase on implementation on the ground. In its first few cases of Lubanga, Katanga, and Al Mahdi the eligibility and forms of reparations have been limited to certain victims, subject to years of litigation, and faced difficulties in delivery due to ongoing insecurity. This is perhaps felt most acutely in the Bemba case, where more than 5,000 victims of murder, rape and pillage were waiting for redress, and the defendant was not indigent, but where he was later acquitted on appeal, thereby extinguishing reparation proceedings. This article critically appraises the jurisprudence and practice of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on reparations. It looks at competing principles and rationales for reparations at the Court in light of comparative practice in international human rights law and transitional justice processes to consider what is needed to ensure that the ICC is able to deliver on its reparations mandate. An underpinning argument is that reparations at the ICC cannot be seen in isolation from other reparation practices in the states where the Court operates. Reparative complementarity for victims of international crimes is essential to maximize the positive impact that the fulfilment of this right can have on victims and not to sacrifice the legitimacy of the Court, nor quixotically strive for the impossible