986 research outputs found

    Credenciação, sistemas e redes de museus em políticas museológicas europeias

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    SIAM. Series Iberoamericanas de Museología. Año 3, Vol.

    Comparación de la adecuación de las traducciones ofrecidas on-line en textos de diversos ámbitos

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    52 p. : graf.Bibliografía: p. 37-38En el mundo de hoy en día existe una cantidad creciente de traducciones generadas de manera automática por herramientas de traducción. Ante este hecho, merece la pena preguntarse por la validez de estos métodos y si las traducciones que generan son de calidad suficiente para no precisar de la revisión posterior por un traductor. En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se busca evaluar un par de herramientas de traducción automática (Google Translate y OpenNMT) con el uso de los estimadores de calidad más habituales (BLEU, TER, NIST, METEOR, CHRF) en diversos ámbitos lingüísticos (textos de origen jurídico, comercial, literario, foros online y subtítulos de películas). Para ello se toman entre 300 y 500 líneas de varios textos en inglés, y se buscan o se elaboran traducciones consideradas correctas, que se emplearán como traducciones de referencia. Obtendremos igualmente traducciones automáticas, a las que denominaremos hipótesis o candidatas. Tras un formateado y preprocesado, dichos textos serán sometidos a un programa encargado de realizar sucesivamente el cálculo de los estimadores. Se representan los resultados en forma de gráfica y se sacan conclusiones. De esta forma se considerará qué textos, debido a sus características intrínsecas, son más adecuados para ser traducidos automáticamente y cuáles presentan más dificultades y requieren mayor trabajo de post-edición.Nowadays there are a growing number of translations which are product not of a human translator, but of a machine. An enormous quantity of words in a variety of languages is spewed from automata when fed with text in a source language. In terms of items translated, the productivity is fabulous, but what about the quality of the generated translations? As anyone can corroborate, in a great many occasions they are in dire need of further human-supervised translation. In this end-of-degree project we aim to evaluate a couple of Machine Translation (MT) tools (GoogleTranslate and OpenNMT) using standard adequacy estimates (BLEU, TER, NIST, METEOR, CHRF) translating texts taken from different linguistic fields (legal, commercial, literary, online forums and film captions). For this purpose, we have extracted around 300 to 500 lines from English source texts considered representative of those categories. When possible, we took official reference translations, but when there was no reference text, we made our own translation. In a similar fashion, we used the aforementioned MTs to obtain the candidate translations whose adequacy will be quantified. After formatting and pre-processing, these texts will be used as input to a program, which will calculate the desired estimators. Numeric results are presented as a bar graph to draw conclusions more easily. Therefore, this will show which texts are more suitable to be translated with MTs, due to their intrinsic features, and which ones prove to be more problematic and require more post-edition effort.Grado en Lenguas Modernas y Traducció

    Addressing Sustainability in Portuguese Museums and Heritage: The Role of Cultural Policies

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    The Future Museums Project Group was created under the Portuguese Ministry of Culture with the mission of proposing recommendations for a 10-year public policy for museums, palaces, and monuments, considering sustainability, accessibility, and innovation issues and their relevance in society. Against this background, museums were understood as agents of change with a role to play in achieving a more sustainable future, and culture as a fundamental pillar for democracy and sustainable development. This study discusses the findings of the project, focusing on three features that highlight the approach adopted to sustainability, which included collections management, participation, and mediation. Drawn from empirical research, a series of concrete recommendations, both for policy makers and museums, are discussed. The study concludes by arguing that cultural policies must place sustainability at the core of their strategy in order to function as a framework to drive and implement sustainable development practices in museums and heritage. Furthermore, within the scope of post-pandemic recovery plans, climate emergency, and the energy crisis, it is even more pressing that cultural policies provide support for museums and heritage and ensure that they have the conditions and resources to be able to move forward in a more integrated manner, thus contributing to a sustainable future.UIDP/00057/2020, UIDB/00057/202


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    O tema proposto como pretexto inicial de reflexão neste encontro - "Modelos museológicos em realidades locais" — é por si só despoletador de um primeiro comentário. Isto porque a ideia de que "em museologia não há receitas" é repetidas vezes acentuada no pensamento museológico contemporâneo. Hugues de Varine — talvez o museólogo mais avesso à expressão 'modelo museológico' — expressa esta atitude em diversas ocasiões, tanto quando critica o seguidismo posterior à experiência do ecomuseu de Le Creusot, como em diferentes textos de ordem reflexiva de que respigámos este extracto de L'iniciative Communitaire: "Não se trata com efeito de dar um modelo para cada museu, mas estabelecer uma metodologia que permita repensar cada museu em função das condições particulares." É nesta perspectiva — de enunciamento de princípios, de apresentação de metodologias, de colocação de algumas interrogações que aceitámos o repto e trazemos a este encontro a experiência de percurso do Museu Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira(MMVFX) numa fase em que esta instituição se encontra em mudança. Mudança de instalações, reequacionamento de programa, levantamento de interrogações

    Debate interdisciplinar: Arte, ciudad y territorio

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    Arte, Ciudad y Territorio constituyen múltiples conexiones que se superponen entre sí, formando un conjunto indisoluble a la hora de pensar en la URBS y la CIVITAS. Las diferentes disciplinas utilizan uno o varios de estos caminos para abordar la cuestión del espacio urbano y elaborar propuestas que buscan incentivar el pensamiento crítico del ciudadano al mismo tiempo que potencian la cohesión social. Para tratar este tema, se organiza el tercer debate Professional URBS que produce una conexión de dos horas a través de videoconferencia entre las ciudades de Barcelona, Ciudad de México, Nancy, Estella y Granada. Se crea así una mesa de debate a la que fueron invitados cuatro expertos con diferentes trayectorias y experiencias en urbanismo, socioconstruccionismo, acciones sociales y teatro urbano. El producto de este debate es el testimonio de un intercambio de conocimiento entre personas y disciplinas muy diferentes entre sí pero con un objetivo común: hallar las claves del espacio público para hacerlo más humano y democrático

    Dependence of exchange anisotropy and coercivity on the Fe–oxide structure in oxygen-passivated Fe nanoparticles

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    Ultrafine Fe particles have been prepared by the inert gas condensation method and subsequently oxygen passivated. The as-obtained particles consist in an Fe core surrounded by an amorphous Fe-oxide surface layer. The antiferromagnetic character of the Fe-oxide surface induces an exchange anisotropy in the ferromagnetic Fe core when the system is field cooled. Samples have been heat treated in vacuum at different temperatures. Structural changes of the Fe–O layer have been monitored by x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Magnetic properties as coercivity, hysteresis loop shift, and evolution of magnetization with temperature have been analyzed for different oxide crystallization stages. A decrease of the exchange anisotropy strength is reported as the structural disorder of the surface oxide layer is decreased with thermal treatment

    Aula expandida: Una experiencia de investigación formativa

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    To consider an expanded classroom where an academic discourse around research is promoted, horizons of a sense of belonging to a knowledge organization, a place where reading and writing fragments are put forth and are organized according to the discussion related to science and the epistemological synthesis of experiences, incorporating research on the learning process to discern what has occurred and this will lead to a critical or epistemological view in reference to the need for professional trainingPensar en un aula expandida donde se propicia el diálogo académico en torno a la investigación, horizontes de sentido como organización de conocimiento, lugar donde se colocan en escena fragmentos de lectura y escritura que se organizan de acuerdo con la discusión en torno a la ciencia y la síntesis epistemológica de la vivencia, incorporando la investigación al proceso de aprendizaje en un darse cuenta de lo trascurrido recorrido, lo cual le permitirá tener sentido crítico o epistemológico frente la necesidad de formación profesional

    Desafíos de las disciplinas de las ciencias sociales: Organización de conocimiento desde la investigación

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    Thinking through these social science methodological problems in a double implication, the complex organization of knowledge and the logical horizon from our own historical and socio-cultural context, implies an emerging configuration of open voice resonance spaces that constitute renewed utopias in a stage symbolized by the subject’s written word with other subjects for other subjects in a thought that recreates the world in the human and the human in the worldPensar los problemas metodológicos de las Ciencias Sociales en una doble implicación. La organización compleja de conocimiento y el horizonte de sentidos desde nuestros propios contextos históricos y socioculturales, implica una configuración emergente de espacios de resonancia de voces abiertas que constituyen utopías renovadas en un escenario simbolizado en la palabra escrita del sujeto con otros sujetos para sujetos, en un pensamiento que recrea el mundo en el humano y lo humano en el mundo