33 research outputs found

    Diffusive model of current-in-plane-tunneling in double magnetic tunnel junctions

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    We propose a model that describes current-in-plane tunneling transport in double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions in diffusive regime. Our study shows that specific features appear in double junctions that are described by introducing two typical length scales. The model may be used to measure the magnetoresistance and the resistance area product of both barriers in unpatterned stacks of double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Temperature induced crossover between 0 and pi states in S/F/S junctions

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    Ferromagnetic Josephson junctions can show at equilibrium a pi phase difference between the superconducting electrodes. We explain this pi state in an original way by a modified spectrum of Andreev bound states shifted by the exchange energy. A simplified expression for the spectral supercurrent density is calculated and the non-monotonic temperature dependence of the critical current is discussed. This model accounts for the cancellation of the critical current with temperature observed in a small range of barrier thickness in our Nb/Cu52Ni48/Nb junctions. This cancellation corresponds to an inversion of the supercurrent and to a ground state crossover from a 0 state to a pi state. This transition is caused both by the thermal distribution of quasi-particles and by the temperature dependence of the exchange energy. The experimental curves are well reproduced by our theoretical expression except for the very small amplitude of the supercurrent attributed to a large spin-flip scattering

    Half-integer Shapiro steps at the 0-pi crossover of a ferromagnetic Josephson junction

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    We investigate the current-phase relation of S/F/S junctions near the crossover between the 0 and the pi ground states. We use Nb/CuNi/Nb junctions where this crossover is driven both by thickness and temperature. For a certain thickness a non-zero minimum of critical current is observed at the crossover temperature. We analyze this residual supercurrent by applying a high frequency excitation and observe the formation of half-integer Shapiro steps. We attribute these fractional steps to a doubling of the Josephson frequency due to a sin(2*phi) current-phase relation. This phase dependence is explained by the splitting of the energy levels in the ferromagnetic exchange field.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    The skyrmion switch: turning magnetic skyrmion bubbles on and off with an electric field

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    Nanoscale magnetic skyrmions are considered as potential information carriers for future spintronics memory and logic devices. Such applications will require the control of their local creation and annihilation, which involves so far solutions that are either energy consuming or difficult to integrate. Here we demonstrate the control of skyrmion bubbles nucleation and annihilation using electric field gating, an easily integrable and potentially energetically efficient solution. We present a detailed stability diagram of the skyrmion bubbles in a Pt/Co/oxide trilayer and show that their stability can be controlled via an applied electric field. An analytical bubble model, with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction imbedded in the domain wall energy, account for the observed electrical skyrmion switching effect. This allows us to unveil the origin of the electrical control of skyrmions stability and to show that both magnetic dipolar interaction and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction play an important role in the skyrmion bubble stabilization

    Gate-Controlled Skyrmion Chirality

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    Magnetic skyrmions are localized chiral spin textures, which offer great promise to store and process information at the nanoscale. In the presence of asymmetric exchange interactions, their chirality, which governs their dynamics, is generally considered as an intrinsic parameter set during the sample deposition. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate that this key parameter can be controlled by a gate voltage. We observed that the current-induced skyrmion motion can be reversed by the application of a gate voltage. This local and dynamical reversal of the skyrmion chirality is due to a sign inversion of the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction that we attribute to ionic migration of oxygen under gate voltage. Micromagnetic simulations show that the chirality reversal is a continuous transformation, in which the skyrmion is conserved. This gate-controlled chirality provides a local and dynamical degree of freedom, yielding new functionalities to skyrmion-based logic devices.Comment: 4 figure

    Transport and vortex pinning in micron-size superconducting Nb films

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    We have carried out Hall measurements on thin films of Nb in the flux-flow regime. The Hall bars were several microns in scale. Oscillations with magnetic field in the transverse and longitudinal resistances between the depinning field Bd and the upper critical field Bc2 are observed below Tc. The Hall effect may even change sign. The transverse and longitudinal resistances are interpreted in terms of current-driven motion of vortices in the presence of a few impurities. Simulations from time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations confirm this argument

    Barrier Breakdown Mechanisms in MgO-Based Magnetic Tunnel Junctions and Correlation With Low-Frequency Noise

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