952 research outputs found

    Do subsidized work contracts enhance capabilities of the long-term unemployed ? Evidence based on French Data

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    In the 1990’s, France introduced different subsidised contracts to create jobs targeted at long-term unemployment. These programs were supposed to help the beneficiaries to enhance their employability. It is then interesting to use the “capabilities” approach to assess their impact. From the panel of the Research and Statistical Department of the French Ministry of labour and social affairs (Dares) concerning employment policy beneficiaries, an initial analysis explored the beneficiaries’ refined functionings and a second how they subjectively perceive their standard of living. Comparing beneficiaries’ perceptions to those of a control group provided the necessary data to evaluate the real impact of these employment schemes on beneficiaries. Globally, subsidised employment contracts provide beneficiaries’ with an increased number of opportunities or choices that can be achieved and thus can be said to improve their quality of life. Furthermore, the private sector employment contract to the long-term unemployed (the so-called “CIE”) is generally viewed more positively than the fixed-term contract in the public sector (the so-called “CES”) although the latter is viewed as more successful in allowing beneficiaries to “feel useful” and “regain self-esteem”.

    Social Preferences on Public Intervention: an empirical investigation based on French Data

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    In this paper we examine the support given by French households to public intervention for reducing inequalities and improving well-being of the low-income classes. We first discuss to what extent the model of self interest could be relied upon when one wants to take into account social norms to explain the individual demand for redistribution. We find that social beliefs matter for explaining the individual attitudes towards public intervention. We find also that the support given to redistribution can increase or decrease depending on the interaction between reciprocity norms and beliefs about causes of poverty.

    The impact of health events on individual labor market histories : the message from difference in differences with exact matching

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    We studied the effect of health events (accidents and chronic diseases) on the occupation probabilities at the individual level, while accounting for both correlated individual and time effects. Using difference-in-differences with exact matching estimators, we found that health events have a strong impact on individual labor market histories. The workers affected by a healt event have a stronger probability of entering inactivity and a lower probability of keeping their jobs. We also found that the less qualied workers, women, and workers with short term jobs are the most negatively affected by health events

    Handicap et accès à l\u27emploi - efficacité et limites de la discrimination positive

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    L’existence d’une plus faible qualification observée en moyenne chez les personnes handicapées dépend du type de handicap et est liée en partie au phénomène de discrimination du côté de la demande de travail qui, intériorisé par les personnes handicapées, entraîne un sous-investissement éducatif de leur part. Par ailleurs, du fait de l’inadaptation de l’environnement, le handicap peut induire une moindre productivité. Ceci peut alimenter le cercle vicieux de la croyance plus générale selon laquelle la relation décroissante entre handicap et productivité est systématiquement observée. Dans cet article, nous étudions l’existence d’une discrimination potentielle des personnes handicapées sur le marché du travail. Nous analysons plus particulièrement les jugements des individus relativement au handicap et à l’accès à l’emploi à partir de deux enquêtes d’opinion : une enquête qualitative qui permet d’évaluer les dispositions qu’ont les individus à discriminer les personnes handicapées, selon le type de handicap et une enquête sur échantillon représentatif qui évalue plus globalement les politiques d’emploi fondées sur la discrimination positive à l’égard des personnes handicapées. Il apparaît ainsi que même si la volonté d’intégrer est bien réelle, une fraction non négligeable des individus préfèrent que les personnes handicapées travaillent dans des lieux réservés plutôt qu’en milieu ordinaire d’une part et que les personnes atteintes de « handicap psychique » sont particulièrement discriminées d’autre part

    Low-cost singular value decomposition with optimal sensor placement

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    This paper presents a new method capable of reconstructing datasets with great precision and very low computational cost using a novel variant of the singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm that has been named low-cost SVD (lcSVD). This algorithm allows to reconstruct a dataset from a minimum amount of points, that can be selected randomly, equidistantly or can be calculated using the optimal sensor placement functionality that is also presented in this paper, which finds minimizing the reconstruction error to validate the calculated sensor positions. This method also allows to find the optimal number of sensors, aiding users in optimizing experimental data recollection. The method is tested in a series of datasets, which vary between experimental and numerical simulations, two- and three-dimensional data and laminar and turbulent flow, which have been used to demonstrate the capacity of this method based on its high reconstruction accuracy, robustness, and computational resource optimization. Maximum speed-up factors of 630 and memory reduction of 37% are found when compared to the application of standard SVD to the dataset. This method will be incorporated into ModelFLOWs-app's next version release

    Інновації в сучасній освіті

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    22 ref. doi: 10.1093/nar/gng158International audienc

    The impact of health events on individual labor market histories : the message from difference in differences with exact matching

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    We studied the effect of health events (accidents and chronic diseases) on the occupation probabilities at the individual level, while accounting for both correlated individual and time effects. Using difference-in-differences with exact matching estimators, we found that health events have a strong impact on individual labor market histories. The workers affected by a healt event have a stronger probability of entering inactivity and a lower probability of keeping their jobs. We also found that the less quali…ed workers, women, and workers with short term jobs are the most negatively affected by health events.chronic illness, health, labor, difference in differences

    Actin Dynamics Associated with Focal Adhesions

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    Cell-matrix adhesion plays a major role during cell migration. Proteins from adhesion structures connect the extracellular matrix to the actin cytoskeleton, allowing the growing actin network to push the plasma membrane and the contractile cables (stress fibers) to pull the cell body. Force transmission to the extracellular matrix depends on several parameters including the regulation of actin dynamics in adhesion structures, the contractility of stress fibers, and the mechanosensitive response of adhesion structures. Here we highlight recent findings on the molecular mechanisms by which actin assembly is regulated in adhesion structures and the molecular basis of the mechanosensitivity of focal adhesions